Think back in time…about 2 trips ago!
Remember my trip to Glens Falls, NY? I know! It seems like eons ago, right?
Well it wasn’t THAT long ago ----
It was still THIS month!
When a trip is winding down it’s always a mad rush to get the remaining books boxed up along with everything that won’t fit in the suitcase, and get them dropped off to be shipped home.
In this case, I had one and a half boxes to ship! You can’t ship half a box without filling the empty space with SOMETHING because it’s not good for books to rattle in an empty box – the box can get crushed and books can get I stuffed the box!
I stuffed the box with anything soft that I wasn’t going to need ---a pair of jeans, my empty canvas tote bag, some rulers and other class supplies – and THESE!
These sweet little basket blocks were the “Block of the Month” for the Wings Falls Quilters Guild during my visit – they chose one of my Addicted to Scraps column blocks, encouraging everyone to participate in making the scrappy 6” baskets.These are found in the March/April 2011 issue Here.
They asked ME to draw the winner --- and wonder of wonders, I drew the name of JAN – who happened to be one of the Quilters on my Bali trip last August!! ((Jan, it was so fun to see you again, and in your ownstomping QUILTING grounds. :c))
And then the biggie – they had a batch of blocks especiialy for ME TOO! Color me excited!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
Remember my trip to Glens Falls, NY? I know! It seems like eons ago, right?
Well it wasn’t THAT long ago ----
It was still THIS month!
When a trip is winding down it’s always a mad rush to get the remaining books boxed up along with everything that won’t fit in the suitcase, and get them dropped off to be shipped home.
In this case, I had one and a half boxes to ship! You can’t ship half a box without filling the empty space with SOMETHING because it’s not good for books to rattle in an empty box – the box can get crushed and books can get I stuffed the box!
I stuffed the box with anything soft that I wasn’t going to need ---a pair of jeans, my empty canvas tote bag, some rulers and other class supplies – and THESE!
These sweet little basket blocks were the “Block of the Month” for the Wings Falls Quilters Guild during my visit – they chose one of my Addicted to Scraps column blocks, encouraging everyone to participate in making the scrappy 6” baskets.These are found in the March/April 2011 issue Here.
They asked ME to draw the winner --- and wonder of wonders, I drew the name of JAN – who happened to be one of the Quilters on my Bali trip last August!! ((Jan, it was so fun to see you again, and in your own
And then the biggie – they had a batch of blocks especiialy for ME TOO! Color me excited!
So my life went like this --- ship the books home, forget there is other stuff in the boxes and when the boxes arrive, I’m already gone to the NEXT location, and they get stacked with the OTHER boxes until….LAST NIGHT! It was a happy reunion, and I can’t wait to play with these.
So this is how I deal with an odd selection of blocks that “Don’t Seem To Match” There are several that are scrappy bright and EVERYTHING, and quite a few that are VERY Civil War.
It’s the NOT ONE ODDBALL rule. If there are only a FEW that are bright, or different…that means I need to make MORE of those to balance out the mix. To give it MORE of an EVERYTHING flavor – and that is what I plan to do, or else I’d end up having to separate categories, and I don’t want to do that. I want them all included together, because that’s how they were gifted to me.
Oh yeah….it’s so true!
This morning I’m doing something different!
Instead of meeting up with friends for LUNCH or DINNER….we are meeting downtown Winston Salem for BRUNCH at 10:30-- At a new place I’ve never been to!
We’ll be discussing details for our upcoming Collaboration Celebration, and you can bet we are going to have a good time planning how to make this THE BEST TIME for you!
You ARE coming, Aren’t You? Click HERE for more info!
I also talked to the fix-it shop – the Blue Morse is all rewired and ready to be picked up! So that’s on the agenda too today.
Happy Friday, Everyone!