Actually, I arrived back home on sunday night and am now just getting round to posting. You know how it is when you've left your family (MEN AND BOYS..MALES of the species..)for a week and what it's like to come home to...
I did have a wonderful trip. PERFECT weather for driving. It was sunny, leaves just turning on the way up. On the way back they were even MORE beautiful, though not quite at peak, that is okay for me.
I arrived in Bethesda on tuesday afternoon, about 1/2 hour after my dad arrived, so he got all the checking in done at the hotel :c) How is that for good timing? I really enjoyed Bethesda. It is lively, busy, and very diversified! There are more restaurants than anyone could ever explore in a week's time...but suffice it to say that we ate out at a different 'nationality' every night! FUN!
We met up with Tonya on wednesday morning and we all toodled in to the smithsonian area of DC. If you aren't familiar with the Metro, and without a guide...I think it is easy to get turned around, you might have the right train, but going the wrong way! And then have to figure out how to get to the other side of the platform, do you go under? Or up and over? And having to put MORE money on your little ticket (exit fare) so you can actually get OUT of the Metro? Oh yes...it was fun for all, but by the time we were done, we had it down pat!
We toured the natural history museum. My fave was the dinosaur exibit. That always amazed me...SO BIG....and extinct. I remember being afraid as a child that something could happen to make me extinct too...pretty deep thinking for an 8 year old. And sometimes I still wonder. :c)
We also toured the Air and Space museum, which was also a big hit for school field trips! It is fun to people watch. So many nationalities and walks of life. I was so amazed at comparing how far things went...from the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk in 1904, to on the MOON in the 60's. in a period of 60 years, all that happened. It really is amazing. This pic is one Tonya took of me and my dad inside the air and space museum...see the big rocket behind us? :c)
Thursday we spent all day at the Holocaust museum. My dad is a big history buff, and he had to read every little display, watch every film, after lunch, Tonya went on home (I don't blame her! *LOL*) and I toodled with Dad while he explored everything. It really does make an impact. Especially with what is going on in the world today. That was a completely insane episode in history, and hopefully thanks to things like the holocaust museum, it won't happen again.
Friday we took a bus tour from 10am til after 4pm and saw ALL the monuments. It was a beautiful day to be out, a bit chilly, but a light jacket and all was well. There was no better way to get all these in. And since Dad is moving slower, being on a bus was GREAT for him.

Saturday morning Dad left to continue is motorcyle trip around ther perimiter of the US....and I headed over to Tonyas to play with fabrics...and kitties! I brought some show and tell, we played with that..discussed how we were going to quilt one of her quilts, and then we headed out for lunch, and then to do some quilt shop hopping! I actually BOUGHT fabric. But it was stuff I needed, including a 2 yrd piece of a fabulous black with colored squiggles on it. I see this as a border....it is perfect to pull a bunch of odd stuff together and make it fit. So I indulged.
I also bought the feathered star book by marsha mccloskey that I've been wanting.
Sunday morning I left Tonya's in Bethesda about 9:30 am and made it home by 5pm so I made good time. I am wanting sewing time, but yesterday I had to jump right back to work at the clinic. This afternoon/evening my Dad will be coming through here and staying the night at my house after a few days ride down the blue ridge parkway in VA and NC....so...no sewing time!
And this post is plenty long so I'm going to stop it here :c)