Winter Wonderland? Give me a break!
I'm perfectly fine with this stuff happening around the holidays, but December is long behind us and I'm wanting this stuff put away and packed up with the holiday decorations until next year, got it?
It sure is pretty - but once again our truck is parked at the bottom of the steep drive and we are taking the RZR shuttle to and from the car.
A thaw can't come fast enough!
Scenes from the back yard at the inn.
I can't wait for summer and fire pit season!
We were able to get the walks shoveled and ice melt put down.
The old mill stants neglected in this snow covered scene.
After we finished things at the inn, we headed over to our friend's house to see if they were able to get their own drive plowed.
They had just finished up, so Hubster Dave had to dive in and let his inner 10 year old out to play:
Go Dave Go!
We stayed a bit to visit - hot chocolate or hot tea in hand before the outdoors once again signalled it was time to get home before things got too bad.
Icy rain had started. All else was put on hold until this passes - roads and trees were getting pelted and it was time to not be out and about any longer.
I went as far as I could on these.
I am 2 units short of the last big block I need to make. And I didn't have any spare papers with me. I'll see about picking those up today when we go over.
I DID have log cabin papers at quickly dug in.
Lola knows just what to do to make herself at home.
Piecing until dinner time!
Many more to come.
Printable paper piecing template will be included in the pattern once the quilt is finished. Thanks for understanding that this may take some time....
This morning. Yikes.
It's so pretty, but so treacherous!
The decision was made last night with the next incoming group to push things forward a day due to road issues. They'll come tomorrow instead. It's for everyone's safety as they are coming from Northern Virginia.
The power blipped off in the middle of the night due to the ice. The generator ran for a while until the problem was solved - evidently crews were on round the clock alert - and we haven't lost power again....yet.
Today will be much like yesterday - shuttling down to the bottom of the drive somewhere around noon, giving things a chance to thaw a bit before heading over to the inn to take care of things, feed Tula and Flash, pick up the mail, take care of any out-going mail, bring home a couple of printed templates for the aqua string quilt and spend my day sewing.
How about you?
This happened - did you see it?
If you haven't started your Old Town yet - did you enter?
This time I even included the paint chips in the pattern. It's ALL in there, even the printable paper piecing templates for the square-in-a-square star block centers, and the small flying geese for the pieced sashings.
And YES - there is introductory pricing for those who have been waiting to start their own Old Town when it was released in pattern format.
The price is already marked 25% off and is good through 2/17/25 at 11:30pm Eastern time. No coupon needed.
International customers: Please DO NOT USE THE BUY NOW BUTTON. It uses autofill to put in your mailing address. This causes a problem with international folks as I do not ship physical items internationally.
Instead - place the pattern in your shopping cart, and go to the cart directly to choose your payment option (Which does not use autofill) Things should work fine for you this way. You do not need a physical mailing address to receive a PDF file. Just your email.
You can also enter the Gift-Away on THAT POST.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -
I can do many things at once.
But I don't do them all very well!
Have a terrific Wednrsday, everyone -