A while back I did a post on how over time as a hand quilter, my fingers have changed. Yes......I'm getting "Old Lady" hands, and my thimble finger has experienced (or is experiencing from here on out) a thickening of my knuckle joint. It doesn't hurt, I don't think it is arthritis, it's just getting knobby and bumpy. But it's my thimble finger!
I had tried to get thimbles that really fit well before, and the ones I used most were those cheapie plastic adjustable ones....until recently, because I can't get them to fit comfortably anymore. they go too far down on my finger, and the rim of that thimble rubs where the knuckle has gotten big.
I've tried to put them in hot water, and force them a bit wider, but the length of the thimble is what is causing me the problem....they will continue to rub where I don't need them to rub, and this made me extra sad. What was this quilter girl to do?
About 5 years ago I bought a really pretty silver thimble from
"Thimbles Plus" when I was in Hilton Head, SC during a Jinny Beyer weekend. I loved this thimble, it was beautiful, it seemed to fit right....for a while..but it was the same problem. The thimble came down too far on my finger and interfered with that knuckle.
Fast forward to this past week at the Jacksonville show!
The Thimbles Plus girls were there, and I was telling them that I was looking for a new thimble, and that the old one just didn't fit right. They told me to bring it in, so I did.....
We tried various sizes and kinds, and it was decided that instead of something that came down so far on my finger, I just needed a shorter style that wouldn't interfere with my old lady knuckle!
This one did the trick!

See how much shorter it is? I can bend that knobby knuckle and the thimble isn't in the way! There is room for my nail, it has great dimples for catching the needle, and it is PRETTY, isn't it?
Well here is the most unbelievable part. I was ready to buy this one, and they told me no, they would just swap it out for my old one. (?????) After 5 years, it was still under warranty and if it wasn't working for me they would just let me trade it in and get one that did work for me.
I tell you what, I never felt as much of a valued customer anywhere in my life as I did at that moment. The new thimble was mine, with a trade in! Equal value for equal value, used or not!
And to celebrate, I bought this:

This little beady beauty is a thimble keeper! I was looking for a thimble cage, but they can be big and bulky to wear. Instead, you insert the chained end through the open space in the thimble, and the thimble rides on the top bead, and actually looks really pretty on!

The little clip encircles the chain, the thimble is secure riding on the bead! Now I don't have to worry about losing my thimble in my carry on luggage, or worry about losing it in the plane seat, etc. Who needs fancy jewels when you can have a thimble that fits, and a pretty thimble keeper for it to ride on?
It's been raining pretty constantly since I got home Saturday night. I'm okay with that. Saturday night's heavy thunderstorms have left behind a couple days of gentle soft refreshing rain in their wake. Everything is so green. I love the sound of the rain, and of being able to just stay inside and enjoy it.
Laundry is going, house work is progressing, and it feels good to be home even for just a few days.
I enjoyed meeting with my Bee last night at Holly's house! the Ms BeeHavens were missing a few.....Laura had gall bladder surgery (well wishes Laura!!) Claire is in France (oh we don't feel sorry for her at all!) Sharon is getting ready for a wedding if I remember correctly, but those of us who did come enjoyed some wonderful conversation, lots of laughs, and even got some stitching done!
I've finished 2 sides on the binding for the magazine quilt....well into the 3rd side so that is coming along. Maybe tonight I'll get to watch that netflix that came in the mail for DH...if it's a bloody gorey thing, I'll just tune it out and stitch anyway :c)
Wednesday....I'm headed to Hickory to meet up with a school friend I haven't seen since Highschool graduation! We went to school together from 3rd grade on.....and just recently found each other through facebook, finding we live just over an hour apart. Is this cool or what? So Lori and I have a lunch date tomorrow and I can't wait to see her in person after 30 years!
Thursday....off to Colorado! I'm teaching for the Colorado Quilting Council's fall retreat, and I can't wait! Just look at this blurb from their events calendar page:
Colorado Quilting Council’s Fall Retreat will be held at Peaceful Valley Ranch in Lyons, Colorado. Peaceful Valley is one of Colorado’s most popular ranches. Nestled high in the Rocky Mountains (8400 ft), it sits right on the St. Vrain River amid 800,000 acres of the Roosevelt National Forest. Although secluded, it is only 60 miles from Denver and easy to reach. The ranch also features an exercise room, swimming pool and beautiful fall hiking.
It's the fall hiking that I am in the mood for....I hear the quaking aspens are turning a brilliant yellow as of now...And in anticipation, I think I'll turn on John Denver today and let him entice me with "Rocky Mountain High!"