Free Scrap Quilt Patterns!!
*Note* I have added the links to our earliest mysteries at the bottom of this page! The printer-friendly links are NOT mobile friendly. Please view and print on a real computer. Thank you!
Which Quilt uses which strip size? Click HERE for a handy Strip Size Chart in PDF!
Why iron on ugly?
2014 Leader & Ender Challenge
More cutting info HERE.
Millennium Pyramids
My Blue Heaven
Ocean Waves
More cutting info HERE.
Leader & Ender Challenge #12
2015 Leader & Ender Challenge:
Please note that some previous mysteries have been retired and are now featured in my books, so you can find them there.
Visit my book store HERE.
Carolina Crossroads is featured in Scraps & Shirttails I
Carolina Christmas is featured in Scraps & Shirttails II
Roll Roll Cotton Boll is featured in String Fling.
Orca Bay is featured in String Fling.
Easy Street is in MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders.
Easy Street is in MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders.
Starting with Celtic Solstice - current mysteries are available as individual PDF patterns in the Quiltville Store.

Free Early Mystery Quilts:
**DISCLAIMER!** Printer-Friendly versions of OLDER mysteries are NOT mobile format friendly. If you get a page that looks like it goes to a 5th grade class while viewing on an iPad or phone, please view and print on a REAL COMPUTER.
Orange Crush!
Old Tobacco Road!
Double Delight!
Christmas Lights!
(Quiltmaker Magazine Re-do!)