If children have "visions of sugarplums" dancing in their heads...I've got miles of binding dancing in mine!
Bring on the "Home Alone" Marathon! I'm ready! Bring on Holiday Inn and White Christmas...I'm ready!
These are the 3 projects that have come off the machine so far.

First up? the Blue Lady of the Lake variation. I've loved this one for a long time, but you know what? that border was REALLY woooooeyyy....This top is at least 7 to 8 years old. I've learned a lot in that time frame....I quilted it with a floraly kind of design that took oodles of thread and I don't know how many bobbins to do. It took 45 minutes for one pass of the machine, and about 2 days for me to quilt it. Way too dense of quilting for my liking, but hey, I'm still learning.
I'm loading a 4th...the Old Kentucky Album top that was just featured in the latest Quiltmaker Magazine. what you saw there was just the TOP..so now, I think I'm going to quilt it with the baptist fans. I LOVE fans, you know I do, and look how cool they look on this quilt!!

This quilt doesn't even have a name! It was a shop sample that I made before I left Texas I believe. Again...really wide borders and wasn't inspired to do anything in them really. I LOVE the fans.

Funny thing is....I can't put the red binding on this quilt, until I get the Old Kentucky Album one going as well! I think having a quilt running in the machine is just like leaders & enders. You have to have something there so your time is being used in the way it should. Or something like that.

This little ditty was the first. Stephanie from my guild in Columbia gave me a bag that had all these ENDS of pieced panels...you know how it is? You can get so many sections cut from a pieced panel, but what do you do with the odd ends? I made this Kaleidoscope top with them years ago as well. There are orientals and batiks and some others in it. There is one piece of oriental fabric that I just love..it has a waving white kitty that reminds me of Oscar! He only appears in that one section of the quilt. Fun. The orange binding was sent to me from a friend knowing I loved orange,it was what was left over after she used one of my patterns. So it was fun to use it as the binding on this quilt.

On the kitchen remodel....well...the guy just left from doing all the planing work to level the cabinets. It's nearly Christmas, so I won't be able to get the granite installed now until next week...maybe the week after because of New Years? Oh well..it will get done.
Jason and Kim can't make it for Christmas, he has to be to work early the day after, and it's just not worth it for that long of a drive up here. Besides, I'm not cooking! No counters, no sink, right? So...Sounds like the Hunters will be hitting the Fire Mountain All You Can Eat Buffet for Christmas this year! (And you know what? I'm fine with that since there are only 3 of us anyway!)
Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!