I got my first look at the cover of "Adventures With Leaders & Enders" Yesterday! I am so tickled with how colorful it is! YES! This is just what I wanted!
I had sent in little extra 4 patches and 9 patches to be scattered about here and there through the book and some of them landed on the cover! You will notice that some of them are from the Carolina Crossroads mystery before it was put in the first book, those 9 patches with the one odd corner square might just belong to some of you who sent them in to me!
The book goes to the printer on Thursday. From there I will get to go over the proofs one last time before it goes to print....this is the part I love!
In the next few days I'll get my website updated and ready to take pre-orders. The price is the same as the Shirts & Scraptails book, $25.00 plus shipping. I'll also link to it in my side bar (Along with Forest Jane's mystery button!!)
On the counter top thing...this is the part I hate :c( Once the original counter tops were off we found that some additional leveling has to be done professionally, so we are on hold again. Someone should come either Saturday or Sunday, but until then I have no kitchen water, no sink....so it's still doing dishes in the bathtub, which wouldn't be bad except for the sliding glass door on the tub that gets in the way. It's okay. If I can't cook and can't wash dishes, I figure things will be free here for the next few days for me to concentrate on learning the basics of running the compu-quilter on my millenium! We got things hooked up yesterday, and I've been doing some practice lessons on the computer it is hooked to, but no actual stitching has been done yet. I did get some yuck fabric loaded so I can practice on something I don't care about. That will come today.
Great cover! It just screams "Bonnie Hunter"! Love it and can't wait to own your second book!
ReplyDeleteThat looks like a great cover! I love your quilts and am working my way (slowly) through your latest mystery design quilt! I love it and yours is gorgeous, by the way!!! Anyhoo, wishes for your continued success! You ROCK!
Very exciting news! Looks great!
ReplyDeletelove the cover. Definitely makes me want to buy the book! Exciting times ;-)
ReplyDeleteLots going on at your place this week so going and grabbing a bite to eat out is in order. I'll look forward to hearing what you think of computerized longarming even though your handguided work is awesome as is! One more thing before I go....love your book cover!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, does the computerized long-arm mean you can fire it up and step away to work on other stuff? I am unclear on the concept as you can see..lol. If so, cool! I think most of us would like to, and try to, do two things at once.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for your book to come out in print, Bonnie!!
ReplyDeleteWe love you here in Denmark!!!
PS I'd vote on paper plates until your counters get installed!! ;o)
I am so looking forward to your new book coming out - I'm getting it bought for me for my birthday. You will really enjoy Compuquilter and the strain that it takes off your body for doing all those pantographs/allovers that we get to do. Especially for the enormous quilts that people like to make. Compuquilter, and any other computer assist, has extended my machine quilting life.
Nicola in West Australia
It looks entirely wonderful Bonnie hon, and hearty congratulations to you on your second book! I simply cannot wait to own it!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the book to be published - it looks yummy!
ReplyDeleteWhy are you doing dishes in the tub? Paper plates, girl, paper plates!!!