Our high hopes for over the porch rail photos turned into high winds and higher wind chill.
We opted for group photos in the Quilting Quarters instead.
"But I only have a block, not a quilt!" said some -
It doesn't matter. This is a come as you are, show what you made progress on kind of thing.
It doesn't matter if you finished a quilt, made a few blocks, or simply cut pieces.
Maybe you needed a break and just wanted to sit and read in the Hen Den by the warmth of the gas stove - You are part of this!
All of this!
And even this!
And maybe, just perhaps - the best part of quilt retreat isn't how much we accomplish on any given project, but that we spend time together.
Laughing, eating, listening, caring, building relationships and strengthening friendships.
The quilts will always be there -
But we will always remember how the people we shared this time with made us feel.
That's the thing we hold on to.
The feelings.
And it may have been beyond frigid outside, but the warmth of friendship in this room comes from more than the gas fireplace logs.
Thanks for coming and braving the winter weather, ladies!
We'll see you next year!
Meanwhile on the front porch -
USPS had delivered another box....what could it be??
Check those words toward the top. MORE MISC STUFF?!?!?
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!!
This box holds strings and small scraps sorted by color family. Whooowhooo! What colors should we work with next?
Oh. My. Word.
(And boy did I need it. What a week.)
The start of a hexie quilt all in Y2K MIllennium fabrics. And even more - some of these prints are in the aqua/turquoise family. Hahahahaha!
At this point I will NEVER run out of Y2K fabrics to try to hide in scrap quilts. And I'm here for it.
Not sure where the hexie blocks may land, but they just may find themselves appliqued on to an orphan block quilt some day.

Just a thought: are you a half full or half empty bobbin kind of person? (My glass was busy with wine at the moment). Jean
ReplyDeleteBut don’t forget … that wine glass (and any others too, I suppose) is refillable, lol!
Delete"I may look calm but......" should be a meme for all of us....for the world.
ReplyDeleteAfter 3 days spent at the AQS show here in Daytona Beach, FL, today I'm cooking dog food for my little 10 lb LhasaPoo Zoe (I cook food for her, but mostly only warm up food for myself, lol). Making a big batch today that should last 1.5 months frozen into daily portions in food saver packs. After that I need to clean the house up a bit and then dive into my purchases at the show. Took 2 classes with Kyra Reps - dot painting on fabric (very much a Zen experience), and her Kaleidoscope quilt class using applique shapes. The method she uses is one I originally learned years ago but never mastered. But it was this class with Kyra that finally made everything click and I was able to get beautifully sharp points on my shapes! If anyone is into applique, I highly recommend a class with her!
ReplyDeleteI spent way too much money on tools, paints, a couple of rulers, and I just had to buy another silver thimble from a wonderful silversmith that makes beautifully designed thimbles (I already have 2 from her). I asked for an open thimble, like a wedding band that just sits above the top joint of the finger and after trying on a few, she pulled out a thin one that fit perfectly and felt almost like nothing on the end of my finger. That alone was $100. I gulped and pulled out my credit card. So now I may have to eat Ramen noodles much more often for a while, lol.
I was so excited about the kaleidoscope class because making one is on my bucket list. Now I have the ability and the method to make my own to hopefully enter into one of the major shows someday. I'm anxious to get started, so I'd better get going and get Zoe's food done before I lose my mojo from the class. Have a great weekend!
Great job Quilters! Nice starts and finishes! Woohoo Bonnie, bonus box full of of misc stuff. My Saturday is starting off with binding a quilt that I finished quilting a couple days ago. Have a nice weekend everyone, stay warm, Jenny
ReplyDeleteGood to see those the Y2K hexies!! I need some of that fabric. Didn't collect like I do now. Lol. Hen Den photos are great. I feel the creativity they are sharing at Quiltville Inn! Nothing like Quilty frirnds.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy that you put the quilt that you provided a pattern for. I hope that not many of us believe the untruths being told about that war. I read your posts daily and enjoy the quilting, your pets, and all that you share. Thank you.
I love the (2000 ) Y 2 K fabric hexies! My son graduated from high school in 2000 and I used a couple Y 2 K in his graduation quilt. Still have some white, silver sparkly 2000 fabric! 🤣
ReplyDeleteQuiltmakers throughout the ages have always managed to send messages through their quilts. Bravo!
ReplyDeleteWell said!
DeleteI'm also hoping for a better week all around next week! We're going to warm up in South Central Texas, so that's a good start! Great work this week quilters! It's nice to change things up with the photo-op! Safe travels home. Happy quilting! :)