Look what arrived when no one was looking!
My elusive missing suitcase made it home from Australia - everything intact just the way I left it.
Stuffed to the brim - everything rolled tightly and packed like sardines.
When checking in at Alice Springs for our return flights home I was a bit on edge that I would be overweight and I was already making plans on what I could quickly extract from within and stash in my backpack for the flights home....
I was one kilo UNDER!! Whooowhooo! And then the thought of....you mean :I could have crammed in 4 more fat quarters?" crossed my mind and I immediately regretted what I had left behind at the fabric store. LOL.
I brought home lovely neutrals from Hobart.
It's fun seeing things that are different from what I see at home.
Our visit to the Quarter Inch in Hobart!
Click to Play:
Our suitcases became a bit heavier, and a lot happier this day!
Me and shop owner Helen Stubbings!
Yes, I think we could be sisters.
I met up with another stitching sister in Melbourne who offered to take me around on our free day. Meet Alex!
We first headed over to the botanical gardens - so beautiful.
There is something about getting out where the sun is warm and the flowers are blooming when it's the dead of winter at home. It's a reprieve. It's so good for my soul.
We had lunch, we walked around. We got lost as to which exit was closest to her car. We walked some more. LOL!
Soaking up more vitamin D! (With sunscreen of course!)
As the afternoon got hotter we headed over to the museum to cool off and see what we could see. This photo is for my grandson -
This photo is also for Casden.
When I was little we lived in San Jose, California and we would go up to San Francisco on the weekends and wander the museums...I have always loved museums.
And what did Nana get for Casden from the museum? I package of "dinosaur poop." Of course it's candy but knowing how nearly -9 year old boys love anything farty poopy and gross - it's going to be a hit, I'm sure.
And this display. Awesome!
Why the kangaroo and the emu?? Because they can't move backwards. They can only go forwards. So they are always heading toward progress and the future. I love this.
Aussie Birthday Stash!
That Alex was over the top with the gift bag, let me tell you. But what a way to spend my 63rd birthday!
All of these pieces are Aussie related. From kangaroos to boomerangs and everything in between.
These are the things in my suitcase I was so mad to be missing. Forget the clothes or toiletries. Who cares about those?
It's the souvenirs, the remembrances, the FABRIC!
All the Aussie cities!
So many more places on my bucket list that I've yet to visit.
(And it's a neutral so I'll be cutting into this soon!)
And it all came in this bag made by Alex!
Of course, I'm happy to see these home too. I spent 3 weeks making the fill in side sections for my current eternal hexis project.
And the fill-in top/bottom sections.
I would hate to have to take the time to remake all of these! These are the "boring" bits that just fill in at the sides around the motifs - now I can stack them back and use them as needed as I work on assembling more rows.
With the way I am feeling there is bound to be loads of Rage Quilting over the next several years.
I'm digging in.
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Fabric acquisition during ones birthday month is exempt from all self-imposed restrictions.
At least that is what I'm going with.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Thank you for exempting my January fabric purchases because it's my birthday month, too. Plus they were really good prices--mostly. I love the bag Alex made for you. What a great friend to meet! I didn't know that emus and kangaroos can only move forward, but that's fun fact I'm happy to have. And I love the dinosaur pictures. Thanks for the great tours. There's no traveling in my future but I'm enjoying the vicarious sights. Chris
ReplyDeleteSo fun to see all the goodies that made it home in your suitcase. Enjoy it all. The Gardens were beautiful and having a private guide, priceless. Happy Stitching!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that your suitcase made it home safe & sound! Enjoy all the wonderful fabric finds.
ReplyDeleteI am so impressed with the baggage showing up! I had similar happen on a trip to Germany and was so relieved when it just showed up in my hotel room. Hoped so hard on the same for you. What a lovely birthday haul! Looking forward to little glimpses of Australian memories in your quilting. Seriously, tho, where do all the neutrals go? I swear I just keep buying them!
ReplyDeleteI know a woman who took lots of safety pins with her on her travels, and pinned many of the fabrics into her jacket for the flight home.
DeleteYAY your suitcase arrived home! Glad you had a fun trip and birthday. Kuddos to Alex for the special birthday outing. The bag and the Aussie Birthday Stash are cute and sweet. Love today's Quote of the Day :-). I really am trying to use up my stash instead of buying, but it's so hard. Wonder if I can hold out until my November birthday month... Have a great weekend--relaxing, sewing, being back home. Jenny
ReplyDeleteHow is it possible to make a scrap quilt and run out of scraps so you have to go out and buy more fabric?
ReplyDeleteLove that your suitcase arrived intact! I really enjoyed hearing about the trip. I love those facts about Kangaroos and emus! I'm going to remember that and tell my almost 9 year old and 6 year old grandsons. I'm sure your gift will be a hit! LOL Thank you again for all that you do. I'm currently enjoying cutting up fabric and trying to not listen to much of anything
ReplyDeletebeyond my front door. Love your scrap users system. Working on that today. NEXT UP-going to travel see my grandchildren
I was lucky enough to be in Australia last year and came home with fabric, of course! The blue sea creatures fabric you got for your birthday was one I picked out! Glad you got your suitcase!
ReplyDeleteSo many memorable fabrics in your missing suitcase - I'm pleased for you and a good way to start off your weekend :)
ReplyDeleteLOVE your fabrics gifted and purchased! The certainly will be fun reminders of this wonderful Aussie trip! And the handmade bag with Down Under artfully added! All your photos were fantastic and I could tell that everyone had the trip of a lifetime with you! So happy your luggage arrived safe and sound. It would be a real tragedy to lose all those goodies! Thank you Bonnie for all the fun posts sharing your travels. You inspire all us quilters in many ways!
ReplyDeleteI'm all yours about priorities. Lol. Wherever I travel, I take home a bit of fabric, or two. Marbellous souvenirs.
ReplyDeleteI learned on my first trip to Hawaii to bring a carryon bag inside my other carry on bag where I packed some ready to donate clothing that I donated while there. The second smaller bag was used for the items that were donated and the larger bag was used for my newest stash items!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your saying and the quilting bible by Bonnie that we are exempt from restrictions on buying fabric during our birthday month. Glad you enjoyed yours! Mine is February…stand back here I come 🤣🤣🤣! I understand the rage quilting. I’m feeling so discombobulated with what is going on in our country now. Sending my hugs to you as we weather through this. Marcia Wright
ReplyDeleteI’m so happy your bag arrived safe and sound as did you. I have an idea for a T shirt for you before the next mystery! 🤣
ReplyDeleteEvery time I hear of Alice Springs, I think of one of my favorite books - A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute. It was made into a multi-episode piece too that was played on Masterpiece Theater back in the late 90s. Worth reading and watching. :)
ReplyDeleteI love the quote & will have to use that excuse when I purchase fabric in October! HA! I am sooo happy that the hexies made it home to you!! I would have been very upset to have to do those over as well. Also beautiful fabrics & birthday goody bag! I hope you have a good evening. Happy sewing! :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad your suitcase arrived with the fabulous treasures from Alex. Everyone should be so fortunate to have Alex sharing your birthday!
ReplyDeleteFabulous trip, love the dinosaurs and facts about Emu and kangaroo. Can’t wait to share those pics with great grandson. Blessings, Dawn
Central Valley, Ca
Hi Bonnie, do you Accuquilt to cut your hexes and what size? PS welcome home,!!
ReplyDeleteI live in Qld & thought of you touring down under during the time you were hear. I must admire your endurance of the heat in the Northern Territory, I'm sure I would have died. I did go to a local quilt shop last week with a friend & vowed not to buy any fabric, I just "inhaled" the atmosphere to inspire myself.......but sure enough, just as I was walking out the door, some Star Trek neutral fabric jumped up & grabbed me by the throat 😀 & I had to pay the ransom for my release.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your treasures made it back to you. And I totally get rage quilting. I've been rage quilting for 2 months already.
ReplyDeleteI'm at least 200 years old😏. I just can't resist buying fabric. EVERY month is my birthday month😉