See these lovely ladies?
This was the view of the retreat room while Quilt Cam was on the air last time ----I was at retreat virtually with these ladies. Don’t they look like they are being productive and having a great time?
The little note Sandi sent said:
Boston Mountain retreat in northwest Arkansas...ladies came from the area, Missouri, Kansas, and Texas!Thanks for sending the pic, Sandi! Gotta love retreat weekends with the girls!
This is how things have been in my studio since last Quilt Cam:
I sewed these 9 patches last session!
I’ve shown you before how I set up my seam guides to work on my machines, but I’ve had requests for some close ups so here is a quick run down:
This is my guide with the needle down in the 1/4” hole. And the Sticky guide made with the Scotch re-stickable strips and a piece of hotel room key (or gift card or loyalty card) stuck on top of it….butted right up to the edge of the seam guide.
Click the link HERE for more on making your own sticky guide…it’s the best EVER!
I find it best to take an eyeglass cleaning wet wipe and rub it on the area where the guide is going to be placed to remove any sewing machine oil, oil from our skin, or hand lotion from the surface of the machine to help it stick better.
Here are my 9 patch sections being sewn while butted up against the guide!
Always measure to be sure your seam is correct!
Here is my block after sewing it together!
I only needed to Square Down this much!
((Pppppsttt! Did you know there is no such thing as SQUARING UP!? You can ONLY square DOWN!!))
It really is crucial to test your seam on EVERY project. Things like different weights of fabrics, different weights of thread can make a difference from project to project. If your blocks are always turnout too small? Guess what?? Your seam is too chunky and needs a diet! If your blocks are always too big…fatten it up a bit! Never trust a 1/4” foot to do the job for you because they aren’t perfect either…for the reasons stated above!