
Thursday, October 18, 2012


SO many have commented on how they work their to-do lists ----and I agree with YOU ALL.

The consensus seems to be to:

a) Knock off the fastest things first, because it makes the list shorter quicker --

b) Do the WORST jobs first because it makes the rest of the list not so hard!

c) Reward yourself for a job well done!

I’m implementing ALL of the above!

I started by tackling ONE drawer ---

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I hate it when stuff gets to the point where you can’t open the drawer because stuff gets stuck.  Why do I need 6 new toothbrushes in here?  And how many travel toothpastes and shampoos and lotions?  CLEAN IT OUT!

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AH!!  Much better!

I plan to do this to a drawer every day while home….or try to.  It took me about 10 minutes to be ruthless and throw a bunch of stuff out, and organize it.  Tomorrow I’ll do another one.  I’m dreading my closet, but it’s time to go through the clothes on hangers again and donate what I’m done with ---and make some room.  That means SHOES too.  Summer is over ----clean it out and switch it over to fall/winter.

I’ve finished the mail order --- that’s ready to go to the Post Office.

In OPENING the mail ---I found some goodies!

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Andee sent a Moth in the Window block made of fabrics she got in Norway!  And a baggie of homemade doggie treats for Sadie-Girl!

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See this girl?  She KNEW there was something in the package for her!

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This is where REWARDS come in!

Sadie says THANK YOU for the yummy dog treats! ((And burp too-which is the highest doggie compliment ever!))  And I say THANK YOU for the adorable block!

I’m thinking this reward system is working pretty well!  In fact ---dogs aren’t the only ones to work for rewards.  I want you to meet BAILEY!

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Bailey owns Linda and Bill!


Bailey is a Big Boy!!

The reward system also works where Bailey is concerned…just for fun I took this little video the other day:

Bailey knows the score!  Do the job – get the treat!

And this is where my own reward comes in……I need to pick my Accuquilt cutter up from Karen.  She is in Greensboro today doing some of HER to-do list – she will call me when she is done and we will meet up for the exchange, and a bit of lunch as the reward!

And then I'll be back at home after dropping off the mail at the post office, and doing my bank run and I'll be back at it.

Still planning on QuiltCam time at 9pm EST!

Works for me!


  1. When my sister and I cleaned out our parents' house we found hotel shampoos so old they had de-emulsified. Since then I have made a concerted effort to use the shampoos and soaps. Now I take home only bottles and bars that I have opened and used.

    I heard about a man who began a business to reprocess hotels' used soaps into new bars and send them to disaster sites (like Haiti after the earthquake/storms of a couple of years ago, when diseases were rampant and simple but effective remedies like soap were in short supply).

    1. Nann, a woman from our guild collects those shampoo, soaps, etc. and takes them to a local homeless shelter. They can use them!
      Candy M.

    2. I just donated a couple of bags of hotel toiletries to a homeless shelter and they are so much appreciated. Decluttering is a good thing and it makes you feel good, too.

  2. And, Bonnie, cleaning is what I am doing also. Had storm damage a couple of months ago and getting house back together (sighhhh) not my favorite thing, but have to unload the "Pod" so I can send it back. Maybe then get my mind back to sewing!

  3. My sewing room is still stacked over/under/around the longarm since we are trying to decide whether to replace just the carpet in that room - do the whole house - or like I told my husband last night, just clean the darn thing and put stuff back! Carpet has gotten sooooo expensive and I don't have $7000 in my savings account to pay for it. This morning I told him I would go for the new carpet in the hobby room, maybe the stairs and that was it.

    I am going to clean the carpet today, just in case we decide to keep it.

  4. Yay! to Quiltcam time. I missed the last couple due to work schedules. Have a binding to handsew,just finished machine sewing the front so will save it for tonight.

  5. I'm working on organizing my fabric. The reward is that while I'm doing that I'm cutting fabric for classes with you in March :)

  6. Excited for QuiltCam tonight. That will be my reward for getting a quilt loaded on my quilt table. Just a small practice one to quilt while I watch QuiltCam tonight Then I can tackle my 30's Farmer's Wife Quilt that I just put borders on Wednesday!

  7. A great thing you can do with unused soaps, shampoos and such, is give it to a women's shelter. It's a great help to those that are trying to heal and get back on their feet.

    You're doing a great job, Bonnie. I'll bet you feel lighter already, at least by one drawer full. lol Keep it up.

  8. That is One Fat Cat!
    Fun post

  9. How can anyone live without pets. :D

  10. Oh my goodness that Sadie is a cutie pie!

  11. Anonymous2:20 PM EDT

    i like to plan and do any prep work necessary the night before, and then start working the next morning.
    this morning i sewed 8 rows of a quilt top together and pieced the backing for it. Took a break for lunch and then started in sewing bonus HST's together for a mini quilt. Took another break to rest my back and check the mail, then i'll get back to the second half of sewing the HST's. My reward is a nice cold bottle of Crisp Apple Hard Cider from Angry Orchard. A wonderful Fall treat!

    My cat also did his quilt approval and supervisory work this morning, and now he's sprawled full length across the back of the couch, snoring away.

  12. Your dog Sadie, is just gorgeous. I have 2 dogs and they hear the treat drawer open even from right down the garden :-)

  13. Not my fav thing either to clean out the drawers. Painitng the bathroom closet has been on my hubby do list for a while. First we were doing it this spring, then it was after the heat breaks and we can open the house back up.... now I guess it is spring again! LOL My list however keeps getting longer. I cross something off and something else pops on it.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. My house contains way too much stuff. On the other hand, it's my lifetime's accumulation. Someday...........

    Bailey looks like he's very good at earning treats. :)

  16. Woo-hoo - QuiltCam! I'll be there, and have started making a list of things I need to get done in the next two weeks as well, because I just got a job interview for a position that needs someone to start right away, so I could be going back to working full-time very soon.

    1. Congratulations, Terri. These days a new full-time job is definitely worthy of mention.

  17. confession time here...once in a great while if my TO DO list is very long, i'll put something at the top that i've already done and cross it off...makes it look like i've gotten started...true i have done it but only very occasionally...

  18. Sadie is so cute with the treat! So glad she liked them (our five dogs do too!). Looking forward to quilt cam time and hoping I get to see how your Moth in the Window blocks are coming along! See you tonight!


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