
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Try It Again, Sam!

This is my attempt to try something different.

I have NO IDEA why the slide show works for some, and doesn't for others.

The pros and cons are many --- I like that the Sky Drive has the thumbnail view so you don't have to watch the whole dang slide show to see if there is something in it you want to see or not.

I don't like that it is unpredictable and works one day and not the next.

I want to make everyone happy, and of course that is impossible, but the comments have gotten more bickery ((if that is a word)) than I have ever seen ---as in "You would think that Bonnie could find something that would work better than this"   ((Oh yes, in my spare time....like WHEN!?))

As if I don't work really hard already putting in HOURS into this blog every single day.

Think for a minute.  

That last slide show had 119 photos in it.

How long would it take you to crop and re-size 119 photos?

Would you do it to please everyone else?

My first thought this afternoon after reading snarky comments was to really just throw in the towel on the slide shows all together.  I mean -----really? I could be sewing.

But more than anything, this blog is for ME.  These are MY memories I am writing about and preserving.  This is what will be left to my children and my grandchildren and I want these moments captured.

This is only 91 of the 119 photos...the picassa embedded album timed out and this is all it saved. Could be because I'm on a hotel wifi connection.  It could be because it was way too many photos for one slide show...but this is the new format...for what it's worth, or what it isn't.

And I hope this works.


  1. Just push Delete on the snarky comments. It didnt work for me, I enlarged the screen size and looked at them any way. Its not the end of the world. Thanks for sharing the awesome toy machines! I dont have one , yet, the ones I have seen have been too much for my limited budget.

  2. Well, shoot! You are trying so hard. Nothing is showing up on my screen, just a big white spot at the bottom of the post. Sorry....When people are snarky, it is their unhappiness showing through and in no way a reflection of you!

    1. Never mind, it showed up when the comment published :-)

    2. Bonnie, you must be in mini heaven. Who would or could imagine so many minis. Thank you for sharing and I want to go through that home and promise I'll have a drool cloth under my chin. I am overwhelmed. How did you move from one to another?

      Again, thanks for all you bring our way with your blog and website -- do love sharing people like you.

    3. Take it from me (can't explain the whole personal story here) WORDS HURT! Please, everyone, be careful and think twice about what you say, and especially what you write. In this advent of cyber*evererything, in which we now live, anything and everything you write stays forever. Please think twice, or 3 times even. Mean words hurt.

      Also, I appreciate and love all that you do Bonnie. You take hours to do so much for so many, and never charge us a penny for looking at 2 and sometimes 3 posts a day. I love your enthusiam and creativity, and willingness to share. Please don't stop. Faithful blog follower -Shelley W.

  3. I'm happy for anything you do, This slideshow came on automatically for me on my computer. Sorry for those who have time to complain about it. Life is too short to be a downer. Thanks for sharing these photos.

  4. So sorry to hear you are getting nasty comments. That's really upsetting considering all you do for us in the quilting community. If you think of it as a measure of how much people enjoy your blog and slide show and then feel deprived when they can't have it perhaps that will help.

    I've got a big white spot tonight but thanks for trying.

    1. Like Amy Lee it came up for me after my comment was published. Go figure!

  5. Good grief, you just can't please some people! :-b Your new slide show is working for me, but I wouldn't complain if it wasn't. Thanks for all you do for quilting and quilters by sharing your talent, life, and memories with us.

  6. What is wrong with people? If it isn't working, kindly let you know or keep quiet. Thank you for pushing past the obnoxiousness of some and continue to share so much with us.

  7. You are awesome Bonnie - as is everything you do. Just keep smiling and do what makes YOU happy!! Forget the snarky people. (love that word . . . it's perfectly appropriate!)

  8. Holy Cow is all I can say. That and I am glad I don't have to dust. I can not imagine what pleasure it must have given them to collect something so wonderful.

  9. FYI for readers: If you use Adblock or such you might have to adjust your settings to see the slide show. I fiddled with my Adblock settings and voila! the slide show appeared.

    Worked fine, Bonnie. Sorry you're having to go to so much bother.

  10. Hi Bonnie, Both versions worked for me. Sorry people are posting without thinking. :( Thank you for everything you do. You are a joy! Shanon from Ohio

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Try to ignore the snarky comments. People like that can't be pleased no matter what you do. Just make this blog exactly as you want it and those of us who are appreciative of all you do will just sit back and enjoy. Some people you will never please, don't waste your time trying.

  12. It works fine for me, I know I don't have time to downsize all of my pictures on my blog, even though Blogger now requires it since I reached my "limit". My attitude with my blog is, I do what I want, how I want to do it on my blog, if someone does not like it, then they don't have to follow me. You are kind enough to offer a ton of free patterns and stuff on your blog, they should be satisfied with that. Blogging is supposed to be fun, not a chore. The people who are constantly complaining are just very unhappy people. I'm so sorry about them!

  13. Anonymous9:20 PM EDT

    I'm sorry about the snarky comments when you give us SO MUCH every day! I have skydrive but can't see the slideshow either. I have never had trouble seeing your other slide shows so there's a gremlin somewhere. Will my world end without seeing the pretty pictures? Nope. 'Keep calm and move on' I say. Thanks for the slide show in this post. The machines are lovely.

  14. The slide show works perfectly for me and I LOVE IT! Your photos are well done and I like being able to see them in slide-show format on your blog. Thanks for all the time and effort you take in putting together the educational and inspiring things for us!

  15. Loved the pictures Bonnie. You do such an amazing job and keep us all motivated! What a collection! Who knew so many tiny machines were hiding out there. Might be easier to sneak into the house than the regular size ones, lol. Thanks again Bonnie.

  16. No complaints here Bonnie! I am sure their security settings are the problem, and then they have the nerve to complain. No time for that, just smile and move on, and remember there are so many of us that really enjoy all that you do. You are the most generous quilt designer I have come across. Thanks again for all you do.

  17. It worked for me! Thanks for all you do for us. Ignore the snarky messages.

  18. I sure wish I knew of some one to help you accomplish what you are trying to do. The comment you got about Bonnie finding something that would work better was absolutely uncalled for! You spend so much of your time taking all of those pictures and putting them up so that we can see them. That sure was rude of whoever said it.

  19. Thank you for all that you do! They must not have been listening when they were told "if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all". Please let the nastiness be their problem and not yours!!!!

  20. OH Bonnie

    I figured it was just me and I would deal with it later (I specifically bookmarked the post to come back to).

    All your posts are amazing and I am so grateful that you share (Particularly this one as I love miniature sewing machines).

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  21. Honestly, Bonnie, I have no clue how you get everything done that you do. Writing as much as you do on this blog. Add to that books and all the writing, quilting, and editing to go with that. doing Quiltcam when you are home and have time. Traveling and teaching. Taking, editing, and posting photos. And then there is figuring out the best was to put it all out there for us to make the most. Then you have your husband and family and house to take care of, all while looking for a mountain retreat.
    I, personally, think you handle all the negative feedback perfectly. If they would read your instruction, they would know to check back later. There is no rush to see the slideshow the first day it is posted. It will be there the next day, and the next, and the next. Just keep doing what you do best and only pay attention to the positive feedback and the parts of the negative that make sense and will make your life better.

  22. Enjoyed the pictures...including the yellow Camaro, lol. Thanks for sharing :)

  23. Just want to say thank you for all you do. Looking forward to your class in Chicago in May. Take care,see you soon, Lynda

  24. worked great for me. So interesting. I bet Bonnie you could hardly contain yourself. I can't though imagine dusting all those machines.

  25. Great pictures - you must have had an amazing day with all those machines!!! Thank you for all the time you put into your blog for our benefit...I'm going snark hunting!!!

    1. I sure hope there is a way for the author of a comment to see when someone posts a reply to their post. Hope you, Bonnie, don't think I stepped on your toes...was not my intention. If you are gonna complain, then figure out a solution!!! Let her spend hours researching the issue!!

  26. I don't post very often, but I wanted to thank you for everything you share with other quilters. Thank you, Bonnie.

  27. Bonnie when the slideshow doesn't work I wait until the next day.
    you do so much for your blog followers.
    Thank you for all you do.

  28. Oh Bonnie, There is far too much selfishness in the world and it takes many forms, including 'snarky' remarks to very busy people who does sooooooo much, that we as fellow quilters get enjoyment from. I know I can't apologize for those people who get rude with you, but if you give me their names, I'll beat them about the head and shoulders with my cane (if I can catch em)...huh??? I love and appreciate everything you share with us and the fact that you let us into your home, your own personal space every week absolutely blows me away. So I will just say "thank you so, sew, much" and send you a big {{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}...
    ***please ignore the Snarks...my dad would have called them "DRUT's" and if you don't know what a drut is, just spell it backward and you will, hehehe...

    1. Love the druts. Your dad was a gem, I can tell!

    2. I agree with you take on the uglies of the world. Love my new word DRUT. I too will be glad to run interference.

    3. Ha! MY Dad said "DRUT" also. I thought it was just in our family. VBS :)

    4. I LOVE it! Bickery is a good word but drut is better! And I like the HHHEEEEHHEEE too!

  29. I'm so sorry you've had the snarky comments. Thanks for all you do. We should be thankful for anything you are able to post for us when you spend all day in workshops and meetings. Every picture that I am able to see is something I wouldn't have seen without your time and effort. Everyone should count what you do for us as a blessing and stop whining about what you are not able to get to work. Have a good rest of your trip.

  30. Oooooooh my! I'd have had a very hard time leaving her house! Amazing all the little machines, I'm partial to the teddy bears pix, sooo cute!! Thank you for sharing your adventures Bonnie, is a treat for someone who lives in 'Boringville'!! Ani in Wilmington NC

  31. Just remember Bonnie, that there are so many of us, that are tickled to see all that you do for the quilting community.Not everything works for everyone on the internet. If they have been online for any length of time, they would know that.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I really enjoy your slide shows. if it doesn't work I just check back later. sometimes when my automatic updates occur the skydrive has a hiccup

  34. Like other folks- sometimes the slideshow works, sometimes later it works. PLEASE- don't stress over pleasing everyone. Don't get overextended- but too late for this I'm sure. You are incredibly generous. and greatly appreciated. Thank you again and again and again.

  35. Bonnie. Thanks for trying to post the photos again. I was able to see them this time.

    Keep reminding us (your blog readers) that quilting is supposed to be fun and lighten up.

    and I had no idea that many of the childrens sewing machines existed. Thanks for sharing.

  36. To the woman who makes my day by showing and talking of all that is happening in your world of quilting - thank you!!!!!! And keep the posts coming. Sometimes the slides work, and sometimes they don't but it is always a pleasure to read your blog.
    Many thanks from Mary in R.I.

  37. Hi Bonnie, forget about the snarkism, (I know it's not a word, but it sounds good), I have learned that people just look for a reason to complain. Just remember to do it for yourself, like you said. I do use Picasa web albums, and if you have a fast enough connection, you can upload to the album and set it to share with everyone, I do it a lot, but, it does take a faster connection. Loving the scraps, and keep on keepin' on!! Lisa in KS

  38. I so enjoy your blog and the pictures you post, and that you share so much with us. This was an outstanding treat to see all those machines and her displays. You must still be dancing! How fun! Thanks again for sharing.

  39. Bonnie, I am sorry that some are giving you such a hard time. You do so much for us... share so much with us! It didn't work for me ... who knows why...but I don't consider that worthy of unkind remarks. Thank you for the extra time it took to put together the second show... that did work.

  40. Snarky comments? That is amazing to me that people would be that ungrateful and thoughtless. Plus the fact that you aren't even HOME in your own environment trying to do this slide show! As some have commented, I also don't know how you do it ALL... Geeze Louise, I already think you are some kind of rare superwoman. I thought I was a busy person until I came across you. Keep up the great work, there are many of us who appreciate all that you do for quilters everywhere.
    Cindy in NY

  41. OK, I'm going to get "snarky"!! Do you really think we quilters want to spend our kid's inheritance printing off your wonderful, need I mention FREE patterns? I am on my way to town to buy yet another ink cartridge for my color printer, so that I can print yet another enticing quilt pattern. How dare you put such enticing, scrap/stash busting patterns out on the internet???? JUST KIDDING - I cannot imagine not checking my email each day to see where you are/have been, and what you are up to. I would like to know what kind of vitamins you take, however. Bonnie, you are amazing, and we all (well most of us) really appreciate all you do and share. No one else like you. Oh, and I have 2 of your books - can't wait for the next Quiltmaker to show up in my mail box!

  42. I don't understand everyone that is receiving nasty comments from people. It seems to be happening a lot now to people with blogs. Quite frankly that is one reason I don't have a blog. I don't understand why people do that. Back to the "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". Sometimes the slide show works and sometimes it doesn't. If it didn't I would go back at another time and usually it would work then. Why? I don't know. Is it a huge problem. NO! I loved all the pictures of the vintage/antique machines. What an awesome collection. Thanks for sharing!

  43. Just an FYI, no complaints, but the Picasa slideshow doesn't even appear on my iPad--just a big blank white space..... 😢

  44. Not only does she have machines, but most of them have a spool of thread, and not just any spool but a wooden spool. There's a couple that had modern plastic spools. As a few others had mentioned, I would not want to be the person that has to do the dusting. Wonderful pictures and thanks for all you do for us.

    1. Anonymous1:38 AM EDT

      The fact that they had spools of thread on them was the thing that tickled me most.

  45. I agree with all the positive comments, No sense reiterating them all. You do what you can which is way too much for us anyway. You do this because you enjoy doing it and we do enjoy receiving it, however please YOU, BONNIE, enjoy your hobby and do not some let you down Patricia G.

  46. HI!
    I am going to go with "DITTO"
    I so enjoy your blog and the slide shows. I vote for "use what works best for you" and let the snarkys find something else to do

  47. I am one of the lucky ones and have had no problems. If I did I would just move on and try again later. I appreciate all the time you take to include us in your journeys. So, I agree if you can't say something constructive don't say anything at all or just go sew....

  48. Just an appreciative thank you. Your blog is something I read everyday and I enjoy your pictures tutorials and outlook on life. You really love what you do. Thanks

  49. Researching a way to block those people who leave snarky remarks. I will share with you in a private email. Only ungrateful and self-centered people would do such a thing. Consider the source, Bonnie, you are wonderful!

  50. My dear Ms Bonnie, I for one do appreciate everything you do. Your blog is quite entertaining. If everyone is not happy with all your sharing I say let them eat cake! Forget them and move on . Keep on sewing ! Enjoy the journey.

  51. Hi Bonnie--I appreciate everything you post. If I've had a problem with the slide show I just try again later and it usually works. After all, it's not life or death! Keep up your wonderful work. I am starting a Scrappy Trip Around The World from your pattern instructions just to use up some scraps. Thanks for everything you do for quilting.

  52. Bonnie, is this your collection? It is AMAZING! My hubby watched it with me and now he knows mine pales in comparison. How long has it taken for you (or the owner) to acquire these?

    1. OK, I just saw that it was someone else's. Where is this?

  53. It works for me. I look forward to your Blog everyday. Keep up your much appreciated hard work and just ignore the 'snarky'. :-)

  54. Fantastic! Thank you Bonnie and Faye for sharing such a wonderful collection with us.
    Aileen in Florida

  55. Jealousy shows up in snarky ways. Don't let it get you down. You see awesome!

  56. cannot imagine why anybody would gripe...i am happy with whatever you choose to show us...isn't everyone aware of computer hiccups by this time? i would think so.....

  57. just keep up the good work we (most of us love you and your work)
    Paula in La.

  58. Bonnie, You are an awesome person .((((HUG)))) Don't let the snarky people get to you. I believe patience is all that is required with the sky drive option . Pretty sure it is just a server problem( too many trying to view at the beginning of when your post posts ) If I can't get on it is usually shortly after your post posted .This leads me to think we as quilters have to show a little decorum and not get pushy in line, so to speak .If this happens to me I peek at the thumbnails then come back the next day when not so many are trying to view and It always works .Love all that you do .hope this made sense .Beth

  59. This is fantastic!! OMG I love those sewing machines. What a wonderful collection. Thanks so much for sharing.

  60. Thanks, Bonnie, for all you do - before I joined your website and blog I was stuck with too many UFOs, too many scraps with no system for organizing, much less using them - uninspired and not using any of my creativity. You, and your readers, helped me to get going, organize, sew some each day, share and be inspired and inspire others! Life is too short to do anything else! Sew, baby, sew!

  61. Those machines are wonderful! I never knew they made toy treadle machines. Thanks for all you do and the wonderful blogs! I look forward to what you are up to everyday. For every one or two disgruntled people there are HUNDREDS of us very happy campers that appreciate everything you do!

  62. I think a lot of people that moan don't actually read your posts, they just look at the pictures! If they actually read the post they should be ashamed of themselves for whining as you said sometimes it doesn't work but to try later.
    I couldn't see it this time, but I know from the past (and from really reading the post) to try again tomorrow.

    It also amazes me on the quiltville email list some people don't know how to find your blog, they just don't read! You even put updates about the blog on the list, but it's too hard for some to click a link.

    I blog (but not as often as you Bonnie) so know how much work is involved. Thank you for inspiring me quilting and blogging wise. Maybe you should have a no whinging sign on the blog like you do for Mysteries :-)

  63. it's those same snarky people who do nothing wrong and knock you down at the supermarket, yes it has happened to me. Now I armor myself with a riding cart when I shop and when they start pushing I have something to fight back with, most of the time showing how inept at controlling the cart I can be so they back off! Snarky Female Dogs! you go bonnie, I am into much quieter quilts and a whole different style but I sure like reading your posts through out the day. Just think "driving a cart" and they wont bother you anymore!! Enjoy the process and once in a while tell them! Great photos BTW!

  64. <3 I think you have learned and taught so much, on quilting and electronics since I started following your blog/website. Look at the technology we have gained in the last decade! Yowser, no moss grows under your feet! I would love to see how you pack for your trunk shows and travel with sewing when you have to fly. TSA must love you....and that is a newer thing too in the last decade....travel checks. So, thanks for broadening my horizons and I will absorb all you have to give without complaint. Someday, in our travels, I hope our paths cross.

    I have a cute true story about a quilter, computer support and a mouse.

  65. Bonnie, I just want to say a big thank you for what you give out to us on your blog. Maintaining a blog on a daily basis at the level you do, must take an enormous effort. Which would leave less time for the things you love doing, namely sewing. However you choose to present your information should be welcomed by all, not criticised. After all, we all need to remember, aside from you, we are guests here when we pop in to see what's happening in Quiltvilles Quips & Snips.

  66. Bonnie "Accentuate the positive, Eliminate the negative, hang on to the affirmative,and don't mess with Mr. in-between. The "irregular people will always exist. They are not your problem. YOU HAVE SO MANY OF US THAT LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU. Just keep your focus.

  67. Holy Crow! Fantastic is right! What a great collection. There are some really odd little machines I've never seen before. Very cool. How I wish I still had my little toy Singer I had as a child. I don't have any idea what happened to it. It probably ended up in someone's collection! LOL!!
    LOVE those sewing machine molds she has! Very, very cool!
    Thanks so much for showing us these!
    Vickie in Cleveland

  68. It's a continual surprise to me that people think it's OK to be rude, nasty, snarky, etc when they're "invisible" behind a computer screen. I hope you know that the majority of us are happy to share in "whatever" experience we can with you. And, like many others, the slide shows don't usually work for me the first day but SURPRISE! they are still there to view the next day. Honestly, people! Get over yourselves!!

  69. What an Awesome collection. The slideshow came on automatically for me. In the past the other slide show came as a group of thumbnail pictures that I could scroll through.

    As far as the snarky comments, I would block the senders. that would serve them right for being snarky.

  70. Bonnie, please don't let negative nellies get you down. It usually works, always works for me eventually, often on the same day if I have a chance to come back and take a look. I love the slideshows - almost like I'm there!

  71. Bonnie, we TOTALLY appreciate all you do. I know it's easy for us to say and hard to do but ignore those people. They are not worth your anger. But here's another thought. A good friend once told me, when I was angry at someone who treated me wrongly for no reason, when someone is mean and crabby at you, instead of getting angry, pray for them because they must be needing something right about then to behave the way they do. That suggestion has totally changed the way I react to them. Hopefully this will help you too.

  72. Bonnie if the snarky people dont like what you provide, then they can go play else where. I for one TOTALLY appreciate everything you do for us...After all it is your personal time your giving us for FREE I might add.

  73. Anonymous11:21 PM EDT

    Bonnie, if I want to be nice to THOSE FOLKS... I would say they are just clueless. But honestly, they are being worse than clueless. They are being unkind and rude.

    Frankly I have not any idea just how on earth you do accomplish as much as you do in one day. Just the amount of travel time alone, plus the wear and tear of travel, would leave most of us dead in our tracks.

    SO, once again folks, if you do not have something nice to say -- SHUT UP. If you do not like Bonnie's ways, don't bother to come back. It is that simple.

    For those of us who enjoy you and your wonderful quilts, teaching and humor .... hang in there Bonnie. And remember, the bitchy ones are always the loudest ones too. Bizarre rule of the Universe #77!


  74. Anonymous11:36 PM EDT

    WOW, you're right, what an amazing collection... and I thought a Featherweight was cute--it looks like a monster now! Thanks for taking the time to redo the slide show. I wasn't able to get the earlier one so am thrilled you took the time and effort. What ever happened to the 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all' attitude? Sigh, manners certainly have gone down the tubes.


  75. Wow! That was an amazing collection! You could spend days exploring!

  76. Bonnie, you have more supportters that understand than angry detractors. Yes, we are frustrated too when technology fails, but, again, we understand and don't blame you. You are so generous, and we all soooooo appreciate you for all you do. Don't take it personally! Take the "snarkys" as very poorly articulated constructive comments...if you can do something to correct it, then great (like Quilt-cam), and if not, then, oh well and let it go. We love you and THANKS!

  77. Thank you so much for putting the show up again. I am really interested in the lady's lovely collection. My goodness what fun place for you to visit.

  78. Loved, loved, loved the pics of the toy collection. What an accomplishment. And thank you so much for all you do in your 'life share' with us. You simply amaze me!
    FYI, earlier today I clicked on the Sky Drive post and it asked me to sign up for Sky Drive, which I did not do, as I don't do those things often. However, the album with this post worked well. Just letting you know....
    Be well and enjoy Nashville.
    Faye in Maine (and so envious of Faye's toy machine collection!! lol)

  79. What an awesome time you had sewing all of those sewing machines. Thanks for taking pics so we can enjoy seeing them too. Don't worry about the DRUTS, love that word, just delete them and remember that you are appreciated by many.

  80. Don't let them rattle your cage. You give 110+% of yourself to us and I for one (along with about 4000 more) do appreciate what you do. I have learned so much from you. Thank you ever so much.

  81. Bonnie, you are an excellent blogger and I really appreciate each blog and photos. And when they don't work - I think it's me !!!!!

  82. Bonnie,
    I hope that the huge amount of appreciation and support shown in the previous posts take away any "bad taste" the DRUT's (love that word) left behind. There is far more support out their for you than anything else. I have learnt so much from your blog, tutorials and other information on the Quiltville sight in the five months I have been quilting than anywhere else. Thank you for all that you do for those who you may never even meet.

  83. wow! What a great show. Hard to imagine so many wonderful memories in one space. You must have had so much fun. She could start a museum in her home as it wasn't only the machines.

  84. Thanks Bonnie; I appreciate your sharing. I had one of the small red sewing machines when I was a kid. Wish I still had it. It's a walk down memory lane as far as I'm concerned. Since I don't get to travel all over the U.S. (and other places) I live vicariously. Thanks again. I don't seem to have a problem with seeing your pic's. If I do; I come back later and it works! ;) just like magic! LoL
    Jean C.

  85. Anonymous2:01 AM EDT

    I thought I'd give the slide show another go and voila! It worked this time. Some people just need to learn a bit of patience. You know, many of those photos would make GREAT postcards!

  86. Hi Bonnie, I also had problems with your slide show, but then I changed the browser from Internet Explorer to Mozilla Firefox and it worked just fine. I've experienced constant problems with IE, e.g. it just stops working from time to time. I'm so used to using it, and it is still default in my computer, but nowadays I prefer Google Chrome of Mozilla.

  87. Thanks for all your efforts. Sky Drive didn't work for me, but the embedded Picassa album does. Have you tried Smilebox? It seems to work well. Anna over at wooliemammoth.blogspot.com uses it quite a bit. It seems to work well. Hope you are having a great time in Nashville!

  88. It didn't work for me earlier today so I did what you said to do and left it for a few hours. Went back & it worked just fine. I must lead a sheltered life because I didn't have any idea that they had even made treadle sewing machines in child size! And thank gawd I don't have to dust all of them!

  89. I wonder why people always feel that they have the right to complain about things they get for free...
    Don't let such comments make you feel sad. You know how much time you put into all this, into research, writing, editing photos, keeping the blog alive even when you are far away in Bali...
    98% of you followers don't have a problem with being patient and just waiting until the slideshow works. Don't let the other 2% put you down... the internet is full of trolls - unfortunately, people are trolling in the quilty world as well...
    I want to thank you for everything that you share with us, for every single minute of work you put into this blog and into your love for quilting that you share with us every day...
    I will never complain about something that doesn't work - unless I have tried it a couple of times and it seems like a bug in the system that could actually be fixed. We all know about the slideshows. They give us picures with a decent resolution that we can even download - that's worth waiting a bit and trying again!

    Not all people are the same... not all people are the giving kind like you are... some just demand from others without giving anything back... and THAT is a REAL shame....

  90. hmm well BONNIE since i dont know how to write or post a blog and i sure didn't know you have to do 'stuff' to pictures even before you post them. my only guess is that who ever was unkind in their words must be well like me computer "stupid" and i mean this in the nicest way. i am older and do know quite a few things ...... just not too much about computer things......so i almost always think anyone who knows more or does more MUST be able to do anything with or on a computer and of course in the blink of an eye!! Just think how quickly you have a finished quilt top..Its not that you necessarily sew faster just smarter with your scrap system and especially leaders and enders. My thinking is she or he or they think you are a quilt and computer GOD rather than only a very smart capable woman. Perhaps if she or he or they saw you in person they would bow and kiss your toes . I am so happy i get to read your blog and see the small pictures actually i didn't know there was a way to see them larger most days i don't even have to try to learn something new. There are so many people who are just too happy to let me know that i don't know something or other. so sorry this has upset you. Just so you know most people don't say anything while all is good and fine they only speak up when things are not so fine....Its one of my short comings i work on it most days sometimes i forget

  91. Bonnie you are a really wonderful person and you share so much of your time with us and for that I am really grateful x

  92. I just delete snarky people. I enjoy your blog so much. Don't stop sharing your adventures.

  93. Words Hurt. Take it from me I know from experience. Please everyone think twice before you post, and re-read before you hit publish. Please don't forget there is flesh and blood beyond the realm of cyber*posting.

    Thanks, Bonnie for all you time and effort. You are so enthusiastic and never charge us a penny for the blog. Thanks so much! We really enjoy all the posts and pitcures. Shelley W.

  94. Bonnie, I've found you can make SOME of the people happy SOME of the time - don't spend time worrying about them - I love reading your blog and seeing your photos. Thanks for sharing all you do

  95. Some people live to complain. Thank you for doing this. The slideshow was unbelievable.

  96. Bonnie, You don't deserve snarky comments. You go out of your way to share information, ideas, inspiration...not for yourself, but for us. I never fail to see something great on your blog. Whenever you share photos from your classes, I think, "Those are women I could sit down and sew with." No matter where you go, all quilters seem to be open and friendly. I don't understand how people who read your blog, and are presumably also quilters, have so little understanding of what you go through to share with us on your blog. You are right, this blog is for you, not for others. I know it is easier to say "ignore the negativity" than to actually do it. Please know that there are many of us out here who love you, love your blog, and really appreciate everything you share with us. Love you, Bonnie. (DH and I can't wait to get to Ireland!)

  97. Love the pictures. What a beautiful place. Love all the sewing accessories she has also collected. I could spend a week there just admiring it all. Thanks again for allowing us to see this wonderful collection!

  98. We are guests in your life, thank you for inviting us to join you. And as guests we should be gracious and enjoy being with you, just as if we were in your living room. Thanks for having us and providing so much enjoyment.

  99. For every bickery visitor (I would have chosen stronger language) there are hundreds of grateful quilters who appreciate every single effort you make to share your passion with the world.

  100. Bonnie I second what Mary said earlier and am happy with anything that you do !!!! Thank you for sharing a part of your world with us.

    Brenda T

  101. I was una ble to get the slide show to work the first time, and really was OUT of TIME (what's that?) I tried again this AM, got no where so I was happy to be able to see the new show, while I cooked and ate breakfast.
    I do think you need an assistant

  102. Slide show or not, I LOVE your blog and visit faithfully! But I think if my husband knew this now, he would have a fit. I picked up my first toy machine just last month, and now that I've seen this collection I am INSPIRED!!!

    BTW, I've made it through about 75% of my stash sorting and cutting and have started two leader-ender projects. Woo hoo!

  103. Has anyone told you lately how incredible you are? You are so awesome to take the time and trouble to insure we see this marvelous collection, and I thank you for sharing! I really, really enjoyed it!
    You are so incredibly awesome Bonnie! Thanks for all you do!

  104. LOVE your blog - personal, quilty, whatever! Snarky people have other problems. Keep up the marvy work!

  105. What a collection of toy machines, wow, wow. You do a wonderful job Bonnie, ignore those snarky comments, way more of us appreciate what you do.

  106. Can you imagine me at work scrolling through 119 comments to find out what a DRUT might be? Then when I found it, I had to LOL! By now the co-workers think I might be having a crisis of some sort and are ready to do a committment. Thank you Bonnie for all you do for us and to promote quilting and just ignore the DRUTs!

  107. what a dreary lot those snarkies are, their lives are so empty they have nothing better to do. We love everything you do its treat every day and theres no one else online who does that, so feel proud - very proud of your achievements.

  108. Anonymous10:00 AM EDT

    Oh Bonnie, I wish I could be half the woman you are and get as much accomplished in a day! Please don't stop what you're doing!! I am so inspired by you, you motivate me and open a whole other world outside my box. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do:-) for ALL of us!

  109. My motherinlaw used to say, "They can just get glad in the pants they got mad in"
    It does my heart good to see so many wonderful machines being cherished. Someday I hope to have a room devoted to just that goal.

  110. No problem with slide show on my iPad - and on the car dealer's wifi! Thank you so much. There are many of us "lurkers" out here that greatly appreciate all the many Internet offerings from you, but I think we may need to get more vocal about it. You ARE loved! Looking forward to your lecture in NH later this month.

  111. I have an iPad use it all the time.............. and I have seen every slideshow you have posted...........the sewing machine and pictures of your classes are so appreciated. Thank you for sharing so freely with your time and talent. Keep that beautiful smile.........you are simply the best!

  112. Ugh. I hate it that people are getting snarky with you. I guess it just goes to show you that "no good deed goes unpunished!" Please know that read and appreciate your blog every day, and am continually impressed by all you get done and your body of work. Don't let the haters get you down!

  113. It worked for me and here is a HUGE BIG THANK YOU, not just for the slide show but for every thing you post. Your blog is the absolute best and for those who don't like that it doesn't always work I say TOO BAD !!! if they think it is so easy then do it your self or put up or shut up. I don't know where you find the time to do every thing you do and I just want you to know that most of us do appreciate it.

  114. Bonnie, So sorry you have to get snarky comments (i would call them something else, but I am trying to be polite). I tried, didn't work, didn't worry about it. If I was meant to see them, it will work when it's ready. Just wasn't sure why I got a screen to sign in with a password.

    I just think that it is absolutely wonderful that you have this really awesome blog with huge amounts of information in it. And you post everyday multiple times. a lot of the blogs I read don't post every day. One hasn't posted in something like 5 or 6 months. I don't complain, I just keep hoping.

    Anyway, we love you and your blog. Keep up the great work.

  115. I appreciate your blog and the slides work beautifully. What a great collection. I had a toy singer once upon a time and wish I had it now.

  116. How sad that people can't appreciate the effort you put in to sharing your personal times with us. I love the slide shows and many thanks to you for sharing any photos of your classes, trips, etc. with us. I thoroughly enjoy them!

  117. Hey, Bonnie!

    This is the first time I have made a comment on your blog, but I have been following for a while now. I am not a quilter. Both of grandmothers however were avid quilters and I have vivid memories of them sitting together quilting and that's basically what draws me to blogs like yours. I love the fabrics and the colors and the patterns and all things quilting, from a non-quilter perspective and I love your blog.

    I just wanted to say that I am a blogger as well. A book blogger. And I have had some great feedback on my posts and some that were negative. I believe everyone has a right to their opinion, however the don't have the right to voice it, in this case. It's fine to tell someone that a feature is not working on their blog, which appears to be happening with your slide shows. However, nasty comments are not acceptable in any way.

    I know the reason I started blogging was because I LOVE books, the same way you LOVE quilts. This blog is about you. It's about what you love about your subject. You post what you want to post and really if others don't appreciate it, there are many others out there who do. Don't let negativity weigh you down. I love your slideshows and they work just fine for me. It probably comes down to what kind of computer and browser and your followers are viewing them on. In that case there isn't much you can do about it.

    Don't stop posting them, because those of us who can view them, lov'em!

  118. I don't read the comments and don't usually comment myself but have to today. What a trip! Who is the lucky person who has their own sewing machine museum? I would be in heaven to see this. Everything is arranged so perfectly and so dust-free. Does that mean she has no time to sew? I love it! I love it! Don't worry about snarky people. They are small and mean. Love your blog.

  119. poo poo to the snarky! (do they sleep well at night?) be good quilters, play nice and appreciate the gift of bonnie hunter!

  120. No images on this page......AND. This statement is pure feed back. I did see the antique sewing machines on the other page. I love what you do and thanks for letting us peek over your shoulder. As a retired teacher it is still a delight to see some one having the fun of sharing and learning. I intend on cheering you on, pictures or not! A reader in the middle of the mitten.

  121. Bonnie - ignore the complaints. I know that is hard to do but you can't please everyone. I tried to see the slide show the other day when you posted it and couldn't get it and thought...that is too bad but will try later. This morning when I tried it came up and I enjoyed it but if it wouldn't I would not complain. Computers and the internet are finicky things and you need to keep your blog the way you want and unless you are a computer wizard there are things you just can't fix or don't have the time to fix. Keep on doing what you are doing - enjoy your blog the way it is.

  122. Thanks again for all you do, Bonnie! Tons of HUGS to you! You are the best! And SOOO good to all of us! Love all the little machines. Who knew there were so many? Not me! Enjoy your day!

  123. Anonymous1:32 PM EDT

    I have never commented before today, but wanted to let you know that I love your blog. I also loved the slideshow. I really want that Snow White sewing machine. Where does she live? wink wink

  124. Thanks for the great slide show. I'm so tech-UNsavvy, that I figured it's my fault that the other one didn't work (it usually is my fault). Oh my, her collection is WONDERFUL! Even shaped cake pans. Her striped wallpaper reminds me of the lickable wallpaper in Willy Wonka! Snozberrys and sewing machines! You must have had a fun day! Thanks for all you do. If you see Teresa R, tell her HI. She's supposed to be in class with you today. Have a fun day!

  125. Patience is a virtue. I'm glad I have it. I wasn't able to view on Sky Drive and visited several times. Somehow the thumbnails were enough until it worked. You won't hear a peep from me if something doesn't work. I appreciate you also posting to the Vintage Sewing Machine facebook page. I enjoyed the slide show several times. I appreciate your tenacity VERY MUCH!! Hugs, Allison in North Texas

  126. I thought all QUILTERS were always nice to each other and to themselves. Shame on the ones who complain. Like everyone has said you do so much for the Quilting Community that if I had to wait a few minutes or come back to see your slideshows life would not come to an end and I certainly would not complain about it. Thanks Bonnie.

  127. Some folks are just rude! You do what you feel like doing and plenty of us are pleased as punch with that! :)

  128. Bonnie, I love ya and I'd never complain because you are the most generous quilter/teacher/blogger there is!

    Thank you for all the lessons you've given me that make me a better quilter and thank you for all the great pictures and stories of your travels that you share.

    Please don't let a few malcontents get you down! You have the rest of us that are grateful admirers and followers!

    Gail :)

  129. Bonnie--GREAT slideshow. Those tiny machines are darling. Here are some suggestions for those who can't view the slideshow: try another browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari). You can download and install any of these through the internet. BEFORE doing this, make sure you have updated the software on your computer. Go to your computer's manufacturer site and check for downloads. Upgrade everything. Then download and try a new browser. Good luck!

  130. What an AMAZING collection! Sew happy that you shared it with all of us! I never even knew child treadles were out there! Just amazing!

  131. Your generosity for sharing is wonderful - do what makes you happy. I think because you are so well known, maybe people think you have a 'staff' that does all the computer work for you. I hope people will stop complaining and enjoy what they do get to see and what you share with us all. Thank you.

  132. I guess the snarky commenters never heard the saying "if you don't have anything nice to say keep your mouth shut"
    I guess they didn't have their coffee or their panties were in a bunch. Just delete them Bonnie or leave then and we'll take up for you. We can't control technology. We try but sometimes it just does what it wants too. And there's no pleasing everyone.


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