
Friday, January 11, 2013

Save! Our! Thimble!

I just got this urgent message from June Dudley at Quiltmaker Magazine  asking me to spread the word ----

Monopoly ((The Game)) has put our favorite icon, the humble silver thimble –at risk!


It was always my favorite game piece…even through it was NEVER going to ever fit any one of my fingers – EVER.


Are you on Facebook??  Join us in our effort to save our beloved thimble by clicking HERE to reach the Monopoly Page on Facebook, and click LIKE to SAVE OUR THIMBLE!!


okay, so I liked the dog too ---  but still---my favorite was the thimble!


  1. HA!! I saw that on the news yesterday morning. They DID say the iron was in the lead to be evicted from future game sets. That'd be OK with me!!

  2. Looks like the shoe is losing now; I voted in the thimble, too! Sewists, UNITE!

  3. I posted the link on the Quiltville Facebook page yesterday!

  4. The iron is in danger too

  5. I can't vote. I'm not on Facebook!

  6. I went to vote earlier when I saw the post from another quilting group and you have to also vote for the one you want to replace which ever one gets voted out... which is ok, except there wasn't a single one that I would want to win. I liked all the ones they have now, well most of them... lol

  7. Keep the thimble and add the kitty were my votes.

    1. Yeah! I went with keep the thimble and add the kitty too. You avitar kitty looks just like my kitty Spencer before he passed away. Awwwww!

  8. Anonymous1:05 AM EST

    I was always the top hat. They better not get rid of that!

  9. Can't we save the iron, too?

  10. Anonymous6:44 AM EST

    I keep trying to vote, but nothing happens...sigh

  11. I don't remember the wheelbarrow or the ship. If I was on facebook, I'd definitely want to add the kitty!


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