
Monday, January 21, 2013

Noon-Time Chuckle!

I’m buried in desk work here!

It’s not what I wanted to be doing on a sun shiney Monday – but what must be done must be done!

However – I just took a quick break to perk myself up with THIS!

Be prepared to crack up!

This lovely is by Cathy Miller –we had the pleasure of teaching together at the Virginia Consortium of Quilters retreat a couple years ago!



  1. I saw this on an episode of Eleanor Burn's Quilt in Day that I had recorded last week. I saved it to show my Hubby when he came home for lunch. He got a huge kick out of it!! I can so relate to it!

  2. HILARIOUS!!!! I laughed so hard . . . . well, I won't say!!! Thanks for sharing, you made my day!

  3. I seriously laughed out loud at this! Who of us isn't guilty of at least one of these ways of hiding our stash?!

  4. I had to share your video. It is amazing!

  5. Cathy visited our guild a year ago. Love her music and fantastic quilts. Thanks for the smile today.

  6. Love it! Sure made me laugh out loud!

  7. Love it! I have a sign for my studio that says "My husband lets me buy all the fabric I can hide!"

  8. Too funny, I have to share this with my family! I haven't got to the point of placing my fabric in the ceiling as of yet :-) but that would be a great idea! So funny!!! Thanks for the smile!

  9. Oh absolutely hilarious! I can't wait to show it to my husband :*D

  10. Hi, Bonnie! I love Cathy's music video, thanks so much for sharing the fun today. Happy Birthday, by the way!!

  11. Hilarious! What a hoot! Do I have to say guilty???

    Happy Birthday!

  12. Too funny! I loved....call it Christmas presents, and Don't You Peek! LOL

    I'm so glad I don't have to hide my fabric....I'm sure there are some out there that do! :o)

  13. Anonymous4:36 PM EST


    Thanks Bonnie

  14. Anonymous4:56 PM EST

    Hmmmmm, she's got me to thinking too! Too Funny... I must say she keeps pieces that I wouldn't think to keep though...
    Have a great day off!

  15. Cathy and her husband sang at our guild banquet one year. Very entertaining and we all had a lot of laughs at the truths that she captured in her songs!

  16. Hee Hee.... any thoughts on how to hide vintage machines, I'd try the mattress but think my hubby is smarter than the average bear! You have me hooked! I love the video/song,at least the fabric can shimmy in tiny spots around the home!Thanks for making me smile everyday with your posts! Since mid Dec. I'm up to three treadles,three electric and one industrial. Off to Ct to pick up a treadle that has been living in an attic for centuries! Ohhhhh I can not wait until Sat. Happy day Bonnie!

  17. Oh my goodness that is too funny!! Need to show this at our quilt guild meeting!!

  18. I live alone, so I don't have that whole hiding fabric issue, but this video was hysterical! Very clever.

  19. Very funny. Even funnier, I know someone who did buy a house across the street from her own house to have storage space!

  20. Funny video that's probably truer than not for many of us! We can all identify with some parts of it, right? She gave me hiding places I hadn't thought of yet.
    I have been working harder lately of using my stash up, but when I went to the sewing shop today to pick up a machine part, I still walked out with three fat quarters"........couldn't resist! It's an addiction, I know.

  21. Anonymous10:11 PM EST

    HILARIOUS! I can relate to the ironing one - I iron my stash before the laundry LOL.

  22. That was so hilarious!!! I had to share with hubby and sonny boy! Sonny Boy, who is 18 (and High Functioning Autistic) said he better not find any fabric in his closet! I told him that there already was! LOL. Another funny! We are trying to buy a small 34 acre hobby farm with 5 bedrooms and a HUGE Barn! LOL Guess where I can hide my fabric. Still laughing so hard that I have tears rolling down my face.

  23. Cathy is our very own quilting/singing celebrity. She belongs to my guild and for the first time EVER on Quiltville, I can say she lives in my home town of Victoria, BC. We sure appreciate her and glad you all do too!!


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