
Saturday, May 05, 2012

Yard Sale Saturday!

***NOTE*** All of my books listed below have SOLD OUT! The other bloggers in the linky may still have items for sale so be sure to check them out!

Happy Cinco De Mayo! And welcome to Yard Sale Saturday.

My life has been very much “on-the-go” the past few weeks ((or more)) and I did not find time to pull as much stuff to list as I had hoped.

However, if you are looking for some great quilting books, check below! My shelves are breathing easier since I have adopted well love books out to other people who will use them rather than just store them as I have.

If you are new linking up with us for Yard Sale Saturday, there are a few rules.

These items need to be QUILT RELATED. Patterns, Books, Fabric, Notions, Partial UFOs…whatever you want. This is for gently used –white elephant type items, not new-sell-at-retail-stuff or new crafts you have made to sell.. Understood? Think YARD SALE.

And you MUST have a blog to list items for sale. You can not just link to an etsy store...we want it more personal than that. Etsy is great as a shopping cart, but please link to the blog below. Your own post can direct to Etsy from there.

You must link your blog post back to THIS YARD SALE SATURDAY POST, not just my whole blog --

You write the post on your blog, you come back here and link it up. It is up to you to decide how you are going to interact with your buyers. I’m going to use etsy and paypal. This has worked well for me in the past because I don’t have to answer 50 million emails –and then figure who ordered what first.

Please note that you must put the specific URL from the title of your post in the linky below ---any post that just goes to your whole blog (myblog.blogspot.com) instead of the direct post (myblog.blogspot.com/5/4/2012/myyardsale.html for example) will be removed because I can’t fix it for you. The easiest way to KNOW if you are RIGHT is to check the end of the address you are using.

If it ends in .com you are most likely WRONG. Individual urls end in .html not .com ((I know it is a lot to remember, but once you have it down -- it's easier for everyone after that!))

So lets go!

(Linkup closed)

yardsalesaturday 040

Log Cabins for Everyone House of White Birches

Hard Cover 166 Pages

Included in this volume are patterns for easy quilts, along with fun-to-stitch but challenging variations for the more experience quilter. From minature wall quilts to larger projects for the home and gift-giving, this comprehensive book has Log Cabin patterns for everyone who loves this classic American design.

Sale Price: $5.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 023

Classic American Patchwork Patterns by Maggie Malone

Hardcover 192 pages 1977

This is a classic book on time loved block designs ---in the old school way of presenting patterns ---- no rotary cutting directions included – just the shapes, ADD SEAM ALLOWANCE! This is still a great book for any traditional quilt lover’s library.

Just the quilt on the cover is such a favorite!

yardsalesaturday 024

The binding is coming unglued –it’s a 35 year old book, but all the pages are present.

Sale Price: $3.00 Click HERE to purchase.

yardsalesaturday 039

Little Quilts All Through The House by the Little Quilts girls!

Choose from 18 Little Quilt projects inspired by traditional quilt designs, then construct them in a snap using full-size templates and quick-piecing techniques.

Sale Price $3.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 025

Terry’s Shortcut Quilt Collection by Terry Atkinson

40 pages of quilting in the Terry Atkinson Style!

Sale Price: $5.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 038

Scrap Quilts Using Fast Patch by Anita Hallock 1991

Anita Hallock has devised a system for machine quilting that is efficient enough to satisfy almost any schedule. Her directions are thorough and thoughtful and amply illustrated. There are even instructions for using the book at beginner, journeyman, and mistress levels to avoid wasting time on inappropriate text. The chapter on organizing fabric alone is worth the price of the book. A terrific acquisition for would-be heirloom crafters.
Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc.

((I thought this description was a hoot!))

Sale Price: $5.00 Click HERE to order!

yardsalesaturday 026

Amish Quilt Patterns by Rachel T. Pellman

This reliable favorite is newly revised for greater usefulness! With 100,000 copies already in print, this new edition offers increased clarity of 30 popular and often-requested patterns.

Here are the full-sized patterns themselves, as well as step-by-step instructions, color suggestions, and exact yardage measurements for creating the traditional charm of the Amish masterpieces.

This manual also offers a selection of quilting templates in the actual sizes needed to make a full-size quilt. Detailed drawings and diagrams throughout the book lend accuracy to the whole satisfying process.

Amish Quilt Patterns is a companion to the gallery book, The World of Amish Quilts, which pictures more than 200 quilts, all in the rich color of the original masterpieces.
The patterns and quilting templates offered in Amish Quilt Patterns have been selected from the quilts shown in The World of Amish Quilts. Quiltmakers will find color and piecing inspiration in that volume by seeing what early Amish quiltmakers created with the same patterns.

Sale Price: $5.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 037

Color from the Heart by Gai Perry

Many books on color theory and color in quilts fail to capture the interest of quilters by dwelling on technical explanations of color theory and ignoring the intuitive choice of color.

In contrast, Perry admits gladly that despite her training as a painter and her strong technical background in color theory, she normally chooses colors with the heart, not the intellect. She emphasizes a hands-on approach to working with color by employing a series of lessons to illustrate seven effective and pleasing methods for choosing colors and fabrics for quiltmaking.

In the process of working through each lesson, the reader learns color theory in small doses while making a small, illustrative wall hanging-size quilt. Seven quilts later, the reader knows how to incorporate myriad fabrics into one small quilt; how to pick a quilt color scheme based on decorative objects, photos, or paintings; and how best to use several tints, tones, and shades of each color in a single quilt. A good choice for all quilting collections.

Sale Price: $5.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 027

Lessons From Mama by Terry Atkinson

12 easy to follow lessons will improve and expand your range of quilting techniques. Once you've mastered these new techniques, you'll move on to some fun additional projects

Sale Price: $5.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 036

Borders by Design by Paulette Peters

Learn how to select the perfect border to beautifully frame a quilt and avoid the common pitfalls of border construction with Borders by Design. With an understanding of these basic, easy-to-follow design principles, you will be stitching unique borders in no time!

• Instructions for more than 30 borders are included as a starting point to designing many more

• Learn to apply the three principles of border design: Divide the Side, Use the Unit, and Connect the Corner

• No complicated math involved--plus, learn to quickly adjust the size of any quilt by adding an attractive border or two

Sale Price: $5.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 028

A Perfect Match by Donna Lynn Thomas

64 pages. Thomas, who has published extensively on quilting, here revises a 1994 edition. Her revision pays close attention to sewing-machine instruction and technique, incorporating diagrams and illustrations. The bulk of the book is detailed instruction, with six project quilts; a few templates and color photos of these quilts are provided. A very good, very basic book; recommended for public libraries.

Sale Price: $5.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 035

Strip, Trip & Shadow Quilts by Marti Michell

Great charts and instructions for easy beginner quilts that look fabulous!

Sale Price: $5.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 029

Borders By The Square by Jodi Barrows

If you are a fan of Jodi Barrows and her Square in a Square rulers and techniques, this book is a must for your library! Sewing a pieced border isn't only for master quilters. Jodi Barrows will show you in Borders By The Square how quilts with intricate and difficult borders are effectively and efficiently completed with this new system.

Sale Price: $5.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 034

Everyday Dresses by Cindy Taylor Oates

Cute easy-to-follow shirt dress pattern in size S to XXL!

I really wanted to make some of these, but you know how best intentions get way-laid!

Sale Price: $5.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 030

Homecoming by Farmyard Creations

Adorable primitive quilt with a block for every season! Would be great in wool or cottons.

Sale price: $5.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 033

Even More by Trudie Hughes

Book 3 of Trudie’s Template Free series --- when rotary cutters REALLY made it big!

Sale Price: $5.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 032

Magic Stack N Whack Quilts by Bethany Reynolds

Working with medium- to large-scale prints, quilters can create dynamic pieced blocks without hours of planning and precision cutting. The kaleidoscope effects occur spontaneously, thanks to the ingeniously simple 'Stack-n-Whack'® cutting technique.

By stacking identical repeats of fabric, quilters can efficiently cut the pieces needed for all the blocks. Each block will be unique and unexpected, keeping the quilting experience fresh and exciting! With over 200 how-to illustrations and dozens of color plates. Designs include the classic LeMoyne Star, Hybrid Lilies, Kaleidoscope Pinwheel, Hexagon Star, Diamond Ring, Morning Star, and others, all pieced with construction methods that eliminate set-in seams and ensure quick, successful results.

Sale Price: $5.00 Click HERE to purchase!

yardsalesaturday 031

Log Cabin with a Twist by Barbara T Kaempfer

Explore new ways to approach the twisted Log Cabin technique through detailed instruction and color illustrations. Design and coloring worksheets are provided for color placement to create beautiful and creative variations on the traditional Log Cabin design.

Sale Price: $10.00 Click HERE to purchase!

I wish you all good luck in your purchasing and selling! I will be in New York for a few more days, my journey home begins on May 8th --- so shipping will occur later in the week.

Clean it out. Clear it out – make room for something NEW!


  1. Thanx Bonnie, I bought two! I LOVE Amish quilts! And the other one just plain looks intriguing.

  2. I'm looking for the Autumn Days wall hanging pattern. Anyone have it??

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM EDT

    HI Bon,
    Thanks for the trip down memory lane with your selection of books. Oldies, but goodies, all of them! Tricia Yearwood sings " The Song Remembers When" but I think its the quilt remembers when!
    I remember where I was and who I made it for and why... when ever I see quilts, patterns, or books :)
    See you soon at your presentation at my guild.. and oh yeah, my home!

  4. Some of my favorite books. I think I have all but two of them. LOL

  5. I have SOOOO many of these books. . . strange you've bunched them all together ;c) I think they all sold around the same time. (I inherited alot of these books ;c))

  6. Thanks for the link for the sale today...I missed out on a couple I wanted...next time!! Have a great weekend.


If you are commenting as "anonymous" please leave your name at the end of your comment.

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