I almost don’t know what to do with myself!
I’ve had such a nice easy day today --- one run to the post office that afterwards had me driving down the road to Thomasville to do some antique browsing at a place I hadn’t been to in eons….
I didn’t really find anything! I took TWO pictures of a vintage quilt, not because it was a great one, but because – I finally saw hexies quilted with baptist fans, which is what I’m planning on doing ---
I’ve sewn a bit, my backlog of blocks for Randy’s Sow-a-long are just about caught up! And just in time too, her next installment comes out on Wednesday ----are you ready?
I’ve made plans for future quilts, I’m amping up production for the quilts in the NEXT book in the pipeline – yes, there is no down time really, if a book comes out every 18 months, and you need 12 to 13 quilts for the book, is there really time to rest? Nope. Not when they are big quilts with many pieces, there isn’t!
So I’ve been busy and productive behind the scenes, but it doesn’t leave me much to show you, does it?
Here’s what I’ve found for some good summer reading:
Got Your Number by Stephanie Bond is free in the kindle store.
Book Description:
Roxann Beadleman just received an ominous message that resurrects old secrets, and her debutante cousin Angora Ryder was just jilted at the alter. A road trip to accomplish thing on a life list they made in college leads them back to their alma mater for Homecoming, and to the professor they were both in love with…
But Angora doesn’t know that Roxann is wanted for questioning in a police matter, or that a dangerous criminal could be following them. Detective Joe Capistrano is on their heels, too, determined to charm information out of Roxann and to protect her, whether she wants it or not…
Once Roxann and Angora hit campus, their lives are turned on end. Professor Irresistible is majoring in Seduction, old skeletons are leaping from closets, and Detective Capistrano is closing in. Roxann and Angora soon find themselves thrust into a chilling lesson of murder, and if either of them gets out of this mess alive, could true love be at the end of their chase?
Sounds good to me! Still free for me this afternoon, so check before clicking that it still is for you because prices can change without notice.
Oh yeah, the antique quilt:
Thomasville NC is about 9 miles down the road from me. And the Antique Emporium is quite large, but I didn’t find a single sewing machine, and only one quilt worth photographing and it wasn’t all that old I don’t think….it’s pretty worn, but I love the quilting on it.
I tried to get the light so I could get decent quilting detail – this is hand pieced, and then hand quilted in fairly large stitches. I love the gingham rosettes the best! The fans were large, and of course mine would be a lot smaller when I finally get around to quilting my hexie, but I do like the idea of fans simply because the quilting crosses the piecing lines --- it will anchor those seams, where as a quilt that is simply quilted 1/4” inside each shape leaves the seam lines exposed and unanchored – that’s where the quilt will come apart because there is only one thread holding those hexies together. Crossing seam lines will just make it stronger, and hopefully last longer.
And if you didn’t know it --- Thomasville is known as “Chair City.” And indeed there is a huge chair right across the railroad tracks that has become a tourist destination --- probably the only one that Thomasville is famous for! LOL!
The Big Chair gained national attention in 1960 when then Presidential Candidate Lyndon B. Johnson greeted supporters on the monument during a campaign whistle stop. Hey, if you are going to be known for something, maybe a chair isn’t so bad? I can think of worse things!
And with that I’ll get back to working on these blocks. I am SO loving that it is light so much later now, and I don’t feel the need for pajamas at 7:30pm!
Bonnie, check this antique hexagon quilt on this blog
May 26th entry.
I have never seend one with "pieced" hexagons!!
Take care,
Karen W.
Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
DeleteLove it. Thanks for the link.
DeleteThe NEXT book! I haven't even ordered THIS book yet--I'm already behind!!! Waaaahhhh! Bonnie, you boggle my mind and wear me out just knowing all that you do in the course of a day, not just once in a while like me, but every. single. day. Thanks for sharing--I am inspired...and tired.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you found that quilt! I was thinking about quilting my hexie quilt with baptist fans also! For my third quilting project I thought it would be pretty easy, my first was in the ditch and the second was straight lines. I didn't want to do in the ditch since that is what everyone else does. Of course my hexies are a lot bigger than yours, 3 1/2 inches. It's my first hand quilting project and I'm going to hand quilt it also.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I am loving following you around quilting,teaching, antiqueing. Whatever, the history lessons are a plus. You get so much done it is mindboggling!! Just keep doing it, we love it. Bet a few of us out here don't get too far from home anymore....
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you got your homework done, girlie!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Bonnie, for sharing the free Kindle books. I'm downloading them for my summer reading. Your blog is a joy to read.
ReplyDeleteI need to get reading! 48 in my Kindle ap. Big chair I miss you! <3 I really miss NC and W/S!!! Thanks for my NC fix!
ReplyDeleteThe last book you listed was very good. Donuts for Amy. Thank you.
Love the fan quilting. I think its perfect for a hexie quilt.
ReplyDeleteBaptist fan for a hexie quilt...that's an interesting idea!
ReplyDeleteHey there is another book free in the Kindle store by this same author : In Deep Voodoo. It also has a 4 star ranking.