First off, if you are looking for the new book preview and pre-order post, click HERE!
What a day – I feel like I’ve been chained to the computer most of the day ---and I have been. I still haven’t updated the Quiltville.com website with the new book info – maybe it can wait til tomorrow?
I have to tell you, I have some pretty great friends. Last night I was pulling fabrics for a quilt, and low and behold, I did NOT have enough variety of lime greens – and I wanted batik.
When Lisa was over the other day she said she was willing to weed out her batik collection so I Facebooked her with a plea for green. ((Yeah, just did the “add to dictionary” thing with the word Facebooked….come on, folks, it is SO a verb!! LOL!))
If you ever want to belly laugh until the tears roll, just try speaking or writing to your friend in a medieval Olde English Shakespeare type drone!
It went something like this:
((And the girls involved will have to forgive me but this was just hilarious!))
It was even funnier when Karen joined in – poor thing, her basement got flooded and it’s been a HUGE mess and she can’t even get to her sewing stuff ---so when she said “I shall returneth now to my moat” I bust out laughing right there on the table at the chiropractor’s office where I was having electric stim therapy…LOL!
So what was that saying about “Getting old isn’t an option, but growing up is?!” I like life on the silly side!
I bring this up about great friends because after the chiropractor appoinment, I just pointed Shamu in the direction of Lisa’s abode ((minus the moat!)) and there on the front step was a zip lock baggie of green, just for me! Thank you Lisa --- I’m just wondering what your mail man thought of the very green bundle sitting there on the front door mat!
I swung by the sew & vac place to pick up Sophia --- who also had her foot pedal worked on. The guy loves vintage machines and even took time to tune up the foot pedal ---and I left him my Janome 6500 to tune up since it hasn’t been in the shop in 3 years. It’s time. I wonder if they would ever consider giving me the revolving machine plan? You know, I pick one up and drop off another and pick that one up and drop off another --- we can keep this going for quite a while with the machines I have!
On my way back I stopped at a local thrift store. You just NEVER know what you will find there, and I did find some old machines --- some cool ones, but I left them. They were far too broken to be used for much more than parts.
I still took pictures, they were cool to look at!
How about a very sleek white Kenmore with purple accents? No bobbin case, no spool pins, they were both broken or missing. The light makes it look yellow, but it was white white…..and the poor bobbin winder is broken beyond recognition. Too bad…because I really liked that purple!
It was a pretty paint job!
This heavy beast wasn’t workable either. The levers and knobs did not turn…but it is a very cool robin’s egg blue. It’s about the same age as my Marilyn –this one’s zig zag puts the needle in permanent left position too even for straight stitch – that was if we COULD get it working. I left it there. Someone somewhere might pick this up and get it going, but I’m not skilled that way --- I just want them to run when I get them.
Oh yeah, and the free Kindle book --- this one was a heads up by Leah who commented back on yesterday’s saying this author had another title for free:
Deep Voodoo by Stephanie Bond is free in the Amazon Kindle store:
Book Description:
When Deke Black is stabbed through the heart with a lawn stake, the secrets of Mojo, La., start bursting to the fore in this lively first of a new romantic mystery trilogy from Rita Award–winner Bond (Whole Lotta Trouble). Deke's ex, health-food store owner Penny Francisco, is the primary suspect.
Not only was she found at the scene of the crime holding the murder weapon but, at her divorce celebration, she stabbed a voodoo doll bearing Deke's likeness. The police are keen to pin the crime on Penny, and only sexy, junk-food-loving PI B.J. Beaumont may be able to keep her out of jail.
It's hard to sympathize with Penny, whose troubles often stem from her own stupidity, and harder still to believe that she could fall in love with B.J. while suspecting him of murder. Despite these flaws, Mojo and its zany, likable inhabitants—from a slutty, lawsuit-happy tanning-salon owner to a randy, 109-year-old woman into voodoo magic—form a solid foundation for future books in the series.
Enjoy! It’s supposed to be free just through May 31st so get it while you still can and double check before clicking that it’s still free for you!
Have a great evening!