I’m back tracking a bit.
With post after post after post during my 2 weeks in Florida of daily workshops, lectures and show and share, and a give away post, and flying from one part of the state to the other -
And winding up sick and at the doc-in-a-box twice ---some things just had to be saved until I returned home because I was already doing as many posts as I could do. On what time I had.
Plus. I was sick. Sicker than I’ve ever been in a long long time and let’s face it, sometimes you just can’t post it all.
When sick, it’s hard to sit there and edit down all the photos, write all the text, and post everything. On schedule.
I knew there would be time to make up for it this weekend.
And as I go back through these –I remember what an awesome time we had.
And I’m happy to see them all again!
These ladies were so much fun!
And just crazy enough to fit right in!
And the blocks! Oh, the blocks!
All of the colors – SO FLORIDA!
So, I present to you the long over due ((with very good reason)) slide show for our Virginia Bound workshop in Tampa! Thank you for your patience!
Click the image below if you are unable to view the slide show on your mobile device. You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.
Today --- rainy, foggy, clouds hanging low. I love how the view of the mountains change hour by hour, not just day by day.
The perfect day to curl up in my comfy chair and bind, baby bind! I finished stitching down a hanging sleeve on a quilt I’m sending in to Quiltmaker shortly. Just have the label to go on that one, and then on to the next.
These two I’m working on are for future publication so they are being kept a bit under the radar, but I am so happy to see them done! You’ll be seeing them in the future.
Tonight we’ve got 8 of us gathering for a dinner to celebrate the Hubster’s birthday this week.
With my oven out until last night it was decided that I would be responsible for rolls. Hahaha! I can do that!
Enjoy your Saturday, everyone!
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