
Saturday, May 10, 2014

iPhone-o-Gram! Hawk's Nest Day!

We are very busy making half square triangles at our hawks nest workshop with the Great Lakes heritage Quilters!

We've been so busy making triangles that this post is late in coming – 

We've been too busy sewing to post! 

It's my last Michigan workshop – I will be headed home tomorrow, just in time for Mother's Day dinner – 

Love from Bloomfield Hills – 


  1. Wish I was there. Funny how we change our minds about color once we see it. This quilt (LOVE the pattern) has all the colors I think I don't like, then when I see your sample, I think it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I gotta have it NOW. Minds are a funny thing, huh? Have fun!! Don't let anyone whine to you. haha

  2. lol Bonnie, I thought you were quilting with a bunch of Seattle Seahawk fans (the Hawk's Nest is the seating section at the north end of the stadium). But that is a beautiful block nonetheless.

  3. Happy Mother's Day Bonnie!

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