
Monday, January 06, 2014

Mystery Monday Link-Up, Part 6!

Cabin_Nov2013 027 (1)
 Here I was, trying out Celtic Solstice on the king bed at the cabin BEFORE adding the outer border.

I KNEW the quilt was going to shrink a few inches in all directions with the quilting –and it was going to end up too short if I didn’t do something with the last border….so at this point I made the executive decision to add 3-1/2” strips all the way around, adding a 6” total to the length and width of the quilt…It’s what the quilt needed!

But BOY is it a monster!  I  am used to Full/Queen size quilts – that’s pretty much the standard size that comes out of my machine ---but this quilt had a purpose.  And it’s a beast.  It may be a long while before I attempt a REAL king size quilt again!

This is the first Link-Up after our reveal Jan 1st ---were you surprised? We released it just after midnight East Coast time…so that was only 9pm on New Year’s Eve on the west coast!

I wonder if anyone has any completed blocks to share at all – I’m hoping so!

Don’t worry about how far you are, just share what you’ve got!

Let's Link Up!

If you have never participated in a Link-Up before, the first thing I want you to do is to read the entire tutorial I wrote about Link-Ups HERE so you can know a few things before you dive in head first.

There is a lot of good information there that will help you understand things like WHY we need the address or URL of your individual specific post, not just your main blog address.  It will show you how to FIND the correct URL and link it correctly.

Remember, if you link to your main blog, and not the specific post I will have to delete your entry and have you try again because I can’t fix it for you.

To find the URL for the specific post, go to your blog and click on the title of the post you want to link.  Look in the address bar at the top of your browser.  The address of your post should end in .html  NOT .com!

PLEASE LEAVE OFF the http:// part at the beginning of your blog address when you fill in your info below . The form auto-adds that for you.   If I were linking, my address would start with Quiltville.blogspot.com/, not http://Quiltville.blogspot.com/

*NOTE* Your blog address does NOT include the @ symbol!  That's for email addresses only, and that won't work in the linky either!

Your blog must be view-able to ALL, not just a handful of people that you have invited.  If your blog is private, please don't link up.  It's frustrating to those who click to view and are told they can't.

You can link ANY progress of ANY step on any of the Link-Ups.  For instance, if we are on a Link-Up for part 4 – and you are just on part 1, you can still link that.  Just SHARE where you are!

In your post – PLEASE include a link back to THIS POST http://quiltville.blogspot.com/2014/01/mystery-monday-link-up-part-6.html  not just to Quiltville.blogspot.com.  I post more than once a day, so if someone clicks a link on your page to just my main address – they likely won’t find the link-up. That will only take them to the most recent post on the blog.  They won't find any of the other links that people have taken time to place on this page.  It will be a dead end street for them.


Make your links (Both yours and mine) post specific.

New links can be added until Sunday, Jan 12th at 11:55pm EST.

We'll do a final link up on Monday, February 3rd!

Have at it, Peeps!  I’m anxious to see what you've been up to!

Please link to your specific post below!  Please include a link back to me somewhere within your post.  Thank You!

(Linkup closed)

Or use the new Add link method ?

(Submissions close in 6d 15h 49m)
Link tool by inlinkz.com

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!


  1. Thanks Bonnie - another great Mystery Quilt, it has been great fun to do.

  2. Thanks Bonnie for a very fun mystery. This was my first and it's been great fun.

  3. Thanks Bonnie for the great mystery. I'm not even close to being done. Can't wait to start sewing again when I get home. Everyone's quilts look amazing.

    Wendy Alliston, Ontario

  4. love this pattern; it's one of those that demands high contrast to get the full effect of the points...

  5. Your quilt looks lovely! All the quilts are stunning! I always thought a Queen size quilt in the USA was bigger than a King size? A King sized bed in the UK is 5 feet wide as opposed to a double bed - which is 4 feet 6 inches. What size are your beds???? Lynne.

  6. I didn't participate in the Celtic Soltice Quilt Along but I have absolutely loved seeing all these posts and will just have to make one for myself in the near future! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  7. Well done everyone. It is so nice to look at all the different colours.
    Thanks Bonnie.

  8. Anonymous8:58 AM EST

    I have been stickingw this quilt, I love it, thanks.
    Keep your quilt as is and just add a dust ruffle to cover the bed frame. Move on to your next project.
    Jayne Coale jalocoa@msn.come

  9. As my first machine pieced quilt I found the experienced quite nerve racking and wondering whether all the pieces would fit. But each bit worked out fine and I have a completed top to quilt. Thanks Bonnie.

  10. Thank you Bonnie for such a wonderful gift to us all. I am really behind on the quilt so no pictures of any finished blocks. But I love it and hope that things settle down around here next week and I can get some serious sewing time in. I have a lot of the parts done so apart from the chevrons will only have to sew them together. Love this quilt. :)

  11. Thank you Bonnie, I've learnt so much in the last month quilting along with everyone.
    I would like to put the badge on my blog with a link to the clues, but, for some reason, it doesn't appear. Perhaps someone can tell me how.

  12. GLORIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL - see one and then others and I am in a daze! They are each wonderful in color and design.

    Keep up the good work - and just think any of the piecing was done during the HOLIDAYS.... that makes them WOWfully great.

    Thumbs up

  13. SEW many beautiful and wonderful quilts! Love all the different color combinations-magnificent pattern. Going to have to go play with my pieces and get them into some semblance of blocks-still have to make the chevrons and put the blue HST's on the other half-work took over my life the last 2 weeks. But we are snowed in in NE Indiana with a -11 temp and wind chill of -50.....sewing time! Stay safe, everyone, in this frigid weather!

  14. Anonymous11:53 AM EST

    I love always looking at what everyone is doing but MY fav. part is looking first as what machines all are sewing on. I just LOVE sewing machines esp. the newer brands.

  15. What a great variety of color choice. Each one is unique different and wonderful. Good work ladies!

  16. So many beautiful quilts - I am impressed at how much people have accomplished. Congratulations all.

  17. thanks Bonnie.
    Mine is #60, I wonder if you can recognize why my top is different?
    Bente in Germany

  18. Anonymous4:42 PM EST

    At my guild we call this size quilts "BAQs." Big A_ _ Quilts!

  19. wow, what a stunning display of quilts, doesn't it change the look when the chevrons point inwards, it never ceases to amaze me how the effect changes with colour choices too, what a clever bunch of people we quilters are, well done Bonnie for a fabulous design, mine will be a lap quilt for my dads 83rd birthday in april, Deb M, QLD Aus

  20. Thank you Bonnie for another beautiful quilt! I am way behind in making mine, but continue to have fun, sewing when I can.


  21. Hello Bonnie,

    Aren't they all fabulous?! You must have a proper look at Denise in Italy, number 80. She accidentally tried out a variation for you. It looks just as good!


  22. Bonnie-I am # 128 in the first group-the one with the red x next to it. I had written the blog post in 2 parts and had linked back to the link up but didn't save the changes-they are saved now. I am going to love finishing this quilt-I was waiting for the reveal to see how big I was going to make it. I have some deadlines I need to meet but then I am going to jump back in. Thank you for the great tutorials and the beautiful pattern.

  23. I am just finding this quilt along after seeing some projects pop up on blogs. What a neat design! I lve how beautiful in all the different colors chosen. Great pattern!

  24. I can't seem to link today. I kept getting sent to this blank page - http://www.inlinkz.com/uploadFile.php. Will try again another day.
    Laura Speer Arkansas


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