
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Come to England With Me!

Details are coming together for our trip to England in August!

We will be enjoying several days in London, then on to beautiful Bath ---and then taking in the sights at Stratford Upon Avon, followed by BIRMINGHAM where we will be  spending time at the International Quilt Festival of Birmingham!

I’ve always wanted to go to England – this will be my first trip, wanna join me??

Our intinerary is as follows:

Friday, August 1st
Our adventure begins with an evening flight departing from NEW YORK to LONDON. Dinner will be served on board the plane.

Saturday, August 2nd
This morning before the plane arrives at the London Heathrow Airport; a light breakfast snack will be served. We will pass through customs, collect our luggage and meet our driver and Sew Many Places tour escort, Jim West who will take us on a PANORAMIC TOUR OF LONDON. We will drive past many recognizable sights like the Tower of London, Harrods Department Store, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace,Piccadilly Circus, Temple Station, Notting Hill, London Bridge, Westminster Abbey,Downing Street, the West End, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square and more.

There will be time to stop and enjoy lunch on our own before driving to our first class hotel. We will check into our hotel in the middle of the afternoon where we will unpack and relax. Tonight, we will all enjoy a special “welcome dinner,” and have an opportunity to meet our fellow travelers. The remainder of the evening is at your leisure.

Sunday, August 3rd
This morning, following breakfast, we will visit the famous VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM, where we will have an opportunity to view their outstanding collection of patchwork quilts and tapestries. A private curator from the museum will provide an extraordinary tour for our group. The afternoon and evening are free to enjoy at your leisure to enjoy London on your own.

Monday, August 4th Today you have the entire day to enjoy London on your own. You may opt to visit museums, shop in the famous Harrods Department Store or in some of the fabulous shops and markets around the city, or you may even opt to see a show in the West End! Whatever you decide to do, enjoy your day and evening in this fabulous city!

Tuesday, August 5th
Today, following breakfast, we will check out of our hotel and drive to the bustling city of BATH. Along the way we will see STONEHENGE, the most famous standing-circle stones in the world. There will be a brief stop for photographs and then continue on our way. We will arrive in the town of Bath where we will check into our first class hotel and unpack. Tonight we will enjoy dinner at our hotel and retire for the evening.

Wednesday, August 6th
This morning following a delicious breakfast, we will enjoy a panoramic tour of the city. Following the tour, we will drive to the American Museum, which houses American woven coverlets, Navajo weaving and an extensive array of quilts. There will be time to enjoy a tour of the museum and lunch on our own. The museum also has a lovely little gift shop where you can purchase some unique gifts. We will return to our hotel later in the afternoon and the remainder of the evening is at your leisure.

Thursday, August 7th
Following breakfast this morning, we will check out of our hotel and drive northeast through the COTSWOLDS, stopping in the village of STOW ON THE WOLD. It is a charming and picturesque little place with great restaurants, shops and a lovely setting. We will continue on our way until we reach the quaint town of STRATFORD UPON AVON, the home to William Shakespeare. We will check-in to our hotel and settle in for the afternoon and evening. Tonight we will all enjoy dinner together at our hotel.

Friday, August 8th
Today you will have time to explore this historic town on your own. For those who might be interested, we are offering an “optional” tour to see the extraordinary Warwick Castle. Once at the castle you will enjoy a tour and time for lunch and shopping before returning to our hotel. (Cost of this “Optional” tour is €48.00. Enjoy your day whatever you decide to do.

Saturday, August 9th
This morning, following breakfast, we will check out of our hotel and drive to the beautiful city of BIRMINGHAM. Upon our arrival we will check into our first class hotel and settle in for the remainder of the day. This afternoon you may opt to visit the FESTIVAL OF QUILTS exhibition that will be taking place near our hotel.

Sunday, August 10th
This morning, following breakfast, we will visit the N.E.C. Exhibition Center and attend the FESTIVAL OF QUILTS. You will have the entire day to explore the largest quilt gala ever staged in the United Kingdom! There’s so much to enjoy, from the competition displays as well as galleries featuring the work of individual artists, along with priceless historic pieces brought together from throughout the world. It is a full day of quilting fun at your leisure. Enjoy your day! Tonight we will all gather for a very special “farewell dinner” as we bring our exciting tour of England to an end.

Monday, August 11th
This morning we will check out of our hotel and transfer to the Birmingham Airport where we will board our plane, taking us back to NEW YORK. Lunch will be served on board the plane. 

Email info@sewmanyplaces.com for more info!  You can also call toll free: (877)887-1188 and talk to someone live and in person to answer your questions.
Click HERE to visit my tour page on the Sew Many Places website.  I’ve also placed an England 2014 tab at the top of the blog for easy quick reference!
You've enjoyed my photo tours as I have traveled – wouldn't you like to come with me?  It’s going to be a grand time!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!


  1. Warwick Castle is lovely.

  2. Hey Bonnie - this trip sounds wonderful and I wish I could come. It would even be a birthday trip for me :-).

    That said - you have your days & dates wrong. August 1, 2014 is a Friday, not a Thursday!

  3. Anonymous9:05 AM EST

    Hi Bonnie, What a great trip. I have been to England a couple of times and loved it. My brother and his family live there as well. Unfortunately it is financially way out of my budget (even if I wanted to spend my birthday there!) I hope you have a fabulous time. Take lots of pictures.

  4. Glad to see that you will be going to the V & A, a wonderful museum with some amazing quilts :)

  5. Oh Bonnie,

    This is too perfect! I have to figure this one out.

    Stacey in NC

  6. Ohhh,I wanna go! I will have to see what I can arrange!

  7. Hi Bonnie, Wonderful that you are visiting our Festival of Quilts - will there be any time for you to meet some of your many British fans. I do hope so. valerie.boudier@ntlworld.com

  8. Wow - great to see you are heading to our neck of the woods. I hope to see you at the Festival of Quilts - maybe I will get my act together and show one of your Mysteries!

  9. Have a great trip...we are headed to Ireland in April with Jim west...hmmm??wonder if I can get my DH overseas twice in a few months!

  10. Warwick Castle is well worth a visit as are the Roman Baths in Bath if there is time in your schedule. The V&A 'behinds the scenes' quilt collection is quite something too.
    I do hope that there will be a chance for us 'local' fans to meet you at the NEC

  11. Bonnie - THIS is the ONE place I would truly love to revisit many more times. England is a beautiful a place as you think it will be.

    LOVE THE BRITS too ....they are super folks

  12. Carol A.1:52 PM EST

    Oh, I'd love to go and bring my husband with me, but we don't have the funds, plus we have three pets and no one to take care of them...my husband's been around the world twice (former military) and says England is really nice. I'd love for him to be able to go back. I hope everyone who goes has a great time!

  13. I've been to London twice. LOVED IT and the people, too! The second time, we drove up to Yorkshire and visited Chatsworth House, which has been featured lately on PBS. The countryside looks exactly like those beautiful paintings, too. Wish I could go again!

  14. Hello Bonnie,

    I will come and see you in Bath it's a date!

    Looking forward to seeing this?



  15. PS. Whoever has told you that Birmingham is beautiful needs to wash their mouth out with soap and water. Fantastic art gallery though, packed with gorgeous pre-Raphaelite paintings...

  16. Yea!! You will be here in Bath on my birthday!

  17. I would love to go, but sadly I cannot afford to. I have a feeling the laughter would not stop until we got back home! My family's ancestry goes back to Warwick and would give anything to visit. Enjoy the trip and post lots!

  18. I would love to come with you, need to talk to my hubby. We went to Germany & Ireland 1 1/2 years ago and while he loved it he says no more flying so I need to go with a group if I want to do more overseas travel(which I do). This also happens to be on my Birthday so let the planning begin LOL

  19. I've never heard of Birmingham being described as 'beautiful' before! However, the Festival of Quilts is well worth a visit. Enjoy :)

  20. It's a shame you will not be coming to Glastonbury (not far from Bath)and climbing the Tor, you could come for a cup of tea at my house :-D
    I'm sure you will love our little country and I know you will love the American museum!Don't forget to have a play on the quilt designer, where you finished design is beamed onto the floor in front of you, in full colour!

  21. Do you have a limit on the size of the group?

  22. So... I'm in Spain. If I come to birmingham / the festival of quilts, will I be able to meet you?

  23. Hello Miss Linny,

    I come from Wolverhampton. Equally unique.

  24. Anonymous5:06 AM EST

    Clara, Comparing this trip to the
    cruise I think I'll wait for the
    cruise. This one is way out of my budget. Plus there's no sewing
    on this bummer.

  25. Anonymous11:50 AM EST

    Although England is internationally known and regularly visited by its great capital, London, the truth is that the country has many other destinations that are worth visiting. In this sense, and even if we are not accustomed to seeing it in this way, the island of England has plenty of coastal towns and cities that promise a perfect holiday of Sun and beach in lovely, full of tranquillity and good atmosphere environments at the same time. Find out more at our website.


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