I know you are expecting more cruise stuff this morning.
I’ve decided to post that this evening….but since I am home…there is something I really need to do.
I’ve been on the road for nearly 3 weeks….living out of two suitcases.
I had limited amount of space in my cabin on the ship, with a limited amount of THINGS.
And you know what? I got on just fine!
It seems that I go through the year obtaining ---mostly fabric and quilting stuff, but also things like souvenir Tshirts, tote bags! Oh the tote bags!
((They might be good for SOMETHING at some point so I keep them…..I’m buried in them!))
It seems when I get home that work stuff still takes precedence. I even have house cleaners come twice a month to help me with keeping bathrooms clean, floors washed, etc ---heaven knows that there is enough work to catch up on when I get home before flying out again that I don’t have time to do more than the basics.
But there is STUFF. LURKING.
Hiding behind closed doors. In closets, in drawers….some of it is even neatly arranged, but it is still too much stuff, and stuff that I am not using.
This was my catalyst:
My new master bath is done!
It’s taken a while….small tiny master bath ((But I’d rather have a large sewing space than a large bathroom any day!)) We started by replacing the old tub with the new walk in shower. What a wonderful creation!
New flooring! New TALL toilet and vanity, and a new medicine cabinet that replaced the plain flat 1970s mirror on the wall.
New rugs and towels will be coming soon!
I love the vinyl floor…
The old floor was 12” squares in a very narrow space which just doesn’t look right..you get 1.5 squares across a narrow bathroom and it looks odd somehow. These are 6” and look much better!
Best tall toilet ever!
Look ma, no contours! It’s got straight sides so there is nowhere for dust and dirt to settle. I always hated that part of washing a bathroom, the base of the toilet and around the bolt knobs and covers. This is great!
Lighted vanity with storage space!
This got rid of ALL the stuff that used to hang out on my bathroom counter. Very few things are left there now. ((And I will put away the curling iron when it cools down!))
Back to the catalyst.. .When the OLD vanity came out…so did all the STUFF from under the sink, in all the drawers…ridiculous!
And when I didn’t want to put it back into my nice new bathroom, where did it end up?
It had no where to go, and I didn’t have time to sort it so here it ended up in the linen closet. It’s HORRIBLE in here! I have put off cleaning it out because it takes too much time and I have other deadlines that are more pressing. SO I ignore it.
And yet every time I open that door to put away clean towels, or get out pillow cases I’m faced with THIS:
I’ve got to do something, but it can’t take all day. It can’t even take an HOUR. I want to give it 5 minutes here…and 5 minutes there….
5 minutes a day can accomplish a lot! And you can go more than 5 minutes if you want to, but you have to start somewhere and 5 minutes is better than none.
So I’m issuing a challenge. Nothing to sign up for, nothing to report, just on your own determination and willingness to make things better!
My goal is to PURGE, not just reorganize. So I’ll be checking expiration dates on medications. I’ll be ditching old perfumes that have gone bad, nail polishes I’m not going to use….it GOES.
One box to donate, one box to toss.
Set the kitchen timer and go for it.
5 minutes.
Are you in?
Let’s PURGE!!
I'm in !! I really need to do this, the stuff that I "might need" is going. Thanks for the challenge.
ReplyDeleteI'm in. Woke up at 2:30 this morning. Saw the mess of fabrics I had in our guest room, started to sort through what went to scrap stash and what was yardage. 2 hours later, not only was the bed cleared of fabric, but all the fabric in my cabinets was pulled out, sorted by color, refolded, and placed back neatly in the cabinet.
ReplyDeleteI'm in!
ReplyDeleteI've pretty much come to the same conclusions. My bathroom is lean and uncluttered. But the rest of house -- oh, my! I think that working in short bursts would work best for me too. So I'm in.
ReplyDeleteI'm in. Thanks for doing this. I need to declutter.
ReplyDeleteLove it! I have been doing the same thing because we acquired a tiny "second home" and I've been going through everything in our bigger house, transferring some to the new place, reorganizing, and purging. By the way, you will LOVE the taller stool. Best thing ever for my sore knees.
ReplyDeleteI'm in! Thanks for the nudge.
ReplyDeleteI'm in! I have been feeling the same way and your idea of turning on a timer is great!! It will make me buckle down and deal with it without feeling like I have to sacrifice my whole day. I love it! And I love your drawing! But I'm going to keep my Twinkies, haha 😃
Magistra13 at yahoo dot com
That is so funny to read this this morning, that is what I was doing til 2 this morning, decluttering. It takes time but such a good feeling when it's done.
ReplyDeleteSewing Susan.:)
Go for it Bonnie! I de-clutter at least once or twice a year to keep control on the amount of stuff in my house. It feels so good and it is so much easier to find and use things.
ReplyDeleteI feel that way every time I come home from a vacation or smaller trip. After doing just fine living out of a couple suitcases, I come home and wonder why I 'need' to have so much stuff. The first thing that came to my mind last night when I walked in my door after a 7 day trip was, "I have way to much junk." This morning I put a load of clothes in the washer then immediately saw a few things I could get rid of.
ReplyDeleteOmg Bonnie!! Not only have you inspired me to finish 4 ufos before mystery quilt begins, now i am going to declutter. There will be nothing but happy sewing time come the end of November! Yayyyyy!!
ReplyDeleteI moved to a new house last summer after living in the old house for 41 years. I did lots of purging before and after the move. I still have a basement full of boxes and totes to unpack but it gets easier to get rid of "stuff" when you don't want to clutter a new space.
ReplyDeleteDecluttered 3 days ago my bathroom cupboard because my husband wanted vaseline and I haven't seen that in years so I offered Bag Balm. I threw away old lotions, shave creams, other items I had no idea why I bought them and found 3 boxes of bandaids, a lost earring and other unmentionables that I no longer need. If we all did 1 cupboard a week just think how clean and organized we would be by the end of the year. The bonus would be the awesome inner gratification we would have from our purge. I, also, challenge everyone to do the same so when the cold weather hits we can feel peace sitting in our sewing rooms knowing we have clean and organized cupboards.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea! You need to make yourself a curling iron cover. It's a bag you can put your hot iron in and put it away in your drawer (or suitcase). It's a fantastic invention.
ReplyDeleteI've been doing one kitchen cabinet a day.... it's amazing how many beautiful bowls I have...and we usually just lift our food directly on to the plates now from the cooking pot LOL.... Hard to part with them, especially ones from my Grandma.... Today's cabinet has extra mugs & little glass dessert dishes.... thanks for the inspiration...but not before I finish my first coffee!
ReplyDeleteFor some reason my bathroom counter bugged me last night (probably because my cabin mate and I kept the one on the ship cleared) so I went at it and got it spiffed up. Was a nice thing to wake up to this morning!
ReplyDeleteSo funny to read this since last week I came to the same conclusion! I time myself for 15 minutes and then stop and go on to something else that I don't need to be coaxed into! The decluttering has really been happening with these little 15 minute spurts!! And I reward myself by quilting a while!!! Win-win!!
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to get my closets and kitchen cupboards de-cluttered. They're looking good but all the stuff that didn't go back in is still sitting around in boxes - really have to sort and pitch that. Next comes my sewing room! By the way, could you share the model of your new toilet? We really need to get a new, elevated one here.
ReplyDeleteI did out the cupboards and drawers in both of our bathrooms a few months ago. I was ruthless with what I got rid of ( took a lot of out of date medicines back to the pharmacy for safe disposal) and they are still lovely and tidy. I even have spaces on shelves! Now I need to tackle the cupboard under the kitchen sink and under the sink in the laundry. Setting a time limit works for me too. Good luck with your project, Bonnie.
ReplyDeleteYou are such a hero to all the quilters in the world. You have to be the most organized woman and quilter.
ReplyDeleteI need a tall toilet too.
I'm with you! I was doing a lot of decluttering before the cruise and I am back at it. Today I tackle the pile of bolt ends, etc. on the shop cutting table. Yes I have clutter in the shop too!!!
ReplyDeletewe have an RV and enjoy a fire while "camping". We needed something to pick up the down wood while walking in the day to use as firewood as hauling it in your arms got uncomfortable and awkward. The solution? Those tote bags! I split the sides and just zig-zagged the sides. Worked so well my husband had me make some for him to give his dad.
ReplyDeleteyour timing on this post was great. I just did the purge of my bathroom linen closet shelves last week. I had the same type of clutter overflowing the baskets. Now I need to purge/organize a couple of messy areas in my sewing room.
ReplyDeleteI have a linen closet just like that only different "stuff." Thanks for getting us moving. Then on to my sewing room and projects that will never get started.
ReplyDeleteHello Bonnie - WELCOME BACK!! We ALL need a helping hand once in a while. Don' you agree, when we are living in it things don't bother us as much until we have been away from it (a closet, a room, etc). Here is a great website that you may enjoy. Do it on a Dime. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVB0TCC6VEQ&list=UUJA8OyDxRY-wm0ya2gtHOsw Kathryn has an infectious personality and can keep anyone motivated. Don't over do it, save time for the thing you love the most, and THANK YOU SO MUCH for continually sharing yourself with others. Penny
ReplyDeleteDid this in my pantry the other night and my 17 year old said it feels so good to purge. At least I have her started off on the right foot.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea! I need to downsize from 2000 sq. ft to 1000 sq. ft. in the spring, so no better time to start then NOW! Thanks for the push!
ReplyDeleteI am doing that with a ton of polyester fabric I've accumulated. I'm cutting it into 22 inch squares to make backs for the poly tops I have. Just started so not sure how it will turn out. I have 3 barrels :-{ to go thru. any scraps will be burned as I know no one who wants any of it and way too much for me.
ReplyDeleteHere is a test to see if you can let go. Take out a junk drawer and without looking in it, toss the contents in the trash and leave it in the trash. Save your loved ones the trouble of getting rid of it the exact same way after you are gone.
ReplyDeleteI have turned all the coathangers in my wardrobe the 'wrong' way, when I wear something the hanger faces the 'right' way, @ seasons end I'll declutter -- with no excuses, so far (after ~ 2 months) I wear the same things, - it's an interesting exercise, have fun decluttering, Deb M
ReplyDeleteI would be very interested to know the brand and model number and where to purchase that Tall Toilet! I keep saying, when you are tall and getting older, you need a taller toilet! I love that yours doesn't have those spots at the bottom that can get icky!!! Please give details!!!
ReplyDeleteI know I keep a lot of STUFF. But DH is even worse. Today he wanted help changing the tractor over from grass cutting to snow. While he was doing that I had to move stuff out of the way so he could even get the tractor out of garage! Seriously! So I moved a few more things closer to the wall. Then it was hey do you want this? 2 hours later he was done, and I had managed to fill up a trash can w stuff, moved what he wanted BACK into the garage.... More than 5 min, but I'm OK w that.
ReplyDeleteNow why didn't I think of that ~ just 5 min! I'm inspired! I'm in & starting now!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the fact that some of your shelves look just like mine! I'm working on purging and doing better keeping tidied areas tidy. Sometimes I make it my goal to just leave every area looking a little better as I move through the house during the day.
ReplyDelete846I am in I think I need this nudge to help me get going. I can handle 5min. Thanks
ReplyDeleteYears ago I heard the general rule for reorganizing is to sort things into one of 3 categories; put away, give away or throw away. Simple and effective.
ReplyDeleteVirginia (your look alike)
Clearbrook, MN
I love it!! I have the same toilet and will never own another one with all those contours. Yay for LOWES. Linen closet - I upgraded my storage to "tall as will fit" on the shelf bins with lids and labeled them. I did the same purging when I moved in with my new hubby! Even the sheets got a bin, and they get put away in sets; stored in the pillowcase. Over time there are things collecting on the shelves, and it does need another going over, but in general; the bins keep the stuff contained, and the lids are a blessing. When I do the purging; EVERYTHING comes out, and I bring out the big kitchen wastebasket to stand ready to receive! Enjoy the pared down feeling. It is FREEING !! :) Ps..welcome home.
ReplyDeleteOh my... I got the purge bug about two weeks ago. Said "this is enough". Three loads of 'eclectic' stuff from shed, garage and attic went to auction, several things to the consignment shop and more to Salvation Army. Tomorrow, some free stuff I put on Craig's list is being picked up. I'm saving cleaning my sewing stash room last... now that might hurt. ha
ReplyDeleteI am so in! I was home from work today to spend Veteran's Day with my Hubby and ended up with some free time to tackle part of the garage clutter. It's a start! Need to keep up the "Five Minutes' every day.
ReplyDeleteI had a cleaning moment over the weekend. I was uploading a lot of photos which took waay too much time. To fill the time waiting I tackled putting away scraps I was using for a foundation pieced project which was finished. It took more than 5 minutes to sort out the colors and put them away in their proper place but I was quite pleased that it didn't take as much time as I had feared.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I remember from the "no more clutter" books is that if you clean up a drawer or a shelf, try to get rid of at least three items.
I'm in but I make mine 18 minutes as there are some days I can't do it. Thanks for the nudge! You should see my hall linen closet! Barby MH
ReplyDeleteWe are moving in less than two week. I don't want to take the "stuff" to our new place!
I'm in too, but first I have to bake 3 doz. cookies for the fundraiser, finish another UFO,...get it?
ReplyDeleteI've been doing that this week, taking a few minutes here and there, picking up something and putting it away or tossing out. Ready to do some more.
ReplyDeleteI hear you Bonnie!!! I have and continue to want to "simplify" my life and that means living with less STUFF and enjoying more time doing what I love - quilting and spending time with family. I have a double closet and had someone put in a large linen closet with its own doors which takes up about 1/3 of the closet - that cleaned up a lot of extras. Love reading your blog everyday.. Maria
ReplyDeleteCheck out A Bowlful of Lemons 31 day purge for ideas and a schedule -- they sent me into spaces I would not have thought to purge!! http://www.abowlfulloflemons.net
ReplyDeleteI'm in! Changing cable companies on Friday. So I had to clean out a place in front of televisions sets. Get rid of the clutter.You can see the floor. Yahoo! I dreamed last night about if I just took a few minutes each day my house would look better. I heard anything that had not been used in 6 months trash it. there is a exception to this rule. Fabric and yarn and quilt books. lol
ReplyDeleteI'm in! Changing cable companies on Friday. So I had to clean out a place in front of televisions sets. Get rid of the clutter.You can see the floor. Yahoo! I dreamed last night about if I just took a few minutes each day my house would look better. I heard anything that had not been used in 6 months trash it. there is a exception to this rule. Fabric and yarn and quilt books. lol
ReplyDeleteI use all my random totes for grocery shopping. If you have tote bags that you no longer want, you could donate them to the Green Bag Lady project. She has groups across the US too. Or if they are quilt related you could have a giveaway :D
or she is also on facebook