Kitchen Tool Bouquet.
Oh how I love thee!
I love thee for thy boundless convenience.
Thou decoratest my kitchen with thy vintage charm!
Thou dost masterfully keep my drawer free from utensil clutter!
Thou keepest my necessary tools so close at hand, a helpmate to keeping my family fed.
Thou art a boon to my homemakerness!
But alas, woe unto thee, oh treasured kitchen companion.
Thou also art a great collector of dust and grease and grime due to thy close proximity to the burners of electric fire on my modern cook top.
Forsooth! Thou art tall and portly and there within hidest many treasures of shorter stature!
Namely….what petite tools of great worth art hiding down in thy deepest depths?
We shall PURGE thee forthwith and findeth out!
((Okay…are you giggling yet? I’ve been reading too much Quaker-speak in the latest Diana Gabaldon novel!))
This was my first 5 minute Power Purge of the day while I simply waited for my tea to steep and cool down just a bit.
It wasn’t as bad as I thought in there, but I really need only SO MANY slotted spoons. Or SO MANY serving spoons. Half is going to the cabin. I made quick work of this chore, also washing the old graniteware coffee pot all the utensils are housed in and dried it to a well worn luster!
Car Appointment, Anyone?
I spent nearly 2 hours at the car dealership getting Shamu her check up. All is well, but the poor girl is getting up there in miles for a 3 1/2 year old. 57,000! I know it would be worse if I were driving these trips instead of flying them. So I’m grateul the flying trips give my beloved Shamu a breather and keep her mileage as low as possible. She’s good to go until next time!

As for me, I’m working on fill in unit #4 of 6. I showed a photo of how things are coming together just this past weekend on facebook and instagram, but I don’t think it made it to the blog. 2 are on, 1 is partially on and the 4th is in progress. I should finish the stitching on over Thanksgiving week…or that’s the plan along with about a dozen quilts that need binding!
This evening’s 45 minute Purge Finish!
I was actually going to tackle just one drawer a day…but there are 6 drawers and two side wing doors to deal with. We would be here FOREVER just for this one cabinet, and so I pushed through it while watching an episode of “Reckless” on Netflix. Done done done! I tossed a bunch of junk costume jewelry, detangled some chains, found matches to earring sets…and marveled at some of the things I could swear I’d never seen before, wouldn’t be caught dead wearing, and had no idea how they got here!
It’s DONE! And in case you worry about me showing “jewelry” online….thinking people will come to rob me blind. Or if you are someone who thinks YOU now have an opportunity to rob me blind…..think again! 99.9% of this is JUNQUE! Costume. Fun. Stuff. The other .1% that is not junque? I am wearing it and you will not be able to get it off me. So there.
Besides, anyone who knows me knows that I value my vintage machines and my fabrics much more than I would ever value something that does nothing but hang around my neck, wrist, or finger doing nothing. So there again.
Have you done your Power Purge for the day? Comment below and let us know what you cleaned out – it just may inspire us all to tackle that area too!
Sneak Preview!
Look what’s coming!!
Volume 10 of Quiltmaker Magazine’s 100 blocks hit the news stands today! Have you got your copy? If not – stay tuned you just might win one! Check out Quiltmaker Magazine’s website and Quilty Pleasures blog to follow the blog hop and register for prizes through the week. My turn on the blog hop is THURSDAY! You won’t want to miss it!
Have a great evening everyone! I’m Indiana bound in the morning EARLY!
Bonnie, You inspired me and Power Purged all my kitchen utensil drawers, and cleaned my walk in Pantry yesterday! The pantry was a 4 hour job, and I try to do this every six months so I can rotate, throw out expired, and in general restock some food items and think about why do I have three large bags of brown rice? Your Toyota should last you for many, many more thousands of miles with regular upkeep and oil changes. The seats will wear out before the motor!
ReplyDeleteBonnie since you did the power purge I've done the linen closet, my sunroom baskets, bathroom vanity, and the closet in my daughters room/guess room, but had to do that because I needed the room to hang her wedding dress we bought last Friday.
ReplyDeleteAmazing what is hiding in boxes, baskets and rubbermaid totes.
Took all the winter hats,mitts, and scarfs washed them , tossed some and will donate some and put them into the front closet.
You inspired me to power surge.
Thanks Bonnie.
Today I purged my blue jeans! Like everyone else I wear 20% of my stuff more than 80% of the time! OK so it was a tiny step but I went a little farther grabbed half dozen tops and 2 dresses and put it all in a bag. Then I went into the linen/personal grooming storage closet and grabbed all the little hotel soaps, shampoos and lotions along with toothbrushes from the dentist and put them in a bag. Then miraculously I put it all in the car and donated it. Gone forever!! It feels so good.
ReplyDeleteI got 2 copies of the Volume 10 just because. One to keep with my collection and one to drool over. I picked right about which block was yours on the cover. I'd take another one if I happen to WIN it on the Blog tour. The Blog tour is taking up my sewing/purging time. I need to Purge my Fridge so I can leave for Thanksgiving. It might take a little more than 5 minutes. My Purse needs to be purged also!
ReplyDeleteI am sure you get alot of people who are genuinely concerned when you post things about showing your purging of jewelry on-line. I think you handle these comments better than I would. It reminds me of someone who asked Rachel Ray about throwing salt over her shoulder when she cooks. A superstition she has and it is almost second nature. She responded that there was someone who cleaned the floor in the studio so they shouldn't be worried. :-) Thank you for sharing your purges. They are inspiring Just not yet enough for me to tackle any. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm having family/friends for Thanksgiving and realized the inside of my fridge was just plain gross. I spent 2 hours cleaning it out today. Pitched all the expired stuff and CLEANED every inch of that baby. Looks great now!
ReplyDeletethou dost inspire me to speak my ancestors language..I musr also attend my kitchen boquets. alas though I didst not purge today...i completed a flimsy
ReplyDeletetablerunner which I wilst sandwich and quilt..for my brothersThanksgiving table.
thank you for your inspiration in all things.
I dumped all the contents from 3 cannisters (it was truly out of date because I don't bake much anymore). Washed and dried them and made them all shiny again. Ready to start over. Thank you, Bonnie. Oh, on another note I de-boned my first two shirts from Goodwill. It worked great and I have some new neutrals. Hooray!!
ReplyDeleteI took a vacation today from the purge. I quilted a lap quilt on my Avante instead! Tomorrow the donation people come to pick up the rather large pile I have for them in my dining room. I am loving all the open space that I have made to feel the creative juices flowing!
ReplyDeleteForsooth! Thou hath inspired many to purge. Thou hast also given me the best laugh I've had today. Keepeth thou up the good work!
ReplyDeleteMyrna in KY
For those tossing junk jewelry, consider giving those pieces to a Women's Shelter....even if you don't think they are worthy, it may be just the thing for someone who has nothing...and if it isn't the thing for the grown women, just think of the fun that the little girls could have with it! I took care of an older lady one time and she threw away all her costume jewelry (in the trash!) before she died and I still think of the waste of that and the pleasure those pieces could have brought to a little girl!
I only threw away earrings with no matches and stuff so badly tarnished that it wasn't worth saving. Seriously. Even a homeless person wouldn't want this stuff! Anything decent gets donated.
ReplyDeleteLoL!!I busted a gut reading your kitchen poem/ode to your utensils..oh Bonnie, that was good....DH & I are working on cleaning & purging the whole basement...I'll be moving my sewing room down there when he's done making alterations to the electrical & lighting. Happy, Happy.
ReplyDeleteThis purging thing is great, only committing to 5 min. is great I am amazed at what I can accomplish in 5 min
ReplyDeleteYou are moving along on the de junk stuff.... I am going to stand in the kitchen next and do a few..... tomorrow I will stop by the bookstore to see if they have the new #10 I do enjoy that publication. Happy Tuesday night.
ReplyDeleteI got my copy of 100 Blocks yesterday. Nope, haven't been bitten by the purging bug yet. But I do have a date for New Year's Eve and weekend.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to your lecture tomorrow night. Haveca safe trip tp Indiana. Dress warm.
ReplyDeleteI would be purging with you, but did it when we moved in July. I will just be happy to have all my things back when we move into the new house. It is coming along but January seems so far off. LOL
ReplyDeleteLove your sense of humour and your posts.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm wishing I had a cabin to purge my excess to!
ReplyDeleteDoes getting ready to clean the oven tomorrow count? It's a self cleaning one and the first time I've done it since we just moved in, so I read the directions, wiped it out some and put some old cast iron skillets in to be cleaned as well first thing in the morning. What a way to start the day!
ReplyDeleteToday I helped my mother purge a shelf inn her laundry room closet. We found all kinds of family pictures and even a copy of her birth certificate that she had no idea that she had!
ReplyDeleteI power purged my laundry room!!! I took everything out of the washer, then put it in the dryer. Then after a bit I took everything out of the dryer and put it in the closet!
ReplyDeleteI love to hubby is a hoarder! Good news...he is going out of town soon...sneaky purge is in my near future!!
ReplyDeleteWe have been re doing a kitchen. My job has been to cleanout the drawers, cabinets etc! A LOT has gone into the box for goodwill. I mean come one who needs 6-10 pancake turners????
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking about what you said that someone might want to rob you of your "treasures of jewelry" and then you said that your "prizes" are your machines. They certainly couldn't run very fast with some of the "older" machines. Some of them are sooo heavy that they would only be able to carry one at a time. LoL.... As much as I love my Necchi... it easily could be a boat anchor! I'm catching up on my blog reading.... seems like forever since I've read your blog. Teaching my nieces little girl (7 yr old Ellie) to sew. It's wonderful how thrilled she is to learn every little thing. She made a pillow case for her body pillow. And received a sewing machine for Christmas. She was soo excited, she stopped to call Aunt Jean! Fun in the making. Thanks for all you do!
ReplyDeleteHave a Happy New Year!