
Tuesday, February 03, 2015

March/April 2015 Quiltmaker! Give-Away!

I am still unearthing myself out from under the huge stack of mail that has come in over the past couple weeks!

But this envelope I knew right away!

It’s the March/April 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine – the issue that has my Twirl Around blocks for my Addicted to Scraps column!

I’ve been working on these blocks over the past couple of weeks – I have a plan for them!

And while there are things I can’t show online because they are going in as a future magazine project, or book project, or video project – THESE I CAN!!


My stack is growing!

I worked on these while at retreat at Quilt Villa this past week!

And now you can work on them too!

Each issue of Quiltmaker also includes a link to my Addicted to Scraps page on Quiltmaker.com

You can also access the page for each block by clicking the block title under the Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog!  Clicking the title under the photo for the March/April Twirl Around block will take you HERE.

You will find sample layouts for quilts, or choose your own setting!  The Quiltmaker Staff chose this one:

Great big spaces, perfect for quilting designs!

I have my own plans for this quilt –and you won’t see it until it is done.  But nothing can stop you from stock piling blocks back in anticipation of a quilt I know you are going to want to make with me!  This way it’s a half-mystery and you are going to love the reveal!


Pick up a copy of Quiltmaker and get started on your own Twirl Around blocks today!

I’m feeling in the mood for a Give-Away!  Leave me a comment below telling me what colors you would choose for your own set of blocks!

I’ll be drawing for THREE lucky winners by random number generator on Sunday Evening.

Small print: 

No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be HERE. On this post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!
If you are a blogger or google user, PLEASE check your profile to make sure your email address is visible and I can reach you.  If there is no email address on your profile I have to choose someone else.  If you are commenting as anonymous you must leave your name and your email address so I can reach you.
When in doubt, just please leave your email address!  It’s that simple!
If you are reading us on an iphone or ipad after clicking a link in facebook you must open this page in a new browser or safari window before you can comment.  Your device still thinks you are in facebook even though you do not think you are.  If you still see the blue bar at the top of your screen…trust me. You are still in facebook!
Same goes for Blog-lovin.  Get OUT of blog-lovin and view our page directly. The URL is HERE.  You can’t always comment while reading in a blog reader service.  Make sure our address starts with http://quiltville.blogspot.com  No bloglovin in the address!

Good Luck Everyone!
I’m looking forward to Quilt-Cam at 9pm EST tonight!  I hope you will join me!  We missed it for all of January.  I was just GONE with no time to do it.
Make it an awesome Tuesday, everyone and I’ll see you tonight!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


  1. Wow! Love your block. I'd choose purple and turquoise.I'd love to win a copy of the magazine. Thank you for the chance.

  2. Welcome home and thanks for the giveaway! I'm looking forward to QuiltCam tonight.

  3. Anonymous8:55 AM EST

    Blue scraps are multiplying like rabbits! I will be using many of them in this half-mystery. Greens too, I think. Not a color palette I would usually choose. 2015 is a stretch year. marylfitz@cox.net

  4. Such a happy looking block! Thanks for sharing, and for all of your inspiration.

  5. Anonymous8:56 AM EST

    I like the greens and maybe yellow for the contrast. Love your work Bonnie and I'm excited to be in a workshop of yours the end of this month.

    Pat Hume

  6. I have a lot of pink and purple. I think it would look great in those colors. I just love this block and can't wait to do it. I am house bound for a while and a perfect time to bust my stash. Thanks for the giveaway and all you do for us quilters. I hope I win

  7. Anonymous8:57 AM EST

    I have been wanting to make a pink and brown quilt for years--in answer to your question. But I love lots of color combinations and welcome any stash additions!
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. I love this! I saw the blocks on instagram and was hoping you would post more. I can't wait to make it! I have tons of HST's that need to be used up :)

  9. I'm a whirling dervish looking at your Twirl-a-round blocks! Love them!

  10. I would love to win a copy of this magazine.

  11. Anonymous8:59 AM EST

    Hope thus means I can win. Always difficult to enter these contests. Hope it works. THicks3219@aol.com thanks Bonnie

  12. The color combination you chose is lovely, so full of happiness! Typically, I'm headed for blues, but I'm willing to change my mind!

  13. These colors remind me of Spring! Can't wait to see what your final layout will be!

  14. Thank you for the chance to win a copy. I love all of your quilts and have made a couple. Looking forward to trying this new block too!
    theturquoisebutton at yahoo dot com

  15. I'm thinking burgundy and pink for my blocks. What a neat looking block!

  16. I love all of your quilts. Thank you for the giveaway. I would have to go with purple.

  17. Anonymous9:03 AM EST

    Thanks for the give-a-way. I think I would use aqua and purple.

  18. Thank you for the giveaway! I just purchased a subscription to this magazine, and how fun would it be to "win" my first copy! lynne

  19. Welcome home! So glad you have been able to spend time with good friends in a favorite place. Nothing can restore our spirits like being in special places with special people.
    I plan to try using some of my bonus triangles from GIMQ so that means pink and neutrals but also black and neutrals. Not sure what I'll use as the other color but lots of scraps to choose from! Lol!
    Thanks for the give away!
    Thanks too for all your generosity!

  20. Anonymous9:04 AM EST

    Wow. It's hard to choose colors, especially when those bonus HSTs from GIMQ are still calling my name. But taking a cue from another, turquoise and green or turquoise and black. Looking forward to Quilt Cam tonight! Donnahfisher@earthlink.net
    Donna Fisher

  21. I think reds, blues, and tans. Tanks for all you do!

  22. Anonymous9:07 AM EST

    Count me in Bonnie, I would love to win. Just finished my grand illusion top so no pinks or greens left. Always love the colors you choose. Karen at rkrunge@gctel.net

  23. Anonymous9:07 AM EST

    I love the pink and lime combo that you have selected for these blocks. Looking forward to my first live Quiltcam tonight!

  24. Pam Sherman9:09 AM EST

    I an not a fan og green. But I wish I had at least a small stack of those Apple Green fabrics!

  25. After doing your Grand Illusion quilt, I've really started to love those colors. I'll probable use the bright green and pink or yellow.


  26. Anonymous9:11 AM EST

    Gray and orange would look great! Would love to win a copy of the magazine. katherine.tomasulo@gmail.com

  27. Anonymous9:12 AM EST

    Hahahaha- another wonderful patchy block for me to fall in love with!!!!! I am going out to the store and buying my copy today. I am excited about quilt cam tonight. Will miss it but I can watch it tomorrow. Thanks for all you do Bonnie!

    Nadine Donovan

  28. Anonymous9:12 AM EST

    Loves the colors. Looks like fun.

  29. I'm feeling blue and yellow. So many quilts - so little time. sigh.

  30. Wow love those blocks, I think I would choose a blues and reds.

  31. I will be sewing up some rainbow blocks, a little of each color. dhoctor@sbcglobal.net

  32. I would possibly use reds and beige. I have a lot of scraps of reds, more than any other color so I need to do a red quilt.

  33. Love the colour choices - reminds me of the days I decorated with pinks and greens, such a carefree period! Looking forward to quilt cam tonight (afternoon in BC Canada) would love to win a copy. Msmelrn82@gmail.com.

  34. I love this block too. And I need to improve my half square triangles. I think I would use brown and blue.

    Joan Guthridge

  35. Quiltmaker is my favorite quilt magazine and Bonnie Hunter helps make it that!

  36. Trying to get this to you... Having fat finger issues. Would love to win the Quiltmaker issue! cathyjanehale@yahoo.com

  37. Jewelshug@gmail.com
    I want to make this quilt. Need to check my stash for colors.

  38. Love your colors... Looks like spring flowers.... But I'll use purple and green.

  39. Although I do like your colours, I think I would go with pink(like yours) and some soft yellows instead of the bright green. Still Springlike I think. And thinking positively...when I win one of the magazine I would so love you to autograph your block page!!

  40. I am new to your blog, loving it and thanks for a chance to win!

  41. I think turquoise and red...Love the block! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  42. I love this block! And the colors you are using are so happy! I need to get this magazine before its sold out!!!!

  43. I love this block! And the colors you are using are so happy! I need to get this magazine before its sold out!!!!

  44. Anonymous9:19 AM EST

    I think I would make in " your" colours. It would be nice if a magazin found it's way to Sweden. Hope to win.

  45. not sure yet what colors I would choose but I am sure it would look great in any combo!! Thanks for the chance :-)

  46. I have stock piled greens and oranges, I need to start making a dent in the piles

  47. Lovin it all. Thanks for shating.

  48. Anonymous9:20 AM EST

    I would use reds and blacks. Pauline(p2dm1962@gmail.com)

  49. Love your blog and quilts. Would love to be a winner.

  50. I'm doing mine in repros of pink, gray and neutrals. Pick me! Pick me Mr. Random!

  51. Anonymous9:21 AM EST

    Just the right block for grand illusion left overs! Qwltr4evr@comcast.net

  52. Of course, I would love an issue of the magazine. As a retiree, I no longer have quilting magazines subscriptions. Love to read them when I have the opportunity. sdickman@stx.rr.com. Love these blocks.

  53. I would do in green, deep reds and creams.

  54. Anonymous9:22 AM EST

    I love the pink and green - it so reminds me of spring!



  55. I am hooked on blues and grays right now. All shades.

  56. Love the colors in your block. Think that I'll use reds and greens since this year I'm determined to make a Christmas quilt--that is for my home. Ha. I say that and then always give them away. Really like this block.
    Looking forward to quilt cam...hey good time to start those blocks!

  57. Anonymous9:24 AM EST

    I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the chance and all you do for us.

  58. I would do purple "twirls" and black corners.

  59. I would use my black and cream half square triangle and red. Since I have 200 half triangles left from the mystery

  60. These give aways are always fun. I will be digging out my greens and pinks

  61. I'd be using teals and golds!

  62. Your pink and green blocks are perfect for all of us who are yearning for spring. I'd love to have a copy of the mag so I can begin a Spring Hope quilt too! :)

  63. I have alot of pink and aqua left from your MQ. with some cream. Looks like a cute block to do with wild and goosey. Thank you for all you do for us quilters.

  64. You introduced me to pinks and grens together...would like to continue to explore this combination. Pick me!!!!

  65. Purple and green or turquoise and red would be my color choices. LOVE the block!

  66. Anonymous9:27 AM EST

    Like the block. I would use yellow and orange.


  67. I would do it in blues and purples with a bit of green

  68. I think my choices would be red/white/blue. I've always wanted a white background quilt in patriotic colors. Had to purchase magazine at a new stand as it never seems to find me thru USPS to my winter address.

  69. Anonymous9:28 AM EST

    I'd love to win the magazine. Thanks, Bonnie, for all the inspiration.

  70. Greens and tans! It's wonderful!,

  71. I love your color combo...very fresh and springy! Thanks for a chance to win!

  72. I'm thinking red White and Blue and off white or white.

  73. Anonymous9:31 AM EST

    I would have to use shades of blue and neutrals

  74. Pinks and greens with some black and white scattered in - oh wait that looks like your block. Fine with me. In case my address doesn't show up - rhoystevens at gmail dot com

  75. Anonymous9:32 AM EST

    I would use blues and neutrals sweetbeth@email.com

  76. Love this scrappy block! Going to start some right away!! Whippiemom@gmail.com

  77. Wow, I love your colors! I have been wanting to start another quilt and looking at these have given me inspiration. Would love to have one of these to help me get started. Thank you for the chance.

  78. Quilt-cam and a giveaway all on the same day?! You're such an inspiration to the quilting community. Thanks for all you do and thanks for a chance for a magazine.

  79. Ooh hi soooo love your scraps...but my biggest pile right now is Civil war...so that is what I would use. Thank you so much for your giveaway!

  80. I would choose limegreen and blue.
    Thank you for the change to win. You are so generous.

  81. Kally Marquis9:34 AM EST

    I have a bunch of red white and blue that I would use.

  82. I think it would look great in pinks and Browns, with some creamy neutrals.

  83. Loving your block! This weekend my eleven year old daughter and I went to the local quilt shops and I picked up a bundle of blues. I will just have to figure out what I like with them, now. My daughter picked up a bag full of scraps. Guess she has the scrap bug! Not a bad thing, that's for sure.

  84. Anonymous9:35 AM EST

    The block is very pretty. I'd use large pink flowers in the spaces:)

    Bonnie Reilly

  85. Such a pretty block. I would love a copy of the magazine.

  86. Such a pretty block. I would love a copy of the magazine.

  87. Love the pink and green! Reminds me of the Royal Hawaiian hotel in the 70's.

  88. I love your pink and green combo. I always love pink and green together. Aqua and red might be fun, too. Or navy and pink. Thanks for the giveaway. This block is really great!

  89. I would replace the pinks with purples. I will be finishing my GI quilt top soon, yay! 😊

  90. Beautiful! I would love to win a copy of the magazine. upbarngoddess@gmail.com

  91. I would use tourquise and grey with either red or yellow. I have lots of scraps in those colors

  92. Anonymous9:37 AM EST

    I'd love to win. I'm thinking Browns and reds with neutrals for my blocks. Love civil war fabrics and scrappy quilts. Joychristinelove@gmail.com

  93. Anonymous9:37 AM EST

    Can't wait to see how you set your blocks. They have so much movement! Belinda (barnmace@msn.com)

  94. I would love to to this block in purples and greens! It is such a cheerful block.

  95. I love pinks and greens so I'd probably use those colors. It's working for yours, too. Thanks for offering the magazines for giveaway.
    Have a great day!

  96. I grew up in the 80's so I love pink and green together. Thank you for a chance to win a copy of the magazine

  97. Bonita Yeager9:39 AM EST

    purple and green for me! like a grape ).

  98. I absolutely LOVE your color combination and just happen to have many of those same colors in my collection. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of this mag. dscholsky@hotmail.com

  99. Darn, I was being lazy and didn't make the bonus hst's. I should have known there would be a great surprise from you for anyone who did them! Love this block :-)

  100. Beautiful block. Glad you made it safely home. Not sure if my email shows so I will post it heard. Thanks for a chance to win this gorgeous block. Email:gogirl5051@hotmail.com

  101. I am on a roll with yellow/orange, so I think I might make the pink ones yellow, the inner triangles orange or maybe brown and then the green and neutral ones around in different shades of green to make them look more like flowers.

  102. Sheryll Gray9:41 AM EST

    Thanks for this giveaway opportunity! Have so many shades of blue scraps that need using!!

  103. Love the pink and green together ! Have started my pinwheels and they are so cute . Love the magazine. patriciachpp@gmail.com Patricia Chopp

  104. Bonita Yeager9:42 AM EST

    that was supposed to say grape hyacinth ( I am looking forward to spring)

  105. You are always so generous. Love that block. I'm thinking turquoise and yellow would be yummy! Thank you for all you do for us and your positive attitude.

  106. I love thus fun block! Cant wait to see what you do with it!!

  107. You are always so generous. Love that block. I'm thinking turquoise and yellow would be yummy! Thank you for all you do for us and your positive attitude.

  108. I'd choose green and yellow...very Spring-like!

  109. Anonymous9:43 AM EST

    Blue and yellow, thank you sandianaya8@msn.com

  110. I love the block. I tend toward blues so I'd do it in blue and green. How do you find time to do sooooo much!!


  111. Thanks for the chance to win. Sweet little block.

  112. I have blank and cream HST from a sister's choice quilt I'd use with maybe orange for a fall quilt. Do love your pink and green though. Thanks for the change to win a copy of the magazine!!!! Hugs!!!!

  113. I love the blocks in pink and green. Perfect for spring! Maybe I'll be the lucky winner this time! flutediva1@gmail.com

  114. I love the pink and lime you chose, so I think I will stick with that.

  115. Brown's and steals.

  116. Karen Ruetz9:46 AM EST

    Love the looks on these HAPPY blocks. I love your magazine...any giveaway would be gratefully welcomed (even though I am waiting for my 1st issue to arrive that I just paid for with my Christmas money.) I belong to our local guild so it would be a gift for our guild library. xoxo

  117. I love a salmon and pink combination. They remind me of my lovely mother-in-law.


  118. Great quilt block! My granddaughter would love in purple & pink.

  119. I love yours in pinks and limes so I think I would stick with that.

  120. I seem to have a Black, White and Orange thing and lets throw in a bit of lime green in to finish it off!

  121. What a cute block - I love it! I think I would try to use up some of my red and blue scraps and make a Quilts of Valor donation!

  122. I hope I get to be one of the lucky winners!

  123. I love the blocks and the colors you have chosen. I am patiently waiting for Quilt Cam this evening. I would love a copy of the magazine.

  124. Hey Bonnie! Love your blog and I keep your web site up on my ipad 24/7! I would use pink and green on this block or maybe do a Christmas theme with red and green and gold!! The possibilities are endless of course!!! Keep up the great work my dear!!!

  125. That block is so pretty, would love to win an issue of the magazine. Looking forward to quilt cam tonight. Will be playing with hexies.

  126. I love the pinks and greens and neutrals! And love this block.

  127. I'm not sure which colors I would use but I sure do like the ones you've chosen. They will make a beautiful quilt.

  128. Aqua and yellow! This would be adorable in my beach house in Nags Head (my Quilt Villa!).

  129. Love that block, can't wait to see how you use it.
    Thanks for all you do.

  130. Those are just the cutest blocks.

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. Anonymous9:50 AM EST

    Thanks for this chance Bonnie, my colours would have to be black (bonus HST) & aqua. It will be given to my daughter, she asked me to make her pillows in these colours for her birthday, so thanks for the half MQ also.

  133. I love your pink and green combo.
    Would love to win a magazine.
    Thank you very much for all things you do for us quilter.
    Greetings from Germany

  134. I would use the same colors (since I have a lot left from the GIMQ) or I might use purple instead of pink. Thanks for the chance to win!

  135. Just won a bunch of red FQs at my guild last night in our FQ Draw so would put those together with some greens and neutrals to start working on a Christmas quilt for 2015. It's destiny! LOL

  136. I think I would do it in blues, yellows and greens. Then again, maybe purples and greens, or a patriotic red, white, and blue. Great design, Bonnie.

    Marj Polay

  137. I would use light blues and tans for my block.

  138. I think I might use black, red, & gray from my swap group to make this block. Would love a free issue.

  139. I think I might use black, red, & gray from my swap group to make this block. Would love a free issue.

  140. Mary Leonard9:54 AM EST

    I would love to win a copy of the Quiltmaker magazine. Thank you for all your inspiration and generosity.


  141. Anonymous9:54 AM EST

    I think I would use blues, and a creamy neutral for the background. I'm not sure about what color I'd use to offset the blues. I need to check the stash for that.


  142. Turquoise and yellows, maybe a dash of pink

  143. Anonymous9:55 AM EST

    I love it! I would choose yellows and greys. Thanks for sharing your wonderful creativity! You bring out the best in all of us! Laura LauraKoppy@hotmail.com

  144. I would use red, green, and cream and add it to a Christmas wall hanging.

  145. So many possibilities - have some pink and green left from Grand Illusions, or maybe I will do the red and green like someone else said for a Christmas quilt, or maybe this would be great with my purples I have been collection, oh wait, what color would I put with them? I have done two Bonnie mysteries and looking forward to more!

  146. Love the lime green but I think I would use purple with it!!


  147. I love blues and tans together.

  148. I see this block in red, off white shirtings and blue. I think it would be awesome for a QOV. I can't wait to see what you have planned for it!

  149. Anonymous9:58 AM EST

    Such a fun block. Thanks for shining a light on the many ways to use those scraps. MJ

  150. Thanks for this opportunity! I would use purple colours and grey with neuterals. Love u quiltcam but can not see it "online" bc of the hours but always looking after :)

  151. Great colors and a fun block! Another one on the bucket list!

  152. Anonymous9:58 AM EST

    I have always wanted a Christmas quilt, I think reds and those beautiful lime greens...those greens are the new Christmas green, I believe. Thanks Bonnie for all you do! kay.hord@att.net

  153. Yours is a very pretty color combination but I would probably use pink and blue. Those are colors that makes me feel good when I sew with them!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  154. Anonymous9:59 AM EST

    Oh how fun! I have really enjoyed following you & learning along the way. This would be great fun to win a copy!

    Milly Shackelford milly@fiveshacks.com

  155. Wow, would love to win a copy and try your block! Thanks for the opportunity!

  156. I think this block would look great in red, white and blue; a quilt for one of my nephews in the service. Thanks for the chance to win!

  157. Anonymous10:02 AM EST

    Thanks for the drawing and always love you website and blog. Happy stitchin' from Texas judib@gvtc.com

  158. Love your block! Would love a copy of Quiltmaker. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

  159. Anonymous10:02 AM EST

    I would love to get the magazine, I would choose Christmas colours for your blocks. Kidston@netbistro.com

  160. Coral and black with neutral backgrounds. I have been working with those colors for 4 years and have a ton of scraps to move out of the stash! (Every time I make a quilt intending for it to be mine... Someone claims it, which explains the 4 years of the same colors- I have a plan for my bedroom and I am determined to see it through!

  161. I would keep it pink and green! Love pink!!

  162. I would love to do it in blues and neutrals, but I think this year, I will do it in brighter colors with some bright yellow and turquoise thrown in.

  163. Would love to win a copy!!!

    aorlflood at comcast dot net

  164. I would like to make this in pink and purples with some green added in! Cute block!

  165. I would like to make this in pink and purples with some green added in! Cute block!

  166. I would choose purple and green blocks!


  167. Ann Kelly10:06 AM EST

    Cute block, and I love those fresh colors! I'd love to win a copy of the magazine!! annk0604 at att dot net

  168. As of now, I'd probably use dark blue, red and greys for the neutral. Could change my mind though...LOL

  169. I would use brown, blues and creams.

  170. I would use bright yellow where you have pink, and blue where you have green, and my neutrals would lean a bit more white.

  171. Anonymous10:07 AM EST

    Really cute block and I like how the quilt made with them looks as well. Would love to win a copy of the magazine. I'm sure there are lots of fun goodies inside. Thanks for the opportunity. dottiestark@yahoo.com

  172. Would love to win - have so many fabrics that would look great in your new block!!

  173. Anonymous10:08 AM EST

    What a delightful block. Will be looking for the magazine.
    Diana Cruz

  174. Anonymous10:08 AM EST

    I would use red, white and blue for my blocks. Quiltmaker is a great magazine. I would like to win a copy.


  175. I purchased some really cute patriotic pinwheels & poked them in the grass for the entertainment of the Grandbabies a couple of years ago. In honor of those pinwheel posies, transplanted many times by little hands, I think I'd dive into my big box of red white and blue prints!

  176. i would like to use purple and gold !
    would love to win the magazine with one of your patterns in it ! :D

  177. For years I would not have yellow fabric in my house. Buit has been creeping in, so I think yellow and blue will be my choice.

  178. Anonymous10:10 AM EST

    Lime green and turquoise for the blocks. Thanks for the giveaway!


  179. Would love to win a copy of this magazine!



  180. Oh Baby! I'd love to win ;) I have completed my version of the top you were making for your new nephew. I Love It!!!

  181. I have a lot of blue charm squares and a fat quarter bundle of Robin Pandolph florals that I would use your block pattern for. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Mandy Laseter

  182. I saw your blocks growing on Instagram, they are so beautiful. I never sew with pink, as my only girl doesn't like pink, neither do my 3 man, so hardly any pink scraps, or I would use pink and green. Maybe orange and green?

  183. Anonymous10:11 AM EST

    I got my issue of Quiltmaker a few days back. The first thing I looked at was your block. I am going to see if I have enough to do purple, green & creams. If not, it will be pink & green. Kjblomquist@q.com

  184. I would try some lovely blues and neutrals!

  185. I would use neutrals, greens, and rusts and use the quilt at my cabin in the Arizona mountains. Thanks for all you do Bonnie! ellen aksnowlake@gmail.com

  186. Since I've just finished Grand Illusion and have lots of scraps leftover, plus extra 1/2 sq triangles I made by mistake in pink and white, I'll choose pink and white. Thanks Bonnie! You are too much fun! I subscribe to the magazine but would donate to my guild if I win. Thanks. Norma Holland
    Nholland1@aol.com. BTW, love the block!

  187. Love this block, I would use the pinks and Aqua.

  188. I will make blocks with blue neutral triangles and yellow/gold corners.

  189. Anonymous10:14 AM EST

    I love blues and greens together, so that would be my choice. Thank you for the chance to win a give-away:-)


  190. Love your happy blocks! I am a green and blue gal! Thanks for the giveaway!

  191. I don't currently subscribe to a quilting magazine but I am considering Quiltmaker just for your column. Because of you Bonnie, I am "Addicted to Scraps!"
    I would love to win the newest issue & make my blocks Aqua & Coral along with neutrals.
    Thanks for the giveaway, keeping my fingers crossed!
    9:50 AM EST Delete

  192. Jan kidston. Kidston@netbistro.com

  193. Anonymous10:16 AM EST

    Love this block with lots of motion. My color choice would be Bright Pink to Pinkie Reds and Greens with creame backgrounds. Cindy_Tidwell@sbcglobal.net

  194. I would choose a bright and fresh green and a bordeaux red.
    Thanks for the chance!

  195. Jan kidston. Kidston@netbistro.com

  196. Anonymous10:17 AM EST

    Thank you Bonnie for the chance to win. I would use Aqua/Turquoise, Orange and White. A really fresh color palette.

  197. Love the colors and thanks for the opportunity to win!

  198. I think this block would be very pretty in red, teal & cream which are my favorite colors together right now.

  199. This comment has been removed by the author.


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