
Monday, December 26, 2011

Mystery Monday Link-Up! Part 6!

And I’m a bit brain dead this morning!  With all this holiday stuff, I forgot to set this up to go live earlier this morning!

I awoke with a start about 10 minutes ago, sat straight up in bed with an “OH MY GOODNESS!!” And here I am bleary eyed on a day I could have slept in trying to get this typed up and running!

I’m all packed to go sewing today at Karen’s!  YAY!  I packaged up all those triangles I cut the other day, and we’ll see how far I get on them. I can tell you that having all the scrap strips sorted by color family made cutting them SO QUICK!

I’ve taken the ham bone from last night’s Christmas dinner, and it has been simmering in the crock pot on low all night with some 16-bean mix for ham and bean soup.  We’ll have that for dinner tonight after sew-day.

And that’s about all I have to talk about since we enjoyed such a wonderfully relaxed Christmas! I even took a nap --- wonderful!

Let’s link up! If you’ve linked before, you don’t need the directions below, but because we have new people joining us every week, I still want to be sure they know what to do:

If you are a blogger, please link your post showing your Orca Bay Mystery progress on Part 6 ((Or any other part, no matter where you are in the mystery)) below!

Remember that we need the url of the specific POST, not just the address for your whole blog.

To get the correct address in the linky –right click on the title/subject line of the post you wrote about your quilt progress. Chose “copy link address” and paste this url in the form when you link.

You can also CLICK the title line of the post you want to link...and copy the url from the address bar at the top of your browser that way.

For instance, my blog address is  quiltville.blogspot.com but that isn't enough. I can't link to the WHOLE blog, I need the address of the post. The address of THIS post is    quiltville.blogspot.com/2011/12/mystery-monday-link-up-part-6.html  See the difference?

**NOTE**  You do NOT need to include the http:// when you insert your address into the linky!

If you link to just your whole blog, I’ll have to remove your link and have you try again because I can’t fix it FOR you.

We'll leave this open until MIDNIGHT eastern time Thursday night to give you time to write your posts! I LOVED seeing what links came in last week! If you missed those, you can find them linked in the Orca Bay Mystery tab at the top of the blog ---just look at the bottom of that page below the step links for the Mystery Monday Link-Up Links!
Happy Monday!

Please insert your link to your Orca Bay Part 6 post here!  Please include a link back to me in your post. Thanks!

(Linkup closed)


  1. http://quiltingfortherestofus.blogspot.com/2011/12/boxing-day-sew-in-get-your-give-aways.html

    I want to invite everyone to the give aways at SANDY'S of QUILTING FOR THE REST OF US blog and podcasts,

    She has organized GIVE AWAYS for our BOXING DAY SEW IN... just read the instructions and leave some comments.


    I have been following along each week and so have some of the other girls in our give away...



  2. I did it! Yeah!! Yesterday was my first attempt at a blog but I so wanted to participate in the Monday Link-ups! Thanks Bonnie. Hope you enjoy your sewing day.

  3. Anonymous8:53 AM EST

    about all I have done is walk the dogs and put the garbage out....poor garbage men don't get a day off for the 25th....

  4. Bonnie, thanks so much for the Linky... it is soo great to see everyone's progress... and to get all those wonderful visitors to my blog, too!!!

  5. The photos are great inspiration! I don't have a blog so can't post mine, but I'm plugging away. My favorite machine is in the shop since last week so have to use my back-up which isn't so good but just can't stop sewing!
    Happy New Year!

  6. Your have powerful content.Thanks for update By Regards Web 2 Print Solution

  7. Wow! those looks so great! And when I see all the lovely photos the other ladies did post, I really want to trying to catch up with them! I hope to get time to make this quilt! It's looking great!
    Hope you're having a great time during the Holidays!

  8. Love to look at everyones progress and to see that I am not the only one doing yellow in place of the red. Can't wait til Friday!!

  9. I just love to see everyone`s progress thanks so much for the time in all the show and share love it!!

  10. It's an inspiration to see all the color combination's chosen for this mystery and how they are coming together in the star blocks. Thanks for "linking" everyone through your blog so that we can see the progress so easily!

  11. OH well, my effort with the Linky thing just will NOT cooperate. My link is correct -- yes the URL of the entire blog post, and it looks just like all the rest of all the others, so I finally deleted it and won't try again, darn it. 8-( I was # 81, and that red "X" just kept on showing. Bonnie, I didn't want you to sighhhh, and say "Poor Elaine Adair, she's not with it!" LOL

    But it's still fun to see all the others!

  12. Crud, crud, crud. This linky thing refuses to accept my download from home on old computer, in either IE or Firefox. So, at work I have a new computer - but same story, the computer gods don't like me, And yes, I'm following the directions - my draft peek looks just like everyone else. Oh well, it's on my blog and looks a lot like many others! 8-)) I've also tried signing out and signing back in. No luck.

  13. I almost have all the top sewn together and ready to work on the borders. You can check it out at www.scraps-and-quilts.blogspot.com . Just search for Orca Bay...actually I only have 5 posts, so it's not that hard to find it!


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