I have no more progress to show.
No great words of wisdom to impart.
No interesting details or pictures of places I’ve traveled to to share.
I’ve settled into the blissfully normal routine of 6 weeks at home!
The massage yesterday afternoon was the best I’ve had in a long time --- I’ve been having issues with my hamstrings being way too tight, and it feels like there is a band of tissue in them that just won’t release—like tying a knot in a piece of elastic. It just doesn’t work as well.
My therapist, Judit ((Yes, that is no typo, there is NO H)) is from Hungary, and I just LOVE HER. When she talks to me I close my eyes and she sounds just like Eva Gabor! LOL! Didn't you just love her on Green Acres?!
Come to think of it, Judit is blonde too! But never mind, I love her accent, and I love her massages --- even if that hamstring work took me to tears.
After my massage, and a phone call from DH reminding me that HE wouldn’t be home for dinner – he was playing tennis in Greensboro with a co-worker--- I decided that an evening out to dinner by myself was just what I needed. I knew that if I went to that massage and came right home, I’d wind up back in the basement doing what I always do. SEW!
I already KNOW that we eat out far too much. I’ve been vowing to cut down, but this week was 3 evenings in a row! I am NOT eating out tonight, I swear. Monday was a quilt bee thing, Tuesday was because we were out running errands and by the time we got home to fix something it would be too late to eat dinner, and last night…well – sheer laziness on my part, and a longing need for hot n sour soup and mongolian grill, which DH doesn’t like at all. See! I can justify it all!
When I got home, one thing lead to another and before I knew it I had completely cleaned the kitchen top to bottom, and both bathrooms. What is up with that? At night? I could have been relaxing, sewing on a binding or something, but no ---something flips a switch and I just have to clean. Family knows to keep a wide berth when I’m cleaning too --- why is it that we don’t see things all the time? smudges, smears, little bits of this and that, until all it once it ALL becomes visible and we have to tackle it NOW?! At 9pm at night? Maybe it was a surge of hormones or something?
And this morning it hit me that not only did I have nothing really interesting to write about – but that tomorrow is FRIDAY and the next clue of the mystery is due! So guess what I’ll be spending the day doing today? I may get back to the baby quilt tonight ----
I’ve been asked by several of you if I will upload the directions for this when I’m done with it. I’m thrilled that you asked me, and yes I will! I’ve got plenty of irons in the fire right now, but I will write the pattern out at some time in the near future. I’ve already named it Story Time Stars ---because of the novelty fabrics, I think it will be perfect for story time. :c)
We’ve hit 118 people linking up to share their progress on Mystery Monday Link-Up, part 2! Check them out! Your chance to link up ends at midnight tonight! We’ll do the next round of Link-Ups starting NEXT Monday! ((Hasn’t this been fun?!))
Enjoy your Thursday, whatever you get up to! You know I’ll be here ---got stuff to be ready for you tomorrow!
Oh, Bonnie, can I identify?? I am the same way. I just plug along keeping everything sorta picked up and tidied and then, all of a sudden, it hits. I CANNOT STAND THIS ANY LONGER! and off I go on a tear and scrub and clean everything. When it is finished I feel so good -- not quite as great as I feel when I finish a quilt -- but close. Enjoy today and I will be up early tomorrow for Step 3! Thank you for all you give us.
ReplyDeleteSandi in Chattanooga
Thank you for even commenting on this lame post, Sandi! LOL! Every day I'm looking for SOMETHING that someone might find interesting, and this morning?! Nothing. Because there is no progress to show, and I spent the night cleaning....but yes, it did feel so good to walk into that clean clean kitchen this morning!
ReplyDeleteHey it is good to know that even super stars like you have to clean house. ;)
ReplyDeleteIs it a "quiltincidence" that your Story Time Stars block is so nearly like your block for the Jan/Feb QM "Addicted to Scraps"? I went back and forth a couple of times to detect the difference.
ReplyDeleteI am enjoying the Link-up thing. It is fun seeing everyone's progress and making new friends.
ReplyDeleteIf ya get that surge again, I know a certain house you can work on! LOL! Hey if ya get part 3 done early today, I think you should go ahead and post it...part 1 & 2 are getting lonely waiting....AND it will be a GREAT surprise for everybody!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, if you get lonely you can also come up and sew with us again! It was great fun and much needed sewing time! Food was good also...but not as good as your company! And no I'm not sucking up trying to get you to post early!!
Even if it is a "lame" post it still is interesting and about stuff at least I can relate to. I find myself in the bathroom before bed and I see, really see the sink and go I can't stand that for another minute so yep, I'm cleaning the bathroom sink just before bed!
ReplyDeleteI get in the same mood once in awhile, and my guys just stay clear. "Mom's on the warpath" is what they say and they head outside.
ReplyDeleteKind of lame, but I love walking on a freshly mopped kitchen floor.
Oh your cleaning had me laughing out loud....that is just what I do.....one day everything looks fine and the next I have to do a complete cleaning all at once.
ReplyDeleteWell I did start cutting clue one last night :0).....I'm so far behind on everything but love to see how the blocks are coming along for everyone else :0).....I'm gonna catch up!
Happy Sewing
Maybe it's a female thing. It seems we all have those moments when it hits. And weirdly enough, it happens to me in the evenings too. I usually plan the first couple hours on a Saturday to do the bathrooms, vacuum all the tumbleweeds (I call them tumbleweeds cause with a husky and a cat - there's NO WAY they're just dust-bunnies), and mop floors. But late in an evening, when the mood strikes and I go nuts cleaning, DH politely asks if he can help, and then bee-lines it to his computer room!
ReplyDeleteI swear, it's the little smudges around the light switch plates that set me off to a mass cleaning frenzy!
Unfortunately I know all too well about cleaning in the middle of the night. :( That's when I usually get a burst of energy. Of course the plus side is that when I come staggering out in the morning for coffee everything is clean. LOL
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that the cleaning bug hits at such odd times? I can't understand it, but it is real!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately the cleaning bug has not hit me recently...but I will live vicariously through you...LOL Enjoy your day!!
ReplyDeleteI just had to laugh because I have that same card that the first picture is of and the comment on the inside of the card is hilarious. Do you bang your head afterwards, too?!? LOL
ReplyDeleteCan you come to my house? Please?!!?!?!??
ReplyDeleteI'm really enjoying the Linky and seeing what everyone else is up to - thanks for doing that for us. Also REALLY looking forward to tomorrow's clue ... I'm only making half quantities at the moment, but I'm up to date :)