
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Dear Quiltville, How Do I Comment?

Every time I run a giveaway I am bombarded with emails asking HOW to leave a comment on the blog.

Instead of individually writing everyone again and again explaining how to do it, I thought I would write a little “how to” for those not in the know, and then link it to the blog helps tab so that it can easily be referred to.

First of all, it is important that the reader is actually ON my original blog post, not viewing the page through a reader service such as blog lovin’ or even on Facebook if you have clicked a link to my page while viewing via an apple device as an iPad or iPhone.

If you ARE in a reader service, or on an apple device and have clicked through Facebook, click to open my site in a brand new browser window.  My address should start with http://quiltville.blogspot.com  it should not say blog-lovin or anything else.  If it does you are reaching me through a mirror site and are not actually on my page.


Look for THIS at the bottom of every post!

See the “Snips & Comments by others”??  CLICK that…it will open up the comments dialogue.


Type your comment in the box!


Choose Your Identity!

When I log in it automatically lists my Google account because blogger is part of google and I have a gmail account.  if you have a gmail account or google account use that.  Other options are Open Id, your Name and URL, or Anonymous. If you sign in as Anonymous please also leave your name with your comment so I know who you are.

Choose your identity and click to prove that you are not a robot.  No one likes spam, and I do what I can to keep spam comments off of my blog, especially during a give-away.

Also very very very important!



Every time I get an email like this I giggle to myself:
Hi Bonnie
For the first time I left a comment on your blog posting regarding the chance to win a mag  and five fat quarters.
Now I am receiving ALL the comments people are making on the site (hundreds of them) and don’t know how to stop them from coming.
My husband is set to divorce me because I left the comment by signing in on HIS Google account…… Oh Dear, he’s none too happy and has commanded his computer to forward all your mail to me!
Does everyone who leaves comments get everyone else’s????
Do you know any way that I can stop this from happening now and in the future?
Thanks in advance.
She is getting ALL 1,200+ comments in HER HUSBAND’s inbox because she subscribed to them by clicking the *Email follow-up comments box as shown above.
NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER click that box!

Holy cow, I can just imagine what is happening with over thousand emailed comments flooding her husband's inbox but there is nothing I can do to save her because she subscribed to them.  They will die out over time, and I bet SHE will never ever ever click that email follow-up comments box again!
When you are done writing your comment and have chosen your identity, click Publish Your Comment and all is done!
Every comment has a number and I am able to use the random number generator to draw our winners by comment number.  This is why it is so important that you leave your comment on the correct blog post so you can be included in the drawings.

During a give-away, always leave your comment in the comments section along with your email address.  If your comment doesn't have a visible address I have to draw someone else because I don't have a way to contact you.

It doesn't count if you email me, or leave a comment in the guestbook or on Facebook or in instagram.  I can't count you unless you are numbered amongst the comments on the page.
And just to make this a little bit quilty:
Hand Quilting Progress!
I worked on this for a couple of hours last night while watching the last 3 episodes of ALIAS on Netflix.  I’m making progress!  Can you see my fans?
I love hand stitching in the evening up here!
Sadie on this morning’s hike!
Gorgeous Blue Ridge in the Morning!
3 1/4 miles this morning has me at 7159 steps so far for the day.  I love my morning walks and though there are some mornings I just don’t want to get out and do it, I always feel so much better when I do.  Then I won’t feel so guilty that I sit at the sewing machine the rest of the day working on our upcoming mystery!
Mona and Beanie are coming to sew this afternoon at 1pm.  I’ll have a roast in the crock pot for dinner so it can cook and cook and cook while we sew.
One more night here, and I’ll head home in the morning.
Remember..Quilt-Cam is set for Tuesday evening at 9pm Eastern!
Have a peaceful Sunday, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


  1. I clicked the NEVER NEVER EVER BOX once. Learn my lesson. LOL. Fortunately, in 2 days it was over, but wow what a ride. Paula in Omaha.

  2. I can never get it to believe that I am real. Trying again.

  3. I just had a "3 Musketeers" Quilting Day with 2 of my friends yesterday. Oh! What FUN you have in store this day. Enjoy!!!

  4. Second lesdon learned: don't use another person's email account.

  5. BONNIE BONNIE BONNIE!!! such a great blog this morning---Of course I knew all this but it was great to read it anyway :-) is there anything you cannot do? I merely curious and no--I am not gonna click that follow-up button....I found that out a long long time ago ;-) *~*CAROLE*~* Wippysplace@gmail.com

  6. Slap my forehead! I now know NOT to check the 'follow up to my blog' box!..Thank you Dear Bonnie for that tip..I'm so Ditzy at times.

    Now to get off this computer & quilt!

    Debra in Ma.

  7. Gee, that worked like a charm. Thanks Bonnie! Have a great quilty day everyone

  8. Somebody on Facebook today asked if you have an assistant to cut press, do some of the sewing! Ha!

  9. Sue In Marion --- I have wondered if she has a sometime-assistant for these things too.
    Guessing some folks are just born with a body that provides huge amounts of energy. A dear friend is this same way. As I get older, I have slowed. Not bad, but not always good when I want to get quilting items done.

    Enjoy your Sadie photos so much Bonnie. Have fun

  10. I try to read your posting weekly I love looking at the quilt pictures and also your tips and ideas Thanks Cary Wisnosky, Tomahawk, WI

  11. Martha Martin1:13 PM EDT

    Would love to win.
    Martha Martin
    Hardyville, Ky.

  12. Mystery? Did I read that right? LOL...I have convinced my daughter to join me! Thanks for the "comment" tutorial. I always wondered about it as I also follow you on facebook! Cheers! Margo from Alberta!

  13. Thanks for instructions on leaving a comment.

  14. Hi Bonnie from Hot Hot Houston Tx,
    What a great post! I never could figure it out. You are so generous with your give aways and of your talents. I am always inspired by the twice daily posts and seeing what you are up to.

    Thanks again,

  15. Your warning came too late abt the never never box! Wow, what response you get!

  16. guess what? starting a quilt group next month in witmarsum and my first suggestion would be to jump in on the coming mystery =^} not for the weak at heart lol!
    but for those who don't dare, just a few blocks would make them addicted, don't you think so?
    love your blog..
    love from a now windy witmarsum,

  17. Had so much fun in Vegas - but can't get to my machine to work on my Garden Party - my daughter and a friend asked me to teach them to quilt - and now they are taking over the machine!

    Chrissie Devinney (chrissie.devinney@gmail.com)

  18. I have followed your adventures for years and now (thanks to your instructions) can comment and perhaps have a chance to win one of your generous, wonderful gifts! Thanks for your generosity and joy you bring to our wonderful craft.

  19. Looks like a great issue - and you can never have enough fat quarters!!


  20. Anonymous7:36 PM EDT

    Sew many blocks, sew much fabric, too little time. Pauline parode13@yahoo.com

  21. Sew happy to know how to participate since I've made 4 of your patterns already!

  22. Oh, what the heck! I can't win anything if I never enter.

    Pat Sweet Sadie for me, please.

  23. What a fun giveaway-looking forward to perusing the magazine!
    Carol S.

  24. AWWWW poor Bonnie, so sorry this has been so confoozing to so many. In this mode people, don't use a rotary cutter. LMBO, just teasing. It's not easy anymore to be online and participate. Hang in there Bonnie and all followers.


  25. quiltnrobin@nwi.net
    Thanks for the info. Never too much info! Best of luck in your new endeaver. Crafty University

  26. Hello Bonnie, I remember posting a comment when I read your post yesterday. Then when I read your post today, I said...I bet I did not leave Bonnie my name and email address. So, I went browsing and finally found my comment. Yes, I did forget to post the necessary information. If I am discounted for leaving two comments, I understand. Recently on my own blog, I had a give away and followed your example. Only half of the people left their email address and the name I drew out; I have never heard from. So, I really do understand what you are asking and why. Sorry that I messed up!

    I love the Sparkling Pathways and the other patterns that you shared look wonderful also. Plus, the fat quarters that you added are beautiful. Thank you for sharing everything that you do and for this (maybe) chance to win your great give away! My name is Brenda Ackerman and my email is brend_ack@yahoo.com Have a wonderful creative day!

  27. I passed the same view of the Blue Ridge Mountains today on our way home from quilters retreat at Banner Elk. This was the best retreat yet.

  28. I think some still don't get it. :-) You need to leave your comment and address on the actual giveaway post rather than this one that tells you How to comment. Go back and you will find the proper post to comment on.

  29. What a clear sky you have to look at. We are smoked filled from all the wildfires burning in the Pacific NW. Has kept me indoors so took advantage and started sorting my scrap bin. Cut some tumbler pieces, strips of different sizes and any useable squares from the rest. Had to laugh as you couldn't tell I had even touched the scrap pile! Hmm, wonder what colors to set aside for a certain mystery our Dear Bonnie is creating for us this year. Can't wait for November or should say October retreat first.

  30. Anonymous12:26 AM EDT

    Thank you for the heads up. Have wanted to comment several times.
    Don't know what openId is and don't have a URL so I am anonymous.;-)

  31. I'm new to commenting. Maybe, just maybe, I'll have beginner's luck and win the wonderful magazine or the beautiful FQs.
    Chris at quiltinggal55@gmail.com.

  32. I don't know how you leave your mountain top retreat...ever!!! Love to see your pictures of mountains and quilts! 💚💜💙

  33. I read your blog daily and love it!

  34. Bonnie, it is the end of summer and time for me to get my quilting act together! I have 2 quilts to finish before Christmas and a couple of Christmas stockings to make. A copy of the new "100 Blocks" would be great!!


  35. Anonymous4:05 AM EDT

    Hi Bonnie, Thank you for the lesson on proper internet commenting! I needed it badly. I am one of those person who has clicked in the never, never, area!!!! But as soon as I started receiving all those comments I did have the foresight to un-click (undo) the click too stop it!

    Now about the give away. I appreciate the opportunity to win a prize. So thank you and I love reading your blog via Google+. You are indeed a great educator. Without you we all would be lost! Thank you again for your generosity Bonnie.

  36. Helen Cassidy6:56 AM EDT

    I love Quiltmaker and I am inspired by the 100 blocks issues. Thanks for all your great ideas/patterns.

  37. Thank you for posting this tutorial. I am one of those who could never figure out how to leave a comment. I really enjoy your blog and hope it continues for a very long time. Have a wonderful week!

  38. Hi Bonnie- just got your emai about blog helps posting on the blog. I have done what you suggested 7 times, to no avail. Love your blog & Q M . Last time trying!
    jinniecohn@ gmail.com

  39. Cindy. cgnlan@hotmail.com8:45 AM EDT

    Thank you Bonnie for your wonderful directions!!! As always, you are so helpful for those of us who are challenged!��. I am a first time trying to do this....fingers crossed. cgnlan@hotmail.com. Cindy

  40. Bonnie, enjoy your "one more day/night " at the cabin. Thank you for all you give to the quilting world. Looking forward to quilt cam Tuesday night.

  41. Thanks for the instructions! Hope I can get a number......love all your posts!
    Karen at hoofnwooffarm@gmail.com

  42. Anonymous9:03 AM EDT

    Thank you for the opportunity to win a prize. Always enjoy your posts! Claudette ev.fonn@hotmail.com

  43. Anonymous9:20 AM EDT

    Thank you Bonnie new to quilting and the internet. Had no idea how to post comments. Been following you for a couple of months now on this kindle have trouble watching your quilt came only 10 min at a time. You are my favorite blog the best teacher out there.thank you for everything you do. Enter me. I can't believe in doing this may God bless you mgmj1949@yahoo.com. people are lucky to have you as a friend m g jade

  44. maxine mullins9:27 AM EDT

    Thanks for instructions on commenting and opportunity to enter.
    Longtime blog reader/first time entry

  45. What a beautiful place to we walking Bonnie. I miss walking on The beach here but it is too hot at The moment. I know what you mean that your whole day is great when you walk. Hope it soon cools dow here so I can go again at least 5 to 6 x a week
    Thanks for explaining that I can use the easy Dresden ruler to do the tumbler block.
    You explenations are so easy to follow. Can't wait to start.
    Happy quilting , Yoka Bazilewich

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Think I got it figured out this time.

  48. Anonymous11:41 AM EDT

    Thanks for using your valuable time writing this and capturing the images for the post. Sometimes things don't work exactly right the first time and the 'easily frustrated' post 'IT DOESN"T WORK FOR ME' like it is someone else's fault. Every once in a while I have to select all pictures of food to move forward with the comment. Love your blog and I read every word. Becky bleroy@q.com

  49. Thanks for this information. Every blog is different, so this helps tremendously.

  50. Thank you for posting the tips. I clicked on the "never, never, never box" the first time I posted! Lesson learned.

  51. Oh I posted on the never ever box but learned my lesson real fast!!!!! Thanks for the tutorial. Some of us may be slow learners! Would love to win the give away. Thank you. cdtaylor81154@gmail.com

  52. Thanks for giving specific info. on how to leave a comment. Your instructions, as always, are written well and easily understood. I love te quilt you're hand piecing as it has lots of little pieces. I definitely see the fans. Thanks for all you do!

  53. Anonymous1:22 AM EDT

    I've been having problems with yahoo openid, ever since I had a weeklong DSL & phone service outage that caused my yahoo email address to be erroneously deleted. So, I'm adding this comment just to see if it will work again.

  54. Thanks for the clear instructions; however, I have never had a problem submitting a comment!!


If you are commenting as "anonymous" please leave your name at the end of your comment.

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