
Friday, August 21, 2015

A Glimpse of Garden Valley!

It took all day to get home yesterday.

It’s just not easy for a North Carolina Girl to make it all the way to Idaho without a bunch of plane transfers –it took me three planes to get home yesterday, arriving in my drive way at just past midnight.

But when I think of how long it would have taken to drive? I’ll take it!

I watched movies from Salt Lake City to Atlanta –I sewed hexies until I finished the LAST fill in section! Hooray!  It goes on the Mother Ship this weekend.

I snoozed a bit, I read a bit.

And before I knew it I was at baggage claim being claimed by my son, Jeff.

One bag didn’t make it, being left behind in Atlanta according to the claim tag on it.  No worries, it is the photography backdrop stand I use as a quilt stand and the airport will deliver to me sometime today.  All I could think about when I came in the door was BED.

That’s where I’ve been until now, and it is after 8am!


The Merc!

I’ve taken photos of the little town of Crouch before, but I wanted to also share the smoky haze that has blanketed everything, as well as the quaint “old west” buildings.  Crouch is a tiny tiny town, but has all that the mountain needs for mountain living.  There is a grocery store, a bank, a couple of eateries, a library, schools, even a senior center and an art gallery.


There is a real estate office, a place to cut your hair.


You can sit out on the deck here and have lunch!


You can find goodies and knick-knacks in here.


And get plants and yard things from the green house here!


You can visit the museum village!


This building served as a granary and a home over the past century.

The museum village is having its grand opening TODAY and they were busy setting up this cabin for the public to view.  I was happily able to help them date some quilts!


Lone Star 1940s

Jacobs ladder variation 1910 –1920

The Lone Star was ALL kinds of puffy!  I explained to the gals setting up that the quilt was NOT this puffy at first..but it was quilted through a wool blanket.  Someone washed it on hot, shrunk the blanket and the fabric had no where to go –they thought it was originally SUPPOSED To be like a “biscuit quilt”  HA!

There was a tied wool comforter made from men’s suiting fabrics that was even older on the bedstead.


The treadle machine?  Someone had left it AT THE DUMP!!!  It looks a bit hammered, the irons are a bit warped, but it is a great piece for this little mountain cabin museum.  I told them to take the bobbin and bobbin case and lock them away. Those are the kinds of things that disappear, unfortunately.


My favorite Garden Valley Spot!

This old barn has stood in this place, proud and majestic –and over the past 19 years that my mom and step dad have lived in this small mountain town, I have stopped again and again to take pictures of this wonderful setting.  I just LOVE it.  This small place where everyone knows everyone ---it’s like going home to my OTHER home.


Sheep in the shade of the pines.


Deer in a neighbors yard upon our return home

Mama and two babies!


The morning sun yesterday as we made our way to the Boise airport.

The reason this photo turned out so well was the filter of smoke in front of the sun. 

Yes, I am a mountain girl at heart and I’m lucky to have TWO mountain homes to return to.

Today’s plan is to get all of the book orders out that came in over the past week – and head to my own cabin late this afternoon!

Happy Friday, everyone!

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  1. What a great little town!..hard to believe someone left that treadle in the dump..didn't realize what they had maybe...safe travels Bonnie.

  2. Good morning, Bonnie! And welcome home. Your lovely photos remind me of our cross-country travel days with our pop-up camper. We loved Idaho!

  3. And Bonnie...they have a great little quilt shop, too !

  4. Yes, I can't believe you omitted the Stitch 'n Snip quilt shop in your tour of Crouch!

  5. Such a fun town tour! Thanks Bonnie, enjoy the weekend in your mountains.

  6. Great pics and tour. How lucky that you could go and help the museum learn even more about what they have! A free expert consultation!

  7. Anonymous10:21 AM EDT

    You forgot to mention there is a quilt shop in Crouch, the Stitch 'n Snip. I hope you were able to stop in a say "hi"! Love your website, I read it daily.

  8. Great photos of the town!

    Happy Friday!

    sao in Midlothian, VA

  9. Honestly -- I was taking a break from people this time. Quilt shops are OFF of my radar when I am spending down time away from the world. I hope with as much quilt-travel that I do you can understand my need to "take a break" :)

  10. You have a great place to be away in Garden Valley and being with your MOM is Priceless time. I'm so glad you got to be there even with the Smoky skies. We are praying for RAIN! Have a good week-end.

  11. Here I was thinking, "I missed Bonnie while in Boise???"
    So glad to find at the end it was a trip "home" and not a quilting venture that I missed! LOL. Glad you made it this way. Smoke is hanging here for a while, but still a gorgeous place.
    I will have to venture up to the museum and see your handy help!

  12. I am so glad you made it home before the smoke from the fires in Washington and Oregon blew into Boise! Hope it's not as bad there as it is here...smells like we lit a campfire in my living room and the sun was invisible through the thick layer - as are the hills that surround my home (about 1/4 mile). Love your pictures and the oops with the lone star quilt! Enjoy being home!!

  13. 36 hours driving a car Bonnie- according to Google maps (my Aussie curiosity got the better of me!)..its a VERY long way!..flying would still be a long way, but more relaxing perhaps? that happens here too if you fly within a State! Large countries aren't they Marietta Brisbane

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Beautiful little town and the morning sun awesome! Thanks for sharing

  16. Love Garden Valley, so peaceful there. When I was looking for property to put our RV on in the summer, that was one place we looked. Ended up in Cascade on the river.

  17. Anonymous1:08 PM EDT

    what a beautiful place!!! I love it..
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  18. What is on the wall of the museum above the sewing machine that looks like a stocking? I found a similar pair in my grandmothers things and have wondered what they were used for.

    Janet - jmikes94@yahoo.com


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