
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Turkey burgers ala DarLynn!

We are enjoying the cool down of the evening out on Randy's patio---

DarLynn is chef du jour, and you should smell the amazing turkey burgers on the grill!

Turkey, mushrooms, spinach, onion and seasoned to perfection!

((Debbie says. Wait! We haven't tasted them yet! Funny, Debbie, Funny!!))

I wish I could show you my project but I'm focusing on a couple mysteries and all is hush hush! Just know that the pieces are flying through the machine and what has been laid out on the floor is looking awesome!

Tomorrow we will take my bag to the airport and start the claim process.

We will stop by Best Buy and get a new laptop. I'm also looking for a camera for taking to Bali in a few weeks.

The upside?? There is no sales tax in Oregon. That's great on high dollar items like computers and cameras.

Hopefully we will be able to return to normal posts within a day or so.

Thank you all so much for sharing my burden and sadness over the horrific treatment of my luggage with me.

I'm not hopeful on the outcome, but we will do what we can.



  1. Oh, Bonnie! How awful! And I know how tedious the airline process is going to be..but, before you give up, check your homeowners insurance. I had a "luggage incident" a few years ago and (believe it or not) I was covered. Hope that will help you. Enjoy Sisters!

  2. Bonnie- I was so sorry to hear about the damage to your laptop and featherweight. I keep my laptop with me on my many flights but have never traveled with my sewing machines, Please push the claims office to take care of your damage. They damaged your goods and have enough insurance to take care of the damage. Good Luck!!


  3. Please be sure to point out to the airline people that this was equipment vital to your business and livelihood, not just personal property. The fact that you cared enough about these items to hand carry them, and then to have them destroy them is just not right! I'd like to see them held responsible for the full replacement cost of that featherweight!

  4. Bonnie, Sorry about your loss & hope the friendly flooded will fully compensate you. The turkey burgers sound great. Are they home- made? Have fun in Sisters. I was able to go a few years ago.

  5. Yes, love that tax free shopping. That was one of the things I missed the most, that and getting your gas pumped for you!

  6. Those burgers look yummy. My DH has been adding chopped garlic scapes (blossom spikes that grow from the top of the garlic plant) that have a very mild garlic flavor to our burgers with fresh sage, oregano and basil. I'm going to try adding the mushrooms & spinach too next time. Enjoy your time in Oregon. I SO enjoyed Sisters the last time I was there.

  7. Anonymous7:02 AM EDT

    Feeling your pain over the loss of your FW and computer...praying favor over you today that everything will be accomplished quickly and fairly, that you will be accommodated and reimbursed for the full amount of each. I am also thinking that the treat of spreading your story along with pictures worldwide via FB, blog and website will also have their effect. Have a great time at Sisters...one more thing on my bucket list.
    Faye in Maine

  8. Every once in a while somebody's excellent customer service will surprise you. Here's hoping your turn comes up next.

  9. Anonymous9:00 AM EDT

    don't forget to check your homeowner's insurance policy. a lot of them cover the contents of your house for damage, even if you take part of those contents on vacation. if yours does, then contact your agent and file a claim.

  10. I love my Nikon...bigger than a pocked camera but it is worth the extra effort!

  11. Don't know what kind of camera you are looking for, but for the small, carry it with you easily, hand it to someone to take your photo easy, not super expensive, but yet takes GREAT pictures and HiDef movies... I recommend one of the Canon Powershot ELPH series cameras. The 530 HS, SX260 HS, or the 320 HS would be my recommendation, in that order...


  12. Oh! I feel your pain! The same thing happened to me! My home owners insurance picked up the tab on everything! I even got an upgrade on my sewing machine! A great little camera is the Canon Power Shot A3300 IS recommended by my son who works at Best Buy!

  13. camera recommendation - I just got an Olympus SZ-12, and really love it - it is very compact, fits in a pocket of my purse, or in a nicely padded small camera pouch. The optical zoom is 24x, and is incredible. The features are great, and easy to use. You can download photos with a cord or pop out the card. The battery recharges in the camera with the usb cable and ac adapter (included)and the battery life was pretty long. Good luck with your shopping trip

  14. Anonymous9:06 PM EDT

    I feel so bad for you Bonnie. The computer can be replaced but that pink beauty! What a shame. Good luck and thinking of you.


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