This is the fabric I chose for the border of the baby quilt.
1995?!? I wouldn’t think this was that old, but that is going on 20 years!
It’s the perfect blue. It carries on the “plaid theme” with just a bit more punch and whimsy.
I had yards and yards of this at some point, and I’m down just to a bit of it.
There is no such thing as an expiration date on fabric, as long as it feels good to your hands, is the right color and pattern to do the job that you need it to do!
And it is working just great for the borders of the baby quilt for my soon-to-be-born nephew:
The fabric lives on!
Matched with backing fabric, binding strips and some batting scraps to piece!
I chose a red backing fabric that has planes and boats and trains on it..pefect for a little guy. The binding is the same red that surrounds the 9-patches in the center.
Not sure if I’ll get it quilted today.
I had a restless night…not helped at all by some bug of some kind that worked his way up to my head and took a bite out of my ear. I woke up with it swollen and red hot. Cortisone 10 cream now at work, and I am watching it. I do NOT think it was a spider.
But it occurred to me, with Christmas looming that I have to write the entire rest of the mystery posts for the next few consecutive releases…because I’m going to be gone. I won’t return from the cabin until the 27th, and I leave the 29th for Dallas.
I have to write the mystery quilt pattern that I am teaching twice while in Plano. I had planned to do this over the past 2.5 weeks ---but book vortex 2014 took over and I haven’t touched any of that.
I need to take high-res photos for my classes at the Vermont Quilt Festival – they asked for them, I haven’t had time to take them.
I need a clone.
And Quiltvilla is going to have to wait until all of this is done so I can go enjoy Christmas in peace.
Instead of in PIECES!
This is not a whine…it’s just me putting my thoughts down on paper so I can work through how to best tackle this, with NO ERRORS if possible, and still enjoy what is left of my time home.
Soon as this posts…I’m working on tomorrow’s release, and I will take it one thing at a time. And this is why I am putting off Quilt-Cam for now. That is a luxury, and fun – but this other stuff has to happen!
And try to remember to BREATHE!
Remember the Mystery Monday Link-Up for Part 3 closes tonight at 11;55pm EST.
perfect border fabric...i find with the older fabrics in our stash, they are the true 44" too...
ReplyDeleteThat's kind of where I am right now, too. Don't forget the importance of sleep. I went to bed at 8 last night, and feel so much more able to tackle what's ahead now. I'm a whole new person!
ReplyDeleteDo what you can do, one thing at a time. Breath and put some ice on that ear. Cold slows the histamine reaction with bites and allergies. It does help along with the cortisone. Peace. Julie in MS.
ReplyDeleteOh Bonnie, I wish I lived closer I would gladly come and help you! Try to get some rest and relaxation in there somewhere. Merry Christmas!!!
ReplyDeleteAnna in TN
It is that time of year...when we feel we are being pulled in all different directions! Hang in there it will be over before you know it!!
ReplyDeleteThe border for the baby quilt is absolutely perfect!Do not stress yourself, take time for a nice cup of coffee and relax, it makes the work easier and more fun.
ReplyDeleteTake time to breathe for yourself, please.
ReplyDeleteThat is a precious quilt Bonnie, perfect for a boy..love the border. ... Don't run yourself ragged Bonnie...you have to take care of yourself ..our Mystery can wait.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day checking things off your list. Remember 1995 is the Copyright date not necessarily the prining of the fabric date. For instance look at some Moda Marbles and you will see 1999 which is when that color was copyrighted. ...and you just purchased it for a current project at a quilt shope that turns over fabric like you turn over a half sandwich! LOL
ReplyDeleteYou are one busy lady...i think you need to teach us not just how to quilt, but also your "time management skills"!
ReplyDeleteI agree with what others are saying - take care of Bonnie FIRST. We can wait; please give yourself a break.
ReplyDeleteyou DO need a clone! or at least a mailclerk/administrative assistant!
ReplyDeleteCan't believe that I will be seeing you in Plano. My holiday plans are complicated more so now too as Plano is 135 miles away and we will travel that distance once for the holiday RT, and then repeat about 5 days later for the class. Hope I can sort fabric and organize strips, etc. between all the biggie things for the holiday season. But, I can't wait!! It will be wonderful. Hope the same for your holiday season. Stephani in N. TX (Tomazec@aol.com)
ReplyDeleteDo be careful with the insect bite. You're not whining, to me your getting your list made out loud so you can see if everything is on it. Good for you.
ReplyDeleteI wish you the best of the Christmas Season and a very Happy and Joyous New Year.
Karen J
So Cal
Dear Bonnie,
ReplyDeleteYou give so much, do so much, share so much of your life. I enjoy reading your posts and being inspired to continue with my quilt projects.
Take care of yourself! We will all be here waiting when your ready.
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Every year it seems to fly by faster and faster, for me it feels like we should be getting ready for Halloween or Thanksgiving not Christmas, not yet any ways. I think that we are all trying to cram way too much in our lives these days and just don't leave any time for enjoying the little things that keep us grounded to who we are. I think that for my New Years resolution this year I am going to stop and smell the roses and enjoy and appreciate the little things instead of trying to see how much I can cram into a day. Have a Merry Christmas Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteWho needs clones?
ReplyDeleteRemember the movie "Charlie and the chocolate factory" with Johnny Depp? - You need Oompa Loompas! Loads of them!
I will never be able understand how in the world one woman alone can tackle your schedule... I admire you and your energy.
Just do what you can and take your time. You always manage to get everything done right on time - and so you will this time again...
All of us who were hoping for Quilt Cam know how crazy the days can get when the second half of December starts... but you know what? Those who want your "company" while sewing can always watch an older episode of Quilt Cam - at least that's what I do quite often.
Take your time to breathe in between all these tasks - and take good care of your ear :/
Sending hugs & cookies all the way from Germany ;)
Love that baby quilt, the border is perfect. I'm also clearing the decks somewhat. Christmas is coming fast and I'm picking the projects that really count and giving the rest a pass.
ReplyDeleteI wish I lived closer. I would be happy to help with the administrative duties to free you up to spend more time on the creative side. I seriously think you might need to address this issue in the future. I'm sure there is someone close to you that would be glad to make the postal runs, etc. to relieve you of some of this.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful holiday. Thanks for all you do for us.
That check is the perfect Happy Baby Border! No worries about us, you do need to take care of yourself! Breathe...and breathe deeply. Repeat. often. I am setting the time for 30 minute blocks. Quilt (Celtic Solstice for a gift) a little, then chores, the GIMQ, then check email/read/eat a meal. Repeat on my day off.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that the quilt contains "celebrity fabric" will make it all the more precious to your nephew and his parents. The best thing about quilts, besides the fact that they are love made visible, is the stories behind them. This one has a great story.
ReplyDeleteCindy in NC
That's a great "BOY" quilt now! Lucky boy. No worries about Quilt CAM, still trying to finish up Clue 2 trimming here at my house. I'll be turning on another Hallmark Movie soon and winding more bobbins. Love the new Capcha, we just have to check the box!
ReplyDeletea hug just because~
Sharyn in Kalama
Beautiful little boy quilt. Don't worry about us. We'll survive if things are late. You have a life too and it's a busy one. I know you are a big girl but please have a doctor check before you go up to the cabin. More than spiders can leave a nasty surprise that shows up days later. It would be terrible if you had to drive back down the mountain in the middle of your rest time you get so little of it. I think Quilt-cam is a see you next year thing. We can wait. Enjoy your family and friends.
ReplyDeleteHang in there, and DO try and take care of yourself! I guess you didn't realize how successful your book sale would be! That's because we love you and your quilts! Loving the mystery, thanks for ALL THAT YOU DO!!!!
Love the fabrics they are beautiful for your nephew's quilt. I'm praying that the bite gets better soon. Take care of yourself and don't over do it. :)
ReplyDeletewait... you're in Vermont next summer??? I knew there was a reason I didn't go in 2014....
ReplyDeleteAs a Project Linus co-ordinator I get all kinds and ages of fabric donated. The 'best' one was a beautiful piece of acqua fabric which had the Utility symbol on it, which dates it from during World War II! It waited for 70 years to finally be used in a quilt!
ReplyDeleteI agree one step at a time will get it done. I would love to help if I could, and lived closer. But since I will be one of your class attendees in Texas for the other Mystery we can surly wing it can't we. I will bring paper and pen so I can take notes and will have my phone for the pics. Your instructions in class are always so good we probably don't need step by step instructions. One problem solved! Enjoy your family and Christmas. Remember you Are on vacation! Be merry!
ReplyDeleteOh, boy, can I relate to the ear thing.Decades ago, as a young married, my ear became infected. The outer part, not the inner ear. It was so incredibly painful. As the doctor explained to me, the swelling really has no place to go because the outer ear is just cartilage with skin over it. The pressure on the ear becomes intense. Rest up and heal. Hope by this time tomorrow it's all better.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your Christmas. You're such an inspiration I wonder if Sony will interview you?
ReplyDeleteBonnie, Dear Girl- Do you keep Tea Tree Oil or Aloe Vera Gel on hand? They help heal things, mysterious ones included, and totally natural. Vitamin Shoppe has a clear Aloe Vera Gel that comes in a tube. It also helps with the itching. I keep several on hand, and give them to friends, also.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for you to come to the Kenai in May for your two day workshops!
That border fabric is perfect!
ReplyDeleteYour baby quilt is looking better and better every time you post a pix of it. As for a clone, yes that would be good because then you could do twice as many workshops! What I think you really need is an assistant to take care of things like mailings so you can concentrate on your beautiful quilts!
ReplyDeleteHi R2D2 er I mean Bonnie! Merry Christmas to you and yours. I don't want to make anyone into a rush-rush, but I was into Jo-Ann's Saturday and they have stuff out all the way up to St. Patty's day! The stores are not letting us enjoy any of the holidays! Rest and sleep Bonnie. Hugs