Happy Monday, everyone!
Welcome to our 3rd Mystery Monday Link-Up for Grand Illusion.
I hope this part was an easier breezier one for you –and that you enjoyed whipping up 120 of our Two By Four units.
I just love the bright greens mixed with the neutrals and the scrappy blacks…it’s going to play such a fun part in our final quilt reveal!
I’ve had questions about the pressing….

I had you press toward the far right green strip in each strip set because it was LESS CONFUSING in the directions rather than turning it around and saying “press this one to the black and press this one toward the neutral” because then I get rebuttals saying “I thought we were always supposed to press toward the dark….” And seriously, if you want to press the other direction so your seams point UP toward the needle as you sew your units together, go ahead. I’m just telling you how I did mine. I don’t want to get into pressing battles and the whys and wherefores. You know what works for you, so as long as your seams nest ((unless you are a presser-opener)) I’m okay with it. I am okay with the presser-openers too. We all have our quirks, don’t we?
What matters is that your units look like mine, measure 3.5” X 6.5” and you have the right number of them. The pressing is up to you.
All good?
Let’s link up!
If you have never participated in a Link-Up before, the first thing I want you to do is to read the entire tutorial I wrote about Link-Ups HERE so you can know a few things before you dive in head first.
There is a lot of good information there that will help you understand things like WHY we need the address or URL of your individual specific post, not just your main blog address. It will show you how to FIND the correct URL and link it correctly.
If you are adding a Pinterest photo and have never linked up with us before, Click to read the Pinterest tutorial from last week’s link up HERE.
Remember, if you link to your main blog, and not the specific post I will have to delete your entry and have you try again because I can’t fix it for you.
To find the URL for the specific post, go to your blog and click on the title of the post you want to link. Look in the address bar at the top of your browser. The address of your post should end in .html NOT .com!
PLEASE LEAVE OFF the http:// part at the beginning of your blog address when you fill in your info below . The form auto-adds that for you. If I were linking, my address would start with Quiltville.blogspot.com/ not http://Quiltville.blogspot.com/
Also: If you are linking from a mobile device -- delete the last /?=m from the URL before posting! Those of us on a computer will get a really awkward looking page if you post your mobile URL from your tablet or phone. Your link should end in .html or just /
*NOTE* Your blog address does NOT include the @ symbol! That's for email addresses only, and that won't work in the linky either!
If you don’t have a blog you may link to your Flickr photo or Grand Illusion Album that you have created ((Not your whole account, please make it specific)) Or a photo you have posted on Pinterest sharing your progress ((Also specific, not your whole profile)) You can not link to Facebook. Any posts linking to a Facebook profile will be deleted.
Your blog Pinterest or Instagram photo must be view-able to ALL, not just a handful of people that you have invited. If your blog, Instagram or Pinterest is private, please don't link up. It's frustrating to those who click to view and are told they can't because of your privacy settings.
You can link ANY progress of ANY step on any of the Link-Ups.
For instance, if we are on a Link-Up for part 4 – and you are just on part 1, you can still link that. Just SHARE where you are!
In your post, Flickr or Pinterest photo – PLEASE include a link back to THIS POST not just to Quiltville.blogspot.com. I post more than once a day, so if someone clicks a link on your page to just my main address – they likely won’t find the link-up. That will only take them to the most recent post on the blog. They won't find any of the other links that people have taken time to place on this page. It will be a dead end street for them.
Make your links (Both yours and mine) post specific.
New links can be added until Thursday, December 18th at 11:55pm EST.
I have to tell you Bonnie that this is the first time I have sewn a patchwork block together and have not had to trim it! All of your tips about cutting have made a HUGE difference! Thank you so much!!
ReplyDeleteI agree. I am pleasantly surprised at the very little trimming I have to do. Thanks a million. I want to do a good job with this. I am enjoying seeing how people are playing with the units. Gives us ideas for other quilt blocks.
ReplyDeleteWhy does my sewing machine eat my dog-eared corners of the HST? It keeps sucking them down into the bobbin hole and then chewing them up. I have changed the bobbin and the needle. Am I sewing too slowly? When I test it on straight pieces of fabric and go fast there is no problem, then I switch to my slower chaining speed and it gnarls up...Any ideas?
ReplyDeleteI linked up put not finished any clue yet.
By the way I cut only the half number of any clue blocks, but sure I loved it already.
my favorite thing about the link up is how people try to guess the layout of the quilt blocks. Fortunately, Bonnie, you are excellent and not giving away too much too early!!! LOVE the guesses tho!
ReplyDeleteHey Bonnie, I accidenly posted the wrong link (in progress clue three) instead of the DONE clue three. I cannot seem to delete that one or change it, so please feel free to take ot the in progress one, #70 I believe. SORRY about that--too early in the morning for my brain to function right! THANKS!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I'm sorry for my 1st bad link....I reread your tut on links and think I fixed it, fingers crossed...
ReplyDeleteCan anyone help me with adding two or more photos to my blog? I seem to add them but they never show up. They appear to be loaded into Picasa, but I don't think I am clicking where I should when I want to add more. I was composing in html and then when I went to add the photo I went into compose and then back out to add more text. Any help is appreciated since I have more than one photo I want to share, but I don't seem to be able to add more than one photo. Help!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, thank you for giving me something to keep my skills going. This is the first time I am part of your MQ and I am enjoying it. However, I don't have a blog or flickr account .. so how else could I link up with everyone? I have most of part 1 & 2 done & a sample of 3 I would like to share.
ReplyDeleteHI Bonnie is it too late to join your mystery quilt?
ReplyDeleteI finished Part 3 and found I am 3 sections short! I knew one of my black pieces was a bit short, Oh well I'll get them done before i assemble, But for now, on to part 4! I am SO loving these colors!