I’ve been up since 4am Texas time.
DANG! Who knows if it was the hot flash, the hotel heater going on and off, the intermittent buzz and clang of the hotel room refrigerator or the elevator around the corner. Whatever it was, even all of the above, I’m UP!
And my mind has been wandering and putting things in order as we draw this year to a close. Do you do that?
So good to see my brother and sister-in-law last night. Family is at the top of my list on priorities. And even short little visits are wonderful when you live so far away.
During Quilt-Cam on Sunday I coined my phrase for 2015, and it goes along with the Power Purging I’ve been doing every time I have a chance.
Yes, these are the things that go through my brain when waking up at 4am!
And just to make this a quilty post, I thought I would share some of the photos that came to my email during Quilt-Cam on Sunday as well! Such inspirational beauties!
Leader & Ender Spools by Judy Stokes!
Judy writes:
Hi Bonnie,
I'm here today sewing on Grand Illusion while listening in on Quiltcam.
I want to share with you my finished leaders/enders spool project. I sewed my spool blocks together in groups of 16. Then sashed with "our" favorite...Cheddar. I love how it turned out.
This represents scraps from my first seven years of quilting. A great memory quilt. Thanks for all you share with us..
JudyDoesn’t this quilt just sparkle? The block pattern is found under the free patterns tab at the top of the blog. You can make as many or as few as you like, building them as Leaders & Enders in between your lines of other chain sewing.
Columbus, MS
If you haven’t started using Leaders & Enders in your quilt making yet, maybe 2015 is the year to develop that habit! You’ll definitely be doing MORE with Less!
My Spoolin Around quilt, a different layout with pieced border, is found in my book MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders.
4 Patch X under way by Sharon in Vermont!
Sharon shared her progress on her 4 Patch X quilt! A block from a previous Addicted to Scraps column that is featured as a full quilt pattern in MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders as well.
She writes:
Hi Bonnie from Sharon in VT,
I’m working on my version of your 4-Patch X in a 5-block by 6-block setting; I’ve included a picture. I’ve been making 4-patch blocks as leaders and enders for quite a while, but I didn’t have a pattern in mind. Then I saw a picture of the 4-Patch X quilt on your website; I also saw that the quilt pattern was available in More Adventures with Leaders and Enders
.My 4-patch blocks finished at 4 inches so I set out to make a pattern and to determine the correct size for the various components. My blocks finish at 11⅜ inches. I used 2-inch (finished) green sashing with buttery yellow cornerstones.
I plan to add a narrow 1-inch border of the yellow, then finish with a string border. I’ll bind the quilt in the navy blue, and it will measure 85⅝ inches by 99 inches when finished and bound.
BTW, I now have both of your Leaders & Enders books, both Scraps and Shirttails, and String Fling…my Christmas presents to myself.
Sharon in VT
Look how those 4 patches sparkle! I tell you what..when you don’t know what to make, make 4 patches. They will ALWAYS find a way to pull together in a fabulous quilt. I love the depth that this quilt has! Great job!
Joan’s Celtic Solstice!
I have loved each and every one of these I have seen. I am excited that Kansas City Star wants to release it as an individual pattern by Quilt Market time in the Spring instead of waiting a year to put it in the next book! I’ll let you know more as I know more.
Joan writes about her quilt:
I finished this a long time ago, and just now found the photo and wanted to share it with you.
I love your designs and so do all of those loved ones who are gifted these quilts.
The fabrics are left overs from several Civil War type quilts that I'd made, therefore these colors.
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year holiday.
Joan Polakoff
p.s. Due to your enthusiasm for paper pieceing hexis, I now have 3 projects in the works with paper pieces, and .....just got the paper pieces for 2 more!! Oh no.I am giggling at the OH NO!! More like…OH YES!! Just need more time…lots more time! Thank you for sharing your lovely quilt with us, Joan!
Sometimes we can biggie-size a block to get the job done!
This one is from Mary W:
Scrappy Mountain Majesties, Biggie Sized!
Mary writes:
Hi Bonnie, Great to see you today. Working on pillowcases for the niece and nephews. I am attaching a picture is a quilt I gave to my son for Christmas from the fee patterns tab.
It is scrappy mountains with 10-1/2 " blocks instead of 8-1/2" in your pattern. You can see him peaking out from behind the quilt.
FABULOUS! You can find the free pattern for Scrappy Mountain Majesties under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog. Mary cut her squares 10.5” to start instead, and made her sub-cuts at 2.5” instead of 2” so you can get the job done quicker! She did more with less…seams!
Thank you and Happy Holidays from Mary in Boston
I love this Mary, thanks for sharing!
And there are more to share, but I’ll save those for TOMORROW! Because, you see – today I am starting off my workshop week at Fabric Fanatics in Plano with a MYSTERY that can’t be shared with you yet! I’m teaching it twice this week, so for those class days there will not be a slide show of what happened in class, or of what we are working on. When I am done with my time here, this quilt gets sent off ASAP to Quiltmaker Magazine, and they are presenting it in their May issue!
Until then…it’s hush hush, but be excited for the release in just a few months!
I am excited for this class day to start. 3 more hours to wait! I think there may be some hexie time this morning.
I am raring and ready to go to make this the best 2015 ever. I will give everything I have to give to every student, meeting them on their level with as much encouragement as I can muster.
The more I do this, the more I realize it is not about the quilts, the fabric, the machines and other goodies. It's about the people. It's all about the people. It is about each and every individual student.
Oh, and I got an email from my dad with this photo attached from Thanksgiving:
What a wonderful holiday season it has been!
Now it’s time to take the apron off, and GET to WORK!
Have a great Tuesday, everyone!
That's a great photo of Ms. Bonnie. Love your attitude going into 2015! It inspires me to simplify in every area I can. The quilts are beautiful and inspiring too. Have a great day...I know your students will!
ReplyDeleteI love that picture of you and the quilts, the table setting and the decor in the background. I too wear an apron when I cook. What a good motto for 2015. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie, I have taken classes with you in Buffalo NY and in Ale Andrea Virginia. In the interest of making do with less to achieve more, can I kindly suggest the practice of yoga? It's simple, you need no extra trappings to do it in hotels, where you spend an extraordinary amt. of time, you can find shows on TV in the early hours of the a.m. Or get a CD at Kohls with your 30% off coupon! I. Other words, you can achieve more with very little - yoga is a mind body spirit thing and I think it goes great with your mantra. I've only been doing it for a few months and here's the bonus...all of my pants are going to Goodwill and I am down three inches on my hips. How's that for doing more with less!
ReplyDeleteCarol, yoga changed my life. And it is for every Body.
ReplyDeleteMy word(s) this year are Recognition and Reconciliation
The last 5 years have been brutal...it is my turn now to Recognize myself and Reconcile that person with what has happened and what I will become.
Taking my life back in other words ;)
all the best in the new year, Sharyn in Kalama
My phrase for 2015 is "Gratitude over Attitude". I (we) have so much to be grateful for. Wishing you all the very best in the coming year. hugs...Kathy in Edmonton
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I love your attitude. I won't see you this next weekend because of our move(that isn't happening on time) but look forward to seeing you in Tuscany. My word for 2015 has to be patience. Something I need more of and need to work on achieving. Have fun in Texas!!!!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I usually put my apron "on" to go to work!
ReplyDeleteYou are such an inspiration!
I applaud you for your minimalist thoughts! I'm all for de-cluttering every chance I get. My phrase for the new year is "Be More Present."
ReplyDeleteHere's to a wonderful new year!
Thanks for your inspiration. I am scrap happy myself. Looking forward to your visit to Springfield, MO in September of this year. I've already requested off work.
ReplyDeleteWhat a warm, wonderful picture of you. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI got a new cabinet for my sewing room for Christmas and I am going through all my fabric and getting it organized. I have found a few pieces of aqua fabric that I thought darn that could have been in this mystery quilt. Oh well. Next year I will be so organized that I definitely will use more fabric from my stash.
ReplyDeleteI agree Bonnie,do more with less. I intend to keep on making scrappy and busting stash in 2015.
ReplyDeleteSure is a great Pic of you at Thanksgiving. I am looking so forward to the mystery class on Saturday. I think i am just about ready with all my cutting prep for class. See you soon!
ReplyDeleteI didn't think I was a big spools fan. I have changed my mind since seeing Judy's quilt. It is beautiful! I was going through the free patterns on Bonnie's site today to pick a project for a relative. I will now have to add spools as a possibility. :-)
ReplyDeleteI love,love the Thanksgiving and apron picture. My best memory of my Grandmother is in her apron holding open the screen door. Aprons remind me of love. Happiness shines from your face in this picture. Seems I can't purge anything in 5 min but am in the slower part of the process.
ReplyDeleteHave a GREAT 2015.
You are such an inspiration for a better life. I'm slowly getting back to "the purge" knowing I have enough to keep me at it for at least 100 years.
ReplyDeleteYour 4:00 am wakings were discussed on Dr. Oz today. It can be a part of Mother Nature making those fun (lol) changes to our aging body. A popular hour for women to awaken. I've changed to 5 am and I'm 74. Yes, many thoughts fly at that hour of the morning. I'm awaiting the day that 5 becomes 6 and then on to 7 or 8. Warning: I've been at it for over 40 years.
Happy New Year to all of you.
Linda Frihart lfrihart@cox.net).
Love that smile!
ReplyDeleteI've adopted a mantra the past 2 years. Think happy thoughts in 2013 and Judge not in 2014. 2015 will be stop saying, start doing.
Happy New Year from AZ. I'll see you next week!
[[ create your +3000 backlines here ]]
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that is a great picture of you Bonnie! Looks like you had a great holiday!
ReplyDeleteHappy and Healthy New Year, Bonnie, and thanks so much for all you do. You have changed my life and I am grateful.
ReplyDeleteYou really have taken the sexy out of quilting. You really look like a mature older woman...quilter.
ReplyDeleteYes that's my 2015 proder, stop saying, get doing. Pleased with my 2014 purges so keeping going