This is Sadie Jane, giving me THE LOOK as I haul my luggage yet again into the airport.
I’m on my way to Ketchikan!
I am so excited. We got part of one day to spend there when I was on a cruise last year – and I loved it.
Now I get to see it as the locals see it!
It’s going to be a long long travel day~
Greensboro to Detroit to Seattle, finally winding me up in Ketchikan at 4pm their time…which is 8pm MY time. Whooooeeee! I can get to Europe a lot quicker!
But they don’t have totem poles!
I’m putting up some Show & Share today, there have been some wonderful quilt photos coming in!
What better for a travel day?
Our first one is from Vanessa!
Vanessa’s Wonky Wishes!
She writes:
It's done! ! Well... the piecing! Lol! It's just beautiful..thanks for the pattern..i love the wonky stars! Whew! Can hardly wait to start another pattern...so hard to pick..just love them all!It’s BEAUTIFUL!!
Just wanted to share. :) I'll be quilting this on my domestic machine..wish me luck!
I have to share something else...last quilt cam i teased you created a machine collecting monster lol...you also gave me a lot of good advise about it...remember i had found the featherweight and a 301 i was debating on getting..well...remember further back i let someone talk me into making them an oversized twin wonky wishes star quilt and asked for advise on what to charge? ! (ooiivey)! ! WELL! ! . Nell from Omaha NE offered info of 500 dollars...thanks Nell! ..so it's the price i gave and they didn't hesitate. This quilt top is done and at a quilter, i wanted to get going on mine! ...but! ! Selling the one have me enough to buy both of those machines and pay the quilter..is that crazy cool! !
So again..thanks for the great patterns and info and encouragement! .
You can find the pattern for the Wonky Wishes Block under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog.
Ruby’s Celtic Solstice!
Ruby made HER Celtic Solstice not only big enough to fit the king bed, but to go all the way down to the floor!
Great quilt, Ruby, and yes, you definitely went the extra mile! Isn’t it gorgeous?
Shelley’s got her Leader & Ender Bow-Ties done!
Awesome with all the scraps!
She writes:
I just love seeing these…..I agree with Shelley –use up those pieces any way you can!My cheddar bowties are finally a top! I’ve been working on it for 2 years in between other projects. I took it home to Canada with me on vacation this summer and thought I’d finished it then but decided I wanted it bigger. I didn’t bring enough cheddar with me to finish it bigger so back to CT it came.When I was cutting scraps for the blocks. I wanted to cut it all and not have any left. In some blocks, I only had enough to do the bigger squares but not the smaller ones so I used something else. I’ve included a few pictures of those blocks. The background is mostly a plain cheddar but I swapped some blocks and block kits with a few other quilters and their cheddars were different. I used them anyway. It’s a scrap quilt after all, right?
I had a few extra bowtie blocks. I put a few in the borders and have the rest ready to piece into the back. I love that the bowties are in the border.
As always, thank you for your generosity and inspiration.
The other night on Quilt-Cam, Jen sent in a photo of a baby quilt she made using my Camp Gravatt pattern from the Free Patterns tab:
She writes:
Needed to make a baby quilt with coral, green & purple so adapted your puss in the corner rendition. I LOVE it! Will put soft minkee on the back.
And I want to encourage everyone to do as Jen did…look at the quilt patterns with different color schemes…this is so sweet for a baby. Just because I did it in red, mustard and black, doesn’t mean you need to…..thanks for sharing this, Jen!
Next up is from Elaine!
Elaine’s Old Tobacco Road in PINK!
She writes:
Hi, Bonnie,
We celebrated my nephew Gavin's birthday in mid February of 2014. At that time my niece Kennedy asked for a quilt for her 14th birthday (which was about two weeks ago). I asked what her favorite colors are. She said pink & purple. I started the quilt at the end of April and finished it July 30th.Another quilt showing how different things can look in different colors and different fabrics. I LOVE THIS!!!!
All the fabric was from stash except the dark purple around the floating border. I used most of my extra blocks for that and added a couple of blue pinwheels for a little whimsy. The quilt is queen size so she can use it for quite a while. I even used 10.5" squares to piece the backing and clear out more stash. Feel free to post it. Not sure what format is needed for pictures.
Happy quilting, Elaine Krause
Thanks for sharing your beautiful quilts ladies – you keep ME inspired!
And with that, my flight is boarding and I’ve got to go!
Catch you from Ketchikan!
Beautiful quilts! Bless Sadie Jane's heart, she looks so unhappy. Have a safe and wonderful trip.
ReplyDeleteGORGEOUS quilts!!! love the bowties! GREAT QUILTS ladies!! I wish my niece was a quilter --I would hook you up with her...she would love you!! She is close to Ketchikan!! enjoy you visit *on the ground* --gorgeous up there
ReplyDeleteGood Morning, good flight, happy trip to you! Makes me happy to see your post with all the beautiful quilts first thing this morning. I have some more finishes, too - the second Lazy Sunday we finished for the family of one of our members who passed away is ready to give to them. My Wonky Wishes is quilted and will be next to bind. It's like the one you show, then I just had to make another one, love those stars! I keep making them with the scraps. I figured out to make this one different, with even more stars and will send a photo when it's done. I never found out what happened to the Yahoo group where we used to send photos of our tops and quilts?!?!
ReplyDeleteAll of the quilts you posted are beautiful! The ladies can be so proud of their work. Seeing quilts others have made in different colors really sets my mind in gear ... what colors can I use from my stash? Well, I'm not starting anything new until after I find out what colors are used in your new mystery quilt. I'm afraid that I would use all of my scraps in the colors that I want to use up. I guess that would give me a reason to go fabric shopping. Hmmm...maybe I'll just go ahead and start a new quilt.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely used to HATE seeing that look on my Sadie's face ... it was almost enough to make me turn around! Enjoy your trip and exhausted as you will be you will enjoy Alaska ... the last frontier of this great country! Travel safe!! Looking forward to your traveling posts!
ReplyDeleteI saw the first pic and said OH!! a quilt like mine...oh again...that is mine LOL!! I love it, can't stop looking at it. Hope you have safe travels...I just love Alaska! Would love to go back. We are leaving too for a couple weeks and then it's home to tackle the quilting on my Wonky Wishes Stars. I am just in love with that quilt. All the others are just gorgeous too! The baby quilt is making me change gears a little on the Emery's baby quilt I'm also working on. Have a Sister's Choice almost done too! I just can't sew your patterns fast enough! LOL...love them all!
ReplyDeleteHave fun in Alaska! We went on a bucket list there in June. I was amazed to find so many quilt stores, but why not? It's cold there!
ReplyDeleteI love all these quilts. Jen's coral, green, and purple baby quilt is so pretty- love the colors! I might have to copy!
ReplyDeleteIt's so much fun to see how other people interpret your patterns and it's great that you like the results.
ReplyDeleteHope you didn't have travel problems. I see that there was severe weather in the Midwest including tornado warnings in Detroit!
I'm a cat owner who has never had a dog but I can feel Sadie Jane's pain! She does not get that you are going to work, that it has nothing to do with her. It's not just that she will miss you. I have found that talking and explaining things to my cats actually helps, as crazy as it sounds. But cats are more attached to places than to people. Have you ever tried a sort of "handing her over" ceremony [for lack of a better word] from you to your husband? Can you pack in a room where she won't see it? It's so sad that she not only misses you while you are gone but also anticipates it. I've seen this look in your other photos of her too. I hope others will share what they do with their dogs with you. I KNOW you feel her pain too. hugs, Laurie [leavesongrass@cox.net]