
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

July/August ‘19 Quiltmaker Gift-Away!

This bundle is coming straight from me to you!

While Irene and I are working day and night behind the scenes, I’ve got something REALLY GOOD to give away!

The July/August 2019 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine is just now hitting news stands near you, and subscribers are receiving this issue in their mail boxes.

the July/August issue is full of gorgeous summer quilts, patterns, ideas – perfect for page turning and inspiration while you travel, sit on your porch, lounge by the pool or wherever you catch you best summer relaxation.

There is nothing like turning pages full of color and possibilities!

Be looking for the bold red, white & blue cover!

Turn the pages and find a few of my favorites:

Syvia Schaefer’s Glow Tiles.

It does glow!

Kathryn Wagar Wright’s Remembrance

Ebony Love’s Zoot Suit!

Carl Hentsch’s Bright Stars.

Oh, I love a scrappy red & white quilt!

There is a whole Designer Spotlight article about Carl and his quilting – I love the Designer Spotlight series and getting to know a bit more of the person behind the quilt. There is a lot of life and living that goes on during the long-term making of any quilt and these articles put the humanity back into the art for me – instead of making us all feel like designing machines, you know?  Great article Carl!

Nancy Mahoney’s Park Avenue!

I love Nancy to pieces – we’ve taught together twice this Spring – in Tennessee and Louisiana, one right after the other.  It was great spending time with her – and as I read the title of her quilt the juke box inside my head was going through the lyrics to Green Acres…LOL!

New York is where I'd rather stay
I get allergic smelling hay
I just adore a penthouse view
Darling I love you, but give me Park Avenue!

Nancy’s designs are always full of color and movement, leaving you wondering where one block ends and the next one begins.  Is it a two block quilt? Or isn’t it?  Pick up this issue and see!

I love Ohio Stars, and this variation is a fun one – self framed!

You’ll find Tennessee Tango on Page 87!

Quiltmaker Bundle Gift-Away!

I’ll be drawing for one winner who will not only receive the July/Aug 2019 Quiltmaker issue, but also volume 9 of 100 Blocks by 100 designers, including my pattern for Hovering Stars! 

I’m adding to the the deal by including some great notions by Clover – flower head pins and wonder clips.  A spool of Aurifil thread, a Fabric Hoarder pin, a ruler grip by Eversewn, and one of the things I absolutely can NOT live without – my Quiltville Seam Guide to help you find that elusive 1/4’’ sweet spot with your seam.

Drawing to happen Monday, May 27!

Good luck everyone!

Irene behind the scenes!
(And behind the ironing board!)

Poor girl, I have this set up for MY height!  I really should take pity and lower it for her!

She’s finished her Pineapple Blossom quilt top (pattern from the free patterns tab.) and was getting ready to add borders at this point.  Well DONE!

Last evening,, a second one came to visit!


I love her spots and her fuzzy antennae!

Click to Play:

I just feel like it is a “LUCKY” thing to see not just one, but two different ones in the same day. I removed the screen from the slider, carried it over to the grass and gently encouraged her off the screen.  This morning – no moths.

Isn’t nature amazing?

My own “Can’t Show You” production continues – though today we may take a break and head out for lunch and a round of antiquing and sight seeing.  I’m feeling a bit “cabin fever-y” as we really HAVE been sewing from morning til past midnight to get these deadlines met.

Have you ever had the feeling like you just could not sew FAST ENOUGH?!  Yeah, that.

Quiltville Quote of the Day.

Vintage 1950s nine-patch quilt.

The more I live, the more I learn that this is true on all levels. 

I love the simplicity of a scrappy nine-patch.

Yes, there will be some more nine-patches in my immediate future!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!


  1. This Quiltmaker Gift-Away bundle looks like it has my name on it! I would be thrilled to win it...fingers crossed!

  2. You are so fortunate to have all the critters there to enjoy. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. Sewing your hearts out! I'm jealous. I love quiltmaker. Happy you are still making those Addicted to Scraps blocks.

  4. I love the quilts in that issue of Quiltmaker! Have a wonderful time with your friend.

  5. Sounds like you girls deserve a break. I find sometimes a break actually makes me more productive in the long run. And how nice of you to have another giveaway.

  6. The moths are so cool! I've never been lucky enough to see one up close. Maybe something is trying to tell you to make a Moth in the Window quilt in the near future!

  7. Hi Girls, It's a rainy day in So. California. Good day to sew up some Tulip blocks 🥀

  8. Thank you for your quote of the day. It inspired me because I'm going thru that right now. You are my daily ray of sunshine.

  9. Bonnie, the Luna moth does not have a mouth so they only live a week. You are very lucky to see 2 of them in 1week!

  10. Miss Luna is beautiful! But I have to admit that my first thought when I saw the picture was "Poor girl! She must have to pee. She has her legs crossed!" Thank you for the chuckle! And for being you!

  11. Wonderful giveaway. Holding thumbs for luck!

  12. Bonnie- I Love the Quiltmaker Give Away!
    I also love your Luna moths!
    I have been having yearling moose visit, a single and a set of twins. Their mother's have given them the boot in preparation for giving birth to the next generation.Because they bring them here during their first year, they know it is a safe place to come munch and rest if need be, and even get a drink.

    I love seeing and living amongst nature!
    Happy Memorial Day Week!

    Kasilof, AK
    Where it has clouded up for the next day or so.

  13. That moth is so relaxed that it's crossing it's tail ends! LOL! Greenacres! I just about remember that - and can't help hearing Eva Gabor singing that part!

  14. I have a very tall friend that I sew with. Her ironing board is set up for her and I feel like a midget trying to use it!
    Love the moth sightings, they are beautiful.

  15. Anonymous8:19 AM EDT

    Wow to be able to quilt with that view - that must be inspiring. Thank you for bringing us great content through your blog - it is most appreciated. Oh that I could win the Quiltmaker giveaway - what a treat that would be!!

  16. I love reading all your entries. Would love to win and thanks for all the beautiful quilts and patterns.

  17. I love your blog. I've been following it for a long time.


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