
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Double Wedding Ring Mystery Winner!

Hi Everyone!

I’m back to my hotel room and just as I promised – tonight is the drawing of the copy of The Double Wedding Ring, a quilt mystery by Claire O'Donohue!

I’m only a couple chapters into the book myself, but I am liking it.  If you are NOT a winner, you may find this book in your local library, at a book store near you, or perhaps on amazon.

I am enjoying the way that the author presents her characters.  The writing moves the story  along at an easy yet compelling pace and I can’t wait to spend more time just submersing myself in this story!

I hope our winner enjoys it as much as I am.

Vivian in Iowa – come on down!

She writes:

A quilter can't have too many mysteries to read. Sounds like a good one. I appreciate the chance to win.
Vivian, I've sent you an email requesting your snail mail address.  Please get back to me with it and I will mail this off as soon as I get home to North Carolina!
And the fun isn't over!
Guess what tomorrow is?!?
It’s time for Quiltmaker Magazine’s 100 blocks Volume 8 Blog Tour!!
I’m lucky enough to start out the blog tour on Day One….and there will be four days of great blogs to hit, each telling you about their featured block and a bit about themselves so you can find out more about who they are and what they do.

This issue, Volume 8, will go on sale November 19th at a news stand by you.  It can also be ordered online, both in paper and digital formats –the digital format is great for those overseas!  

Between these pages is the best from the best, straight to you!  Each featured blogger on the tour will be offering copies as Give-Aways along with other goodies and ideas on their blogs, and you will want to visit them all.
Be sure to also visit Quiltmaker’s blog, Quilty Pleasures for their bundles of fun and giveaways – we are all very excited for this issue!
Catch you in the morning!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!


  1. Congrats to Vivian enjoy the reading.

  2. This was a lucky day for me. I'm looking forward to reading this book. Thanks, Bonnie.

  3. Congrats to Vivian enjoy the reading. I'm looking forward to reading Wedding Rings book.

  4. I am relatively new to your blog and can't get enough! I am in on the Celtic Solstice Mystery, will be my first mystery quilt, I am excited! I have made two blocks Boxy Stars in pinks and greens, inspired from Quilt Cam. Learning the leader and ender system and really feel productive. Thanks for giveaway opportunity.

  5. I've made so many of your quilts Bonnie but I really enjoyed making Jarred Takes a wife
    the best, it just went together so beautifully and was my first quilt using shirts.
    Thanks for all you do, especially your mysteries which I just love doing so much....
    I've only missed one when we moved last year.
    Thanks for the chance to win and I wish you continued success in all your do :0)

    Happy Sewing

  6. I'm new to Leaders and Enders and saving them for 16patch and pinwheels. I also like Sisters Choice. Currently working on several WiPs while waiting for Celtic Solstice to go LiVE!

  7. Just starting my third quilt and haven't made one of yours. The leader and ender system seems very interesting.

  8. Congrats to Vivian. I'm hoping to win this one. Thanks for the chance.
    Bobbie rjc@cam@gmail.com

  9. Gosh with so many comments I probably won't stand a chance of winning but I sure would love it if I did! Thanks to you and Quiltmaker magazine for the chance to win!

  10. Anonymous1:46 AM EST

    Beautiful designs of engagement rings. Thanks for this nice post. I appreciate you for sharing this. Keep sharing..

    engagement ring & diamond wedding ring


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