I’ve been traveling around the internet from time to time, visiting blogs, following links, seeing who is in other people’s reading lists, trying new venues, seeing what is out there.
There are times when I even end up questioning myself, why I do what I do at all--- at the end of the day, what drives me to post and post and post?
There have been comments --- not necessarily about me, but about those of us who have ad sponsors, and it is something I’ve thought long and hard about – even before agreeing to have ad sponsors on my blog.
I’ve even found derogatory comments on friend’s blogs that have made me feel pretty awful. “Ad free zone” “no ads blog” “Oh, those ADS!” And I try to suck it up and move on and just tell myself that they really don’t understand the situation here.
I don’t blog for glory.
I don’t blog for cash.
I do blog to promote a business, but it is more than that. This is my livelihood, but it is also my life line.
I blog because this blog is a scrapbook of *MY* life. And it’s going so fast. I’m at the age where I want to capture it all. A picture may be worth 1,000 words, but if I don’t write the 1,000 words to go with it, 6 months or a year from now I’m not going to remember what that picture was for or where I was or where I took it.
I don’t feel the need to scrap book with die cut paper shapes and bits of ribbon and bows in acid free pages, but I do feel the need to scrap book my life here with pictures and words.
Yes, there are buttons and images for awards on my blog. This is my life scrap book. There are links to lots of things, this is my space, my memory box. This does not make me a glory-seeker.
I’ve always been a communicator…my internet life started by joining several different email lists all revolving around quilting in one way or another and I was active in it daily. Words just seem to flow from my fingers…..I love being able to express myself! And when blogging started, and the ability to add pictures, and to share…wow!
When I moved to North Carolina 3 1/2 years ago, I left a full time massage practice that I had built from the ground up-- behind. I basically walked away from my job. I had no idea WHAT I was going to do, but working in an office 9-5, 5 days a week had ZERO appeal to me.
Writing for magazines pays little to nothing, but the benefits were so great, I accepted the job of writing a regular column for Quiltmaker. I love it! Can I live on it? No.
I received a book contract from Kansas City Star and I am now busy writing my 4th book with them. I love it too! But let me tell you, book royalties are NOT all that they may be cracked up to be. Selling books on my website and via this blog and at my lectures are what KEEP me going as a self-employed woman. Can I live off my book sales? No.
Traveling and teaching is HARD work --- no matter how fun it looks. It’s taxing beyond anyone’s knowledge, except maybe those who have traveled to teach before --- and if you divide the pay by the number of hours on the job, and realize that that pay also has to cover what days you are NOT working, because you certainly can’t take a “regular” job and ask for these kinds of days off so you could DO your traveling quilting job! Who would hire you? No one! Missing family is also hard! Can I live by my teaching earnings? No.
Yes, there are ads on this blog. I am aware of a whole group of bloggers who have pledged to avoid blogs with ads on “principle”. What PRINCIPLE?!
These ads also allow me to take all the time I do --- hours and hours---- to design and publish quilts for you, here on the blog, free of charge. They cost you nothing --- thanks to the wonder of these little ad sponsors in my side bar.
They pay me so you don’t have to.
These ads support a self-employed woman. And any self-employed woman should applaud whatever effort it takes to BE and remain self employed in this economy.
Does this make me greedy?
No. It makes me realistic. Something has to give! I want to keep writing….but something has to pay the bills. I want to keep sharing my life ---and this is how I choose to do it.
You may disagree with me….but I’m hoping this will help you understand just a bit more.
And in the mean time, I’ll keep writing ---
I hope you do! Continue writing that is! I enjoy reading your blog and your adventures...honestly somedays it does look fun, but I know I would be homesick....yes even at my age. I appreciate you willingness to share, especially your love of quilting. I don't think your ads are offensive! Like anything else in life we are free to take or leave. I'll be back to read and learn! THANKS
ReplyDeleteI wonder if those "against ads" people also do not buy magazines, movies, newspapers or watch TV too.........because they too all have ads in them. It is a part of life, you don't have to go to that ad, you can ignore it.
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie,
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog. You share so much of yourself with us. The free quilt patterns and tips are just fantastic. It is because of your blog that I purchased your first two books. I feel sometimes that I live vicariously through you enjoying your adventures...for example that quilting cruise I would never take because I get sea sick was a blast! I didn't feel ill at all. Please blog for yourself first, if ads pay the bills that is a bonus. I don't ever feel you need to justify yourself on your blog to me or any other follower. This is your blog and we can take it or leave it. I for one appreciate all your hard work to keep blogging almost daily. My goal for 2011 was one post per week, most weeks this was not attainable.
It is 2013 and I just found Bonnie Hunter, where have I been?? ;-)
DeleteTammy - I applaud your thoughts and totally agree with you. Write on Bonnie, design on, teach us, and inspire us as you must, but please do NOT spread yourself so thin that you burn out. I truly do enjoy you as do so many other quilters and wanabe quilters. They are the ones you transform and inspire - I know, as I am one ;D]
Well, Bonnie, the ads on your blog have NEVER bit me or slapped me! And if they help , hooray! I love your posts, both for their entertainment and informative value. And all your patterns and tutorials... Well, I thank you.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I dont blog or have my own business... But I definitely understand doing what it takes to meek ends meet. Besides, ads are everywhere. You are not forcing anyone to click them or buy from them! I for one am grateful for you, your blog, and your openness. -Amy
ReplyDeleteI don't see any ads... I just come because you make me want to come see what you are up to. I for one live through your travels and love seeing the way you use all your scraps. I dream of having my scraps all color coordinated..Keep on keeping on!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you like to blog and hope you'll never stop. You inspire, teach, support, encourage, share your heart and more through your blog. While I wish you lived next door, your blog is the next best thing.
ReplyDeleteBig hug of thanks and appreciation.
Amen sister Bonnie! I am also self-employed and just health care is a big old chunk of change! You're doing a great job...keep on keeping on! Check out my blog if ya get a chance...I love scrappy and vintage too!
ReplyDeleteBrenda...the Farmer's Dotter
Keep it up and for everyone that knocks you there are five more that love you and what you do
ReplyDeleteKeep writing, Bonnie, and don't worry about external pressures. I admire you and all the work you do. You are a talented woman who gives so freely of herself. Find the trash bin for any comments anywhere that make you feel otherwise! You deserve only the best!
Ads? What ads? I love your blog. It's my favorite. Honestly I don't even notice the ads. Probably your advertisers don't want to hear that. Please keep blogging and designing quilts for us. Love your patterns. And I love reading about your adventures. Just ignore all the negativity and do what makes you happy. O
ReplyDeleteAds? What ads? I guess I haven't even noticed them as I'm too busy reading how busy you are. And truth be known...I don't know how you do what you do....this current addition has been enlightening, informational and thought provoking. I appreciate what you do through your quilting, through your blog and through your life! Continue on, dear one, continue on.....
ReplyDeleteI'm with you sweetie, I blog because this is my business and I can't afford one of those zooped up whoopdy doo web sites. I have a small but growing quilt shop, I fulfilled my ambition by opening it and passing on the thrill of quilting to others and/or helping others extend themselves.
ReplyDeleteI gave up high school teaching, it paid well, I run a shop that pays me nothing, but I'm happy and content - others mean, snyde comments that every now and then get left on blogspots just remind me of people with small minds, smaller brains and usually a huge degree of jealousy for our fulfilled lives.
Keep on going sweet, there are more of us out there than blogging snobs.
hugs - Miche'le
Bonnie, I am standing on my chair applauding!!! (I didn't know you were a massage therapist!!) I am amassga therapist & used to travel a lot teaching, so I know EXACTLY whereof you speak.
ReplyDeleteNo one has any right to say a thing about your (or anyone's) blog. YAY for the advertisers that help make it possible for you to share all that you do!!
You are a force of nature. A joyous, open hearted, incredibly talented force of nature, & I am astoundingly grateful for all that you do!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Thanks for all you do for the quilting community. I love reading your blog and the comments and checking out the connected blogs. Ads??? Never really noticed them...unlike some, I guess I have a life and don't need to concentrate on negative comments and activities. Keep up the good work!!!
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I find ads annoying and when the ads are popup ads, I find them intrusive. I don't go back to those blogs. I understand the need to pay the bills and I do appreciate your generosity in sharing your patterns, posting free kindle books,and in passing along tidbits from your travels. Please keep blogging; I'll keep reading
ReplyDeleteLove hearing about your travels, your family ,your life. You are an inspiration to many,you might blog for yourself, but I sure am glad you do.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the hours you put in so we can have patterns etc.
Borrowing a saying from the youngergeneration YOU ROCK
OH, Bonnie....I know what I make off the ads like you have and I happen to know for myself...the check that comes would not even buy a weeks groceries. I don't have that kind of traffic, but seriously, I don't think it is that much money....people visit...ads or no ads. Don't look at them if you don't like them.
ReplyDeleteYou my friend are living YOUR DREAM. Most of us can not say we are doing that...so you just keep doing what makes you happy!!!
Wow, now that was venting. Isn't it great to be able to let your thoughts, whatever they are at the moment, loose? To let them simmer and boil inside, does no one any good.
ReplyDeleteYou know why I come to your blog, sit down with my cup of coffee and read about all the things that matter to you? It is because you are real. You are someone that I love to meet and enjoy time with. With listening to your passion about quilting, my own passion seems normal. I don't see people day to day, my husband travels a whole heck of a lot and sometimes the only contact I have with this world is you. Don't get me wrong, I have family but they live in Canada. My interaction is usually by phone and the odd visit. I have traveled with my husband to Belgium, Thailand, Australia, Austria, Germany, The Caribbean,Chek Republic and around the states. I have recently found quilting after trying all the other crafts out there. I have been teaching myself through sites like yours and enjoy the process of learning. The quilt shows, guilds, etc. hold no appeal to me but I do love the fact that while sitting in the dentist office, I meet quilters of all ages and abilities and it is an awesome conversation.
If it is because of the ads that you are able to be the person that you are, then bring 'em on. I only look down the center column anyway... sshhh....
Enjoy your cruise!
Well said Bonnie ... and a heartfelt THANK YOU for all the freebies you so generously share.
Joy :o)
^^^^^Standing Ovation^^^^^^ I totally agree!!
ReplyDeleteDear Bonnie, You are an inspiration to so many people. You give so freely. I am happy to buy your books as a way of support. It's the least I can do.
ReplyDeleteAdvertising is a fact of life and besides supporting you, how do people think we can have these free blogs to share with the public? Nothing is for free. I've got adsense on my own blog.
Standing Ovation up here in Canada too! Hugz.
Bonnie, blessings on you. I so appreciate what you do. When I grow up I want to be just like you. :o)
I am fairly new blog reader and love them and especially love your style, format and patterns. I can't express how yours has gotten me to use that fabric up and love them all. I can tell you at first when I saw the blogs I wondered how can they sew this much, have the patterns ect. Then I understand, this is what you do and let me say Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHey Bonnie---
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work...I enjoy your blog everyday and celebrate your opportunity to devote your time and talents to something you love!!
Bonnie you ROCK....and don't you think otherwise! Your blog is the first place I go on FB everyday. I look forward to where you've been, what quilt your working on and what you have in store to teach all of us. Someone once said that the best job in the world is doing what you love the most and from what I read you have that job. If it takes ads to pay for doing what you love, you get all the ads you can. You go girl!
ReplyDeleteI don't often post, but ready your blog faithfully. And have enjoyed the free patterns and just love the mystery quilts. I find no problem with supporting your site with ads to help in the sharing you give to us so freely. You inspire, teach, create, share, and support!
ReplyDeleteBonnie don't ever let anyone extinguish your light. You encourage, uplift, inspire and teach...and you can't do it living on thin air. You have nothing to apologize for, to anybody. I'm always amazed at the tiny, insignificant things people fixate on to feel superior to others. BAH! Ignore 'em! I love the joy and enthusiasm you bring to your classes and your writings. We need that! If you have to double the ads on your blog in order to keep on keepin' on, then do it. We need your voice.
ReplyDeleteToday's ad was for Mary Kay.....now why would that bother anyone!?! I'm hoping you can ignore any negativity about the ads, and keep yourself focused and on track.....it's all about the quilting (and eating!).....life should be easy, happy, kind, loving, soft and cuddley, and yummy! Enjoy the cruise with your honey! I know you'll have a blast!
ReplyDeleteWell said. xo
ReplyDeleteall I can say is "ditto" ^^^^^^^
ReplyDeleteYour blog was the first quilt blog I read and I still thoroughly enjoy it. If I don't want to read ads, I don't. If I don't want to hear the music on someone else's blog, I turn off my sound. If I don't like what is on a blog, no one is forcing me to go there.
ReplyDeleteI so appreciate the patterns and inspiration I find here. Thank you, thank you!! And enjoy your cruise!!!
Hi Bonnie, I was just about to unsubscribe from your blog but was intrigued enough by the first few lines of your post to take the trouble to click through to read. I completely support your reasons for blogging and making a living as well. I support anyone's reasons for blogging, it being a very personal but public thing.
ReplyDeleteWhat I do wish, though, is that you weren't one of the few quilt bloggers who doesn't provide a full feed to your blog. I've subscribed (in Google Reader) to your blog a few times now. I always end up unsubscribing because all I get in my reader are the first few lines of a post and that's just not enough for me to regularly click through. I'm more likely to click through to comment if I can read the full post in my blog. I don't know if a partial feed is your choice or if you even know you're not providing a full feed. If it's a choice, I hope you take the time to do a little research as to the pros and cons of not providing a full feed.
I would really like to continue following your blog but without a full feed, I will be unsubscribing again. I'll probably try you again next year to see if you've changed ... or, if you do decide to switch to full feed, please do let me know!
I can relate to your traveling. While I don't travel to teach I have moved most of my life, first when my Dad worked for aircraft companies and then we I got married at 20 to a guy in the Navy so we moved every 2.5 - 3 years for 22 years courtesy of Uncle Sam. I wonder if the people who are so upset about ads on blogs also avoid, magazines, newspapers, radio and tv where there are many more ads to deal with. I've been reading your writing since you started posting on some of those longarm sites. I have followed you from Burley, Idaho to Texas, South Carolina and North Carolina. I have introduced several people to your website, blog and mysteries. So I for one hope you continue to blog so that I can continue to read. Thank you Bonnie for all you do and let us enjoy with you.
ReplyDeleteAnita Owen
Rupert, Idaho
Well said, my friend.
ReplyDeleteAnd..Okay...Jody cracked me up...no ads bit her or slapped her...
ya gotta love that!
Your blog helped through a very difficult time 4 years ago ,doing my first mystery quilt Carolina Crossing, Orange Squash and again now...keep doing what you do Bonnie, your the most generous blogger I know...the ads don't bother me..
ReplyDeleteJulia ♥
You're fine! Nice of you to explain, though unnecessary I think :)
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you wrote what you did.
ReplyDeleteI woundered how you did - uh, do, all of this.
You are wounder woman to me. The quilts you make, let alone design. The classes you teach, not just down the street but across the country and anywhere you can. And to have to have a calander that is now keeping track of what's up for 2015, think about it..... I don't know what I am doing next month, most of the time, yet you have yourself booked 3 years ahead!!
You are not only busy, you have made commitments.
Commitments not only to your blog. You have a book contract - and even though books are fun for us, they are not as much 'fun' for the person writing them. And now, you have more new designs to create - I woundered how you were doing it. And how long you can keep this hectic life up.
Bonnie, I love that I have 'met' you. You are one of the most wounderful, giving and, well, fun people I have ever come across!!!
Anyone who would in anyway judge what you do - they are not worth worring about. People do things to support themselves, and the amount of time you spend traveling, let alone teaching, and still have time to be a mother and a lover, and relax - well, I hope you get to relax!!! You can do no wrong in my books. And if I ever thought you did, all I would have to do is get another view point and then I would understand why.
As you said, this blog is yours. Not mine. Not theirs. YOURS. And saying that - you write what YOU want, how YOU want and for as long as YOU want.
If I don't like it, I have the right and the choice to not read it. And never come back.
Since this is YOURS, I do not have the right to judge you or tell you how you should be doing things.
This is your blog, about your life. And I for one thank-you for letting me in. I have 'seen' places I have never been, or might ever get to. I have traveled to really neat areas and got a first hand look though your camera lens. And I have laughed out loud at some of the going ons!!!
Thank you Bonnie for letting me in on that it's not a bed of roses. You are not living the high life. But, if I had my way, you would be.
I love your books and your site and send everyone here to learn a thing or two!!
You are sunshine for me when it's dark and I have LOVED the quilts you have helped me make!!!
The Stip Twist is a very fun pattern and I can hardly wait to make another one. But, rumor has it, I have a new mystery to start finding fabric for - and Bonnie?! Who else does this, with a schedual like you've got???
You are one in a million. And I love you. Do not stop being who you are - and saying that, I know you won't change. You do what you do because it works for you. And when it doesn't, you find a way to make it work. Thank-You. For everything.
The ad banners are a source of contention for not only bloggers, but readers of blogs. Everyone likes to earn an income from what they do. Bloggers have ads on their blogs which allow them to earn an income. It allows you to share what you do without charging your readers for the privilege of sharing & enjoying what you do. If other bloggers are bad mouthing on their blogs - more pity them. They clearly don't get it or their product isn't worth sponsorship. Blogging is still a new phenomenon & it's changing & growing constantly. Some people cope with change, or not. Keep doing what gives you the most pleasure and satisfaction. Those who "know" you will continue to follow you & share in your life & offerings. THANK YOU!! :) (I also only read the blog & ignore the ads lol shhh)
ReplyDeleteBonnie I read your blog the very first every morning. I look forward to it and greatly enjoy you sharing with all of us. I do not mind the fact that there are ads. I mean, this is captialism at its best! For those who find it bothersome there is always the ‘delete’ button. Please keep on keeping on!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and if advertising keeps you doing the things you love then I'm all for it.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, You said it well and for those who don't like it , let them look somewhere else! I love the way you express your thoughts and appreciate your efforts to keep us involved in quilting. You amaze me with the things you get done and I love your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for you and your generosity in sharing your thoughts and your quilting skills. I've learned so much from you and was thinking today about what a wonderful person you are - do what you think is right and remember you've got a big team of cheerleaders cheering you on in all that you do!
ReplyDeleteYou have to support your business and if ads are what makes it possible, then I'm all for ads!
Well funny that you mention the ads. I have been trying to add you to my blog and don't know how to do it. Ads are everywhere. I don't read the ads unless they strike my fancy that particular day.
ReplyDeleteI remember in the 70's when cable was making its way across the country. There primary pledge was TV without ADS. Liar Liar pants on FIRE!.. Yes I am that old.! Didn't take long. The internet was sure to follow. How else are people going to make a living. The ads are running on the very bottom of my Droid phone in a tiny font that I can't read but its there. Are we going to stop using our cellphones. Yeah right!.
If the nay sayer are true to no ads,then they are not going to the grocery store, or using modern appliance, driving cars, buying clothing, books, toiletries, hair products, soap...etc. They are true environmentalist and live in a cave or lean to because they can't buy any tools, walk everywhere, grow their own cotton to make clothes, grow all their food, make their own paper or use leaves for you know what.
I am just saying it is a capitalistic society and that is how we all stay employed. There are even ads in our Sunday bulletins!
I have participated in multiple Quiltville mysteries, used several of your free patterns, learned from your advice and expertise, rejoiced over your victories, and cried over your sorrows. You have not made one thin dime off me and I think it's time that changed. Please put a donate button on your blog because I would happily click it.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, Your "ads" are never in my face, unlike some blogs where they flash very annoyingly, and I totally appreciate your need to regain something out of all the hours and effort you put into giving us SO MUCH. I love reading your blog and all the hints and tips it contains - even the Kindle reviews and suggestions. You bring happiness to so many of us and having ads is one small way of repaying your generosity. Thank you! Anita in Melbourne, Australia
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie, I love reading your blog. It is the first thing I do everyday and the last thing I do every night. There are some people out there who think that they are owed something in life just because they exsist. Well wake up! Nothing is free. Contributions must be made. You, Bonnie, are such a giver and all our lives would be so much duller if you weren't there to brighten it up with your creativity and enthusiasm! Keep on blogging 'cause there are millions who really appreciate it! BIG, BIG THANKS to YOU!!! Alessandra
ReplyDeleteKeep doing what you're doing, Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteI just want to say THANK YOU for your blog ang your website, thank you for all of your free patterns and for giving such wonderful inspiration to me and lots of other quilters/sewers.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind the ads on your blog at all, and I don't understand why anyone would be bothered by them. You don't HAVE TO click on them if you don't want to! It's hard to run a business, so I can understand the need for the extra income from ads.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog every single day -- and have been for years. I love the way you write, and especially the way you write and illustrate the pattern instructions on your blog. I've learned so much from you about quilting and using scraps. And I love that your blog is so personal.
If ads make it possible for you to give us so much free content, then I'm all for them. I don't find them to be intrusive.
Amen. It's their loss if they choose to avoid blogs that have ads, especially your blog for all of the awesome quilt content that you provide. I'm a long time stalker of your blog and didn't even notice the ads until you mentioned them today. I hope you never stop blogging and never stop offering free patterns, even if you have 50 million ads on your blog pages. I'm a faithful follower forever!
ReplyDeleteI can only echo what everyone else has already said. I love your blog, and am so grateful for all the help, advice, tips, patterns and sheer entertainment you provide for us. Of course you can't survive on teaching or books, and if the ads make it viable for you to carry on, bring ''em on! There are ads everywhere in the real world, why not in the virtual one? We don't have to read them....
ReplyDeleteWhat adds...Bonnie I didn`t even notice you had adds on your blog and also on other bloggers. I am interested in the content that is centered on the blogger. If you have adds I am sorry I missed them. I didn`t even know there where blogs that say add free. I guess I am very niave on what to look for in a blog.
ReplyDeleteIt`s your blog you are able to do what you want.
Others that don`t like it well there are so many blogs they can move on. We all have to make a living some how and you found your way (high five girl)
As for your freedom of patterns and tutorials I really appreciate your giving soul, not just for my benefit but for the quilt show I see after with all the quilts I get to see when everyone makes them, both on your Yahoo group and in blogland. I love your teaching adventures/travels.
Long winded sorry, but you are star in my eyes!!
Bonnie, We have a choice as to what we read and what we follow. No one is forcing us to read what we do. Those who don't like it can go elsewhere. I enjoy the things you write and when I see an article you have written I feel like I am meeting someone I know ... not just a name. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteGood for you, you keep doing what feels right for you and that is all anyone can do. If someone out there doesn't like what you do she doesn't have to visit does she?
ReplyDeleteI love to follow your blog and I see many others to too.
I thoroughly enjoy your blog entries and the ads don't bother me. They are there but I don't necessarily "see" them. Your blog loads on my computer fairly quickly but anyone who has dial-up can't say the same. Maybe they are the ones complaining about the ads because the extra time to load up. Keep up the good work. It is much appreciated by many.
ReplyDeleteBeing new to quilting and to following quilting blogs, I just assumed that ads help pay the bills. Yes, I noticed the ads. No, I don't mind them. The content of your blog is what draws me. I follow a lot of craft blogs. Some post sporadicly, but I know that you will post every day, sometimes more than once. I check out your blog every time I turn on the computer and have read all of the "older posts". I love and admire you and what you do. I have found my "passion" in quilting and you feed me. Thank you,
ReplyDeleteDear Bonnie,
ReplyDeleteEvery time I see a new post pop up on my sidebar I think - good old Bonnie, how does she do it? I really appreciate finding something to read at my fingertips - you are interesting funny and inspiring. I don't expect to get that 'for free'. If ignoring the ads is my part of the deal then that is fine by me:) (I don't want you to loose any sponsors with that tongue in cheek comment!)
I think if you look at anyone who blogs daily or almost daily then they are almost certainly making money directly or indirectly from their blog.
Thanks for sharing your energy and passion for life - I come here to read that as much as I do for the quilts.
Keep up the great blog! I'm addicted to your blog! It is the first one of two that I read daily. Okay, I admit it, I check your blog a couple of times a day for "updates" but I know you have a busy life and will write when you can. You have taught me a lot about quilting! I think it is great that you have this journal about your life and you are willing to share it with us. And regarding the ads...what ads? The ads are so low key that I only notice them when I look. Some blogs have the ads mixed in-between the lines of the blog and that drives me crazy! I don't return to those blogs! Thanks for sharing your love and knowledge of quilting with us!
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is that I totally agree with all of the above. I have never noticed the ads, because I just want to read your stories, I am adicted to them, just as so many others! They are the first thing I read in the morning as soon as I start up the computer, even before my own messages, and often again late at night just in case there is a new posting!
ReplyDeleteThank you ever so much for being the generous person you are, sharing your life, time, knowledge and especially your never ending enthousiasm with all of us. Through you I have seen parts of this world I will never get to see with my own eyes.
I sincerely hope you will share all that for a long timne to come.
Lotte van der Linden
Like others have said, yours was the first quilting blog I ever read, and I have received so much inspiration from you. Ads don't bother me - I don't really see them - even on TV I do something else while they are on - so I can successfully ignore those on your blog. I love yor writing and patterns and follow you on Facebook. Thank you for the inspiration
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I too blog to connect and to journal my life. You do an excellent job of communicating and that is why I come back again and again. You tell such true stories. And I love ya for it! I think you have taken on the "cool" kids and told them to behave! Thank you for such great patterns and for such care to the quilters you reach out to. It means a lot that you are so accessible and truthful! xo Pam in Chico
ReplyDeleteYou're the most generous person out on the blog world ! These people don't get it so just ignore them ! Don't be discouraged, we appreciate you very much for all you do and the way you share your life with us.
ReplyDeleteCheers Celia (Australia)
Gosh - you have AD's on your blog? You want to make a living on what you do? How dare you ... Honestly, I never even realized there are ads ;-)) If somebody does not want to read your wonderful blog because of those tiny ads - their fault, they do miss out big time! I LOVE your blog, it is a wonderful read and full of generous information. So I just hope you continue to blog - I don't care whether you have ads or not. But I think you need to earn a decent living, because without, you would not be able to blog as you do now - and that I would surely miss.
ReplyDeleteHappy blogging,
I like a lot of other commentators haven't really noticed the ads either. Thankfully I haven't stubbled across the anti-ads as they would have annoyed the hell out of me with their ignorance.
ReplyDeleteSome people still seem to think that you can have everything and pay nothing. I've taken loads of inspiration from you over the years and it was all free to me. I know how great it is to be able to access that resource and if the price of that is a few ads that I can hardly notice so you can continue to have the time to provide content rather than having to spent it in an office - add ads ad infinitum!
If we read your blog all around the world, there is a very good reason Bonnie : we love you, you and your blog, you and your Mystery Quilts, you and all the ideas you generously share... We all have learnt a lot from you and we hope it will go on for years to come!
ReplyDeleteMerci pour tout,
Katell, France
POOH to the complainers! You are cherished here for what you do and how you do it! You go girl...and don't let anyone stop you!! ♥♥
ReplyDeletePlease keep writing and ignore the static, Bonnie! You are so generous with your time and work already, that I can hardly begrudge you the pittance (I know!) from these ads or whatever else you do to free yourself up for the work you love.
ReplyDeleteYou offer so many beautiful FREE patterns and so much free advice; when you travel, I have witnessed you spend so much time with the people who come to hear and see you, sign books, take pictures, and give hugs.
For all those who think you're doing it "wrong" there is a handy little feature on every blog. It's called "unsubscribe" and I suggest they try it before spewing all over someone else.
I love your blog. Ads don't bother me. To be honest I don't pay attention to them. I just enjoy reading what you are up to.
ReplyDeleteI may not comment often but I read every post. I have been so inspired by your "leader and ender" scrap quilts I just had to follow along!
ReplyDeletePLEASE, please do NOT stop blogging. I love your blog and understand why you have the ads. No problem for me. Keep up the good work. I find it so interesting and appreciate all you do for us.
ReplyDeleteMaryella in Maine
Oh, Bonnie. I don't know what comments you received that made you feel the need to justify having ads on your blog, but don't think that everyone out here cares whether or not there are ads. I love your blog. It is one of the first ones that sucked me into blogland. I couldn't care less about ads or no ads. What is good is good and what is mediocre is mediocre. I just do my own little thing on my blog, pretty much like you say, as my memory book. I don't promote it, but I don't have anything to promote. You DO. And you should promote it. Your ideas and patterns are unique and blogland wouldn't be the same without you. Keep on keeping on!
ReplyDeleteI think you need to remember your thought for the day you posted a while back. " You have to do what you know to be right in your heart, for you will be critized for it anyway" I have learned we can't make "everyone" happy. We have to do our best , live our life while we are here and try not to let naysayers drive us crazy.
ReplyDeleteKeep doing what you do. I for one love your pictures and posts - I have hardly been anywhere in my life and love seeing where you go and hearing about the places and people you meet.
Sounds like you need a vacation! Good thing that boat is leaving tomorrow..... Leave all the boo-hiss people behind and have a great time!!!
The ads do not bother me! They don't bother me when I am on any website! Advertising is what pays the bills, what makes commercial radio and television free! We are free to ignore the side bars, just as we are free to mute the ads!
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say is that you gotta do what you gotta do.
ReplyDeleteBonnie ~~ I start my day with Quiltville Quips & Snips and that is my choice. If folks aren't liking what's here, they are surely free to go elsewhere. Thanks for keeping on ..........
ReplyDeleteI love your writing style and never miss reading your blog! Dr. Phil is right, it takes 1,000 "atta-girls" to counteract the a single negative... I hope these comments are helping you get through the crap! Keep blogging... You're so talented and loving... Sharing your life with us is amazing!
ReplyDeleteWhat is with the haters?? They obviously do not have enough to do if they are boycotting blogs because of ads...really? I never even noticed the ads. I've said it many times, but it's just like if you don't like something on TV - don't watch it. You don't like something on a blog - don't read it (and just shut your mouth about it!!). People are so petty it just astounds me.
ReplyDeleteI don't even see the "ads" - my mind is focused on the content of the blog.... granted as time goes on the ads, not necessarly here but other places, are getting more intrusive as they "hold" the computer while they jingle along and the focus has to wait while the computer catches up.... since I don't hear anything audio is wasted on me.
ReplyDeleteI have often wondered HOW you travel as much as you do and not have more sick days...... over time I think the travel is what does quilt teachers in.... and they cut back....
So the sun is coming and the day must begin....
I also start my day with Quiltville. Love, love, love it. Not only your adventures, quilting tips but your Kindel reads. I also agree, Dr. Phil is right, it takes 1,000 "atta-girls" to counteract the a single negative. You should feel good about the comments. Keep on keeping on. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteLove you blog. Don't every stop. What ads do I click on to help you get paid more. Thanks for doing what you do.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, your blog is one of the best and I subscribed through Google Reader so I wouldn't miss a post. I really appreciate all that you do, especially the free patterns. I've tried several and have loved them all because you show them so well in yuor tutorials. I have bought your books to help support you. There will always be people who envy others' success. I urge you to ignore them and continue on your path as you've found it. I know I'll be following as long as you do.
ReplyDeleteThe ads don't bother me and are sometimes very helpful. I live in a remote area and do not have access to some of the products I would like and having an add for them gives me the opportunity to buy whatever I may need to make a quilt I LOVE! Keep up the good work and ignore those who critize... in the long run does it really matter. Keep on piecing!!!!
ReplyDeleteWell said, Bonnie. I get so much information from your blog and those ads are not forced on me. If I happen to see something of interest I'll follow the ad, otherwise I can ignore them. Don't worry about those complaining people. They must not have enough quilting to do if they have time to complain. Personally, I don't know how you manage to do all you do.
ReplyDeleteSorry you felt like you have to explain. I'll take your ads any day over the dumb garbage that shows up on my email homepage and FB. My housemate blogs and if she could make money off ads for all the time and research she puts into what she posts, I'd say "do it!"
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing all you do. I enjoy the tips, ideas, instructions, recipes, photos, bit of life... and all the connections to the rest of the quilting world.
Without you I'd have to drink my morning tea alone ... NEVER stop!!! All you do is appreciated by soooooo many people. Thanks from the bottom of my heart ;-) Flatlander
Thank you so much for sharing your perspective, Bonnie. Great post and great blog. Please keep on doing what you do so well.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I was only halfway through this post before I realised it had been written because you had been receiving unpleasant and unjustified criticism - hang in there sister! There are THOUSANDS of us who really appreciate what you do, and perhaps we should just remember to say thanks a bit more often - it would balance up the snarky ones who have upset you.
ReplyDeleteThe world isn't perfect, and ads may be among the imperfections, but they serve a purpose too - personally I find them REALLy easy to ignore - in fact my reaction was "WHAT ads?" as I had automatically ignored them!
The people who complain are the same ones who go to restaurants and want their appetizer free because it too more than five minutes, or expect a n extra discount on a clearance item because it has evidence of being tried on, or think that there should be no taxes and our government could still magically function. There will always be complainers, whiners, and downright rude people out there.... I just hope those of us who love and adore you keep outnumbering them!
ReplyDeleteBIG QUILTY HUGS!!!!
ReplyDeleteAds?? I am so concentrated on your photos and writing that I didn't even notice. Thank you for taking the time for all of us readers.
ReplyDeleteI stink at computer and I can manage, several times a day, to type in "quips and snips" and follow what comes up on google to be TOTALLY thrilled with your blog. I love you, I love what you freely bless us with, and you can put all the ads up you want, I'll figure out how to find YOU if you'll put you out there.~ THANK YOU for making this mom of 9 SO HAPPY. You are my friend, teacher, and inspiration in quilting.~ Meeting you was one of the highlights of my life. You are AMAZING...blog for YOU, but thank you for being IMMENSELY fun and educational for us along the way.~
Bravo, Bonnie! I love your blog, and I use Google Reader. It really isn't an imposition for me to open a tab!
ReplyDeleteYour ads do not bother me, in fact, I often click on them for more info.
And for the record, I am not a member of the following organizations:
The Quilt Police
The Grammar Police
The Blog Police
I hope you enjoy much success and have a great day.
Amen, Sister!!!!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, you are a treasure to so many of us. Like a lot of other commenters, I check your blog daily to see what you're up to, and I live for the slide shows of your classes. I have learned SO MUCH from your generous tips and patterns and can't imagine where I would be in my quilting had I not found your website a year and a half ago.
ReplyDeleteYour ads don't bother me in the least - especially since your ads aren't the obnoxious flashing kind, they don't spontaneously start playing video commercials, and they don't have half naked people in them. Mary Kay and Jenny Craig? What's the big deal?
Like most everyone else has said - you just keep keeping on, ignore the nay-sayers, and trust that your loyal friends and followers love you and what you do just the way you are.
Leah Shannon
Amen to all of the above: you are my first read in the morning, I have used your free patterns/tutorials gratefully, I have two of your books and three is on my Christmas list, I travel through you, and I thank you daily for all that you share with us.
Bonnie, Bonnie, I read your blog 'cause I enjoy seeing what you're up to today.
ReplyDeleteWhether I see or even read your ads is up to me. There have been some I've read - truth be told - not that often. I'm here to read your blog post.
Yes, I'll keep coming back.
You must be doing something right
- and how many on FB
- no way to tell how many have subscribed
- books published
- classes, lectures
Yes, you're doing it right.
oh,yea, thanks for ALL the FREE ebook leads.
Bravo, Bonnie! You have articulated my thoughts exactly. As a Canadian travelling quilting teacher and blogger, I agree with everything you said. I LOVE what I do! It's important for people to realize however that quilting is a hobby them but a business to me. It takes hours of travelling, packing and planning to come to a guild to teach. Being asked "Why do you charge so much for just one day?" always makes my jaw drop! www.HeatherStewartQuilts.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteIt shows that this may be comment #100 -how do you make the time??? Just yesterday I was thinking how fabulous that you are creating this amazing journal - thousands of quilters enjoy it everyday and you have a record of your days. I also marvel at how you can do the blogging AND have time for quilting and time for teaching/traveling. Do you have a secret on how to get more than 24 hours out of a day??? Ignore the naysayers - your blog is the only one that I actually read start to finish because it is fun, interesting, thought provoking, informative. Most blogs I look quickly at the photos or quilts to see if it might have something worth my time to read - usually I take in the eye candy and quickly move on. DON'T CHANGE - you are doing a great job and are an amazing resource to the quilt world.
ReplyDeleteThis probably sounds childish, but Poop on those naysayers. If they don't like the content, they don't have to read it. I read your blog every day! Keep on keepin' on!
ReplyDeleteI hope you keep blogging. If someone doesn't like it they don't have to visit. You are very generous to share everything you do, and I for one am grateful.
ReplyDeleteOh Amen, Sister, you are woman, hear you roar!! I have followed you for a very long time now and I wouldn't for a minute dream of asking you to change a thing. I am sending my bloggers to this blog today:)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog just the way it is. I know you work very hard, and I appreciate all that you do. I've never noticed the ads. All websites have them and I pretty much just ignore them. Don't take to heart others' comments, and than you for sharing with us what you were feeling when you wrote this post. As you can see by ALL the comments, you have a whole lot of support out there!
ReplyDeleteHave fun cruising!
Well said. Keep up the great work. You inspire countless of us out here!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I am astounded at such nonsense!! I hope you never quit blogging, you are a ray of sunshine to me each morning.
ReplyDeleteI am a quilter and I have learned so very much from you - don't you ever stop.
Marie from Canada
Oh Bonnie. That you even have to write it saddens me. Why must others always try to force their will on others? When I don't like what's on the radio, I change the station. Not hard at all. Keep blogging, keep doing what you do, and know this is one lass that will never mind or unsubscribe. And thank you again for the fresh ideas that you provide that help keep me inspired!
ReplyDeleteOur deepest fear is not that we are
ReplyDeleteinadequate, our deepest fear is that we
are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that
most frightens us. We ask ourselves,
“Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?” Actually, who
are you NOT to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing
small does NOT serve the world. There
is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won’t feel insecure
around you.
We were born to manifest the glory
that is within us. And as we let our
light shine we unconsciously give other
people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own
fear, our presence automatically
liberates others.
Written by Marianne Williamson
This sums it up for me. Keep doing what your doing!
As I see from reading your Blog and the posts it seems to me there are more of us who like it the way it is than those who want to change you. So the majority rules and everyone else is just going to have to live with it. Keep up the good work and I hope to meet you someday. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie! I just listened to your interview on APQ radio while I was taking my walk. I love podcasts! I have been reading your blog for at least 3 years and while it doesn't open all the way on Google reader, which I use, it's not a problem for me. I just wondered why yours is the only one that doesn't open. My only problem is that for some weird reason, when I click on your link, the blog comes up, but sometimes it is just the blank orangy background. Today, it wouldn't open for a couple hours!?!?!?! That gets discouraging, but I don't blame you - it must be the computer or google's fault. Thanks for the inspiration! I'm very tempted to do the new mystery quilt and am thinking about it. Can I fit it in with all my other projects??? I enjoyed the Christmas lights mystery quilt a couple years ago. Hang in there. We love you! I can't believe you even have time to blog, let alone read books!
ReplyDeleteLike so many of the other commenters, I too easily ignore the ads and focus on the rich content of your blog. But your entry today has me thinking, all of us ignoring those ads better start noticing them so the companies continue to sponsor you, and don't make their ads more intrusive. To those who object to the ads, would they prefer an ad-free option they had to pay for? Not much in life is free. Have they missed that reality?
ReplyDeleteI appreciate all you give us, essentially for free. I've enjoyed using your patterns, participating in the Mystery Quilts, reading your column in Quiltmaker, seeing what others are creating in your classes, and buying your books. I'm hooked on your blog! Keep it up, and poo! on the complainers!
I use google reader to keep up with blogs. For some blogs, I just read the first couple of lines and open it if the first few lines interest me. I always take the time to go to your blog, though, because you have great pictures (quilts and food!) and tutorials. I love hearing about your travels. Your blog is worth a second click to me. Some others aren't, so I don't go to them.
ReplyDeleteYou have done amazing things for quilting and quilters around the world.So let them comment, let them go elsewhere. It is their loss. I read your blog everyday and hardly see the ads. No one forces us to read them and we all must make a living. Obviously the sponsers feel this is a worthwhile spot to advertise, companies don't spend money if it doesn't do something for them. Mutually beneficial relationships are what keep this world turning. Ramona in Florence, SC
Bonnie, I love your blog just the way it is, and would hate to see any of it changed. Ads on blog pages, web sites, Facebook, etc., are a fact of life and I totally understand it. Your blog is always so positive and fun and I learn so much from it, about quilting and many other things. There are always going to be people who complain about something so just let it slide off your back. If they aren't here complaining they will be somewhere else complaining. Don't ever change!!
ReplyDeleteJenny in Florida (jennyb211@gmail.com)
I have pretty much given up magazines to read blogs. In order for the professional bloggers that I follow to be able to afford blogging, they must have advertisers. I see no problem with ads and think that those who do either need something to complain about or are far, far behind the times. I think you have way more understanding followers and friends than those who are negative. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWell! It seems I'm late to this discussion, so I'll just agree to what my sister fans have said so very eloquently above! People just never cease to amaze! I truly hope that someday these complainers are able to look outside themselves and not expect the world to be ordered in exactly the way they want it regardless of what is good for others. Thank you for your generous heart and words - so many times you provide my first smile of the day! And just how dull would life be without the excitement of a new Bonnie mystery?????
ReplyDeleteI did learn something though. I often read your blog through Blogger. Does that mean that you don't get credit for it? If so, I'll change and come directly to your blog site in future.
Thanks again Bonnie - as is quite obvious here, you are greatly loved by (almost) everyone!!!
Bonnie -
ReplyDeleteI have been following you daily for about six years - every day. Honestly, I find the ads irritating, cluttering and irksome when they pop up over what I am reading (not just on your blog - but others as well). BUT, I am self employed and I fully understand the purpose and necessity of the ads and why you have them on your blog. Advertising is a part of life and being is business - so I cannot fault you one bit for that. They have not kept me from reading and following you all these years, have they?
You are to be praised for what you have offered and continue to offer to the quilting world through the internet - for FREE. So who are any of us to whine about the ads that support what we get handed out to us in such a generous manner?
And, by the way, I don't mind linking back to your blog from Google reader because I can usually tell how many posts you have made and can get to them when I have time. I read about 40 - 50 quilting blogs a day.
Please continue what you are doing, Bonnie. We truly appreciate you, your website and your blog.
Amen! Keep it up! Wouldn't miss a day/post from you. Inspiration, love for each other and sharing your God Given Talent.
ReplyDeleteWell said. And thanks so much for sharing so much of your creativity.
ReplyDeleteHey Bonnie, The color of your blog is hurting my eyes, could you please change that for me..!?!
ReplyDeleteReally people, change to a full feed so she doesn't have to click? I read that and about died!
Thank you for blogging - your blog is one of the few that I look forward to and read regularly! I want to thank you for opening yourself up to us - I may not agree with everything you blog but that's my opinion and you have yours and that's ok. I am so glad you are secure in who you are and continue to blog even tho I'm sure there are those who should not have availablility to a keyboard! Keep up the good work - I've been enjoying your blog! You are an inspiration! and I'm looking forward to my first Mystery with you! - I'm looking forward to the time that you are having a class close to me here in Ohio.
ReplyDeleteOMG --- When I started reading, I thought you were going to stop blogging --- NO! NO! NO! You provide so much inspiration to quilters of all experiences. I look forward to reading each day. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteYou don't owe apologies -- or explanations -- to anyone, Bonnie! That being said, I appreciate what you said and give you a hearty, "Hear, hear!" to boot. Keep doing what works best for you! Hugs! :)
ReplyDeleteKeep on blogging, Bonnie, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yours is the only blog I read daily. I travel with you vicariously. Sometimes I also quilt with you vicariously, as it's hard for me to find the time to quilt. (I'm working on that). I understand why you need to use ads. That doesn't mean I have to even look at them; I can if I want to or I can ignore them if I want to. So keep going, I love the reading!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, please take it easy. My only objection to ads is that they slow down the loading of blogs on my machine (not yours quite so much, but there are a couple I do avoid now because of the incessant waiting and repeated "errors" due to the ads not downloading properly). I totally respect being self-employed and I do understand the challenges, pitfalls, and rewards. This is a big country - some people like green better than red, and some like blogs with ads and others prefer them without. It is not personal ... it is mostly due to technology and download speeds. I hope you keep blogging and enjoying the process for a long, long time!
ReplyDeletegeez, people will find anything to complain about!
ReplyDeleteevery time i visit "your blog" i am so grateful for all you share, thank you.
I am NOT one of your complainers. However, thanks for explaining more about your work life. Having recently retired from education, I have wondered how bloggers can make money. I hope to catch your workshop next June here in Ohio. I have at least 2 of your books. I'm saving and organizing my scraps for an Irish Chain quilt. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't read all of the comments that have preceeded mine, but I'm with you. I blog to keep a record of what I am doing and to allow those who want to follow what I am doing an easy means of doing so.
ReplyDeleteI don't even have 100 followers and I am amazed that many people care what I am doing. I have four blogs that I have access to with one click from my "home page". This is one of them.
You are very inspiring, entertaining and your work is appreciated very much. Keep doing what YOU want to do. I read probably 90% of your posts, and will continue to do so. Ads or no Ads...
I didn't read all of your comments but most, if not all, seem to be very positive! I notice the ads on blogs or other web pages but they don't bother me unless they explode all over the page when I am trying to read!
ReplyDeleteI am no great writer but I do blog for similar reasons. I am not one to take the time to write in a quilt journal or make a scrapbook about my quilts but I do take pictures and post them on flickr and my blog and then write about the quilts and other things in my life.
Keep writing cuz we all love you and your stories!
well said, Bonnie! You don't force people to come to your blog. If someone doesn't like what they see or your format, then they don't have to come. As you said, this is YOUR blog and it should reflect YOU. God Bless and praying for many years of prosperity for you.
ReplyDeleteWell said! *High Five* You work hard....you have a huge following....let the ad sponsors pay you so we don't have to! It's not like we are sucked off your page and forced to another website or anything. I think those who bash you having sponsors are just jealous because they don't have any....think about it!
ReplyDeleteYou just keep holding your head high and wearing your crown (you've earned it!)
I was so upset for you, I read your post to my husband, and he even said "it's the way of the world....it's only in the sidebar, what's the big deal? That's reality. Things take money"
I think it shows that you are a serious business woman when you have ad sponsors to help keep your site running. WHAT A COMPLEMENT to you! Really, who would pay to be on a site that no one visited??
You may be far too mature to do what I'm about to do, but *I* stick my tongue out at "them" and put my thumbs in my ears, wiggle my fingers around and say "neiner neiner"
Don't question your business model. It's working for you. You have an almost scary cult-like following. You are doing things right. It doesn't matter what "they" say....it matters what your followers say. The ones that want you to make it easier or they will leave..... C-YA! I guess they don't value the resource that you are to begin with.
OK, hopping off the soapbox to make room for the next person.
Go tell that lady in the mirror how awesome she is!
All those people either have to much time on their hands (they should be making charity quilts!) or are just mean. I appreciate your blog and who cares about the ads! Keep up the good work. Gee 3 1/2 years since your move - where does time go. Bet sometimes you'd like to use a lot of these - #@**!! - to reply to them, that is if they aren't to cowardly to leave their email address.
I love your blog. I don't mind the adverts at all. Keep on blogging.
Bonnie, I love your blog. I am not required to look at any ads, and I am not required to respond to any ads. I appreciate the fact that you can continue to do what you do because of sponsors and advertisers.
ReplyDeleteDon't change a thing. i like you just the way you are.
ReplyDeleteYou're the first thing I read every morning. Please don't stop blogging -- you're a cherished friend and we thank you for all you've given the quilt world.
ReplyDeleteLMAO @ Lori's comment... hehehe
ReplyDeleteBonnie, you are so loved by your fans and are an inspriration to every quilter who is fortunate enough to find your site and blog.
If I hadn't found your website and blog about a year and a half ago, I would never have met you on the cruise... and all the other wonderful ladies.
You go girl!! Keep doing what you do best! Creating, inspriring, encouraging, WRITING!
Oh! One of the commentors suggested you put a "donate" ad on your blog... I agree with that whole-heartedly.
hmmm... I see a vision... a xmas present of maple cookies... LOL
I love to read about your quilting adventures and traveling. I don't understand about the Ads, or how they provide income to a blogger. Personally, I never pay much attention to them. I've learned a lot about quilting from you over the years. Just want to say "Thank You".
ReplyDeleteBonnie...NO Whining!
ReplyDeleteI am so with you on that a blog is a way to record my life, like a scrapbook. I tried the scrapbook thing but just couldn't make it stick and I blog to record my life. It's not a business or even part of a business for me, but maybe someday it will be, who knows?
I don't like blogs that have a lot of advertising but you've managed to balance that. Your posts take up most of the room and the ads are secondary. You also keep the Quiltville.com site up too so anyone going to your blog is specifically going there most likely to peep in on you and your life.
I try and figure out how you do everything that you do and still stay sane!!!
It's okay to vent...just keep in mind that people probably aren't being mean, they probably are not as computer literate as others.
Anyway...can't wait to Orca my way through the Holidays!
Take care!
Thank you, Bonnie, for all that you do for the quilting public. I'm sorry that there are people who are so selfish to demand that you change things for their personal convenience. I know that you understand the nature of people and that some can be a real pain in the neck, but most of us are very happy with what you so generously share. Please ignore the complainers and bask in the complements of your avid fans.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your stuff!
Linda in Southern Illinois
Sometimes, leaders who do the heavy lifting deserve and need to be lifted and given some rest (physical and/or emotional) once in awhile.
ReplyDeleteI can't do much from out here, la dee dawing in So Cal, except for a small special prayer to the Great Healer upstairs for Bonnie, who I appreciate so much. Done!
Well Bonnie...I have to tell you in all honesty that after reading both today's post and then this one, I had to scroll back up to see the "offending ads". Now don't misunderstand, I was not offended by them, matter of fact, the reason I had to scroll back up is because I was so involved in reading every word of each post that I truly did NOT see the ads. I was completely surprised to see them there because I have been a lurker here for quite a while and this is the very first time I saw these ads and like I said, I had to go back and look for them. Just goes to show all the different perspectives people have when they pop into a blog. For me it's all about the content of the post, not what's in the sidebars. I love your blog. Hope you don't change a thing! Hugs...
ReplyDeleteI hope that your sponsors will not refuse to pay you since cause so many of us have not noticed the ads :-) But I DO notice your posts and I really enjoy to read about both the quilts, the travels and your more personal life. Please dont change the content of your blog and thank you very much for your trouble
ReplyDeleteKeep writing, keep blogging, and keep traveling. We love you!
ReplyDeleteI am not the only one that doesn't "see" the ads. Being self-employed is great. My daughter says that it means you can work any of eighty hours a week that you choose.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is always listed as a top quilting blog so you must be doing something right.
I wonder if those who are so negative on the internet are just the same in life. Please know that your fans are many and we so appreciate your incredible generosity. Your seemingly unflagging energy is amazing .... my jaw drops every time I see a picture of your baggage ... let alone your travel schedule. Thank you s-o-o-o-o much for being such an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. Please continue. Enjoy your adventures and all your quilting tips and patterns. Ignore the people who are complaining. I think some people were "born to gripe".
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your cruise.
Great post, Bonnie! I have wondered how you can take all the traveling you do...even though it is to gorgeous places and wonderful people...it is still alot of work! Yet you write posts about it and remain so upbeat :-) I read all your posts and remain inspired by all you do. I'm sorry that some feel the need to criticize or peck at you for more. Hang in there and keep doing what you do for as long as it works for you. You are a generous, sweet spirit!
ReplyDeletePeople are funny, Bonnie, and no one knows that better than you. I love your blog just the way it is. I enjoy reading about your sewing, your quilting and the adventures of your trips. Just ignore the ones who want it all their way...not just want, but demand. How selfish can people be?
ReplyDeleteThe funny thing reading your blog just now is that I didn't even realize you had ads LOL...I just ignore what I don't want to read and get down to the good stuff. Some people get bent out of shape over everything...hang in there and keep on a blogging.
ReplyDeleteJacqui in Canada
I'm giving you a standing ovation.
ReplyDeleteSuch a shame you felt pressured into even writing this. Your blog, your life, your career your choices! I check in several times a week for the positive boost it gives me-you are a valuable friend to many of us and I love your blog. I dont read the ads as they don't interest me, thats MY choice! I wish I had HALF your energy. You are insirational on so many levels xxx
ReplyDeleteJust want you to know how much I enjoy your blog!
ReplyDeleteAds/No Ads.... tain't no never mind to me! (as some will say) Whatever it takes to bring home the bacon.... cause without the place to cook it... it won't do you any good! (I really can't say why I've just written like that... but like you... I say what I mean and want to say) I think you should be applauded on your endurance! Your amazing! To be able to do all that you do is really something else! I think that your family too should be applauded... that they support you in your endever's. Your a hard worker and those that work hard reap rewards.
Take care, enjoy your cruise... in between working hours... and don't forget to take time to smell the roses (well in your case.... ocean!).
Bonnie, I read your blog every single day and love following your quilting and your travels. I have traveled to teach (not quilting) and you're right -- nobody who hasn't done it can imagine the let-down and exhaustion that happens after being on "stage" for days at a time, no matter how much of a people person or extrovert you may be. I'm glad you have the opportunity to get paid for sharing your stories with us. thanks for continuing, and for being so gracious with your time and talent.
ReplyDeleteYou go girl!..........as long as you keep blogging! Do what it takes. I know the ads are there, I'll click them if I want to, or not. It is always about choices. I choose to live on the "bright side"
ReplyDeleteAnd BTW, I am sending you a big round of applause for doing what you do!
Bonnie, I read your blog at least once a day. And I find myself saying, "Wow, I sure hope she's making some money off this thing." As a self-employed writer, I know the time and energy it takes to put butt in chair and tackle the keyboard. And royalties from book sales are laughable! I know, I get them. Anyone who spends as much time as you do updating her blog, providing us with free patterns and tutorials, and sharing her life with us is entitled to do whatever she wants with her blog. Your ads are completely unobtrusive. Such as shame some people think it's all about them. Keep on keeping on, Bonnie.
ReplyDeleteI love your bog.
I also support you by buying your books and joining the Patchwork Possee.
If you want ads that is your own business.
You are a blessed quilter/designer and I am proud to call you friend.
I love your blog and I am thankful that it allows you to stay self-employed! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteI don't blog myself, but so love reading blogs. I feel like I have friends all over the world. I learn so much. I don't pay any attention to the ads on the side. If it's something I'm interested in, fine, otherwise I'm more interested in reading the blog. Some people just aren't happy unless they are causing trouble. Ignore them. Keep writing, you have lots of friends that would miss you.
ReplyDeleteI don't know Bonnie.. From the look of things you don't have a thing to worry about. From all the above posts and myself included the ads don't bother me. Sometimes I've actually clicked on a few to check out. Now if they were pop up ads folks might have something to complain about but yours sit there quietly waiting for someone to click. I love your blog. It educates, entertains and inspires. Keep up the good blogging.
ReplyDeleteDon't change a thing! I enjoy you for who you are and your blog for what you have to share. The fact you are willing to give so much of your time and energy - for FREE - is a wonderful thing for quilters. I hope you continue to have the desire to share with us for years to come!
ReplyDeleteIt makes me very sad when I see this kind of poor behavior - especially when it is so unwarranted! You are a craftswoman, and share you skills, knowledge, talent and heart with so many people, including me, and do so because you love what you do. It shows! But the reality is this: it is your living! Would these critical-cats require that everyone employed justify their earning a living, including themselves? It would be an entirely different conversation if their own incomes were now under public scrutiny! You are honestly and respectably earning your living, and no one has any right to complain to you about it at all. If the ads help with keeping the site paid for, or allow you to go to the doctors, or just pay for a lunch eaten in some airport on the way to a seminar - congratulations!
ReplyDeleteIn another life season, I was a calligrapher, and the hardest conversations were always about why I even had the right to charge for my service - that the time, supplies and skill should be free simply because they did not want to pay for it, and I of course should accommodate them! That didn't stop them from expecting a paycheck from their employer, or from needing to pay their own bills - just like I was trying to do! It makes no sense - and that is why it's all NON-sense!
I can no longer use my hands that way, but I can sure use a sewing machine, and rotary cutters are miraculous! Does that mean I can't call myself a "real quilter" - as some in the newly-nasty quilting world have been suggesting. As I did not elect them to oversee my craft or my life, neither should you, and their opinions are merely that - their own. Life can be difficult enough - there's no need to make it any harder, let alone nasty. I believe the old adage, "when faced with being right or being kind, being kind is always right"!!!!!
Do what you do, and know that there are many of us non-blogging readers who are delighted with what you share with us, and what we learn from you along the way - without needing you to change a thing! Quilters have always been amongst the most generous, kind, and accepting crafters - it's up to us to remain that way despite the grumpies!
No blog, no drama, just a reader who appreciates what you've done!
Respect! You shouldn't have to justify yourself, I had to go 'look' for the ads, I read, I learn, I rarely comment, but I am so garteful for you generosity and the enlightenment you bring to so many :) Enjoy your cruise and leave it all behind you :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you felt the need to explain your life. I love your blog and read it everyday. I feel as if you are giving us a gift from you. I truly appreciate all you do and maybe should say it more often - but I'm not so hot at the computer. Please don't change a thing! Sue
ReplyDeleteHey Bonnie - I know with more than 150 comments on this one, I'm posting pretty late, but I simply have to say: I SO get how you're feeling.
ReplyDeleteBalancing the travel, teaching, blogging, and actual "work" of making money is a never ending journey. It's one that I never managed to get quite right, which is why I don't travel anymore.
So kudos to you for being able to do so much! Anyone that wants to judge you for it - that's what the delete button is for.
Leah Day
ReplyDeleteWell done .... Why is it people try to blackmail you for what you do so freely .....
It is amazing ....keep up the great BLOG... I read you all the time and do look at your side bar
Lorraine (Australia)
You go girl! I'm sad that you have been put in a position to even have to concern yourself with this - but I can see from the comments that you have lots of support. Your ads do not detract from the blog at all. It isn't like a free yahoo site that comes with lots of obnoxious pop-ups that have to be minimized to see content... I run across enough of those in my surfing. Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteYou just keep on keeping on, Bonnie - and be like a duck: let it roll off your back. I don't often comment, but I don't believe there are too many days I don't read you. And then, I go back until I catch up. I especially enjoy your travelogues!!
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo! Don't let 'them' stop you! I love your blog and look forward to your frequent updates. I haven't noticed the ads,either.... but if they are quilty in nature, I will be looking for them. :o) Go, girl!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, Bonnie! I have been reading your blog almost as long as you have been writing it, and really appreciate your generosity in sharing your quiltiness and your personal life experiences.
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing how demanding people are of you! Ok, breath in, breath out.
Better? lol
Cathy B
I want to post something profound in support of you, Bonnie, but it's all been said. We enjoy your blogs, or else we wouldn't be here. It's that simple. You will never make everyone happy, but you'll make yourself miserable if that's what you try to do. Make your own happiness...we're just along for the ride!
ReplyDeleteI didn't read every post WOW there were a lot.
ReplyDeleteThe love being sent to was amazing it actually brought tears, trust me that is hard to do.
I love your blog, had not noticed the ads but now will look for them. Don't let the negative people get to you, you can't change them, just live your life for you and your family. I don't ever worry about things I can't change.
Wish I was on that cruise!!!
Bonnie, this is YOUR blog, and the people that complain really need to get a life of their own. YOUR blog, YOUR rules. The fact that you even have time to blog, with your schedule is amazing.
ReplyDeleteBonnie--I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your blog. I am a faithful follower and am thankful that you are willing to take the time to share your quilty life with me. The ads don't bother me in the least and I do subscribe to your blog through google reader but all I have to do is click on your blog title and it goes right to your complete blog--not a problem at all! Quite a few of the blogs I follow require that I do this and that is fine with me. Your blog is well worth reading and I hope you can take the positive to heart.
ReplyDeleteI have started to cut my scraps into strips in preparation for a quiltville scrap quilt! Maybe with your help I will get them under control!
Bonnie: Thank you for taking the trouble to write in your blog and to share all those great mysteries and patterns. The ADs don't bother me at all - they aren't blatant or flashy like on some blogs. You can't please all the people all the time, and some people you just can't please at all!
ReplyDeleteHi bonnie
ReplyDeletenow I know why I don't get your full posts in google reader - do I care, no cos clicking on the link is no great hardship to see the rest of the post. I love your blog, I love the fact that you are happy to share your life with us and like so many others I am constantly amazed at how you find the time to fit so much into your life. Am I worried about the ads - not at all, if they are interesting I click on them, if not I ignore them.
Thanks for the books, the blog, the patterns and the energy and enthusiasm that you give to our wonderful craft - thanks for being you
Janet (Churchill Australia)
I love you just the way you are!!
ReplyDeleteWhew! It's going to take you a coon's age to read all these comments! LOL! Girl, you've got a HUGE fan club reading and being inspired by everything you share! If others don't want to be a part of it and miss out on all the fun, then that is their loss.You just keep doing what you're doing. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Have a little fun on that boat for me!
ReplyDeleteNeither the extra click (I read blogs in NetNewsWire) or the ads put me off at all. The only thing that will cause me to not even consider reading a blog is if there is music. What a turn-off.
ReplyDeletePlease keep on doing what you're doing. It's great! :-)
Great post!! I'm sure many of us don't realise all the hard work and heartache that goes into being a self-employed person, whether quilty or not. I appreciate all that you do - follow your blog, some of the mysteries, have used many of your free patterns, have bought all your books.
ReplyDeleteWhat I really enjoy is your enthusiasm for quilts and quilting, your generosity of spirit and the fact that you are not constantly trying to get us to buy the latest line of fabrics, in fact quite the opposite!! Keep doing what you're doing and ignore the whiners :)
I posted about this very same topic today. I believe that everyone's blogs are their own and are as individual as the blogger, if you want to put ads, or music, or animations, or nothing at all it's up to you. I'm not interested in that as much as the content anyway. I don't believe any of the comments are meant to be hurtful and, if I were you, I wouldn't take them personally.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your blog for quite awhile now. Still hoping you make it to Southern Ontario Canada!
ReplyDeleteYou have been more than generous with your information and talents.
Ignore the complainers. If they leave your site than they won't be there to complain anymore.
I have been concerned about "hurting" or "offending" people all my life. At 49 I hope that I have finally learned to shed the negative and embrace the positive. I am blessed with a great circle of friends and trying to learn to just smile at the complainers.
Blessings to you!
A vote of support for you!
I think you see, Bonnie, that the vast majority of your readers have no problems at all with your blog and the ads on it. This is the way of doing business in the 21st century; those of us who do business in a similar fashion understand this. Those who don't get it, soon will have to. :) Keep on keepin' on!
ReplyDeleteWell said Bonnie. I just want to write and tell you your quilting has kept me sane, motivated and inspired over many years. I truly appreciate your blogs and thank you for sharing your life and giving of so much of your time. I am currently studying at University with 12 months to go until I have finished. I pine to sew every now and again, but your blogs are a great social read that I allow myself to indulge when the going gets tough. Please keep it up just the way you always have done. Vicki, Central Queensland, Australia. pineapples279@activ8.net.au
ReplyDeleteWell said, as always, Bonnie! I love your blog, and while I wish that I could scroll continuously down my reader's screen and just get everything at once (because let's face it, I am reading first thing in the morning when I'm not even awake, yet can't wait to see what everyone's posted!), I am more than happy to click over to your blog and read the full post. To be honest, when you said you had ads on your page, I had to hunt around for them! They're so unobtrusive that I didn't even realise you had them! I cannot even begin to express my appreciation for what you do and for all the free advice and patterns you give us every day. Keep on doing what you do, and I hope the ads continue to pay you so you are able to!
ReplyDeleteSome of my favourite quilts are from your patterns!
Bravo Bonnie! When all is said and done, this is your blog and you can belt it out with Old Frank singing I did it my way!
ReplyDeleteJust for the record I have no problem with the ads either.
It amazes me, that people need to put their negativity onto others. There are thousands of blogs out there. If you see something you like- stick with them If you see something you don't like- move on. NO ON WHO TAKES TIME TO CREATE AND MAINTAIN A BLOG NEEDS NEGATIVE COMMENTS!!!
ReplyDeleteBonnie I love your blog. I have learned so much and will continue to read your blog DAILY!!!
First of all: You have ads on your blog?!?! Never even noticed them (am I missing something?)
ReplyDeleteSecond: I use "Reader" and I have absolutely no problem clicking to get your full post. Only takes a second and I want all the quilty and travel goodness so click I must(heck, I even frequently click back and the read the "you might like" old posts).
Third: If I read one more post by a blogger who got slammed for not providing better "customer service" from readers who are getting all the content (and patterns, projects and tutorials) FREE -- yeesh people, you only get to make demands when you are PAYING FOR THE GOODS!!!!
Lastly: Thank you, thank you, thank you for your wonderful blog, for sharing your wonderful designs, inspiration and all the great places you travel to (I can't wait until you go to Bali next year, boy will THOSE posts be a treat and a half!!!). Keep on truckin' babe, there are plenty of us who love the blog just the way it is.
little late in reading this-but I want you to know-I truly enjoy your blog! I am so sorry that people can be so cruel.IT IS NOT ABOUT THEM-DUH! I have learned a lot about many things by reading your blog and thank you for your generosity and willingness to be so transparent and helpful( and funny,creative,sharing whatever strikes your fancy to write about EVEN recipes Yummy!)
ReplyDeleteum... I've been busy, working my little **** off for free. No pay, not paid. That's why I just came in, curious, because I had some spare time, 22.41 pm. Litterally to keep people walking, working for the North Holland Walking League, secretary of the board. Right hand of the chairman, left hand of the treasurer. But: sooooo rewarding. This is my little time off: quilting and reading quilter's blogs, yours as first. Trying somehow to leave some comment in my own corner on the internet, facebook, blogspot. Meeting the givers in the world, kindred spirits to me. It makes me shining happy to be able to return something when I received - For Free!!!!!! - patterns, stories, tips. Life has given me so many good things, thoughts and love! Thank you Bonnie, for being part of this life. Hope to meet you somewhere again, I'll try to take my Aunt Lucy with me! 8^}
ReplyDeleteLove from Amsterdam at night
I realize this is not a recent post, but it's new to me, so I had to add my 2 cents. Just want to let you know that from now on I'm going to try to pay some attention to sponsors of blogs (and other things) that I like and make sure that if I'm choosing between two products the one I will buy will be the one that sponsors your blog, and the one I'll avoid will be the ones that sponsor things I find offensive (usually of a political nature). In today's world we vote with our dollars, and I'd vote for you any day! The energy, love and generosity you pour into your work never cease to amaze me!
ReplyDeleteI just found this post and I want to thank you for sharing so much of your talent and life with us. I've only been following your blog for the 2-3 months but I am completely hooked. You are so down-to-earth that watching Quilt Cam is like visiting with an old friend. I eagerly wait for the next visit. I work a "regular" job but my husband is self-employed so I understand how difficult it can be (financially and emotionally) at times. I wish you the best and I will continue to read, enjoy, and support your blog! Bonnie, you rock!
ReplyDeleteMyrna in KY (mroy@duo-county.com)
{{{{{applause}}}}} As a quilt teacher,small time blogger and small business owner...I sewwwww appreciate and understand where you are coming from. I applaud you for your post, it's good to explain these things in plain English. There are all kinds of people in the world and kudos to you for thanks, but no thanks, I'm moving on. I have been a fan of your site for sometime, but more recently a fan of your quilt cam and following the blog more regular. You are an inspiration, keep up the great work!
AKA SewHappyDesigns in NY
Bonnie, first off .. I do so enjoy your blog. It is always a treat to sit with a cup of coffe and read along with what I call The Adventures of Bonnie K!
ReplyDeleteYES SIREE, this is YOUR blog and you have every right. To plan it, work it and. WhTever else in the way youwish. Anyone asking you to change for them is being tierribly self centered. And they probably won't like anything someonewould do. That is. Sad. BUT not your prblem, it is their problem.
Thank you so much for just being YOU. You prove to me the average quilter can have fun, make great quilts and enjoy reading about other quilts too. o many celebs seem to grow ego-centered. You have not. HURRRAH!
Just be Bonnie,, chat with us as you do and we will tag along with you through it all. We Hunter-ites will cher you on, cry with you when that happens and encourage youto keep going. Yu are a rather remarkable woman Bonnie K Hunter! We DO NOT want you to change.
Keep being you Bonnie!!! You are where I dream to be one day!!! I do create quilts, but I have sooooo much to learn!! I think quilting is a sharing learning process just as you have shared what it takes for you to make your business run!!! I am blessed by your down to earth attitude!! Keep Rocking those quilts out!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie,
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry! I copied the following post to you as it said everything that I couldn't find the words to say right at this moment. I will say however that you really shouldn't pay attention to those small minded people and just continue to be your happy, bubbly self. I'm new to all your stuff on the web and am enjoying myself immensely. Just honestly wonder where in the world you get all your energy and if there's any left over, would you please send it my way. Thanks Bonnie for all you do and all you are. Your family must be very proud of you.
I love reading your blog. You share so much of yourself with us. The free quilt patterns and tips are just fantastic. It is because of your blog that I purchased your first two books. I feel sometimes that I live vicariously through you enjoying your adventures...for example that quilting cruise I would never take because I get sea sick was a blast! I didn't feel ill at all. Please blog for yourself first, if ads pay the bills that is a bonus. I don't ever feel you need to justify yourself on your blog to me or any other follower. This is your blog and we can take it or leave it. I for one appreciate all your hard work to keep blogging almost daily.