Have you been waiting for my turn to post? IT’S TIME! Here is your sneak peek at what you will find from me in 100 blocks by 100 designers, vol 4!
This is my third issue as a designer for Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks by 100 designers magazine. I just LOVE doing these! I’ve found it very freeing to just work on ONE BLOCK….and see what comes out of the process. It gives me the push to PLAY.
Did you guess which block was MINE on the cover?
Midnight Flight!
With all the traveling I’ve been doing, can you guess how this block got its name?
I really love blocks that create secondary designs, and this one was made to be set block to block to block with no sashings in between as the criss-crossing checkerboard corners will join together and chain through the quilt! ((This is also something you have to pay attention to when you are sewing your blocks….the colors go in specific directions!))I dug into my bins of pre-cut strips for the checkerboards, pulling out red, cheddar and neutrals --you know how I love my pre-cut scrap bins, all ready for me to sew in usable sizes!
I also dug into my bricks bin, and neutral squares, putting that Scrap User’s System to work for me!
I did use scrap strips and the easy angle ruler for the 1/2 square triangles, but you can use any method that gives you the size of triangles required.
Playing with color, value and contrast gives me a way to include all kinds of fun fabrics together. I’ve got recycled fabrics, florals, novelties, old calicoes, and newer finds as well. I love playing with variety!
Here’s a sample lay out for you! Yep! Those block corners join to make MORE STARS!
This small version is set 3 blocks across by 3 blocks down for a quilt that measures 36” square before borders.
It’s a great baby quilt size! Of course, you can add sashing and/or more borders to make it bigger as desired! Or make less blocks to make it smaller…you choose!
Would you like to win a copy of 100 blocks, vol 4?! Simply leave me a comment below telling me something about YOU that most people wouldn’t guess about you. ((Like, I used to jump out of helicopters, or something!)) This will be fun!
Please leave your email address at the bottom of your comment if you don’t have email visible in your blogger or google settings. If you get stuck in the google sign in loop, leave the "KEEP ME SIGNED IN" box UNCHECKED. If you comment as anonymous ((Sometimes blogger is tricky and that’s all it will allow)) be sure to leave your NAME and EMAIL so we know who you are!
Because I’m at sea as this posts, I’ll be drawing for our winner upon my return on November 14th. Or November 15th if I’m still comatose after too much sun and sand! One lucky winner will get a signed copy from me, and the other lucky winner will have theirs sent directly from Quiltmaker Magazine!
And the fun doesn’t stop there! Be sure to check Quiltmaker’s Blog every day during the tour for your chance at sneak previews of other blocks in the issue, as well as your chance to enter free drawings on those other featured blogs as well!
If you are new here, welcome! Be sure to check out YESTERDAY’S POST for information on the FIRST EVER 100 blocks retreat scheduled for August 2012 in Williamsburg, VA! I’ll be there, and would love to meet you! Look for the special ad on page 13 of 100 blocks, Vol 4!
Watch for QM’s 100 Blocks Volume 4 at quilt shops and on newsstands Nov. 15. Previous issues of 100 Blocks are available at QuiltandSewShop.com.
This is so much fun. How about my Dad was a Bookie. The phone rang all day long. Love your block and can't wait to see this issue!
ReplyDeleteI workout every day--even if it is only in my mind.
Oh, wow, I seem to be the first! Something about me that not many know, I was in the US Army and did the Nijmegen March. We walked 100 miles in 4 days cloverleafing the city of Nijmegen, Holland. Nijmegen was one of the cities that the Allies liberated during WWII. Operation Market Garden was a huge effort to push through and end the Nazi occupation of Holland. The movie A Bridge Too Far covered this operation. It was a moving experience to cross the bridge that the 82nd Airbourne secured, and when we reached the finish. The last (extra) 4 miles was a parade through the city. The citizens made us feel like we had liberated the town. Flowers everywhere and lots of cheering for us. An amazing feeling and one of the hardest things I have done. No blog, so I am Sara @ ohsirius7@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteHmm...something that people who knew me a few years back wouldn't guess, is that I quilt, because it is a new and very happy part of my life.
ReplyDeleteBonnie- I joined the track team my senior year and ran the mile. I usually came in last or next to last. I still remember my teammates cheering me on as i ran the last lap. They had all been running since 6th grade. It was a great experience. By the way, I love your block! I am ready to make the quilt. Thanks again- Kristy-
ReplyDeleteUsually when I get asked to tell something most people don't know about me I tell them that I used to ride bulls. It is true. My dad had a cattle farm and when I was 10 or so he had a very tame bull that we could ride on. There are even pictures to prove it - LOL.
ReplyDeleteLove the block and I'm also getting psyched up for the mystery quilt (my first ever). I was disappointed earlier today when I realized the first instructions don't go up until a week from Friday. I have fabric pulled and waiting.
When I was a kid, my family had commercial fishing sites--I could pick and mend nets with the best of them!
ReplyDeleteI have a cat named Pete...... AND a dog named Pete. Not sure why!!?? I guess I'm trying to keep it simple :-)
ReplyDeleteI have a cat named Pete...... AND a dog named Pete. Not sure why!!?? I guess I'm trying to keep it simple :-)
ReplyDeleteSorry - with email ...
I was in Jr ROTC in high school.
ReplyDeleteI have 11 children but have been pregnant 16 times, and I am 53 years old today! I'd love to win the book/magazine
You already know that I make all my own soap (that is usually my "go to" response), so how about that fact that I play the violin?
ReplyDeleteI love this block in the quilt layout. What a visual treat the way the secondary pattern forms. Good job, Bonnie!
I used to be a Corrections Officer and my famous saying was "That will be Deputy Bitch to you, and I AM going to take your fingerprints." Thanks for the chance to win the 100 Blocks magazine!
ReplyDeleteI used to tap dance....most people do not know that because I actually was not that great!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteSomething about me that most don't know? I used to be a fast food manager... would you like a Frosty with those fries? Ha!
ReplyDeleteI do love the block, it's stunning set in the pattern. Looks like there is movement. Thanks for the chance to win!
During my high school years, I was named a Future Homemaker of America. No one would believe it now.
ReplyDeleteYou design the most interesting blocks, and in each issue, yours is always a favorite.
Sharon - ssauser@dishmail.net
Most people don't know that I would LOVE to learn how to Country Line Dance (and do it well - did you see Footloose???)! I have absolutely no rhythm (no dance step memory) and those tap & ballet lessons I took as a child never stuck. Sorry for the waste of money, Mom, LOL!
ReplyDeleteI love the feel of movement when several of the blocks are made into a quilt. Much more noticable than the single block.
ReplyDeleteMost people don't know that my mother and I sounded so much alike on the phone, that when guys would call to me to go bowling or the movie with them, Mother would accept for me. That was small town America in the 60's.
I love your block, it makes a fantastic looking quilt!
ReplyDeleteI love your block! Can't wait to try it with some of my shirttails! I'm keeping my fingers crossed...
ReplyDeleteMost people would not know that I was a bassoon major in college.
While on the yearbook staff, I met & interviewed Frankie Avalon. Imagine his surprise when I told him my name was "Annette"
ReplyDeleteI love your quilts, Bonnie. My mom & I are signed up for your workshops New Years weekend. I contacted the shop the day you posted on tour blog that you signed the contract!
Truly enjoy your patterns and your attitude! I am also looking forward to participating in the mystery quilt coming up--my first one, but how can I not when it has my favorite color in it, red!
ReplyDeleteIt may not be a biggie these days, but most people are a little shocked when I tell them I have a tattoo. They are even more surprised when I tell them about the "someday" one I'm considering.
No blog, but e-mail is grammysfault at yahoo dot com.
I danced a Ballet at my Sister's wedding reception to Swan Lake. Crazy I know! I'm telling the DH already I want to be in VA next August. Gotta find me a buddy to fly there with. You plus Jennifer C is a chance I don't want to miss.
ReplyDeleteI can't think of a fact about me that no one else would know, but I's love to win a copy of the book
I have been playing the bagpipes since I was a teenager because I was told, "Girls can't play the pipes",by the pipe major. I got a book and taught myself and when I could play better than the guys, they had to let me in the band. I sure would love a copy of that book!
ReplyDeleteWow, love your block! Can't wait to make this one! I worked as a chemist in a plant that had 400 men and only 14 women. That was both interesting and frustrating on so many levels, I had to come home and sew just about every day to relax and unwind.
ReplyDeleteLOVE your new block - great secondary pattern.
ReplyDeleteI know how to make real hand-made bobbin lace! Learnt when I was 19 and did it for several years ... even had a pattern published in the UK's Lace Guild magazine :)
I can weave my own curtains, rugs, blankets, you name it and I can do it. But haven't for quite a few years due to lack of space for my loom which is stored in our shed. Even my husband didn't know I could until he asked what all those bits of wood (the loom) was for... :)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. Something people don't know about me ..... I used to tap dance till I was 17, restarted again at age 42.(about 10 years ago) Just lovin lovin lovin it !
I love your block. Really beautiful! I do eat chocolate when I am stressed, a lot!!!!
ReplyDeleteI used to ice climb and have camped in the winter! Too old for that now. Very cute block and thanks for the chance!
ReplyDeleteMost people don't know Ihave a degree in Physics. I'd live to win the magazine. Thank you
ReplyDeleteLove your block Bonnie! Most people don't know that my childhood nickname was Gidget.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to be a ballet-danser when I was a child. I would also love to win a this magasine. Hugs Jofrid
ReplyDeleteI really love your block. I cannot wait to get the magazine to try making it.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, would really love to win the book. Most people would not know that I am petrified of deep water and will NOT EVER take a cruise even though I think I could go on a quilt cruise! (Nope won't happen) raven@centurytel.net
ReplyDeleteLove your block.
ReplyDeleteSomething about me that most people wouldn't know is that I am extremely shy and hate crowds and big social situations. I didn't even enjoy getting married but I love being married so it was worth it.
Because I've never met any of those I blog with, they wouldn't know that my hair is so long, it tucks into my pants when I tuck in my shirt!
ReplyDeleteGreat to see another of your blocks in this fantastic magazine. Most people who know me now, wouldn't know that as a student Nurse, I was too shy to talk to my patients!
ReplyDeleteOh boy! The thing not even my closest quilting friends know about me is that I used to be a trophy girl. You know, the one that gives the trophy and a kiss to the winner of the race! If I win do I have to tell my friends how I won?!? lol
ReplyDeleteLove your block and the secondary patterns! As part of my training when I attended West Point, I have driven tanks and bulldozers. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of the 100 block issue!
ReplyDeleteThis is a fun question... even fun to learn these things about people I don't know (: Most people don't know that I'll take any opportunity to be underground (ie caving). That is one hobby I do not combine with quilting (;
ReplyDeleteWell...I used to sing to my fathers cows while he was milking them, so they would give more milk. Don't know if it worked, but my father said it did..LOL! I do love your new block and just bought several yards of cheddar and red..must have had ESP.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe any of my friends know my "family" nickname is Droop, short for Droopy Drawers! Couldn't keep my pants up as a little kid and the nickname stuck. Trust me, my bottom is big enough to keep my pants up now! LOL! You've given us another winning block Bonnie. I love how there is so much movement and so many surprises in your designs.
As a teenager my biggest athletic talent was gymnastics, even though I am 5'10" tall. My gym teacher was befuddled since I am pretty uncoordinated in most other sports!
ReplyDeleteGreat block. I love to make the blocks in the magazines with the snippets of time in my life. I am a very social person now, but I used to have a fear of calling people I did not know.
ReplyDeleteI have 2 tattoos!
ReplyDeleteI'm really not a mysterious person. I'm kind of a 'just put it out there' or 'what comes up, comes out' kind of person. No secrets here. :o)
I didn't finish my masters degree until I was 50 yo, three years after I rec'd my bachelors!
ReplyDeleteI love the block! Cannot wait to try it out!
ReplyDeleteSomething my quilty friends wouldnt guess: I am a trauma ICU nurse! I love quilting because it forces me to take my mind off work!
Jess, Tyler TX
Love the block. The secondary pattern is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI grew up spending my summers on a farm.
Marge K
That's a tough question. I would say some of my fondest memories are from HS band where I played saxophone. Yes I was a band geek.
ReplyDeleteGreat block! I'm a sort of new quilter and haven't done any involved blocks like that, but I think I might be ready.
ReplyDeleteOne thing most people don't know about me is that I'm a jock trapped in a fat middle-aged woman's body. ;)
Love, love, love the new block Bonnie. Can't wait to try it. Something about me most folks don't know: my nickname as a child was "Punkin", I was born in October. Didn't mind it much until Mom called to me in a store one day, I was 30!!!!
ReplyDeleteFaye Bushey abusyquilter@yahoo.com
Something unexpected? I dislike reality TV shows
ReplyDeleteLots of people know I'm an Army brat, but they probably don't know I was born on a farm - in the farmhouse not the barn. Love your scrappy block. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw the block I fell in love with it and envisioned a full quilt of this block. Then you showed us one and I knew that I would be making it sometime soon.
ReplyDeleteSomething no one knows about me -- My husband and I are working hard to become debt free. So this curbs my purchasing of fabrics and/or quilting books and magazines.
Therefore, I would love to win this book.
Have a great day.
Love your block - as usual it is really gorgeous. As a child I wanted to be an elevator operator - so glad that job went away before I was looking for work !!!
ReplyDeleteLove your block - as usual it is really gorgeous. As a child I wanted to be an elevator operator - so glad that job went away before I was looking for work !!! Otttexas@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteSomething most people don't know about me is that I used to teach tole painting. Now I prefer to express my artistic abilities in quilting and would love the book for inspiration.
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie. Wish I was on that cruise with you and all the ladies.
ReplyDeleteSomething about me. Well I was a klutz as a kid. At about 7 yrs old, Mom put me in ballet, tap dancing and gymnastics. Got kick out of all of them. So she enrolled me in Charm School! I hated it and was at the bottom of my class but I finished it! aileycat@aol.com
My underpants are so big I could probably make a quilt out of a couple of pairs of the cotton ones!
ReplyDeleteIn my younger years I helped my husband pull motors out of cars and put them back in. I really like taking things apart and putting them back together so when I got into a car accident that has left my back permanently damaged I turned to quilting. I have always sewn by hand so now I can take things apart and put them back together again.
ReplyDeleteI love the blog although with all your traveling this year I don't know where you found the time! I rebuilt a VW Bug motor (w/my dad) when I was a teenager. After that, I could fix the car myself when it broke down!
ReplyDeleteJust love that block & can't wait to try it. I was a gymnast, but didn't start until college. Fun memories.
ReplyDeleteI just love your blog, and I follow you on facebook. I would love to attend the retreat next year in Williamsburg. One thing about me is that I use my treadmill everyday...(I have my quilt cutting table set on it!) You think my health coach will accept that? Carol nana2@me.com
ReplyDeleteA lot of people don't know I use to teach swimming with the Red Cross, was a Girl Scout troops leader several years with two daughters, was a Ham Radio operator with a "Extra" qualification and left a RN nursing career to sell stamps at the Post Office. Would love to win your 100 magazine, already planning a use for your block.
ReplyDeleteI would love to win this magazine! Something most people don't know about me...skiing used to be part of our PE program in grammar and high school. Every Wednesday was skiing day throughout the winter. I haven't skied in years now as an adult. :(
ReplyDeleteFantastic give-away - my nickname at school was 'pickles' - not telling why!!!!
ReplyDeleteI need more time to quilt!!! I need to not have a job even though I really do love my job--high school librarian--but it interferes with my quilting and reading time!
ReplyDeleteSomething most don't know about me--I used to take ballet lessons and danced the part of the wolf in a childrens' production of Peter and the Wolf. Haven't been on toe shoes since college-1982.
I used to ride a motorcycle! Traveled all over New England. Oh to be young again!!............dfuda@verizon.net
ReplyDeleteVery few people know that I went to school "up North" in Wisconsin and was the president of the honors home ec fraternity. Really, an academic fraternity rather than a sorority.
ReplyDeleteWould love to do all your patterns and wim the magazine.
As soon as I saw that block with the cheddar at Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, I just knew it was yours! Another beauty! And thank you for the giveaway! Enjoy your cruise!
ReplyDeleteThis was hilliarious to read through. Something most people don't know about me is that I have my belly button piecred. It was an impulsive thing years ago. I'm not really sure why I keep it that way anymore. No one but me knows its there, except maybe the blogging world.
ReplyDeleteLove the block as always.
I have been married to the same wonderful man for 47 years, since he was 19 and I was 16 years old. I have been making quilts for 42 of those years...
ReplyDeleteI had my mom write me an excuse note for senior skip day in high school!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win!
i adore your midnight flight! thanks and congratulations to you on it! thanks for the mag. giveaway - something about me... I am a vegetarian!
Hope you are having a fun time at sea. I love your block - stars always draw my attention.
ReplyDeleteMy childhood nickname was Cotton Top.
What would no one guess about me? That I was run over by a pontoon boat as a youth. No serious injuries to any quilting parts!
ReplyDeleteI once hitch hiked across Pennsylvania. I had 2 male friends as bodyguards. Kathie L in Allentown
ReplyDeleteThis is fun! Now what do I want to reveal? Hmmm...okay, I have a stuffed raccoon on my bed. There, I've said it. How freeing! He makes a nice blinking light block for my laptop when I sneak it upstairs in the early morning hours and then decide to go back to sleep. :) Love ya! Kd of www.KdQuilts.com
ReplyDeleteMost people are really surprised to learn that I served in the Navy for nearly six years! I loved your block -- it's quite gorgeous! :)
ReplyDeleteI simpley LOVE blocks that make a secondary design when put together. They make it look like you did so much work to get such a great design. I would love to get this book and see the rest of the blocks.
ReplyDeleteDonna, LEH,NJ
LOVE your block - I was lucky enough to win your actual block from the last issue! Love that one too!
ReplyDeleteI'm such an open book, there's not much everyone doesn't know already. Let's see - I don't enjoy fashion sewing (it seems that people who don't sew assume you love ALL sewing if you quilt).
I am a big fan of yours already. Have made your boxy stars quilt, and am working on a Rows and Furrows now. Most people dont know I have a black belt in karate.
ReplyDeleteI love horses! I have loved them all my life. I don't own one because I don't have the space but it is my passion. I love to read about them, watch movies about them (can't wait for War Horse to come out). I used to dream of becoming a professional equestrian.
ReplyDeleteLet's see. How about I used to play the accordian. It was white with blue sparkle keys where the black ones were. Parents sold that after I quit taking lessons but I still have the little black one that I started on! Love your block!
ReplyDeleteThat block is absolutely WONDERFUL. I am going to make this quilt for sure. It is one of my FAVORITE blocks that you have created. Your blocks are always so interesting!
ReplyDeleteSorry - the only way that I can comment is anonymously!! But, I understand you need to screen things!!
Shirley Albertson Owens
sao in Midlothian, VA
There's not much about me that people don't know..I'm as easy to read as a book! Oh, speakng of books, I'd love to win this one.
I love the block. Would love to have the book. My husband and I met on a blind date and were married less than 3 months later. We had two children by our second anniversary. Can you say "Fertile Myrtle".
ReplyDeleteSomething about me that few people know is that I try to read at least 7 chapters in my Bible every morning.
ReplyDeleteI love the block, I'm fairly new to quilting and I enjoy learning different methods.
Love how the block forms secondary patterns...SO COOL! Can't wait for Orca Bay.
ReplyDeleteSomething not many people know about me? I used to be SO shy! Got over it by Waitressing and doing Direct Sales (trust me, I almost died of fright LOL).
Love the block and would love to get the magazine!
ReplyDeleteSomething people don't know about is that I have a diploma in Social Work!
I saw your block featured on the Kansas City Star page but I'm glad I came over here to see it repeated in a top. Something most people wouldn't guess about me ... I can play seven different musical instruments. I haven't touched any of them in the last 25 years or so though ... I've been too busy quilting!
ReplyDeleteI really do enjoy all of your patterns and your blog. Your block this time is fantastic. You never let us down with your endless talent. Yes, of course, I would love to make this block and then the quilt itself. I would need the Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, Volume 4. I could win the book. Thanks for the chance to win, Bonnie.
Hey Bonnie - Love your stuff, and your new block. I was just inducted into my college's Athletic Hall of Fame for water polo!! So how does THAT make me a quilter???????
ReplyDeleteI love, Love, LOVE this block and the setting!!! I am always amazed to see your beautiful blocks and the colors you've used to put them together. WOW! I think I found the next quilt to work on (along with Orca Bay, of course). I'm looking forward to perusing Vol. 4 of 100 Blocks. Hope you're having a great time on your cruise, and not swallowing the water (don't want you sick again).
ReplyDeleteDiane Durrant
Most people do not know my family called me Boots.
ReplyDeleteLove your block! I met you when you were in IN several years ago.
This block looks like a lot of fun and I love the secondary pattern it creates. Something not everyone might know about me is that many many years ago I was a County Dairy Princess. Yes, out there promoting MILK!!
ReplyDeleteHi, Bonnie! What a fun block! When I was a kid I pumped gas and could change a tire with the best of them! I would love to win a copy of the magazine. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMost people have no idea that I am a quilter. This is a hobby/obsession that I took up after I retired from 33 years of teaching. I tend to be an outdoorsy, athletic person (at age 62 I still walk or run 4-5 miles a day.) I'm not particularly domestic. Therefore, when people learn that I am a quilter, they are always surprised.
ReplyDeleteLinda in Southern Illinois
That is a TERRIFIC design! One I am sure to use should I be so lucky as to win. Thanks for the chance.
ReplyDeleteWow Bonnie - I do love that Midnight Flight block - so Bonnie. Husband and I use to Ballroom dance and we loved every minute of it. Judy C says thanks for this wonderful opportunity.
ReplyDeleteI won the regional typing contest in high school and always dreamed of being either a 'secretary' or a teacher. I'm a nurse. :o)
ReplyDeleteLuv the new block. I can't wait to try it out. It will be a fun one. Thanks for all you do in the scrap world. You have me hooked. Something many may not know about me is I'm a rockhound. I've been collecting rocks since I was little. My Mom washed alot of rocks when I would leave them in my pockets. I still pack pretty rocks home. Thanks, kerri KMyles3434@aol.com
ReplyDeleteI have flown in a blimp and a hot air balloon.I am afraid of heights!!
ReplyDeleteVery pretty block! As a quiet natured farm girl, people are always surprised to hear that I love blues music and going to blues festivals.
ReplyDeleteI love this block, Bonnie! A fact many people don't know about me is...although I am a lefty, I cut with my right hand!
ReplyDeleteFabulous block, Bonnie! :-) I have a sunny disposition most days, but my daughter accuses me of being "a realist posing as an optimist who's secretly a pessimist!!" LOL I guess I tend to warn her of the pitfalls of life while also saying, "You can make it!" and "You're the best!" :-D Strange mix, to be sure!!
Mary Lou
Most people don't know I'm a certified goldsmith. (since it's been at least 13 years since I worked as a goldsmith I don't mention it unless I have to)
ReplyDeleteMost people don't know I grew up in an immigrant family and spoke Russian before I spoke English! Thanks for the chance!
ReplyDeleteI'm very much a momma, so most people wouldn't guess I was in the U.S. Navy.
ReplyDeletePick me, pick me! What a fun block :-)
ReplyDeleteSomething about me...I'm really open so that is hard to think of....Growing up I thought I wanted lots of kids, but I am very happy in my life with no kids!
Most people don't know that in my younger corporate days it was all about the hair, make-up, heels and stylish clothes. Now I'm all about tshirts and sweats.
ReplyDeleteMost people don't know that my last name is on the map of Norway...where our family farm is located. Great block and I too love to find secondary patterns that are made! Thanks
ReplyDeleteOh, I love this block! It has all my favorite elements - stars, chains and a secondary design that blurs block lines!
ReplyDeleteAbout me? Well, I sang in a small church group for most of my growing up years and we sang on a local television show five times.
Thanks for being you, Bonnie!
babsnwv at gmail dot com
Something different about me is that my favorite color is orange.
ReplyDeleteI love to give anonymously. ~ Jeanne
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your block!
ReplyDeleteSomething about ME that most people wouldn't guess: I was born in the Hard Crab Capital of the World -- but I'm allergic to shellfish!
I have four brothers and four sisters, when we were growing up we all sat down and ate supper together every night. We sat up to long table. The benchs that ran the lenght of the table on both sides my dad built. All our friends called us the Waltons because of those benchs. I rescued those benches from my dads basement after he died gave them a coat of paint and stenciled a quiltblock pattern across one of them. That bench now sits along one side of my walnut table in my dining room. My grand children love it and my siblings are kicking themselves for thinking those benches were junk.
now that I have my GO I can actually keep up with some of these small piece blocks- lol
ReplyDeleteI did block testing for vol 4 and i have to say their are 100 must DO's in those pages, I have two in the process of getting done and several more marked on my list.
I am showing one off on stashmanicure today if you want to see.. www.sewwequilt.com
As usual you've outdone yourself Bonnie! What a fun block! One thing most people are surprised to learn about me is that I have had to learn how to walk 3 times in my life! Once as a child of course, then at 5 when a strep germ settled in my leg for months, and then at 16 after a car accident that crushed my pelvic bones & hips. I'm grateful to walk just fine today!
ReplyDeleteLove your block! Something about me that others don't know....hmmmmmm, that is hard as I am pretty much an open book. Most people think I am pretty strongwilled and confrontational due to my very strong opinions on some things, but I am really very passive and hate confrontation and fighting. I do have strong opinions when I feel someone has been wronged, but I don't look for confrontation. jennie61@verizon.net
ReplyDeleteBonnie--I would love to win the 100 Blocks Book. When I was in high school, I joined the FFA. I won the top prize selling magazine subscriptions--a .22 rifle! Would you believe I took it home on the school bus?
My granddaughter is in beauty school and practiced on me with acrylic nails. Therefore, I'm having a rough time typing.
ReplyDeleteGayle Chappell
I LOVE your block!!! When I was in high school, I wanted to be a Home Ec teacher. I didn't finish college, but ended up home schooling my own children :-) Thanks for the sharing a copy of 100 Blocks. I've so enjoyed the previous issues.
ReplyDeleteMy secret would that even though I appear meek and mild I was actually the Recording Secretary for my UAW Local 164. (800+ members)
ReplyDeleteThat required attention to detail that my quilting aided me with as well as honesty and a hard worker.
I so want to win Issue #4. If not, I will buy it of course!
I love your block!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all that you do for us and for the great giveaway!
I guess most people don't know that I played a flute in my younger days. Not very well, but I did play it! :-)
I saw that block, knew it was yours, and knew I wanted to make it. Just like last years block that I still haven't gotten around to making. Something most people don't know about me is that I once had my cosmetology license. I never did use it so I eventually let it lapse.
ReplyDeleteLove your block Bonnie - especially like the secondary pattern that is created. Let's see...something about me...I have a fettish for stained glass crab fabric? Um....no....Ok...I recently quit my job as an HR Manager to do what I love!
ReplyDeleteI love the block. Most of my friends don't know I am a NASCAR fan. Just love to watch fast cars go around in circles!
I love your block. I am always intrigued by blocks that continue a pattern from block to block. Each time I look at the quilt, I can see a different pattern. Something about me. I am the only one in my family who doesn't play a musical instrument. I always say the rest need an audience!
ReplyDeleteI'm still giggling after reading all these great posts. As for me - most people are surprised to learn I'm an "only child". Well, it's something anyhow! lol Thanks Bonnie, I'll stop back later and read more. This is one great post!
I love the quilt block! A Midnight Flight quilt is definitely in my future. Something that would surprise you about me is that at age 52 I can still do cartwheels and the splits.
ReplyDeleteReally love this block. Something about me, people would be surprised to know how much I enjoy horror movies. Must be in the blood because my 6 year old can't get enough of scary stories/movies/costumes.
Wonderful block :) After having my son I couldn't eat anything with black pepper in it without having an allergic reaction. Thanks for the giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteWow! I love following your blog. The block looks like so much fun. I see lots of music related comments so I'll add that I won the John Phillip Sousa Band award in high school many, many moons ago. mandmgold@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteWorked for the CIA (Yes, Central Intelligence Agency - in the 70's - Big Secrets!) Maybe THAT'S why I love you Mysteries!!! RRCB last fall - getting my stash ready for next week! I'm on my Second Bonnie Class Quilt with Leslie McSorley - and Loving it! Newborn Quilter - October 2009! No Secret - LOVE you new Block!!!! Brenda Fickett hibrenda@maineline.net
ReplyDeleteI love your block!!! When I was 13, I played the part of Dorothy in the play Wizard of Oz. I was in every single scene and had to memorize everyone's lines, as well as my own!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's a hard one Bonnie, as I'm pretty much an open book. BUT I don't think most people know that I used to play the glockenspiel, most people probably don't even know what it is LOL Oh dear, now I've overloaded Google!!
ReplyDeleteOops! Forgot the email.
I would love a copy of this. Your block is wonderful-you are so very creative.
ReplyDeleteI took flying lessons-flew by myself. Never got my license.
Not doing too well this morning. Maybe I need another cup of Starbuck's! Please delete my email addy from that last post.
Wonderful block and pattern.
ReplyDeleteI was voted class clown at HPU many moons ago
Yrs ago while shopping with a friend I was browsing around and felt up a cardy on mannequin saying 'oh I like this!', except it wasn't a mannequin it was the shop assistant, I almost jumped out of my skin when she said 'Oh thanks!' *Facepalm
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and follow it a lot.
ReplyDeleteyou are an inspiration.
I don't think most people know that I am a quilter..
Love all the blocks I have seen so far.
ReplyDeleteSomething most don't know about me is that I started as a receptionist and ended up managing a beauty/spa salon.
Another gorgeous scrappy wonder!! Some people that know me don't know that I wanted to be a 18 wheel tractor-trailer driver in my younger days!
ReplyDeleteYou always design such wonderful blocks. I love this one. Can't wait to try it. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. I wanted to fly planes...but I have a fear of heights...lol
ReplyDeleteMy family had a roller skating rink when I was growing up, so I grew up skating. Wish I could still do that now, but it ain't gonna happen!
ReplyDeleteI love your block, and I would love to win the magazine. Something most people don't know about me...I was in the Air Force for 4 years!
ReplyDeleteJenny in Florida (jenny.brooks@verizon.net)
Really like the idea of the quilt using your block. A phenomenal look! Something not too many people know about me is that I changed my name from Ria to Maria after I moved to Canada from Holland.
ReplyDeleteI love Buttermilk with a dash of salt in it
Love the block, I can see it in all types of color combinations. Little known fact about me -- I won the Betty Crocker Homemaker award my senior year in high school -- I have always worked outside the home.
ReplyDeleteI'm an East Coast native but abandoned it when I first went to New Mexico in the 60's and saw that clear blue sky.
I love Buttermilk with a dash of salt in it.
ReplyDeleteKathy from IA
What most people don't know about me is that I have a secret desire to appear on a game show -- Jeopardy!, WOF, Millionnaire! Bring on the big bucks! Christy ksbirchtree@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI really like your block. I made your Double Delight quilt. It is still a flimsy, but when it's quilted, it will go on our guest bed. I love using your scrap system. Something that most people don't know about me is that when I was in 4-H, I won a blue ribbon at the county fair for my chocolate fudge. I'd love to win a copy of this magazine.
ReplyDeleteI have had buildings blown up and then evaluated the damage. More than once. Same with tanks and trucks.
ReplyDeleteVery few knew that I used to go rod and reel tuna fishing. Bonnie, I hope that you're having a wonderful time on your cruise! I can't wait for the mystery to start. Thanks for all you do for us.
ReplyDeleteLove this block. Can't wait to finish my MaiTais in Paradise. I have signed up for the string spiderweb class in Plano. I just can't get enough of your fantastic scrappy quilts. Oh and your mystery quilt color choices are exactly what I would have picked for myself, so I have to do that!
ReplyDeleteBeing such an old fuddyduddy now, no one would ever guess I was the disco queen when the Hustle was the big thing.
Bonnie, I really like your block for this newest magazine, which I would love to have signed by you! Most people don't know that when I was young, I would run & hide in my closet behind the clothes whenever someone would come visit us. I seem to have gotten over that as an adult...maybe just a little!
ReplyDeleteI love your block!!! Most people know that I quilt, embroidery, knit, crochet and cross stitch. I don't think many people know that I have done ceramics for over half my life!!!
ReplyDeleteI just knew when I saw your block that it would make up into a fabulous quilt with much interest! What don't people know about me? My college minor is in church music!
ReplyDeleteprjule at gmail dot com
Hi Bonnie. Thanks for allowing us an opportunity to win a copy of the book. Love scrap quilts. Most of my "old" friends don't know that i am now a quilter as I didn't start until age 40.
Here's one of my well kept secrets: I am PHOBIC about black crickets. Just the sight of one in my house will make me cry and shake. Thank the heavens they aren't common in Vermont!
Once again, your block is a winner!
ReplyDeletesomething most people don't know about me is that when my injured knees kept me from my annual UT ski strip, I went dogsledding in MN instead and had a blast!
Love that block. It is sooo you. People don't know that I took flute and guitar lessons as a child. I was called "baby" until dating age. I scuba dived for the first time at age 48. Winning this book would be very inspiring. If not, I'll have to buy it.
ReplyDeleteReally love your block. Little known fact about me is I was in the Navy for 5yrs active and another 10 inactive. Thank you for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I just love your block. Something most people don't know about me?? I used to sing in a garage band when I was in high school. We were actually pretty good (if I say so myself) and had a regular gig at the Unity Roller Rink! Some of the most fun I ever had in my life.
ReplyDeleteCount me in - always love your work! - I used to keep score records for my kids basketball games! - Would love a copy of this book!
ReplyDeleteHmm, most people wouldn't know about me is... I retired after 20 years in the USAF. I have a Purple Heart and an Air Force Commendation Medal with Valor for saving 6 lives during the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers in Dhahran Saudi Arabia.
ReplyDeleteCarrie Dobos
I guess the something would be that I count the stairs when I take them - every time!
ReplyDeleteSomething most people don't know about me is I was named for my father, Alfred. I have 3 brothers and I was not the oldest. Would love to win the magazie.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a teenager, I was a very good roller skater. We actually used to roller skate dance. My grandkids would never believe it now. Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteHmm... I am so not an adventure-seeker - roller coasters, most amusement park rides, bungee jumping, parachuting, climbing mountains - all those things terrify me and I wouldn't be caught dead doing them. But I love motorcycles (altho I don't drive them) - including my husband's Hayabusa (fastest production bike made)! Go figure! Anne Simonot
When I was in junior and senior high school I loved to play volleyball. I dreamed of being an Olympic volleyball player but at the time there was no such thing as a girls volleyball team in the Olympics. Volleyball was about the only sport I was good at. Now I love to quilt!
ReplyDeleteSue E.
Just in the last few years, I drove the big buses...I was a driver for our city transit system and loved it! I did leave that professional driving to help take care of grandchildren. I would love, love, love to drive a quilting tour bus....how great would that be? To drive a big bus, full of quilters, and stop at all the shops! When I tell people I have a passion for driving big buses, they usually reply "oh, that would scare me to drive something that big." And I use to feel that way about a long-arm system. Not anymore...that seems to be the only thing I'm driving at the moment! I'm a hand quilter who uses an electric needle!
ReplyDeleteMost of my friends don't know that I quilt! They get real excited when they find out. Oh the projects they TRY to give me.
ReplyDeleteHad to search my mind for something! I held 3 jobs all at the same time one year...family therapist, recovery room nurse and a rubber stamp store manager...I was bizzy...switching careers. Would love to win this book with your pattern. This is my new favorite!
ReplyDeleteMany people know that I'm deaf. But, what they don't know is that I was in a band back in my junior high and high school days. I played the Bass Clarinet and was darn good at it!
ReplyDeleteThank you for a chance to win!
I did Highland dancing as a kid (only one year) and I was in a marching band for four years - did a different thing every year, including learning to play trumpet in my fifth year but we moved before I got very far on that!
I have shown a CFA Registered Birman Cat to a National Win - little unusual. Love your block Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteI used to play thebass drum in our high school marching band. At 5'2" and 110 lbs it was pretty funny. The drum was nearly as big as I was.
ReplyDeleteLove your block. Can't wait to see the magazine.
I used to hula dance. Boy, looking at me now, you'd never guess. I've never seen a chubby hula dancer, have you? I love that block, it just sparkles.
ReplyDeleteI was a National Merit Scholar and have a double major in mathematics and library science. Gale, gale29@earthlink.net
ReplyDeleteBonnie, what a great block! So many possibilities and I want to make them all!
ReplyDeleteI was Pep Club President when I was a Senior in high school, do they even have such things now days!!! I love your block and like how it looks in a whole quilt. tkmattson@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteLove your block. I'm pretty open about my life so not so much that some people don't know about me. One thing is many years ago I bought a used car and ended up getting married to the used car salesman. Best thing I ever did.
ReplyDeletejenellejb @ aol dot com
Bonnie, how about that I am a totally hopeless fan of Doctor Who! In fact, if all other TV shows were cancelled and Doctor Who was broadcast from all channels I would be entirely happy. After all, the episodes can be set ANTWHERE and in ANY TIME.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm, something about me..., hmmm let's see, I have a crush, mean collection on snowmen and santas, it's weird because I live in a tropical country and we don't get snow or really cold weather :S
ReplyDeleteI graduated many, many years ago and in the school trophy case there is a trophy with my name on it --- and I am and have not ever been athletic. It was for bowling -- LOL
I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this mag and make these blocks! Definitely going big with it, at least a queen size. I especially like blocks that form secondary patterns. I don't think anyone would guess that I was blonde before I was 5 years old, when it turned a dark brown. It's now almost white and I'm only 46. And it looks good!
What fun they would also look amazing on point with more 9 patches inbetween,
ReplyDeletehope you pick me to win your amazing book.
happy trails
Hi Bonnie! Great block you designed! Something people don't know about me is that when I was 6, a farm boy I knew decided to brand me like a cow by sticking a fork in the flame on their gas stove. I still have the scar...four tines and all on my arm...just bigger now since I've grown! Tammy (morrowrj@telus.net)
ReplyDeleteThe one thing most people don't know about me is that my first car was a 1969 Ford Mustang and it sure got the guys attention. No matter where I drove it guys would honk and wave at me!
ReplyDeleteMy cat Rosie (now RIP unfortunately) used to bite me when I sang.....
ReplyDeleteI've done a bungy jump in New Zealand! Great secondary designs possible in your block!
ReplyDeleteI used to do mannequin modeling! It wasn't easy standing still for long minutes at a time. Sandi
ReplyDeleteLove Midnight Flight and very interested in the Williamsburg Retreat next year!
Enjoyed your block! One thing most people would NEVER know about me is that I used to be a Licensed Pest Control Supervisor in CA.
ReplyDeleteLove the block and can't wait to see how it evolves with my own fabric choices. I have been driving since I was 5 years old. My father was a grain farmer and needed someone to move the seed to where the planter ran out of seed. I couldn't see over the dash and push the pedals at the same time, but I didn't run into anything, either. LOL