All week long I’ve been giggling to myself!
Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine the build up that would present itself over the past few weeks, including mails asking what TIME this first clue would be posted tomorrow morning!
I had to think about it. I live on the East Coast of the USA. Someone asked if it was going to go live just after midnight my time tonight….I guess those people on the WEST coast think they can get in a day early if they can start sewing at 9pm the night before..LOL!
Let’s just say that I will post each part on Friday Morning --- sometime during the morning! When I am able to write posts ahead, I usually set them around 7am eastern time. But it could be as late as 9am or so…do I want to be up that early the day after Thanksgiving? I plan on IGNORING Black Friday and sleeping in.
So they post when they post, with no set schedule, because I really have ENOUGH deadlines right now.
Posting these clues has to go along with what is going on in my life. I’m done with my traveling teaching for the year, but I’ve got Thanksgiving and Christmas to deal with too – and a little upheaval has happened the past couple days.
DS Jeff has reached irreconcilable differences with a really bad room mate who isn’t paying their share of the bills. Jeff can’t afford the 2 bedroom apartment by himself. There is no one else to move in, and we can’t afford to pay his bills for him…he’s working all the hours he can at this job, but they’ve hired on new holiday help…meaning everyone is getting their hours readjusted, and his hours aren’t enough to cover what he is needing too. They love him there. They don’t want to lose him. He is a great worker.
But I think the past nearly 6 months on his own has not only helped him mature in many many positive ways ((Those of you with 21 yr old sons understand where I am coming from here! Growth comes in micro-millimeters sometimes!)) and he wants to go back to school AND work…and can’t afford an apartment right now on his own, and he doesn’t WANT a room mate anymore. We’ve all been there, haven’t we?
So he came home last night….through a thunderstorm with tornado warnings!
This was also prompted by the fact that he’s been dealing with a “cold” the past few weeks that I suspected was MORE than a cold ---- but who would listen to mom over the phone?
This morning I hauled his coughing and hacking carcass off to the doctor. VERY bad case of bronchitis ((Oh, don’t *I* Know these symptoms SO well?!?)) and it’s aggravated his asthma. He’s drugged up here at home on a Z-pack, Steroids, and cough medicine.
I’m making a big pot of soup for dinner!
I just need to love on this guy a little bit.
He brought home ALL his dirty laundry! ((I was always told they do this, but this is the first time I’ve witnessed it—>_<)) and that is running as I type this.
There is a possibility that he will be able to transfer from his job at Fatz Café in Columbia SC, to the Fatz Café location up here in Greensboro. His boss is supposed to call and give him a good recommendation. We hope so.
He will be heading back to Columbia "temporarily" tomorrow..he plans on finishing out his work schedule. He is working Thanksgiving....maybe move up the weekend after Turkey Day.
Regardless, things are in a bit of a transition HERE again….I guess I need to move all the quilt-stuff back out of his room, cuz I think he wants it back!
And with that, I’m back to writing up the directions for clue number 1, to go live tomorrow morning, my time. Sometime. During the morning ;c)
I hope your son gets to feeling better so he can enjoy the holidays. I'm so looking forward to the mystery quilt. Off topic but: I can't find Shep's Wood tables anywhere not even on Ebay. The email address I have was returned. I wanted to give a a few tables for Christmas gifts. Bonnie do you know if he is still making them? TIA
ReplyDeleteOh Bonnie, your trials and tribulations with Jeff sound so familiar. I've been through them all with my son. It does get better but it's all part of the "growing up" process. Just know that I've moved my quilt room at least 3 times because of his moving in and out of the house! You'd think I would be really good at it by now but I think I've actually accumulated more stuff every time, or it just doesn't fit as well as it did once. Looking forward to the new mystery whenever it comes out. I enjoy doing them with my quilting buds so thank you for continuing to come up with new ones every year.
ReplyDeleteYes, Bonnie, I've been there, too! So I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. No worries on the postings - its not like we quilters don't have other things to work on! Meanwhile, I'm sorting my fabric and scraps into "Bonnie" order and that will keep me busy for QUITE some time!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the mystery...
I'm tickled excited for tomorrow's 1st clue!! It'll be my 1st time on a Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt! I have been counting down the days from day one! Hehe
ReplyDeleteBring it on Friday morning!!
Get well soon, Jeff! I have both my sons back living here, each after having been out on their own. It's a zoo, but most of the time I enjoy them being here (honestly speaking there:))
ReplyDeletePatiently waiting on the first clue - you do it on your time, it is a fabulous gift you give us each year and I'm not going to rush the gift-giver!
Bonnie, you are one of the most awesome persons I know. You take care of your son. We'll wait (perhaps impatiently, but we WILL wait). Just take care of yourself, too.
ReplyDeleteThis too shall pass. My son never moved back home , although I think he would have liked to, but my two girls did. Twice each. I think it's all part of the growing up phase. Sometimes they just need a little time to regroup. In no time at all he'll be back out on his own again. Hang in there and enjoy him while he's there. Enjoy being home for the holidays too!
ReplyDeletewait a minute, what?! You can't tell me the exact time the first clue will be published? Dang. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for putting up with all your fans!
Best wishes to Jeff for a speedy recovery. Praying that the job transfer works to his advantage as well. Glad to hear he want to go back to school...good on ya, mate.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, you know very well that most of us quilters already have way too many things going ourselves to think about rushing you on the mystery quilt clues...you are so giving the least we can do is give you lee way as well in your post. Remember, Friday consists of 24 hours, which ever hour it is posted will still work...we will all still love you and your inspiration. Be well.
Faye Bushey
Sigh..I just wish my 20 yo son would get a job.
ReplyDeleteHope Jeff feels better soon!
Oh Bonnie...I've been reading the Orca Bay hype and have just been giggling. You sure can make women do crazy things just by saying mystery..or new quilt pattern..or new book. I'm looking forward to the mystery...your quilts are always my favorite. Hope all goes well with the new adjustments....
ReplyDeleteBonnie--I've moved back home (with husband and two teenagers in tow--bless my parents' hearts) and right now have my 23 year old son back home while he does a one year graduate program. Having done it myself has given me a lot more grace for my son. It isn't easy for anybody, but what a good thing! It's amazing what blessings can come out of it.
ReplyDeleteOrca Bay Eve...I love it!
ReplyDeleteThought I'd stir up some conversation with my thought on the time frame you would post...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! But please hurry with it.LOL!
ReplyDeleteBut Bonnie, it's Friday morning here in the Marshall Islands. Haha. I think I can wait. I won't have internet until Tuesday morning so I will be patient.
ReplyDeleteThe first step is done...he found a job he likes and that he is good at. Second step, he found out money isn't all that easy to come by. I'd say he learned lots...I'm sure he already knew that Mom house was the best place to be when he was sick...
ReplyDeleteThis will be my first mystery quilt and I am pretty excited to get started. Bonnie I am in awe of how you manage all you have going on in your life. I will be squeezing this one in between a household move in a month. My oldest is 17-1/2, so I have to look forward to all you are going through. Thanks for making it seem do-able! :0) Keep smiling and don't catch your son's illness.
ReplyDeleteOh man, This is so familiar-the kid you thought was launched coming back. Both of mine have done it twoce, and the youngest is still here! We love hime and are glad he is in a stable place, as his last living situ was awful! So be glad your son is getting out of what sounds like a bad one. He wukk get back on his feet! He is young!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the new mystery and we will enjoy it as you put it up as you have time!!!
Mary H
Hey Bonnie - I just realized you are becoming the Oprah Winfrey of quilting - you say "Easy Angle Ruler" and we all rush out and buy one...you say Cheddar - and we say "Charge-it" !!! lol
ReplyDeleteBonnie, as you very well know, we all understand looking
ReplyDeleteafter Jeff - and any other family biz - takes precedence over posting our Mystery Quilt clues. If you can do them on the day, great, and if not, we'll just have to wait. It will give us more time to catch up!
Oh Bonnie! been there done that 2x this year. Daughter moved in with friend and three cats. My daughter was so negative, I made her leave and still had her friend with us for another 3 months. Then my youngest daughter ran from very bad relationship 2 weeks after sister left us with baby in tow. We moved every room in the house except the living room and kitchen to fit them in. The dust has settle and I have dug out my sewing room once more.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the distraction of a Mystery. Still have not pulled fabric but tonight's the night!
Best of Luck. Take care of your baby. No one can like Mama!
It's a really hard time for young people just now, and having to move back home is not unusual. We have two 'boomerang' children, who went off to uni, stayed away from home, but due to various events have had to move back here.. Hope your boy gets well, because that's the first step.
ReplyDeleteHi, bonnie: i'm looking forward to participating in my first-ever Bonnie mystery, but won't be starting until Friday evenings - so take your time posting ;o)
ReplyDeleteOn the kid front, BTDT. The last time my daughter moved back in I told her to think of me as her roommate and treat me the same - in other words, I wasn't "mom" doing her dishes, laundry and general tidying up - she had to be a full willing participant in running the household (of course, there was only me and her so that made it easier). Good luck to you and your son!
Looking forward to tomorrow morning's clue! Hope Jeff gets to feeling better soon. He ought to be really, really thankful that he has a mom like you! I was blessed in that my son's have NEVER moved home. TYJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I would have been there for them if I had too! I did at one point house the ex DIL and DGbaby! IN exchange, the son slept on the floor of a friends apartment....So we all know the drill. Much Love and Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteJessica in Colorado
Poor guy, it's tough with roomies. This may be just what he needed to get moving in the right direction. Hope he feels better quickly.
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie! Maybe you can use that sign you post below!!! Like "maybe I'll post in the afternoon, unless if I post in the morning... "
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your son. I heard all the time"one day he will have a click..."
I've never EVER done a mystery quilt before and only recently started following you.... although I've finished your blog and web site before. *s*
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to do this as I HATE throwing out fabric and LOVE stringy quilts! *grin*
Let the mystery begin!
Rosa Robichaud
Saint John, New Brunswick
As a mom with a son who is 21 and one who is 19, I get what you mean about the micro millimeter growth. I know it is happening, but some days it seems like one step forward, two steps back. My neighbor keeps telling me that their brains haven't matured yet, just hold on til they are 25.
ReplyDeleteOMG Bonnie!! I could have written parts of your blog (dealing with your son's issues). My son moved out a year ago to the other side of the state (Grand Rapids, MI) to finish college. The dorm costs were so high, he got an apartment. 6 months later, his best friend moved in with him to also finish college out there. They just recently moved into a 2 bdrm apartment and, so far, all is well.
ReplyDeleteHe also had a bad cold that wouldn't go away and didn't listen to 'mom'. He ended up with pneumonia.
Fortunately, his new apartment has a washer/dryer in the unit so I don't have to do that anymore except when he brings his quilt home for care.
When he moved out there, his company was able to transfer him to a store out there (Target).
This is just too funny how our lives have been so similar recently.
Also.....can't wait till tomorrow but can't start on it till this weekend.
I live in Japan so when you get to today, it is always tomorrow here. Wouldn't a mystery quilt be fun! I'll bet it involves a maching somewhere though. Sigh
ReplyDeleteKids! I enjoyed seeing how many other readers have had similar experiences. This, too, will pass.
A friend told me that the hardest years for parents of sons are 18-25, and she was so right. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteI suggest you have Jeff outline his goals and his expectations of himself in writing. A psychologist told us that if our daughter did that when she moved back in that nagging wouldn't be necessary since the goals were her own. It worked and she did the things she had avoided before.
ReplyDeleteMany a heartsick moment here with those micro-millimeter growing steps with my 3 sons (21 - 24). That is a great way of putting it! Yeah Orca Bay! I'm watching Soul Surfer today for the umpteenth time while working around the house. It always encourages me with life's ups and downs.
ReplyDeletewishing jeff a speedy recovery. Both of my daughters moved out when they turned 18... while they haven't moved back, they still depend on us to make ends meet... and even girls bring home the laundry! LOL!!
ReplyDeletelooking forward to the new mystery, but will wait patiently as you deal with life issues first... after all... family is always more important.
Hey there Bonnie,
ReplyDeleteThings will improve again as you already know. First things first I always say. Hang in there and do what you need to do.
Take your time Bonnie. I have SOOO much to do. There is no way I will be on track with this mystery. Plus, I have to work tomorrow. :( No pressure from me! I have made 1 more Oklahoma Backroads block. Yes, just one more than I did in the workshop...
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the mystery quilt. OMG! I have a 21 year old son named Jeff, too. He moved back in after a year on his own with 3 roommates. He got stuck with alot of the utilities bills. Hard lesson learned. I had to moved all my quilting things out of his huge room into the dining room and a very small bedroom. His brother just finished college and is staying home too trying to safe money to buy a house instead of renting. Had to have alot of family sitdowns to tell that everyone had to work in the house now. Seems to be working for now.
ReplyDeleteSounds like your life is on overdrive as usual! I think it is pretty normal for grown children to come back home at least once, and sometimes more after they try their wings. In today's economy, you can't hardly afford to live alone as a young up-and-comer. Ours have all come home at one time or another, one daughter just spent a year and a half with us after divorcing. She hated having to come home at 36 years old, but she was really glad to have a place to come to. And your son will too! Enjoy him while you have him, because just about the time you get used to him being around again, he'll spread those wonderful wings and take off again.
ReplyDeleteWaiting excitedly for Clue #1. Probably won't get to start till after first of the year, but just as excited nonetheless!!!
Hi Bonnie, I am excited for the mystery...have done every one. I have to take notes this time, I just have too much going on right now so between Christmas and New Years is always a good time to start a new project. I feel for your son Jeff. Sounds like he is working hard to become independant and that can be really hard with costs nowadays. Hope things work out well for him.
ReplyDeleteOh the teasing ... no really Bonnie - I'm sure most of us are very very happy to wait until you are ready to post each episode. After all, it is something you are giving us for free - so we cannot have any expectations on time frames. I haven't done one of your mysteries for awhile and am so very looking forward to this one. Thankyou for offering another. Hope all goes well with your son .. it is hard for young people to get started in their lives and I guess it is when they learn a lot. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteTake your time Bonnie! We will be fine whenever you put it up. After all, can't start till you do!! And....like you said, it is not a race, and no whining!
ReplyDeleteSpend a little extra time with your family. We won't go anywhere.
oh man I can relate!I welled up with tears reading this. I am the Mother of a 22 year old who went to school,lived on his own in school and at one point was working 3 jobs to pay rent/utilities.He the I don't want a roomate anymore wall too.I was difficult for him to come back home,but is the best solution for now.He has said "life is just so hard mom".How well we know. I am a quilter too. my daughter has challenged me to "use up ssome of what you have " So i am working at that. YOU are a great inspiration to me Bonnie. Keep it up. and-Good luck ,Jeff...things will get better. Let your mom love ya a bit!
ReplyDeleteThere sure is Orca Bay fever disseminating through blogland. Everywhere you turn people are pulling fabrics, asking who is joining in and wondering when the first clues will be posted.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the returning son. Have two 20-something sons probably moving home in December. We'll see. But that is okay--one is still in college and is getting strapped financially. The other one has a job that keeps him on the road from 1-3 weeks a month. He is paying rent for a place he rarely uses. Could be saving money for a wedding ring or honeymoon--but first he needs a girlfriend. : )
Twas the night before Orca and all through Quiltville, the quilters were stirring thier fabrics still. Looking for just the right colors to use, before Bonnie got up and posted the news. The mystery quilt was about to begin, and all of the quilters had a big grin. They had been waiting and waiting and waiting you see. Some in the west thought they'd start about three, while those in the east would have to wait until seven, untill they could feel as if they had gone to quilt heaven. By this time tomorrow step one will be done and the quilters will be waiting for the next one. Bonnie will sit back and laugh at us all because she knows and loves y'all!
ReplyDeleteHere in the UK it's breakfast time Friday. Pushing my luck, I thought I'd check and see if the clue was up ... but I'll have to be patient a while longer. Hey, I probably won't get a chance to actually sew until Saturday anyway!! Waiting for the mystery clues gives us the thrill of xmas eve every week all the way up to Christmas, so I'm not complaining.
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing this for us Bonnie - you're a gem :)
Mid morning here in France already ! But I have a luncheon date with girlfriends, so will find "the clue" when I get back. IF .... I havn't drunk too much champagne, as we are going to celebrate my 4th grandson's birth. His Mum does not yet know she may have him many many years with her .... Thanks BONNIE, I'll soon have another perfect quilt.
ReplyDeleteI soooo understand. My 21 yo daughter has moved out three times, and came back again. Everytime she comes back, she brings back more stuff, this last time her boyfriend too. She can't afford school full time and rent plus utilities. So I charge them some to live here. Then we also have a 19yo daughter who says she isn't going to do what her sister did, instead she is staying put, paying off her new to her car, then saving up money to move out. Her boyfriend is her half the time. I am just glad I have the room to store all their extra's they are collecting, and a dedicated floor of the house just for me and my hobbies. Good luck with the rearranging, been there done that before when I took in 5 more teenage girls, it takes years to find everything again. I will be thinking of you, and I hope your son gets rid of the "mommy genes" as my daughter would say ie.bronchitis from mom. LOL
ReplyDeleteOOo I am so holding my breath hoping my 19 year old son keeps his roommates and his job and his health. Friends smile knowingly when I say he's moved out. (He'll be back some say outloud and some think to themselves.) I'd have to move my quilting machine out of his old room if he came back, too. Well, on to better thoughts - Quiltville Mystery!
ReplyDeleteIt's 4:30pm here and I'm just reading your prepost comment about 'dear son'. Thanks. We've a 'dgs' that fits that bill. We hope his maturity is beginning to show. He's going back to school, if he gets his 'paper work' together himself.
ReplyDeleteI hope your son gets better soon.
Keep smiling !
Jane in NH
Sorry DS is sick. And sorry about the room mate situation. Glad that this experience has helped him growup and mature some. Great that he wants to go to school and work.
ReplyDeleteDear Bonnie:
ReplyDeleteMy 26 year old son moved back home in August (it's a lousy job market out there), and I lost my sewing room! So I know how you feel. But I have to say -- as much as I *hate* for his sake that he has to be living home right now, because I know it's not what he wants from life, it's such a pleasure for me to have him here. I'm going to be a terrible empty-nester when it finally comes to that!
-Melinda Ebelhar