A Link-Up ((Or LINKY)) is where those who DO blog can share their blog posts in one place and you can hop from one to the other by clicking the thumbnails in the linky.
You don’t need a blog to participate in the mystery – but you DO need a blog if you want to share a blog post about your progress with me here. You can’t link to picasa, flickr groups or to facebook. Those of you who have linked with me before know that I do have some rules:
You must link to the SPECIFIC post on your blog, not just your main blog address. To find the url for the specific post, go to your blog and click on the title of the post you want to link. Look in the address bar at the top of your browser. The address of your post should end in .html
PLEASE LEAVE OFF the http:// part at the beginning of your blog address when you fill in your info below or it WON'T WORK.
*NOTE* Your blog address does NOT include the @ symbol! That's for email addresses only, and that won't work either!
Your blog must be viewable to ALL, not just a handful of people that you have invited. If your blog is private, please don't link up. It's frustrating to those who click to view and are told they can't.
If you link to “just” your main blog address, I’ll have to delete your link and have you try again because I can’t fix it for you.
You can link ANY progress of ANY step on any of the Link-Ups. For instance, if we are on a Link-UP for part 4 – and you are just on part 1, you can still link that. Just SHARE where you are!
In your post – please link back to THIS POST, http://quiltville.blogspot.com/2012/11/easy-street-monday-link-up-1.html not just to Quiltville.blogspot.com. I post more than once a day, so if someone clicks a link to just my main address – they likely won’t find this post. Make your link post specific.
New links can be added until Thurs Nov 29th at 11:59pm. If you miss that link-up, just wait for the next Monday.
Most of all, HAVE FUN! I know we are all eager to see what you accomplished! I love seeing your fabrics and reading your words and learning a bit about you.
Link your blog post showing your Easy Street progress below! Remember to link to the specific post, not just your whole blog -- and please include a link back to this post!
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(Linkup closed)
Yay. My first Linky thing and it worked. Now to get to sewing these lovelies...
ReplyDeleteDone, I hope everyone has fun looking around.. Have a funtastic sewing week as we anticipate Fridays instructions.
ReplyDeleteMy linky didn't work right -- I entered URL of the blogpost, name, email -- but it wouldn't let me add the photo from the blog. I uploaded the photo from my computer. Hmmm....
ReplyDeleteGoing to my sewing bee today with my friends hope to get all my twosies and foursies done. Have all the cutting done and ready to sew. We meet at our library.
ReplyDeleteI can't get it to work it won't load pics from my site not my computer.... :-( will try again another time
ReplyDeleteall greek to me so I will be a looker not a poster..lol
ReplyDeleteI spent Friday and Saturday sewing every moment possible and got all 192 4 patches accomplished! Whooo Hooo!
ReplyDeleteNot sure I can figure out this blog stuff since I don't blog, except to post here. Maybe will try later...for now I have lots of other sewing to accomplish! Happy Monday everyone! :)
I did it! I did it! I did it! I read Bonnie's tutorial, I created a blog and even wrote a post!! Wow! I am really stretching here!!! THEN...I posted my pic! Woot! Woot!
DeleteEASY STREET for sure! :)
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ReplyDeleteuh oh, I thought I did this right but when I click on my link it seems to go to my total blog addy instead of just to the link I used. I changed to the laptop because the iPad just didn't like the Blogspot dashboard at all. I know I cut and pasted the correct link syntax so I'm not sure what to do now because I don't want to keep linking incorrectly without a way to delete. Hmmmm.
ReplyDelete43 is not a proper link. I think I got it right on next try. Sorry.
DeleteiPad did not work for me either. Had to go back to the laptop to post correctly.
DeleteThis is my first time joining a linky party. And my first time joining one of your mystery quilts. Wow, lots of firsts. So exciting! Just a note, while looking through the other links, I noticed that #43 - Susan in FL - is an invitation only blog, so I couldn't view her progress.
ReplyDeleteCheryl in Friendsville
Just have to say my observation that it's a good thing some people are going a different way with colors or this linky party would have looked like it was all black and white pictures! Isn't it weird how pictures of black and white quilts take on that old instamatic look, or is that just me? Loving all the linky posts, so fun to see what others are doing with the mystery.
ReplyDeleteThe "Linky" feature is great. It is fantastic being able to see what everyone is doing. Especially those that switch up the colors. And for the newbies, it gets even better as the quilt progresses. Sort of becomes an obsession for Mondays to see what has been accomplished by the other quilt sleuths. Thanks again Bonnie. You're the best! :-)
ReplyDeleteOut of curiosity, would a Tumblr blog work?
ReplyDeletespent hours getting this linky thingy to be correct. Now it's back to sewing. I'll be watching as all the links go up and see what everyone is doing. Thanks Bonnie for all your creativity and help.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to Monday morning 'linky' and being able to see what everyone has been up to over the weekend as much as I do each clue - LOVE IT! So much quilting activity going on right now - lots of folks having LOTS of FUN ;-)
My link (Monday) is actually from my Friday evening post -- I'd finished 28 four-patches. Since then I've made steady progress, and as of early this a.m. I had only 2 dozen to go to 192. However, I'm not home today (writing this from the Library in Lacombe) so...there it is! I like the way the colours are working together, and so pleased I chose that combination. Hope everyone's having as much fun, eh?
ReplyDeleteI really could not resist this challenge. 15 four-patches ready today. Think I will manage to sew them all before friday. Thank you for giving us this opportunity.
ReplyDeleteBeing new to this I don't have much of a clue really! I apologise - I edited my post after I had linked to it - see no. 33 and for some reason it is now not linking to the correct post. I have added it again - see no. 144. Sorry for making a mess of things. Ann x
ReplyDeleteWow, I checked this last night (Brisbane time) and there were only half a dozen links, it is going to take more than one lunch break to check all these out
ReplyDeleteJanet in sunny Brisbane Australia, who as yet does not blog...
Wow, love the variety of colors shown! Thanks for doing this Bonnie.
ReplyDeleteI just love looking at all the different blogs! So many different ways of doing the same thing. I'm ready for Friday!!
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ReplyDeleteCan't see the linky thing anymore - or is it just this browser (firefox mozilla) Got my pc reinstalled yesterday.
ReplyDeleteAnd I do not understand why we should leave the http:// out. I never do that anywhere else when I link up.
I'm in firefox and I can't see the linky's either. I tried IE and not there either.
ReplyDeleteI have my 193-5 blocks all sewn togther, pressed and still hooked. today I plan on going to my quilt group. hopefully there will be someone there w nothing to do and will help me cut them apart. On a side note I have the "Jared Takes a Bride" quilt on the quilt frame, now I need to add the batting and pin them together. I might get to quilt some this week!
ReplyDeleteHoly Moly! 171 Bloggers link up for Easy Street! I wonder how many of us non-bloggers there are at work too? I had thought of starting a blog about my quilting and gardening, but I think its ok to just be a blog visitor and commenter (?) commentator? I have about 50 of my first Easy Street blocks done. I decided I wanted more variety in my black on white prints, so I'm waiting for a Black Friday online order to arrive in the mail before I make more.
ReplyDeleteJaneB - I was a non-blogger until this came along -- BlogSpot is SO easy to use and sets up pretty quick. Good luck getting some white with black prints! Yell out to fabric makers, not enough Variety!! lol
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing what tomorrow's hint will reveal about the mystery!
ReplyDeleteOh man, this linky is dangerous, I've added at least 10 new blogs to my blog roll. Well, can never have too much "quilting porn."