
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Smith Mountain Morning in Tifton, GA!

Three sisters sewing together!

I had so much fun getting to know these gals yesterday.

Our Smith Mountain Morning workshop was held at the Leroy Rogers Senior Center, and what a great location!  Not only did the a/c work well beyond expectancy for south Georgia in nearly July –some of us were putting on sweaters and our feet were cold – but the lighting was amazing and the space was more than ample.

It has been about 5 years or so since I was here last, and it was great to see these smiling faces that I remember so well, with the sweet southern drawl to accompany the smiles and the laughter.

You will KNOW you are deep down in south Georgia when you engage in conversation with these southern belles!

I love it!

We also had a fun pair of sisters, and their “almost a sister” cousin!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Things On My Mind.

This post is about things on my mind.

And in my heart.

And while it may seem crazy to some to find it hard to be away from home when it is “only a dog” that has undergone surgery, I’m having a very difficult time being away right now.

This little girl has been such a huge part of our family over the past 10 years, I really don’t know what I would do without her.

I think I am feeling a bit out of sorts this morning because of this whole being away thing.  This is a LONG trip and there will only be a few days to get ready for another LONG TRIP in between this one and the next one.

Sadie will be fine.  The surgery went well, and since she was under anyway, she also got her teeth cleaned and her nails trimmed.  All shots are now up to date, which is good because my travel schedule put her a bit behind as it was hard to sync times to get that done.

It was kind of like forgetting that your drivers license had expired.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Oklahoma Backroads, Georgia Style!

This is a sign of a happy piecing quilter!

We met yesterday in Newnan, Georgia with the Common Threads Quilters and friends who traveled in from Alabama for a full and fun Oklahoma Backroads workshop!

It had been a while since I had brought this quilt quilt out to play, and I was reminded how easy it is, and what a fun design it makes!

This pattern is related to the Road to Oklahoma block, only we’ve called it BACK roads because we’ve reversed the value placement, using darks as the background, and lights as the star design that appears when we put blocks together.

It’s fun working with light fabrics on a dark background! I should do more of this!

And the ladies agreed with me.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Cathedral Stars in the Heart of Georgia!

Just when you think it is so hot in Georgia you can’t stand it, the clouds gather, the sky opens up and the rain comes in buckets!

This is what happened in the afternoon during our workshop, and as we were all inside sewing away, as long as the power stayed on (which it did) we didn’t care one bit.

Let it rain, let it pour, we are here to sew together!

And miracle of miracles, it cleared up by the time we were ready to load it all into our cars at the end of the day.

Something FUN about this trip….there are NO repeats amongst the 8 workshops I am teaching.  ALL different!  And some haven’t been taught in a while, and it is always great to bring those basck out.

There is a whole lot of scrap busting going on deep in the heart of Georgia!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

A Crabapples Kind of Day!

This is the Pensacola Contingency!

They came all the way up to Marietta, Georgia for my guild presentation, and yesterday’s Crabapples workshop…..with a whole lot of quilt shop hopping thrown in.

Sounds like a fun road trip, doesn’t it?

Thanks for coming ladies!

I find it so fun when there is workshop availability for those outside of the organization to come on in and participate.  It brings a whole new dynamic and really adds to the festive party atmosphere of the workshop.

It’s just PLAIN FUN to get to know others from far away places who share the same passions as we do!  It increases our playground.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

A Visit to Swan House!

There is a beautiful manor house near downtown Atlanta, straight out of a fairy tale.

Or maybe the Great Gatsby!

We had some time yesterday afternoon after the morning guild meeting with the East Cobb Quilters was over, and lunch had been consumed.

I had been given several options of things I might be interested in doing, but of all of the available choices, the one that hit me the most was to visit the historic Inman estate, named Swan House for the many swan motifs found in the house and on the property.

Loving history and especially historic homes the way that I do I jumped at the chance.

It was a beautiful day, yes hotter than hot, but not as humid as it could be by July/August and we could be INSIDE!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Blue Ridge Beauty, East Cobb Style!

Hello from just NEXT to Atlanta, where the East Cobb Quilters gather in Marietta, Georgia to partake and participate in ALL THINGS QUILTY!

I had been here many years ago.  Maybe 2008 or 2009 when Scraps & Shirttails first came out? 

Whenever it was, it was a long time ago, and I’m happy to see some familiar faces and catch up on what has been going on in the years in between then and now.

This group has GROWN!  And there are new faces as well, and incredible talent and ability abound.

We got our day started with many simple basics, but it was so great to see that many little hints helps and tricks were being grasped by everyone and given a try.

We like things BETTER.  EASIER. And we like it when we stop doing things the way we have always done them, re-think the process and give it a go at a different angle.

As the instructor, I LOVE seeing the light bulb moment happen behind the student’s eyes.  “Oh, THAT’S why my units are always just a little bit short!”  “Wow, that is so cool! I could never figure that out before…”

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Road to Hotlanta!

If Georgia is known for it’s Georgia Peaches, they would be cooking on the pavement if given the chance.

The car thermometer reached a scorching 98 degrees on my drive from Wallburg, NC to Atlanta GA yesterday.

Yes, yes, yes…I know it is hotter in Vegas.  It’s hotter in Phoenix.  I’ve got family and friends there…but Honey Child, this is the SOUTH.

This kind of heat leaves me feeling like I'm walking into the world’s largest dishwasher set on STEAM DRY.

Give it up,  it’s bound to be a bad hair day with this humidity, just go with it….and GLISTEN!

I didn’t get out of the house as early has I had planned.  Several orders had come in over night and I wanted to drop them off at the post office on the way out of town.

One thing lead to another and before I knew it I was 90 minutes behind schedule.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A Couple of Crazy Daisies!

2016-06-18 13.15.32 (2)
Irene and I grabbed the last bit of my time in Kentucky and headed to the Crazy Daisy antique mall in Louisville, close to the airport.

Why not?  We had time to spare, and anything I might want to purchase that couldn’t fly with me could easily ride down to Tennessee in her car when she comes to see me in a couple of weeks.

We were women on a mission! Looking for machines, sewing items, vintage glassware, and of course QUILTS!

And so much more fun if we tried on hats, laughed at ridiculous things like the stand up fat jiggling belt machine!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

In a Packing Frenzy!

It hit me yesterday as I was coming out of my massage fog that not only am I packing today for my trip to Georgia and Tennessee, winding up at the cabin for 4th of July –but also leaving on the 7th of July for Seattle and our Quiltville Alaska Cruise with Craftours!

It’s coming up so quickly

Must remember passport.  Must remember workshop stuff for the cruise for THAT suitcase.  Must remember cruise quilt!

My mom and my two crazy aunts are going to be on this cruise, and I can’t wait to be making some memories with them as well.  It’s going to be EPIC.

My friend Irene is joining me in Tennessee for the workshop there, and will be coming with me to the cabin for the 4th of July..and fly out of Greensboro with me to Seattle for the cruise.

All of this stuff has to be done TODAY!

Holy cow.

Monday, June 20, 2016

It’s That Quilty Box Time!

Hello from North Carolina on a very beautiful June evening – the first day of Summer!

This is that Solstice thing!  I know I love it when the light stays longer…but OH NO!!  This means from here on out, it’s going to get less and less, and that makes me sad.  Still, I love my summer nights…and the summer mornings for early walks, and birds and flowers.

Remember when summer seemed to last forever when we were kids?

So I’m here to draw for the June Quilty-Box!

It’s such a great one, and I know someone is going to be extra happy to be drawn as winner.

2024 entries!!  Whooopie!

Show a Little, Share a Lot!

I love seeing the show & share and it is always a surprise to those who have not been in my workshops before!

“I didn’t know to bring anything!” is the response.

And that’s okay.  Because if all 30 to 50 students brought something, or more than one something for our after lunch break show & share – it wouldn’t be quick!  We’d never get back to our workshop projects!

Show & Share time in class is supposed to be short and sweet, just like dessert –and still give us a chance to know who YOU are, see the things that YOU have made, and get our juices flowing so we are ready to head back to the machines and get piecing!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father’s Day, 2016!

This is going to be a very short post, as I switch gears and pay attention to my family today after being gone for a week!

I arrived home last evening, landing in Greensboro pretty much on schedule, being met by The Hubster.  We headed right out to celebrate an early Father’s Day dinner as he is leaving for New York on business today, on Father’s Day.

His job keeps him hopping as much as mine, and it just turns out that my little break when we could both be home at the same time is very short this time around.

Come to think of it, I worked Mother's Day as well.  It's just kind of how things roll around here.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the men in my life who are great examples of fatherhood.  My dad holds my heart.  Oh, there were times growing up when all I wanted to do was hole up in my bedroom with a book and have the world leave me alone.  But he would draw me out, include me, make me participate in whatever we were doing, and I am oh, so much better for it.

Someone said, that if a child doesn’t hate you from time to time, you aren’t doing this parenting thing right.  He did it right!

Wishing my dad a very Happy Father's Day! I love that no matter how old I get, he always answers the phone "hello, beautiful daughter!"

Behind every child who believes in his/her self is a parent who believed in them first. Thanks for believing in me, Dad!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Exploring Split Nine-Patch, Kentucky Style!

This is a shout out loud to Jodi who is celebrating her 50th birthday on some beach somewhere and couldn't be with us at the KHQS Getaway Retreat!

We missed having you here, and hope you have the best birthday ever!

We only turn 50 ONCE so I am glad she is living it up and making some memories on her special day.

Yesterday’s workshop flew by so fast I barely blinked and it was over.

Some folks had to leave right soon after lunch as they had hours to drive across Kentucky to make it home, others were crossing state lines into Ohio and Indiana. 

We were tired, we were exhilariated, we were so happy to have had the opportunity to gather with the Kentucky Heritage Quilters for a fabulous Getaway Retreat.  I know many will be back next fall!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Texas Tumbleweed, Kentucky Style!

THIS is the face of a happy quilter!

Can’t you just tell by the look on her face that we are having a great time in Cave City at the Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society Getaway Retreat?

These gals got so much done….and what has been really fun for me is to see the dynamics that each classroom full of quilters has brought along with them.

It has been a different batch each day as the students were told they could only choose ONE of my classes for the 3 day retreat so that others may have the same opportunity to take a class. 

It’s been a totally NEW bunch every day.

New folks to know, new people to get scrappy with!

And they dug right in making blocks in their own fabric and color choices for their own versions of Texas Tumbleweed from my book MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Smith Mountain Morning, KHQS 2016!

Oh, we are having such a great time!

This is the largest Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society Getaway to date, and I can only see this organization grow because of all it offers to its members!

Non-profit organizations don’t have it easy.  Everything is volunteer work, with the emphasis on WORK.  These folks have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to pull this together and everything is going along wonderfully.

Workshops and activities are being held at the Cave City Convention Center, even our meals are provided there and they have been YUMMY!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

We Three Go Antiquing!

What do you get when you put three quilters on the road for a retreat a couple of hours away?

A whole lot of antiquing road trip fun!

And oh, we left at 9am and arrived at our destination at 4pm.  There was a whole lot of stop-shop-and-discover that happened within this "not so long" distance driving.

Usually those who are quilters instantly ask “Which quilt shops did you stop at?!”  And they are surprised when my answer is “NONE!”

There comes a time when you realize that your stash is completely satisfactory in every way, actually BURGEONING and adding more fabric is just not what you want or need.

Is there such a thing as losing the desire for fabric shopping?  Yep!

And that’s where shopping for INSPIRATION on things I want to make with my beloved fabric comes into play.

MORE fabric is not what makes quilts happen.  TIME TO SEW and inspiration is!

We were on the hunt for all things vintage!  Kitchen items, linens, depression glass in certain patterns (Irene is a new collector!) and of course anything sewing/quilting/fabric/quilting related.

We hit the MOTHER-LODE!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June Quilty Box Giveaway!

Guess what I've got for one lucky quilter?

Someone is going to find a box of goodies coming their way!

I opened my box when I returned home from Illinois, and there is some really COOL stuff in the June box!

What is a Quilty Box?

  • Quilty Box is a monthly subscription box of fun quilting supplies. We offer plans from $44-48/mo.
  • 5% of the profits of multi-month subscriptions are donated to Quilts for Kids - a non-profit which donates quilts for children in need
  • Each month we have 4 or more products (Fabric, patterns, thread, or notions)
  • Our retail value of the products in the box is always more than $50
  • July's Quilty Box Featured Artist will be Kathleen Starr withStarr Fabrics.com
  • The next Quilty Box will ship around July 11th. Subscribers will need to purchase before July 10th to receive this shipment.
  • We will be using the hashtags #QuiltyBox and #GetQuilty
Your support is appreciated. If you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to contact me.

Get Quilty!

Patrick Claytor, CEO
Quilty Box
Subscribe today at www.QuiltyBox.com!


In this month's box!  So many great things!


All about the goodies!


The June quilty boxy was curated by author and designer Heather Gavins of http://crimsontate.com


We've got Story Patches, which are labels that allow you to:

Create customized labels for your quilts that connect personal video, photos, or audio!

Add every detail about your quilt through one tiny patch.

Preserve the story of your quilt for family, friends and future generations.

We've also got Tulip fabric markers, 2 spools of Aurifloss, a Correspondance mini quilt pattern and: 


A bundle of Heather's Paper Obsessed collection by Windham Fabrics!


My two favorite pieces from the collection!

Who wants to win?

To be entered to win, click the blue "add your link" button below! .

You do NOT need a blog or a URL to enter.  Just add your name and email address.  Leave all other fields blank. 

Your email address will NOT be visible to anyone but me, but you MUST include an email address to be entered.

Do NOT leave your entry in the comments section.

Ready, Set, Enter!!

2024 entries so far!!

(Linkup closed)

Good Luck, everyone! our drawing will be Sunday evening after my return home from Kentucky!

And while I've still got you here -- that post I wrote about the C&T blog this morning?  It was later to post than I thought so many of you may have missed it.  This is a sneak peek of what you'll find going on over there:

 It's all about fine tuning the Stitch & Flip! 

Drop on by my June Post for a visit and please leave a comment THERE if you liked what you saw. 

I am a guest poster once a month and I'd love to know what else you'd like me to talk about! 

Sherry, Irene and I have just arrived in Cave City, Kentucky where the registrations and check ins for the Kentucky Quilt Society's Getaway retreat at the convention center are in full swing.  So excited to meet everyone!

Love from the land of Mammoth Cave --

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!

A Day to Play on the C&T Blog!

Yes, yes, I know!  It’s the second TUESDAY of the month today!

But C&T had something already in the line up for yesterday’s blog and it was fine with me to be given an extra day to prepare my post since I only had 3 days home in between Moline and Louisville.

So today you’ll find me posting on the C&T blog hopefully helping to clear up some Stitch & Flip Mysteries!

We use stitch and flip quite a bit in patchwork, and I’m glad we do – it makes otherwise tricky units easy as pie.

Even if you are an old pro at the old “put a square on a base unit and stich and flip it” you just might learn something!

Monday, June 13, 2016

For Quilters with a Heart ---


Happy Monday, everyone!

This post is being written a bit ahead as my connectivity may be interrupted over the next few days while I’m in the Wilds of Kentucky!

I’m staying with my friend Irene outside of Louisville until we leave for retreat in Cave City on Tuesday.  Irene is just moving into a beautiful place out in the country and internet is not hooked up yet, and I don’t know what the situation will be until I get there and see what my cell reception will be as they won’t have internet until Tuesday.

So this is what is on my mind right now as I fly of to Kentucky.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

A Little Quilting Going On!

This happened in between everything else yesterday.

I got the pinwheel variation of the H quilt in the machine, and by evening time, it was done.  With a little bit of Quilt-Cam in the middle!

It was really nice to sit in the afternoon for Quilt-Cam…..usually I am petering out by 9pm, but at 2pm, I’m still going strong!  If you missed us yesterday, you’ll find that episode linked under the Quilt-Cam tab at the top of the blog.

My plan – to finish the quilting, get the quilt trimmed up and binding on so I can stitch binding on the way to Kentucky this morning.  Or if I DON’T stitch it while flying, it will be ready for the driving trip we’ll have from Louisville to Cave City.  Or evening stitching time.  Whatever.  If it’s ready, I’ll find time to get it done.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Quilt-Cam! 6/11/2016

Welcome to Quilt-Cam, everyone!

This photo came from Gayla and I just love it…the pink in the quilt, the pink of her computer mouse, and the black and white of her kitty! 

So much fun to see what the view is like on YOUR side of the monitor!

If you have any fun photos of what you are working on with Quilt-Cam in the background, please be sure to email them to me at Quiltville@gmail.com.

Your photo could be featured in an upcoming Quilt-Cam!  Of course, we love to see the fur babies in the photos as well as the grand babies, even the hubsters can get into the act!

I also love to see your show & share!  Rebecca sent in this photo of her completed Leader & Ender Tumblers top:

Simple Pleasures!

My yard in June.

Sunlight streaming.

Birdsong on the breeze.

Light and shadow changing as the sun moves from one corner of the sky slowly toward the other throughout the day.

This break home is just not long enough to do all that I want to do with it, but I am grateful to be here.

I know I run to the mountains every chance I get, but when I have a partial weekend home, and I am at HOME HOME, this is also my space.  A small house with a very big yard, giving me the nature that I love.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Appointments, Planners, Scraps & Quilt-Cam!

This little goodie arrived from Karen yesterday!

Or more like, I was home so I could OPEN it yesterday. 

She had emailed me quite a while ago asking me if she could submit her Celtic Solstice quilt for inclusion in the 2017 Quilt Art engagement calendar published by AQS.

Of course I said YES!

I am always thrilled with your finishes and please feel free to display them at your shows, enter them here and there, you did the hard work in putting it together, PLEASE share your quilts!

With something like this there is a release form that has to be signed and permission given by the designer which I am happy to do.

And I got a big smile when opening the calendar and searching for Karen’s page:

Thursday, June 09, 2016

So...I have this idea…

So….I have this idea….and ideas can be dangerous!

But this idea wouldn’t leave me alone, and it even kept me from getting much of a nap yesterday afternoon as the idea turned and turned and turned in my head.

It all starts with a project I started sewing last fall and through the winter as a "to go" project. 

A gazillion four-patches were finding their way into ANOTHER idea that just wasn’t working quite right.

My background was too dark.

My main design was lost because the background was busy, and so were the block parts.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Build A Barn & Barn Quilt Trail Winner!

I remembered last night after I had already crawled into bed after 3 days of workshops and 2 back to back lectures that I had forgotten yet again to draw our winners for a giveaway!

Can you say brain dead and dog tired?

Please remind me NOT to do a drawing while on the road.  It just doesn’t happen, there is too much going on!

But it’s really no worry, the entries stop when the time to enter is over, and the entries can wait there until I get my sorry carcass home, drop my luggage at the door and head straight to bed for a nap!

I’ll likely be up way too late tonight because of the nap, but it is SO GOOD to be home and I so needed it!

SO let’s get down to this nitty gritty.

If you missed the info about these lovely books that are going to one lucky quilter, click HERE for the post and the all about!

Awesome Quilts from the MVQG!

Yes, that is FLAT BONNIE up against the wall.

I must say that yellow has her looking a bit grey in the face! LOL!

Remember how Flat Bonnie was first seen in Cedar Rapids, Iowa LAST summer?  The gals from the Cedar Rapids guild made sure that she came along for the ride and made an appearance at the June 2016 meeting of the Mississippi Valley Quilters in Moline, Illinois yesterday.  SO FUNNY!

Click HERE for a recap!

All kind of comments were made as in……”If Flat Bonnie rides shotgun can we take the HOV lane?!”  Hehehe!

Thanks for coming and making yesterday so fun, ladies!

I wonder where Flat Bonnie will show up next?

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Texas Tumbleweed Day in Davemport, IA!

When you find yourself in the Quad Cities, you just might have this strange feeling of not knowing what state you are in at any given moment.

I’m staying in Moline, IL…but our workshops have been across the river in Davenport, Iowa.  A girl should get extra credit for crossing state lines at least twice a day, don’t you think?

We’ve been really lucky to house our workshops at the Masonic Center in Davenport and they have bent over backwards to make sure that everything was perfect for us. We’ve had wonderful lunches prepared by guild members, using a great kitchen space to prepare and store all of the goodies.  Coffee, ice tea and lemonade have been on tap to keep us going.  The lighting is wonderful, and best of all with a class of 41 students, all women “of a certain age”…the air conditioning works WELL!

Hey, we have to have the right climate to sew in, don’t we?  And sew all day we did!

Don’t you love this combo of recycled fabrics? I was so excited when I saw that she had brought all of her shirt fabrics to sew with.  I know this is going to be a beautiful quilt!

Monday, June 06, 2016

A Scrap Crystals Day Across the River!

i took this photo last night on the grassy bank of the Mississippi River that flows between Moline, Illinois where I am staying, and Iowa across the river where our workshops are being held.  I am hopping state lines at least twice daily!

And the weather has been lovely.  Flowers bloom --- yes, even the clover in the summer grass are flowers to my eyes and such a welcome joy.

Our woskhop yesterday was full with 38 quilters and all that goes with it.  And I love how with each different patch of students that come and go depending on the day that the dynamics of the room can change, each bringing their own special gifts of smiles and laughter and a willingness to learn and try new things with them.

It’s always great to start the day with a giggle, isn’t it?

Check out Nobie’s shirt – I busted a gut when I read it!

Sunday, June 05, 2016

A Midnight Flight Kind of Day!

If you read my blog this morning you will have noticed that it was very short and to the point -- Google wasn't uploading my photos from my computer to blogger.  All I got were grey boxes with no photos in them.

Frustrated and running out of time, I simply saved this post as a draft and went with JUST the slide show so you could at least enjoy that!

Even YouTube wasn't cooperating as those photos were not viewable as I was trying to upload them either.  Just outlines of boxes, so I couldn't edit photos out, or even be sure that all photos were right side up and not upside down or sideways.

It was THAT kind of morning.  But this evening things seem to be back to normal so we are hitting send and finally publishing the post I started this morning.

See this photo?

I dare you not to smile when you see a quilter so happy with a block finish!

It’s infectious!  This is the fun of sewing with a group – we are each other’s best cheer leaders and I love the encouragement and chatter and laughter and brainstorming and networking that happens when we all gather together to sew.

We met yesterday at the Masonic Hall in Davenport, Iowa, just across the river from Moline IL where I am staying.  The facility is wonderful and they have catered to our every need.  Plenty of room for 40 quilters, tables, chairs, machines, cutting tables and mats, ironing stations, it’s all there. 

And we didn’t trip the power at all!

Midnight Flight & Google Problems!

Okay, so something is weird with google and with blogger and with youtube and it all has to do with my photos not showing up when I try to post them!
So trust it to say that we had a happy day and I'm leaving you with this slide show because i have to run and teach a class!
Maybe they will have the rest fixed by tonight!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!

Saturday, June 04, 2016

A Happy Kind of Travel Day!

When a morning dawns with this much beauty, you just know it is going to be a good day!

The journey to Moline, Illinois was an easy one.  No rushing to gates, time to wander a bit, but not TOO much, and plenty of time to walk and people watch.

I love my Greensboro airport.  I love that we can pull right up and park outside of the gate agent check in area.

I appreciate my son Jeff who is so willing to get up at 4:50 in the morning to drive me in, parking near the door, and helping me get my luggage to the counter where I send him off with a hug and a kiss – and likely back off to bed as he doesn’t have to be to work until 11am.  I love how he takes care of his mama.

Not only do I love the fact that he is my son, but he has become a dear dear friend.  I am so grateful!

Friday, June 03, 2016

Back to Illinois!

This is the pitiful look I got this morning as we pulled up to the curb at the airport to get me on my way to the Quad Cities!

Oh, poor Sadie.  Can’t just just FEEL the “Why does she have to go AGAIN!?!” radiating from her soulful eyes?

It’s a short trip, Sweetie!  I’ll be back on Wednesday!

I have loved this time home.  SO much good has happened on so many levels, but most of all I got to sleep for more than a week i nmy own bed and I didn’t have to live out of a suitcase.

And I sewed to my heart’s content!

After all of the mail order and desk work and contract submitting was done, I had time last evening to get the table runner ready for the machine:

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Hello, June 2016!

Do you think this little lady knows that someone foxy has been nibbling at her dinner?

I was busy vacuuming and dusting and doing the last of  the cabin clean up yesterday afternoon before heading down the mountain toward home when I heard the beeper go off signaling that there was activity at the feeder log.

It’s a simple system.  We use the “drive way” remote thing that beeps in the house if someone or some THING crosses a beam toward the feeder.  It’s really made it fun to know when something is out there.

At first there were two deer, but by the time I got to the camera at the window, one had skeedaddled.  They are SO sensitive and so aware of their surroundings and they spook easily.

The fox couldn’t care less!  But deer are flighty!

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Oh, Such a Scrappy Day!

Don’t get me wrong.

I love having my family here for long holiday weekends.  We had a great time taking the motorcycle onto the parkway, and over to Tennessee.

It was a LOVELY long break between teaching trips and I sorely needed it.

Since Sunday evening I’ve been able to spend solo time at the machine working on a couple of looming deadlines.  Deadlines for me are kind of like that caption as seen on a rear view mirror: “Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear!”

Cabin alone time helps me get it done!