Yes, that is FLAT BONNIE up against the wall.
I must say that yellow has her looking a bit grey in the face! LOL!
Remember how Flat Bonnie was first seen in Cedar Rapids, Iowa LAST summer? The gals from the Cedar Rapids guild made sure that she came along for the ride and made an appearance at the June 2016 meeting of the Mississippi Valley Quilters in Moline, Illinois yesterday. SO FUNNY!
Click HERE for a recap!
All kind of comments were made as in……”If Flat Bonnie rides shotgun can we take the HOV lane?!” Hehehe!
Thanks for coming and making yesterday so fun, ladies!
I wonder where Flat Bonnie will show up next?
To say it was a full house would be an understatement!
It was really a FULL CAVE!
Turns out our meeting was being held on the same day as Vacation Bible School, and they had built this huge CAVE wall as part of their theme for the summer. It was very cool, but it took up so much of the space that our ladies were kind of crammed in, but we had a great time. I told anyone who heckles from the audience will be sent to the “Time-Out-Cave” so they better behave!
Fortunately I didn’t have to send anyone to the cave! We just had two meetings of a whole lot of quilty stuff and it was great to feel so welcome.
In between the two meetings guess who was interviewed for an upcoming podcast with Sit & Sew radio and! Thanks, Stephanie! I'll post the link when it goes live on Friday!
If you haven’t checked out the site yet, they have all kinds of fun quilty news and block of the months and tips and tricks – give it a peek!
Of course, the show & share portion of every meeting is my absolute favorite so I have combined the show & share from the 3 workshop days and the 2 lectures together into one inspiring slide show below!
It’s a going home day for me and I’m ready. I’ll be picked up in about 45 minutes and start my way back home to Greensboro flying from Moline to Atlanta and then on home.
Since the table runner was bound on the way up here, it’s back to hexies for me, and I’m looking forward to some quiet plane stitching while listening to an audio book to keep me entertained.
My thanks go to the Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild for making this visit such a wonderful time. They worked so hard behind the scenes to make it all possible. Thank You for taking such good care of everything!
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
I try to keep this in mind when going through stressful stretches in my life as in too many deadlines appearing at once! It's not always easy, but it's important to hold onto that inner peace.
Disappearing nine patch quilt top made by my friend Mona!
Catch you from home!

I always feel so inspired by the show and share sections. Thank you for taking the time to upload and do whatever it takes to get the slideshow to work on Youtube. Makes me want to work faster through my projects so I can start another one!
ReplyDeleteMona, great job on another quilt!
Bonnie, you've lost so much weight Cute flat Bonnie. Enjoy your time at home. I'm headed out to play with vintage machines in Michigan.
ReplyDeleteAmazing show and tell, how wonderful for you to see it all and great of you to share it with us. So many of them I loved. The antique applique though, it was amazing and love that the date was on it. Pretty special and very nicely done and in wonderful shape. What a treasure.
ReplyDeleteReally loved watching Show and Shares, so many great quilts for inspiration. Just can not watch them any more without getting motion sickness from the sideways feed. From the first few I did see before my eyes went crazy and my stomach did flip flops, I am sure there was a real treasure of lovely quilts. Thanks for taking us all along on your quilty adventures.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Mona! You Go Girl!