Happy Monday, everyone!
This post is being written a bit ahead as my connectivity may be interrupted over the next few days while I’m in the Wilds of Kentucky!
I’m staying with my friend Irene outside of Louisville until we leave for retreat in Cave City on Tuesday. Irene is just moving into a beautiful place out in the country and internet is not hooked up yet, and I don’t know what the situation will be until I get there and see what my cell reception will be as they won’t have internet until Tuesday.
So this is what is on my mind right now as I fly of to Kentucky.
I received the following email from Jo in Australia:
Hi Bonnie,
I know we are in different countries but you have followers worldwide..
We have someone in special need here. Just wondering if you could spread the word....
A well deserved quilting lady needs help.
Jan-Maree's house burnt down over night so we are trying to give her as much help as we can rally up...
This is what Jan-Maree does for so many serving Australians with Aussie Hero Quilts.
So far for 2016 we have sent off 1576 laundry bags
which brings us to a total of 9396 since we started...
We have also sent 690 quilts
bringing our total since we started to over 5955 quilts.
Now it's time to do something for her.
https://www.gofundme.com/28xyxwn2I am sending this up today instead of my regular chatty newsy quilty post because this has hit my heart. I can’t imagine my house burning down. I can’t imagine losing not only the fabric, machines and quilt stuff, but a whole life of living in photographs, momentos, objects of daily living that have been part of my life for as long as i have been making a home.
Any help would be appreciated...
Please spread the word any way you can....
Today I’m asking you to head over to the gofundme link above and do what you can to rally around this quilter who has done so much for others and who needs our help. Can you spare $5.00? Can you spare $10.00? What if this were your sister, your daughter, your friend, your mother, your neighbor?
Thank you for reaching deep and GIVING to someone you don’t know.
Quiltville Quote of the Day
Allietare top shared by Susan during our Illinois workshops last week.
Keeping Jan-Maree in my heart and prayers, it so could well be any of us.
I’ll be in touch as soon as I find connectivity. Posts may not happen on schedule in the mornings, but they will appear!
Much love,

Thankyou Bonnie. This has really touched my heart. You are a lovely person....
ReplyDeleteOH you are so close to me Louisville is about 1.5 hours from me..... SIGH I haven't finished the rest of my Talking Turkey or my Cathedral Windows! a retreat would be a good thing to have right now.... and I could take my new 100lb electrified red eye!
ReplyDeleteBUT I am already signed up to take a one day class in Cleveland (4 hours away!!!) on quilting and I think I need to go where I am committed..... not that I was invited :)
Thank you for sharing the message. Jan-Maree is such a special person, The whole family is very special.
ReplyDeleteI've had a house fire...lightning hit freakishly during a storm... I can tell you that I felt so numb that the loss of "things" didn't set in right away. That's not what I was thinking of at first. I was too overwhelmed with "why did this happen to me & how will I go on & where will I live." Eventually, during the rebuilding process, you are burdened with the daunting task of replacing things. Even with the help of insurance, it's horrible. It took til the fire to slowly amass those things, and then you have to start all over again. It takes any fun out of shopping that there ever was. What helped me most were neighbors and friends volunteering to do things for me when I did not have the strength. Running an errand for me, bringing me dinner, doing my laundry...such "small" acts of kindness where beyond huge. I don't know what's best to suggest in the situation you described above. Money will help, eventually, but there's a lot of mental healing that has to take place after a fire, too. That's harder to donate to someone. My heart goes out to anyone on the same rough journey. All I can say is that one day, things will be better.
ReplyDeleteI just donated, thanks to your link - please keep us up-dated if you hear any more about this worthy cause.
ReplyDeleteSee, this is what so great about quilters. Does anyone know of a quilt effort for the families of the Orlando massacre? A lot ofbparents, brothers, sisters have no one to hold onto right now, and if we could Sen just 100 guilts, one for each victims family and one for each wounded person, maybe even one for each member of the SWAT team? Is anyone in Orlando whose church would help?
ReplyDeleteSee, this is what so great about quilters. Does anyone know of a quilt effort for the families of the Orlando massacre? A lot ofbparents, brothers, sisters have no one to hold onto right now, and if we could Sen just 100 guilts, one for each victims family and one for each wounded person, maybe even one for each member of the SWAT team? Is anyone in Orlando whose church would help?
ReplyDeleteThank you, Bonnie, for letting us all know of this need.
ReplyDeleteAs for your connectivity issue... just take a break and enjoy being off the grid for a few days! We'll all still be here when you get back on.
I would like to participate but if olny there was a Pay Pal access.
ReplyDeleteJust donated.... I can't even imagine losing my home, and sll those little things that have been a part of my life for do long...
ReplyDeleteThis is the link Woolywoman for the Orlando quilt project. My love to you all.