When we pulled up from the airport on Monday evening, I found this box wedged into my mail box!
I didn’t remember ordering anything, but I was eager to get inside the box and find out what was inside.
There was no other box --- so far at least --- but I had a great giggle at pawing through what was in THIS box!
Dig through the scissors for the "old" pair I use for paper and tape and all other "non fabric" cutting....
UHOH!!! Millenium fabric! Right there on top!! Bwahahahhaha!! And look! It has CATS ;cD
And right under it….that BLUE millenium fabric with the 2000’s all over it. Still got this in your stash? It’s time to use it up! Come on, it just reads as BLUE…..cut it small, cut it into strings even. It’s not getting any better just sitting there in your stash ;c)
Look at all these wonderful vintage 80’s & 90’s calicoes! Some into the 70’s too I think….FUN FUN FUN!! I just love these! I’m going to have such a great time using these in scrap quilts. As I looked through each one, I remembered where I was in my life at the time these prints were popular. Love that bright yellow one you can see peeking out of the left corner!
These were still sitting on my cutting table the next morning when UPS showed up at my doorstep!
The OTHER box, evidently! A BIG BOX!! With the SAME return address as the small box of calicoes that showed up the day before. My guess is the priority mail box beat the UPS man to my house :c)
But what could be in here? MORE FABRIC?!?!?!

There were things in bags, things I knew well……you should have heard my squeal! DH did….clear from his recliner in the living room. He had to give up his TV watching for an impromptu quilt show…cuz I stood right there in front of the TV and opened bag after bag….he had no choice, I was blocking his view of the Biggest Loser.. LOL!
This morning I took the quilts out so I could really photograph them in day light on my deck where the light was better.
The story, contained in a letter, goes like this:
((my words and comments in parentheses, or not bolded or italicized!))
Dear Bonnie,
My sister and I have been quilting for about 25 years now and I have been following your blog for the last couple of years. I just finished Hawk’s Nest and I have made Roll Roll Cotton Boll and Goose in the Puddle.
My Sister was diagnosed 3 years ago with Alzheimer’s and we are in the process of moving her into our home. It is small and we are having to weed out a lot of things that we can’t or don’t use.
This box contains 4 old quilts that our grandmothers and great grandmother made many years ago. We talked it over and we want you to have them because we know they will be well cared for. We are the last of our line, no children or other relatives.
About the quilts:

The ((Satin)) Crazy Quilt was made by my maternal grandmother, Ada Grace Kenney in Greenville, TN.

There is a date of 1930 embroidered in one corner.

((Millie’s Dress, and Mildred’s Dress!))
The pieces of paper on it were put on my by grandmother as it is her hand writing.

The Butterfly Quilt was also made by Ada Grace Kenney but I am not sure of the date. You might tell from the fabric.

((It’s definitely 1930’s fabrics…and I don’t think it has ever been washed! Look at these lovely butterflies and their black button hole stitch embroidery! The hand quilting is very nice too!))

The Scrappy ((rail fence)) Quilt was made by my paternal grandmother, Mary Wright in Topton, NC. It has many feed sacks in it as that was the material that was available to her. My fondest memories were of sleeping under the heavy feed sack quilts with all my cousins.

Close up of the rail fence fabrics! There are some “EARLIER” fabrics in here as well..many turn-of-the-century indigoes and burgundy resists! A lot of Dan-River plaids too! They were popular in the era that this quilt was made as the Dan River Mills are from this area as well. The Mill started in 1882!

More lovely plaids and pastel solids! Love that earlier indigo too!

I love these sweet 1920’s florals too…very cute! and I love the red dots on white….

The small lap Crazy Quilt ((wool)) has a date of 1903 on it and it was made by my great grandmother, Ada Kenney’s mother, in TN. They had a farm in Ottway.

The backing was added at a later date along with the embroidered hand of my mother, Helen Wright, when she was a young girl.

((That’s young Helen’s little hand with the H on it!))

Another hand with a C on it…and look at all those lovely embroidery stitches!

Here is a block that reads 1903….

Very fun embroidery detail! I love to see the switching of floss colors here and there….

I love the one down the center that looks like rakes with 3 tines…

This quilt has SO MUCH to look at!! Look at that fun floral sprig around the oval patch….

My name is Karen Anne and my sister’s name is Marie Elena……we were raised in Topton, NC which is a one-sign town in the Smoky Mountains in Cherokee County.
The way I look at it, the quilts are going HOME.
Dear Karen and Marie:
I can’t thank you enough for the priceless gift of sharing your family heirlooms with me! I’m happy to be adopted into your family! I am overjoyed and overwhelmed to think you would send these so far to someone you barely know.
I love these quilts, and I will share them and care for them…..really, you have no idea how floored and excited I am to have these with me!
In deepest gratitude ---

PS. As this posts this morning, I am on my way to Oak Ridge, TN for two workshops this weekend! I'm driving very close to where these quilts originated. They really HAVE come home!