I did some quilt rehoming yesterday.
Actually, I've been thinking about this for months and months, but how do you know when it is time?
And suddenly a certain occasion arrived and I was in the right place at the right time (At the Wallburg house) and I quit worrying about whether a certain someone would like this one, or that one, or what if they'd prefer the other - and I grabbed the quilt and went.

Jeff and Ashlyn have a new bed arriving - and they deserve a new quilt in pretty happy summery colors to brighten it.
Irish Courthouse is now living in Jonesville, NC with Jeff, Ashlyn and Casden who wanted to know "Nana, why is there girl's underwear on this?"
LOL!! I had forgotten that I had used a crazy array of neutrals and yes - one of them does have cute panties on it. Too funny. It takes a 5 year old to notice!
(See green/pink block in top photo above!)
Other things were dropped off to them from the Wallburg house as well. An electric griddle. A large oval crockpot. Some kitchen utensils, and a dehumidifier for their basement.
And we grabbed Thai take out and brought it home to eat in air-conditioned comfort talking about Jeff's brother Jason who was still battling it out in hot hot hot Portland Oregon area temps.
This stuff also came home -
I have several machine heads that work well, but don't have cases or cabinets. I have some treadle loving retreaters that may be adopting them to fit existing cabinets, and I will love knowing they are being used elsewhere instead of stored.
The little spartan in the box was going to have a hand crank added, but I never got around to it. I'm going to reattach the motor and see if I can get it running. It would be a perfect machine for a child to learn to sew on.
I have plans to put the bookcase in the QPO, on its side, for holding super-sized dies for my Accuquilt Studio. If it doesn't work, I'll do something else with it.
It's not a gorgeous bookcase, but it is one that the hubster made in woodshop in high school, so it has a place somewhere, even if it is in the garage/shop to hold stuff.
And this was a right of passage.
After all Wallburg errands were done I finally FINALLY went for the first pedicure in more than 1 1/2 years. I believe my last one was fall of 2019.
I had a long visit with the technician who told me how difficult it had been - that she had just come back to work after being off for more than a year due to Covid.
And I counted my blessings that though we had some hiccups - I have so much to be thankful for. Abundantly so.
And can I say that sleep was wonderful last night without my rough, dry and cracked heels catching on the sheets?
(photo taken as I got in the van, polish not dry enough to remove the toe separator tissues yet!)

In my sewing world -
I'm setting my focus on THIS BIN.
Now that the other bin of strips has been tamed and depleted by Bitcoin I am turning my focus to this one. It needs some serious sewing down!
And I want something fairly mindless (Think NO TRIANGLES!)
It's really simple to do something like 4-patches or 9-patches, or even the checkerboard blocks found in Winter Blues. But what if I want something easier than Irish Courthouse but with the same colorful scrappy appeal for summer?
Something that can take that drawer down in volume?
(And there just may be more panty fabric in here! LOL!)
25-patch blocks!
These 12 blocks are as far as I've gone so far - over a couple of evenings. No pattern as I'm still working my way around what I want to do.
(I often get folks asking what book something is in - but if it is a new thing, it won't have been published anywhere yet. In other words - the quilt comes before the pattern and I'm just getting started!)
It's a traditional 25-patch block and you can color it any way you want, and make the squares any size you want them to be.
I'm just playing. No plans as of yet. But they are kind of addicting!
Which is crazy because there really are several other things that need to be front and center right now - so maybe I should call this quilt "While Procrastinating?"
And while this all was going on yesterday - I was on my way home after dinner with Jeff & Fam, about an hour's drive - and I got a call from The Hubster.
I wish I had photos for this. I NEED video for this! But do you remember when Zoey and the fawn made friends and played last year? Revisit that post HERE.
Over the past week or so there has been a young doe grazing in the woods close to the cabin. Zoey has been so good, often just watching over the porch rail while Dave encourages her to just watch, be good, just watch -
The doe doesn't seem scared, just curious. Dave was talking to me on the phone, she was still watching, not afraid of his voice, or of Zoey's presence.
Then all of a sudden it happened - Zoey got a bee in her bonnet and thought she'd chase the doe down the hill.
The deer are faster than Zoey - they can outrun her no problem, but let's face it, Zoey's herding instincts are kicking in and all she knows is that she needs to make this doe MOVE.
So off they go down the hill, around through the woods - and less than a minute later Dave sees Zoey running at break-neck speeds back to the cabin from down the drive.
With the doe chasing ZOEY! LOL!! I'm getting the play by play on the phone - and I wish I could have seen this so much.
And later - that same doe was there in the woods, right off the front porch - peeking back at Dave and Zoey from between two trees.
Which got us to wondering if this was the same fawn-turned-doe that Zoey had played with last spring?
I know there are many YouTube videos and stories of deer befriending dogs.
Wouldn't that just be SOMETHING?
At any rate, it's just something that makes me smile this morning.
So how was YOUR Tuesday? Did you get anything quilty done? Anything special planned for today?
I'll be fixing up the back porch at Quiltville Inn with a bunch of patriotic flair, in anticipation of the Grateful Threads group arriving this afternoon for retreat.
I can't think of a more fun way to spend 4th of July!
I have been ABSOLUTELY blown away by the response for my newest patterns - Rivanna and Bitcoin!
And to celebrate, we are jumping in today with a beautiful blue/neutral Fat Quarter Bundle perfect for enhancing your Rivanna fabric pull - thanks to Mary of Mary’s Quilt Shop in Bedford, PA!
These are all from Mary's fabric lines - aren't they gorgeous?
And they could all be YOURS!
So much blue/neutral goodness on the shelves!
If you are looking to enhance your stash for your own version of Rivanna, check out these gorgeous blues and neutrals designed by Mary Koval for Windham fabrics!
Mary’s Quilt Shop is happy to pull together a hand picked selection of fat quarters or yardage for your project needs!
These fabrics are not available for purchase on her website - so drop Mary an email at Marysquiltshop@comcast.net for a custom fabric pull, just for you!
Yes, shipping is available.
And because Mary is so kind to offer up this gorgeous bundle of Blue & Neutral fabrics - I will be extending the Rivanna and Bitcoin 25% off sale through 4th of July!
We will draw for the winner of Mary's fabric bundle and the Rivanna + Bitcoin Bundle that goes with it on Monday, July 5th.
While Rivanna and Bitcoin may be purchased separately at the 25% off introductory price of $9.00 each (No coupon needed!) you can purchase both together in the Rivanna + Bitcoin Bundle and save even more!
This bundle offer is only good through July 4th, 2021 at the low price of just $16.00! (Must purchase from the bundle listing - not as individual patterns.)
If this is your first time downloading digital patterns from my store to a computer click HERE.
If you intend to download to an iPhone/iPad click HERE.
So let's get those entries in! Head over to YESTERDAY'S POST to enter!
And that's not the only thing that is going on! Did you see our Simple Whatnots II Gift-Away that started on Saturday?
Click the link for that post and get your entry in - you will LOVE this book! (And all of the other goodies I'm throwing in with it!)
Whew! That's a lot of Gift-Away Goodness!
Quiltville Quote of the Day -Vintage square in a square quilt found in Kentucky.
When was the last time you unplugged? Really unplugged?
I'm so glad I've been able to over the past couple of days - I needed it!
Happy Wednesday, folks!

Good morning Bonnie! I wish I could have seen Zoey too! 😂. I’m making 25 square blocks also. I’m using them as leaders and Enders. I started using one color family and have worked my way to checkered. Don’t know what I have in store for them yet. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteMy five pound Yorkie was laying in bed with me as I watched the video from last year. She could hear the fawn and started barking---I think little Ava would like to play too.
ReplyDeleteI've been wondering about Jason--such sweltering heat!
ReplyDeleteZoey chasing the doe is like me starting a new quilt... off and running with no forethought or common sense, just pure adrenaline and excitement! LOL
ReplyDeleteYou're right - it could easily be the same fawn that Zoey met earlier. She's already learned that Zoey means her no harm. Same thing happened to us several years ago. We lived in town, but on a high, wooded hill w plenty of deer around. Our little Boston Terrier met a pair of fawns that were in our yard often. Two years later, I looked out the window one morning to see her literally nose-to-nose, at a range of mere inches, with one of a matched pair of young four-point bucks. I was scared for a moment, bc either of the bucks could have stomped her in seconds, but they were all just curious, everyone sniffing furiously. We saw that pair several more times before they got old and hormonal enough to stop hanging around together. Kind of cool to think of them growing up, just out of sight, in our yards and neighborhoods.
ReplyDeleteA week ago my husband was sitting in our front porch with Max, our Belgian shepherd. A small deer appeared in the front yard. Max jumped up, but my husband held onto him. The deer approached further, watching Max. Max pulled away from my husband and chased the deer out of the yard. As Max was trotting back, the deer came back and started chasing him. They then ran around in circles, playing, until the deer left. About 5 minutes later, he was back again for another play session. 😀
ReplyDeleteI love the quilt name "While Procrastinating"
ReplyDeleteOur heat has past, thankfully. Our high was 112, very next day only 73. By evening we were in the 50's - and freezing. Today is 60's. Good day to get some yard work caught up. Did get a quilt basted last evening.
ReplyDeleteLOL - thanks for the Zoey laugh, Bonnie - I needed that. We have survived the heat dome. Victoria broke heat records 39.8 celsius. Pretty darn hot for here - when most houses don't have air conditioning. Hope Jason faired okay in Portland.
ReplyDeleteZoey is quite the pup…years of entertainment. Lol. You’ve inspired me to start cutting all my scraps into squares, wonderful squares for a 25 patch. Wonder what it will look like?? I do love mysteries! Enjoying the last day with grandson, 3’s are such a busy bunch!!!😊
ReplyDeleteI just love your Riviana pattern. But I have some many other patterns of yours that I want to make that I will not let myself purchase it. I will get it one of these days after I make Frolic and Grand Illusion and finish my leader and ender
ReplyDeleteJewel box Starthat was put on the back burner while I did another 9 patch leader ender. You just make so many wonderful patterns Bonnie and I can't make them fast enough. You will have so many years of fun ahead with Zoey, she alone makes me want to get another pet.
Bonnie I just love the Zoey/Doe story. Wish we did have a video of that. Thanks for all your inspiration for quilting and life!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Bonnie! My order arrived today. I love your book and your new pattern, Rivanna. It's 105 here in north Idaho.
ReplyDeleteProcrastistitching is what I call that! LOL! It's magical for sure.
ReplyDeleteGood for you to treat your feet to some tlc. One should do this more often. Love the nail varnish.
ReplyDeleteZoey story is so funny and your did a great joy in telling it.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, it is good to ready that you don't always favor triangles! All that matchy, matchy is not for me unless they are large triangles.