Double Delight!
~A Quiltville Mystery Quilt~
©Bonnie K Hunter 2008
Part 2!
(Click here for printer friendly version)
If there is unit 1-A, there mustbe unit 1-B, right???
Yes, more square in a square units! But come ON! You are getting SO GOOD with them by now! And you will be amazed how the different shadings of these play in the quilt. I swear to you, this is the LAST of them you will have to do!
For the 1-B Units you will need:Cutting Directions:
From the cheddar gold cut 120 2-5/8" squares.
From the brown cut 480 2.5" half square triangles with the easy angle.
*note* As in the previous units, if you are NOT using the easy angle (Why are you still NOT?!?:cD) you can cut 240 2 7/8" squares, and cut them in half diagonally to yield 480 half square triangles.
I am using ONE Cheddar/gold and ONE brown in this quilt, but you can scrappy it up if you want to. You can arrange your browns in sets of 4 as with the indigos in the previous unit, with every group of 4 using a different brown or a different indigo,or you can go completely scrappy with each triangle being different around each center square.

From the cheddar gold cut 120 2-5/8" squares.
From the brown cut 480 2.5" half square triangles with the easy angle.
*note* As in the previous units, if you are NOT using the easy angle (Why are you still NOT?!?:cD) you can cut 240 2 7/8" squares, and cut them in half diagonally to yield 480 half square triangles.
I am using ONE Cheddar/gold and ONE brown in this quilt, but you can scrappy it up if you want to. You can arrange your browns in sets of 4 as with the indigos in the previous unit, with every group of 4 using a different brown or a different indigo,or you can go completely scrappy with each triangle being different around each center square.
You can see above in the first picture how I've added the first two triangles, and am using the notch from the easy angle ruler to add my 3rd. I know these ones with all 4 corners the same are BORING!! That's why I put these kept you from quitting at the get go! :cD The second pic shows me pressing them out, all in a line on my ironing board. When pressing, I leave them all connected by the chaining thread.....iron them in a row, and then it is easy to clip them apart in between the units. The 3rd pic is 4 units....ready to be squared down. The method for squaring them is the same as with the previous unit! (Go back and see the video if you need help :c)
I am working on this part. Finally got an easy angle ruler and figured out how to use it. You were right - it's a great tool to have! Cutting the 480 1/2-square triangles was a breeze!