I'm going to start right here with this slightly blurry photo of Tula Tallulah Lou (Yes, here name is growing into poetry!) as yesterday was completely swallowed up by chaos -
In the end it turned out better than it could have, and I'm grateful for things that were accomplished in spite of other things - but MAN. I'm ready for a vacation!
In 3 days!
Where to start - I arrived at the QPO after stopping by the inn to check on Housekeeper Susan and was greeted by Tula pawing at the back kitchen door in an "I know you fed me, but I need more treats!" kind of attention grab.
I mean - seriously. Could you resist her? She won. She got more treats. I think I'm feeling guilty because I'm going to be leaving them for 11 days -
And though I know that she'll get plenty of attention from friend Martha (on morning shift) and the Hubster (On evening shift) I'm having a hard time letting go of my control of routine.
I then headed back to the QPO only to discover that the internet was out. Well shoot!
I had a video live stream to do with the Quilt Alliance at 2pm. I couldn't do it without internet, so the brain was scrambling - do I try to do it by my limited cell data at home where I have reception? (Sort of!) Or do I wait it out and see?
I got in the car and headed up the road to the USPS where I "sometimes" have enough connection to send a text to the Hubs so he can check on why things are down.
The message failed to send. GAH!
Back at the QPO - I settled in to doing some computer work that didn't require an internet connection - I kept trying to get connected to no avail.
Around lunch time as I'm munching down a spinach salad, I try again - and finally! Connection!
First off - are you watching??
It's free every Wednesday!
The Quilt Alliance is excited to join with five other fiber organizations to present “Textile Talks”, a virtual lecture series you can enjoy from home.
“Textile Talks” features weekly presentations and panel discussions from the International Quilt Museum, Quilt Alliance, Studio Art Quilt Associates and Surface Design Association. The programs are presented live on Zoom at 2 p.m. Eastern (adjust for your time zone) each Wednesday.
Preregistration is required and recordings for all past Textile Talks are available here.
You can see the line up of future scheduled live sessions, and pre-register on the Textile Talks page HERE.
Our talk will be available on YouTube in a few days.
"borrowed" screen shot from Carole Lyle Shaw's Instagram!
We were both in on the discussion and our topics ranged from "sewing in community" to other thoughts of preserving our quilt history (Label, label, label!) and what our quilting communities mean to us, both in person, and virtual.
There I am above Carole's head with my phone taking this selfie of my screen view.
You can see a little bit of my Starshine quilt I hung as a backdrop behind me - it's reflected in the screen and seen behind my head in the photo.
While the internet was down I thought I had the perfect opportunity to search for that missing vintage jar full of paper hexagons - no dice. It's still awol.
But I did find this:
This is the sweet little vintage child's quilt that inspired the making of Starshine -
See the blue 6-pointed stars? It was this quilt that inspired me to introduce a variety of colors to the center of my string stars.
It's lovely, wonky, and so precious!
Of course the pieces are much smaller than my string-pieced triangles.
But inspiration can come from anywhere!
My quilt isn't an exact replica - I took things in my own direction.
And that is another thing we talked about during our Textile Talk yesterday - how none of us create in a vacuum, and we need the inspiration we gather from associating with others who love our craft as we do.
We need ideas bouncing off of other ideas. It's what frees up our imagination and sets loose our own creativity.
We also talked about cur quilting communities and the other quilters we gravitate to as our "chosen family."
We really find our love for our community when we serve it. Just a thought.
Anyway, this episode will be on YouTube soon - if it releases before I leave for Vietnam I'll let you know.

Dogwood from the upstairs window -
Still blooming beautifully!
At home -
My view is filling in with the new green of emerging leaves.
I can BARELY see the far away ridges in the distance.
I know by the time I get back from Vietnam I won't have any view at all - but that's the beauty of living where the change of the seasons also changes my view, and I can appreciate them all.
Today's to-do list: Finish up the towel baskets, recover the ironing stations, and make everything ready for the return of the Muddy Creek Quilters who will arrive the day before my own return.
They'll be spending their first night on the night that my flight from Vietnam touches down in New York. It's a late arrival, so I'll stay near the airport overnight and begin my journey home the next morning. New York to Atlanta to Greensboro, and a 2.5 hour drive home once I get there.
I know I'll be toast for a few days at least - but it's going to be worth it!
Drawing Happens TOMORROW!!!
Did you enter to win the Sugar Grove gift-away on the gift-away post? Our drawing happens THIS COMING FRIDAY - as in TOMORROW!
I'll be drawing for 2 winners on Friday 4/28/23 (Because I leave for Vietnam on 4/30/23!!!) who will each receive a Sugar Grove PDF pattern from me, and a Roy G. Biv color roll from Cotton to Quilts!
Captivating Triangles!
The ultimate in scrap stitching! This pattern includes full color photos and graphics and 3 different methods to ensure triangle success! Yes, you CAN make a dent in the scrap stash and have fun while doing it!
Quilt Size: 80’’ X 90’’
Optional but helpful: Bonnie K. Hunter's Essential Triangle Tool and either the Simple folded Corners ruler, or the Simple Folded Corners Mini.
Traditional rotary cutting methods are also given for those who don't have access to these rulers.
Introductory Pricing! This pattern is already marked 25% off - no coupon needed! Price reduction good through 4/30/23 and reverts to full price on 5/1/23. Hurry now and save!
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Getting knocked down and turned around in life is a given.
We can choose to pick ourselves back up, turn ourselves right and move forward.
Have a terrific Thursday, everyone!

My day was going in circles too. Lots of unexpected calls and texts... No stitching until end of day. Watched you on the Quilt Alliance! I took a screen shot of the 3 of you. I will send it by email. Glad the internet worked in time.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, for every hour time difference you count 1 day for getting over the jet lag. I traveled all over the world with my job and that os what my colleagues and I did go by. Have a wonderful time in Vietnam. It is an I threshing country.
ReplyDeleteYou will like it.
Hi Bonnie,
ReplyDeleteHave a most wonderful trip. I’m looking forward to hearing about your adventures and seeing pictures.
Although this doesn’t help you any, it is most comforting to know that you also have some items that just seem to temporarily vanish into thin air! I’m sure those hexies will reappear AFTER you get home from your trip!!!
Enjoy your trip!!!
I love the little ventage quilt! A joyful possession. I can see why you were inspired to make Starshine. And the blossoming dogwood tree, oh my, just lovely!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I fell in love with Tula the porch princess when I first saw her. Delightful reading along with the coming knowledge that the textile series will be. Thank you for sharing your world. Looking forward to the adventures you'll have to share with us on your travels in Vietnam. Stay safe and blessings to you!