Let me guess -
When you look at this photo you are either smiling, or also pursing your lips and ready to blow.
If I had to state my favorite photo of my time spent with the Quilt District gals over the past week - this would be it -
All of us letting our inner 3rd graders out to just play and be.
When was the last time you made a wish on a dandelion?
My wish is for more days like this to stop and enjoy and just be in the moment - whoever I am with and wherever I am.
More time to wander and explore and see things as if I am seeing them for the first time through the eyes of my quilty friends.
More time to take photos by the river - and watch the clouds float by on the breeze.
More time to contemplate old tumble-down cabins and wonder about the folks that called this little place home.
In my mind I can see whisps of smoke coming from that chimney and imagine dinner cooking in a cast iron pan.
More time capturing the sound of a small waterfall as it rushes past giant rhododendrons and trees that seem to sprout from huge rocks -
Time to giggle and wonder - the excitement of peeking in through windows of long abandoned dwellings and imagine what life was like inside.
What a place this once was!
Time to talk about future projects and plans for travel and all of the other things going on in our lives.
We had folks from Massachusetts's, Florida and Georgia in this group. Thanks to retreat, they got to spend several days together catching up on ALL the things.
Reconnecting in person is a wonderful thing!
Hugs are precious!
The State Line Straddle!
And giggly selfies!
And yes, we did eventually get back to sewing - here are some projects as seen on design walls.
No info - no pattern name - just things I snapped photos of.
I love where this is going!
Tara's Corner!
Sherry's butterflies -
Creativity in bloom!
This also arrived!
My Vietnam adventure starts on April 30th with an early morning flight out of Greensboro, NC - to Atlanta - to JFK, NY - and from there to Taipei Tiawan before boarding our last flight to Hanoi.
I'm excited. I'm nervous. I don't have a long term hand stitching project to occupy my hands! Oh no!
I'll have to come up with something - quick!
It could possibly be a stitchery for our New Zealand trip coming up in January - have you checked it out yet?
My brain is screaming "MUST HAVE HAND WORK!" I'll come up with something -
And I am so thrilled with the response! I can't wait until blocks start being shown on social media! Please remember to use hashtags #quiltville and #sugargrovequilt so we can find your posts!
I'll be drawing for 2 winners on Friday 4/28/23 (Because I leave for Vietnam on 4/30/23!!!) who will each receive a Sugar Grove PDF pattern from me, and a Roy G. Biv color roll from Cotton to Quilts!
Perfect colors to enhance your scrap stash!
Captivating Triangles!
The ultimate in scrap stitching! This pattern includes full color photos and graphics and 3 different methods to ensure triangle success! Yes, you CAN make a dent in the scrap stash and have fun while doing it!
Quilt Size: 80’’ X 90’’
Optional but helpful: Bonnie K. Hunter's Essential Triangle Tool and either the Simple folded Corners ruler, or the Simple Folded Corners Mini.
Traditional rotary cutting methods are also given for those who don't have access to these rulers.
Introductory Pricing! This pattern is already marked 25% off - no coupon needed! Price reduction good through 4/30/23 and reverts to full price on 5/1/23. Hurry now and save!
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Take time to recharge.
You do it for your phone - so why not for yourself?
Vintage pinwheels quilt found in Alabama.
Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Oh Bonnie, those hills are calling to me! I've never felt more at home than when I'm in the mountains! Thank you for feeding my soul with those gorgeous photos and feeding my creativity with yours and everyone that stays at the inn's creativity!
ReplyDeleteWhat about a cathedral window quilt for a handwork project? I'm tempted to start one but I already have a handwork project started!
How about taking some English Paper Piecing with you. I had been doing hexagons but ventured out and make clams shells for the first time-so fun. I, also, can't be without a hand project if I am traveling or spending time away from home. Safe and happy trails. Susan
ReplyDeleteOn May 21, 2023 I will toll 82 years on this planet, this great spinning marble of blue and I am nudged by Bonnies travel plans this year to offer this bit of unpaid, unsilicited, free, advice... If you have a hanker to travel -- GO. Do not wait "until". while I was doodling around with "some day" -- my enerby and health declined, just enough to be no longer able to negotiate many stairs (hence no Quiltville) or even be too far from the porcelain "facilities" -- hence, no more train or plane travel!!! Make the effort, the sacrifice and whatever you have to do to GO... there will be plenty of time to sit and do handwork, and if not? at least you've been out traveling and seeing the world while you can...Don't mis-understand, I'm glad to be here, surprised? yeah just a little bit... but the little bit of 'regret' that lingers is NOT traveling while I had the energy and could have taken the opportunity. Book that Tour... hugs, Cats in Carlsbad CA
ReplyDeleteI am with you Cats :) I will be 82 in June and wish I could going on the touring travels with Bonnie. But just can`t. I agree with you the advice to the younger gals. Go while you can :) Enjoy the trip and hope to see many pictures. Thats how I get to see some of the things Bonnie is seeing live :) Keep on sewing :) Alberta Fresno CA
DeleteExcellent advice! After long time procrastination over starting a project, someone asked me "If not now, when?". The point was driven home when my husband died expectedly at 59. I just retired six months ago. My priorities have been reset to enjoy all that is possible because life is uncertain. No more "what if" regrets at the end.
DeleteI love you Cats! I look forward to your comments here and your nuggets of wisdom. Happy Birthday in May! FranSak
DeleteOh, what a lovely post! Thank you for taking the time to remind us to take time for ourselves. Is it funny that your post is about re-charging, and the advertisement that I see is about a phone charger that I purchased ( and love!) or is it stalking?! Haha!! :) Who knows. Either way, I always look forward to seeing your lovely country side. Happy Tuesday!
ReplyDeleteI so understand your thoughts about needing a travelling project. I'm having them as well. Will be travelling for about 48 days in the Fall and already trying to decide what I'm taking along to stitch or knit. Thanks for the words of wisdom Cats - they are so true.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're getting the opportunity to travel so much. It's both fun and exhausting, especially when the trips are so close together. Does every trip have a custom handwork?
ReplyDeleteCats, I agree! I started international traveling about 8 years ago. At first I felt guilty, not yet retired and traveling. But my deceased husband didn't like to and I have a group of people to travel with. Would the group be there in 5, 10 years when I thought it would be "socially acceptable " to travel annually? Probably not. And what would my health be like? So I put aside the guilt, found I save a lot living alone, and now travel! I've gone to places I never thought I'd ever see such as Peru (celebrating my birthday on Machu Picchu! ), China, New Zealand, and of course numerous European countries to name a few. And I have made friends with a wonderful group of travel partners. You are so right, we don't know what will happen in our future so travel while you can! It will really open your eyes to the world around you! Lisa
ReplyDeleteWe just returned from a trip to Jordan and Jerusalem a 12 hour flight each way. The airline darkened the cabin and windows both ways even though it was daytime. The light that you could turn on wasn’t enough to do any handwork. I’m going to Poland in September with Bonnie and hope they give us plenty of light to see.
ReplyDeleteI saw my Friend Pam is joining you in Ireland. I am happy to stay home and Quilt. Not much Irish in my bloodline. I'll live vicariously through the Blog. Glad you can travel again.