
Monday, August 29, 2022

Driving Ruby Home!

Happy Monday, Quiltvillians!

I hope your weekend treated you well - 

And I hope you will indulge me as I post about some things that happened for us, knowing that your regular very quilty content will resume soon.

Sunday (Yesterday) was our 41st wedding anniversary, and we took a break from hanging out with the Stitch Mob at Quiltville Inn to drive over to Bristol, TN not only for dinner out to celebrate, but to check on a gently pre-owned Subaru while we were over there.

We'd been talking about this for some time, and it seemed to be the time.

The main street of Bristol happens to be the state line with Virginia on one side, Tennessee on the other.

I captured the sign as we were on our test drive in the little 2018 Forester. 

And here she is - Ruby the Subee!

She has only 18,000 miles on her - from the Car Facts we could see that she was purchased and licensed in Pennsylvania and the next year in Florida.  With such low miles over nearly 5 years we are assuming (Making up the story in our minds as we go) that she was someone's snow-bird car and was only used during the winter months in Florida, living in a garage down there when folks returned to Pennsylvania for the nice weather months.

Our NICE dinner out never happened - it took so long to get the paperwork done that we ended up at a little pub place close to the dealership (We were starving) and were happy with that.

I got to drive Ruby home as we had ridden over in Dave's pick up.

Last evening, getting ready for fire pit night!

We put a lot of miles on our vehicles.  My van only gets between 18 and 20 mpg, Dave's truck is about the same.  Ruby gets about 33.  So that is going to cut down on our gas greatly, and will extend the life of our other vehicles.

That's the plan anyway!  Whomever is running to town on any given day gets to take Ruby.

He'll still have is truck for hauling loads, and I'll still have the van for taking groups of quilters around, but on solo driving days, and running the distance days, Ruby is to be shared between us both.

Fire pit underway!

Kelly Cline sharing her found treasure -

A beautiful vintage Apple Core top.

Kelly had to leave us yesterday morning, so she was the one person missing from the fire pit last night so I'm including these photos here. 

We had a blast sharing our love of vintage textiles!

She even made me a pincushion out of pieces I had gifted to her collection!

The feed sacks came from me - she added the vintage embroidery.


This backing piece was one I gave her too -

And she gifted it right back.  Fantastic!

If you love vintage textiles and want to learn to make some beautiful vintage inspired pincushions, she has an online workshop just for you!  Visit her website HERE.

We had a great time with the Stitch Mob!

All of the over-the-rail photos are coming - we took those yesterday afternoon before dinner time.  Those will post in the next day or so -

But I wanted to share you THIS sweet thing -

We spent time at Martha & Don's farm yesterday afternoon, and were joined by Kipper and Tom of Grace Haven Grown.  Remember my visit to their flower farm HERE

We picnicked in the yard and when Kipper said she wanted to meet Cookie, I had to grab the camera because she has grown SO MUCH!

Here is the post where Martha brought Cookie to greet the quilters in JUNE

It's been quite the summer, quite the weekend - and it isn't over.

It's time to draw for our two winners of the Crazie Mazie PDF Pattern Gift-Away!

I am drawing for TWO lucky winners who will each receive a Crazie Mazie PDF pattern, a Rocky Road to Grayson PDF pattern AND: A Kaleidoscope fabric roll from  Cotton to Quilts!

We had 4,912 entries -

Colleen Turner was entry 1582!

Linda Tunnell is entry 2807!

Congrats to our winners!

Colleen and Linda, please check your email inboxes including promotions and spam - I have already emailed the patterns to the addresses you provided with your entries.

Please reply to those emails with your mailing addresses and I'll have Irene at  Cotton to Quilts get your fabric prizes out to you.

If you live outside the USA, we can send the fabric prize to a friend within the USA who can then forward it on to you.

BOTH Crazie Mazie AND  Rocky Road to Grayson are on sale at 25% through 8/31/22 and reverts to full price on 9/1/22.  Hurry now and save!

You'll find Crazie Mazie and Rocky Road to Grayson in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

The rest of the Stitch Mob is checking out today with pans to head to Paducah, KY for an overnight and then making their way home to Missouri from there.

It's been wonderful having them back.

My weekly round of tackling laundry and setting things right for the next group will commence this morning - the September Quiltvillians will be arriving on Wednesday afternoon.

What is happening in your world today.  Did you have a good weekend?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I love this wool quilt made out of suiting samples!
Its value is not determined by the fabric swatches that went into it -⁣
But by all of the hours spent doing the embroidery throughout the whole piece, showing the vision and patience of the maker.
Welcome to Monday, everyone! Have a terrific week!



  1. Congratulations on your purchase of Ruby. She's a beauty!! My daughter and SIL have a Subi and are really enjoying it!

  2. Congratulations on your new car!!! It's super.
    Congratulations to the ladies who won too!
    You are truly Blessed Bonnie. I can't think of anyone more deserving of good fortune than you.
    Glad you had a great anniversary 💓

  3. Your posts always brighten my day :-) I had a 2001 Subaru Forester that I absolutely loved! It had over 230,000 miles on it when unfortunately my son was in a wreck that totalled it (no injuries to him or anyone else, thank goodness!). One of the reasons we bought it was for its safety record - and it proved itself! I'm sure you'll enjoy Ruby! I have several bankers boxes of wool scraps from an estate sale. I've been meaning to make a couple of very simple quilts from them. The one you posted is beautiful in its humble simplicity, and makes me want to play with my wool :-) Happy Monday to all!

  4. Love your new ride! I miss new car days. I used to get one about every 4 years. However, with the cost of cars, my 2008 just clicked over 300,000 miles and the hubby’s truck is just over 400,000. Thank goodness he’s a mechanic and can keep them in good running order. Hope you have a wonderful week and happy anniversary!

  5. Congrat's on Ruby, you will love her! We've loved all three Outbacks and one Legacy. Here's to many miles of safe driving!

  6. Anonymous11:02 AM EDT

    Happy Anniversary

  7. Okay, this is crazy! Bonnie and I have a lot in common. 1) Starting off in Minnesota 2) the love of orange 3) the love of scrappy quilts 4) similar way of organizing scraps 5) blond/blue eyed and now we have yet another thing in common. I own a ruby colored 2010 Subaru Forester!!! Mine's name is "Spud" because it started off as an Idaho vehicle.


    (Bonnie's Minnesota-look-alike)

  8. Looks like Ruby will fit the bill for your short trips and errands. No where to park a 3rd car at our house. Not looking or hope I don't need a new car any time soon Low miles a good mpg . Enjoy it all. Lucky winners of the new pattern. Congrats! It's Fair week, I may go see the Quilts one day, not much else to see for me. I am not missing all the work I did when I volunteered at the Fair in Handicrafts.

  9. I own a 2018 Forester. It is a manual- last year they made them. I purchased it in 2018 one month after I had a heart attack- a positive statement I was going to make it. I drive very carefully, and with a manual, I have never got gas mileage anywhere near 33. I love the car, it has been a joy to drive- quiet, smooth, and sits up high enough to easily get in and out.

  10. Happy Anniversary! Hi Ruby!

  11. Cookie really has grown! Getting little horn's! LOL

  12. We love our Subaru up here in Alaska. Congratulations on finding one. I really like that shade of red you have. Ours is light green.

  13. Happy Anniversary! And I'm sure you will enjoy the new Sabaru. Yes, it takes forever to buy a car. Not like it used to be. I hope it gets you up the driveway come the snowy winter. Love the color and the name "Ruby". :o)


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