
Friday, June 11, 2021

Quilt Like a BEAST!!

The B.E.A.S.T Quilters are in the house!

Our last member arrived yesterday afternoon - all the way from Syracuse, New York to join the others who came from Ohio, Missouri and Utah!

The connections fascinate me.  Quilters know how to network!

It all starts with Sarah!

Here she is with her mom!

I met Sarah when I was attending a family reunion in Utah, and accepted an invitation to go to a local quilt guild meeting while there.  I brought my sister Joy with me and we had SO MUCH FUN!

I've since seen Sarah on several locations for different quilting occasions and she is always fun to be around.

We also have Sarah's sisters, Emily and Amelia -

And their cousin Kelly!

I've heard for years about the fabulous retreat days that happen when this quilting family of fantastic women get together.

And they've brought the party to Quiltville Inn!

Quilt for a teenage daughter coming together!

Sarah's aunt Lani is her mom's sister - and the family circle and connections grow!

(Lovint Lani's Winter Blues in progress!)

Along with family connections we have friend connections too!

All together we've got Suzy, Emily, Amelia, Joyce, Bryce, Sarah, Lani, Marcia, Kelly, Karlene, Candy and Cindy!

Our other mother/daughter pair -

Bryce and Joyce!

I'm drooling over Joyce's sweet yellow featherweight!

Ready for our welcome gathering once all were present!

There are many days of fun ahead!

This group chose Wonky Wishes as their workshop during retreat and we were able to fit in a half-day yesterday, which will continue today.

Imagine my happiness at teaching 12 eager folks - instead of a convention center room full of 50 and trying to get around to everyone.  It does feel like coming home.  My home.

We can take it at our own pace - breaking it up into several lessons over the course of the retreat, and not cram it all into one 6-hour workshop day.  I just couldn't stop smiling!

I'll even be giving treadle lessons today when we move on to the string pieced sashings part!

And for those who asked what B.E.A.S.T quilters stands for?

This is the tee shirt!

Though, we could come up with any number of other acronyms along the way Like:

Bonnie Eats All Snacks Tastily.  LOL!

Click to Play: 

Without Sarah, none of this would be possible!

(Yes, she is this much fun!)

I'm still moving slowly - having regular dates with the ice pack.  Standing isn't a problem.  It's the sitting, or trying to find a comfortable way to lie down.  The ouchie thumb is getting better and the bruising on my hand is fading.

It's continued to rain off and on and off and on, making things really muddy so not good for hiking or biking anyway at this point. I'm bummed just a bit, but we have quilts to sew, plenty of good food, friendship and time to be together to enjoy what we can.

And the fun continues!

Today's stop on Pat Sloan's Holiday Celebrations book tour - Maureen Cracknell HandmadeDon't forget to sign up for her Gift-Away while there!

I've loved visiting the other stops along this tour since it began with the TWO mega-giveaways from Martingale happening now (see the prize packs on my May 31st POST. You can enter on their blog here, and over on Instagram here.) and seeing what everyone has been making from Holiday Celebrations.

Don't forget to enter for my own gift-away on Pat Sloan's Holiday Celebrations Tour. Did you get your entry in on that post yet for my gift-away?  Be sure to hit up all of the stops along the way!

I'm off this morning in a hurry to get to the inn - the fridge repair guy is FINALLY going to just replace that icemaker in the freezer instead of trying to repair it.

Today is the 3rd visit.  Let's hope that the 3rd time IS a charm!

How are things shaping up for your Friday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Don't let the opinions of others consume you!
Listen to that small inner voice that builds you up and encourages you on your way.

Have a wonderful Friday, folks!



  1. I’m from Syracuse, NY too and there are a lot of quilters here.

    1. Anonymous8:49 PM EDT

      I live in NH now but grew up in the Syracuse Area... Solvay and Camillus!

    2. Syracuse is close to my hometown - Clayton on the St. Lawrence. Retreat at Quiltville Inn must be so much fun!!

    3. I live about 20 miles from Quiltville, and moved here from the Syracuse area! I had to search the photos for someone I might know (but, alas, I didn't see anyone I knew...lol)

    4. Mary g I am from Syracuse area also. grew up on west side near Solvay, lived in Camillus, Liverpool. Moved to VA., IL. back to NY then to IN where we live now. Still have a summer place in the Adirondacks.

    5. I am from Syracuse also. Looks like so much fun!

  2. Great advice for the day! You do you!! I love the name of this group, and the tshirts! It sounds like fun times ahead with all of those family connections! Hopefully the 3rd time is the charm for you!
    After going to town this morning to get blood drawn I have laundry and cutting on tap for today. I have emptied one big bucket of scraps and I can now empty my smaller buckets of bigger chunks into that one. Slowly!!
    Have a great day!

  3. Love the BEAST T-shirt!! It says it all! We love how you Teach! Thanks for all you do and share. Take good care. No more Falling, girlfriend. Ibuprophen is my friend.

  4. Was wondering where in NY the person was from,3 hrs away from me. Love those shirts! Have fun ladies! Heal quickly Bonnie!

  5. I LOVE this groups shirts! LOL!!! Rain or shine, any minute/day at Quiltville is a teachable moment when quilters gather. Hope the ice maker is repaired soon. The portable one is handy to have during the summer for back up.

  6. That name is even better than I thought it would be. As you said it could be a lot of things but being about Bonnie is the best. Glad you are improving but so sorry you are still in pain. Muscles that get bruised are hard to heal-don't ask how I know at 71. Thank you for sharing the fun with us who are home alone.

  7. Glad you are feeling better. Your joy with the quilters spreads to all us BEASTS. Love that.

  8. Looks like a fun time ! Treadle lessons are a huge bonus. I have 2 and need to learn to use them. Hope you heal quickly.

  9. I hope your recovery continues to progress quickly. Arnica cream will help the bruises heal faster. Happy Friday to you and all your BEAST quilters!

  10. What fun you're having! It just delights me to see you having your long term plan come to fruition. You've both worked so hard towards making it a reality. And thank you for the quote today. Boy! Does that ever ring true for me.

  11. Just seeing if this will post.

    1. Comments post after they are approved and verified not to be spam, or inflammatory, and don't violate my privacy, or the privacy of others.

  12. Lani is our China and Japan traveling companion, not surprised she has a delightful family to quilt with :0). Lani has a million dollar smile and a kind word for everyone. Happy Sewing Ladies :0)

  13. I learned to sew on a treadle machine in middle school. There is nothing more relaxing than that gentle rocking motion!

  14. Giggled when I spotted Joyce with one shoe off -- my favorite way to put the pedal to the metal.

  15. So glad you're getting better day by day Bonnie. I'm working on the Basket Toss. So glad you have those pictures or it may end up with a different name!!
    The BEAST group sounds like fun. So happy that retreat time is here again.

  16. Take it slow! Love the BEAST shirt. Are they for sale? 🤣

  17. Loooking forward to next Wednesday when ll meet up with friends at the cotton to quilts retreat there!!

  18. Your quote of the day is perfect for me ... at this time.
    So true.
    Not sure my neurologist will agree.


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