We filled our days full until the end!
Yesterday was my last workshop day in Bedford, Pennsylvania hosted by Mary Koval of Mary’s Quilt Shop.
I love this event! We’ve been doing this for several years now – the only year I didn’t make it was last year as we forgot to schedule it in and there was no wiggle room in the calendar.
I don’t think there is anything more fun and more freeing than improv piecing, leaving our need for perfection way behind.
“Pull out your inner 4th grader” I told everyone – The objective here is to PLAY!
And play we did.
Even hubby-wife teams came to play!
This was so funny, the stories that came from these folks as I got to know them a bit better. They definitely have their own stashes, and keep it from one another in a teasing manner. So great to have something to share together like the love of quilting. I sure enjoyed meeting you two!
Table mates and friends!
Check out those middle blocks! She’s working with some leftover scraps in a smaller size, and wanted to make good use of them, so her blocks are finishing at 7.5” instead of 12”!! WOW!
Aren’t these going to be adorable?? LOVE THEM!
Favorite photo of the day --
Neutral strings, neutral tan featherweight!
Something about it just makes me smile.
All of that stitching works up an appetite!
And we certainly haven’t gone hungry. The folks at the American Legion where our workshops were held really did a great job with our lunches. Yesterday we enjoyed handcrafted pizza with several different toppings, a big gorgeous green salad, fresh fruit platter and a big cookie for dessert. We also had the rest of the previous night’s cake to keep us going and sewing until class was done.
Oh yes, I like where this is going!
Look at all this progress!
You’ll find the pattern for Wonky Wishes in the pattern singles section of the Quiltville Store. It’s on sale!
I’ve also received word that the next shipment of the Simple Folded Corners ruler on on their way and they should arrive tomorrow so I’ll be adding them, and more ruler stickers to the store as well.
As soon as they hit my doorstep, I’ll add them to the store.
Enjoy the rest of our day’s photo moments and our show & share in the slide show below:
As we all packed up and everyone headed their separate ways home, I was so touched at the kindnesses shown, the help given, the encouragement from one student to another who met as strangers and parted as friends who hope to be back next year!
These ladies (And our two gentleman quilters!) have added so much to my teaching experience and I can’t wait to see them again.
Shrimp a la Joe!
We’ve been very spoiled at Mary’s house – her hubby does most of the cooking and there is nothing so nice as walking in the door to the smell of garlic sautéing in butter!
We lingered around the dinner table, talking over how things went, making observations and plans for next time.
If you are interested in participating, registration will not open until about February. Classes will be decided likely just before then. We’ve got a lot of planning to do, but it’s going to be a great 6 days of workshop fun. Put a reminder on your calendar for August 25-30, 2018. And get on Mary's Quilt Shop mailing list so you won’t miss the announcements!
Visit Mary's website HERE and you'll find the place to sign up for her newsletters in the right hand side of the page partway down.
It's not just ME that Mary brings to town, she brings in others! Jo Morton, Di Ford, Edyta Sitar are some of the others that have also come to teach at events in Bedford hosted by Mary's Quilt Shop!
Visit Mary's website HERE and you'll find the place to sign up for her newsletters in the right hand side of the page partway down.
It's not just ME that Mary brings to town, she brings in others! Jo Morton, Di Ford, Edyta Sitar are some of the others that have also come to teach at events in Bedford hosted by Mary's Quilt Shop!
I'm packed up, ready for breakfast and will be out the door shortly --
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage Rocky Road to Kansas string quilt shared by Siobhan.
When you see something beautiful in someone else, tell them. They may need reminding!
Oh, and I’m hoping for Quilt-Cam on Wednesday evening at 8pm on Facebook Live – but will let you know for sure that morning how things are going with getting caught back up and re-packing before heading to Utah on Thursday. Stay tuned!
Have a great Monday, everyone!

I'm going to Lancaster this weekend to visit my son, and we are going to the quilt show in Hershey. Can't wait to get a preview of your new quilts!
ReplyDeleteI made sure I signed up for the newsletter so that I can sign up for a quilting reTREAT for my b'day next year!
ReplyDeleteI'm fighting w/ myself about going to Hershey (I live just outside State College) on Friday, as I have a trip to NYC first thing Saturday morning. Decisions ... decisions .... So, where's my gas-card?! ;)
You had a woderful week. I will be wishing I was in Utah next weekend. My Trip to Pa didn't happen. Family matters kept me closer to home this week. Yea for the rulers coming in. I'll try and snag me one this time. Sew glad you have some Family time planned into the Utah Trip!
ReplyDeleteI had such a great time at this workshop!!! And it brings joy to my heart to see my machine on the blog (that's my tan Featherweight) Hope I can catch you again soon Bonnie. Have a great time in Utah
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This is so nice. Such a great and heart warming post. Thanks so much for this, it put a smile on my face. And really good pictures too.